The Trumpening?

This is the guy who tried to attack Trump? From his name he is obviously Italian. Not sure why that video has Arabic music as there are no Arabs in that video.

The Italian seems like a hardcore wigger. Figures that this kibd of wigger, leftist, liwlife would try and attack Trump.
BS2, that song was a played in a well made and produced documentary about the rise in ISIS in Iraq that came out in 2014. The song is played throughout the highly produced film. The film can be viewed at Live Leak as well. The film was produced by ISIS . Its worth a view. I have viewed it twice. It gives you an idea how serious to they are to their cause, insane/brazen attacks on Iraqi soliders/beheadings on anyone they view as a traitor to Islam or us infidels.
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From this point on, Trump has to have buco security both private and law enforcement at all of his events. The moment protester scum from the BLM , communist, Sanders misguided f**ks and the like raise their heads, immediately they should be grabbed and Kicked the f**k out! Like Leonardfan stated, things are rolling to a head rapidly, Trump will have withstand and have clever answers for the corrupt media waiting to pounce if he gets the nomination. Tuesday if he wins Florida and Ohio its all but over, he will be the Republican Nominee. After that I will start to wonder who he will select as his VP. My choice would be a fierce lady conservative to be the attack dog against Clinton if she is able to beat the FBI primary. Marcia Blackburn is an idea. Me thinks she will have to answer for those emails sent on her unsecured private server. I hope

I don't think the f**k was misguided. He believed in what he was trying to do.
Video of Tommy Dimassimo, the low-life scum bag brain dead bottom feeder who attempted to attack Trump today.

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This song was played in the ISIS propaganda film of the Formation of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
Beware the Ides of March! I said to my family a few weeks ago that I think Trump is in serious danger of assassination. Between the mentally ill nutters and non-white ethnocentrists being bated by the media and a scared ruling class that will stop at nothing to preserve its privileged position I just have a really bad feeling about all this. I hope I'm wrong.
The face of retard; IQ: 59.7


I wonder how much jail time this shi*fuc* will get. I mean, Trump is one of the leading Presidential candidates, is protected by the Secret Service, and this fool tried to rush him at a public appearance with the obvious intent of physically harming him. He is trying to subvert the democratic political system in this country through physical violence. Isn't that a criminal offense, or will he simply be immediately let loose on the street so he can try it again? He is clearly mentally unstable and a physical threat to Trump and his supporters. It will be interesting to see what happens to him, if anything.
Amazing today that even the Yahoo site comments section (about Trump's steadfastness and over against the protesters against his entire campaign at every turn) is almost entirely pro-Trump. I was shocked. I would hardly ever believe that, but people are getting ticked and waking up. It's past time. Better late than never though. I am seeing people finally saying en masse to hell with political correctness and consequences be damned. Finally, the country may indeed come out of the swirl going down the drain. I still believe in miracles, and this would be a big one for sure.
Lots of information here about the militant Marxist wigger that tried to attack Trump...

Based on his online activity, he's highly inarticulate, scatter-brained, heavily involved in BLM, loves rap, and he's protested the Confederate Flag by burning it last year...

*notice he's wearing a "Harlem Globetrotters" t-shirt

This violent, far left, white-loathing sociopath was released from prison only hours after the attempted attack (notice the ripped t-shirt)...


Of course, Trump isn't backing down whatsoever from these desperate liberals. He's got more testicular fortitude than any white public figure in the past 70+ years. My only fear is that with the sheer quantity of deranged Marxist terrorists trying to destroy his rallies and speeches, he doesn't live to see the election...
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My tinfoil hat conspiracy is that the Trump protests were set up at that elite confab last week. The plan is that the establishment needs an "event" so that they can have an excuse to steal the election in Florida where Trump is up by a decent margin. Without some sort of high profile game-changer stealing an election looks too obvious. Now they can say all the hate that Trump has generated turned off voters blah, blah, blah.

Although I did hear Karl Rove on FOX say that he thought the incidents will help Trump, and Rove was at the witches coven that is planning the stop Trump campaign. So maybe they really are clueless.

Short of stealing the elections the establishment appears to be powerless to stop the Trump train. In fact in a way it's too late. The Republican Party has already been broken. Trump or no Trump the WHITE beast has been awakened and no amount of Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio is going to put it back to sleep.

Check out the video from the recent rallies, white guys scrapping with black protesters. It's amazing, white middle class people actually getting off the couch and when confronted by angry negroes--fighting back. I'm not surprised the establishment is terrified, their whole paradigm is collapsing.
Students Charged With Hate Crime For Painting Swastika, 'Trump' On Chapel
Bookmark69 Comments

BySARA JERDEPublishedMARCH 14, 2016, 4:40 PM EDT3382 Views

Two Northwestern University students were charged with a hate crime after they allegedly spray-painted racist, homophobic messages and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's name inside a nondenominational chapel on campus, The Chicago Tribune reported Saturday.

Anthony Morales, 19, left, and Matthew Kafker, 18, were charged with institutional vandalism, hate crime to a place of worship, and criminal damage to property, according to the Tribune.

A Cook County judge ordered they be held in lieu of a $50,000 bail for allegedly painting the messages at the Alice Millar Chapel earlier in the week.

The pair allegedly painted over a photo of Muslim students in the chapel, in addition to painting a swastika, expletive and slur against African Americans, a derogatory word for homosexuals and Trump's name, according to the report.
Students Charged With Hate Crime For Painting Swastika, 'Trump' On Chapel
Bookmark69 Comments

BySARA JERDEPublishedMARCH 14, 2016, 4:40 PM EDT3382 Views

Two Northwestern University students were charged with a hate crime after they allegedly spray-painted racist, homophobic messages and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's name inside a nondenominational chapel on campus, The Chicago Tribune reported Saturday.

Anthony Morales, 19, left, and Matthew Kafker, 18, were charged with institutional vandalism, hate crime to a place of worship, and criminal damage to property, according to the Tribune.

A Cook County judge ordered they be held in lieu of a $50,000 bail for allegedly painting the messages at the Alice Millar Chapel earlier in the week.

The pair allegedly painted over a photo of Muslim students in the chapel, in addition to painting a swastika, expletive and slur against African Americans, a derogatory word for homosexuals and Trump's name, according to the report.

Spray paint bad words on a wall, get thrown in jail forever, try to attack the leading candidate for President, get set home to celebration and acclaim.
I get to cast my vote for Trump in the Missouri primary tomorrow..........

It's a great feeling when you finally get to cast that vote for Trump. I did it myself a few weeks ago in Virginia. If we were Dems we could go to a few bordering states and do it there also.
Spray paint bad words on a wall, get thrown in jail forever, try to attack the leading candidate for President, get set home to celebration and acclaim.

Yeah, and the black thugs who sucker punched and beat the Marine veteran at the McDonald's in DC were not charged with a hate crime, where they actually physically beat a White veteran. That is not a hate crime, but spray painting a wall IS a hate crime.

And they wonder why Trump is so popular.
Tomorrow is the last chance for the establishment to stop Donald Trump. If he wins where he is ahead then it becomes almost impossible for anyone else to make up ground. I'm a little concerned that the fix is in. That Sea Island meeting followed by organized mob violence leads me to believe that the power brokers are up to something.

Rubio is saying that they are going to shock the world tomorrow in Florida. He is down by 20% and if he wins it will be the biggest upset in history. The Florida primary is a semi caucus set up and can be manipulated. In Ohio Kasich is either up 5 or tied. He recently went batsh*t crazy on immigration a sure loser everywhere, why would he do that now? In Illinois Trump is ahead but no amount of lead will win there without establishment support as they vote to elect people to cast ballots who are picked by the party. How can Trump win there. Trump is close in Missouri, which defies logic as they are the home to Ferguson and just witnessed the same thing in Chicago. If you can vote early and often.
Tomorrow is the last chance for the establishment to stop Donald Trump. If he wins where he is ahead then it becomes almost impossible for anyone else to make up ground. I'm a little concerned that the fix is in. That Sea Island meeting followed by organized mob violence leads me to believe that the power brokers are up to something.

Rubio is saying that they are going to shock the world tomorrow in Florida. He is down by 20% and if he wins it will be the biggest upset in history. The Florida primary is a semi caucus set up and can be manipulated. In Ohio Kasich is either up 5 or tied. He recently went batsh*t crazy on immigration a sure loser everywhere, why would he do that now? In Illinois Trump is ahead but no amount of lead will win there without establishment support as they vote to elect people to cast ballots who are picked by the party. How can Trump win there. Trump is close in Missouri, which defies logic as they are the home to Ferguson and just witnessed the same thing in Chicago. If you can vote early and often.

Yeah Rubio and his people are going to shock the world. The only way he wins is if there is massive voter fraud. But this is the state where in 2012 in Port St. Lucie, Obama got something like 140,000 votes out of 110,000 registered voters and the RNC and Mitt the Cuckster raised nary an objection. So they are desperate and capable of anything.
As a White Cuban American who lives in the Miami area, I can assure you that I will be very shocked if Rubio or Cruz does take FL. Many Cubans and Cuban Americans are voting for Trump. In my family alone, the majority are voting for Trump. From a personal perspective (family/friends hearsay) and calls made to the local radio stations, I will say that approximately 60% of Cubans are in favor of Trump, the remaining it's pretty much split evenly between Cruz and Rubio with Rubio having a slight edge........ Please keep in mind that the White Cuban is a different Latino monster and does not easily succumb to the double standards this society has to offer (especially old school Cubans)....Let's go Trump!!! If I was excited for Ron Paul, I am now even 10x more excited to vote tomorrow for Donald Trump... Feel the Trumpet baby!!!!
As a White Cuban American who lives in the Miami area, I can assure you that I will be very shocked if Rubio or Cruz does take FL. Many Cubans and Cuban Americans are voting for Trump. In my family alone, the majority are voting for Trump. From a personal perspective (family/friends hearsay) and calls made to the local radio stations, I will say that approximately 60% of Cubans are in favor of Trump, the remaining it's pretty much split evenly between Cruz and Rubio with Rubio having a slight edge........ Please keep in mind that the White Cuban is a different Latino monster and does not easily succumb to the double standards this society has to offer (especially old school Cubans)....Let's go Trump!!! If I was excited for Ron Paul, I am now even 10x more excited to vote tomorrow for Donald Trump... Feel the Trumpet baby!!!!

Blacks support Trump also. Check this out:

Students Charged With Hate Crime For Painting Swastika, 'Trump' On Chapel
Bookmark69 Comments

BySARA JERDEPublishedMARCH 14, 2016, 4:40 PM EDT3382 Views

Two Northwestern University students were charged with a hate crime after they allegedly spray-painted racist, homophobic messages and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's name inside a nondenominational chapel on campus, The Chicago Tribune reported Saturday.

Anthony Morales, 19, left, and Matthew Kafker, 18, were charged with institutional vandalism, hate crime to a place of worship, and criminal damage to property, according to the Tribune.

A Cook County judge ordered they be held in lieu of a $50,000 bail for allegedly painting the messages at the Alice Millar Chapel earlier in the week.

The pair allegedly painted over a photo of Muslim students in the chapel, in addition to painting a swastika, expletive and slur against African Americans, a derogatory word for homosexuals and Trump's name, according to the report.
Guaranteed that these two queers are leftists, and would never vote for Trump or any Republican in 100 years. It's a stunt. There is no way that any true supporter would spray paint swastikas and "Trump". It's so obviously contrived.
Here's how Donald is polling in the states that are up for grabs today...

Florida: Lead ranging from +6% to +25

Missouri: +7%

North Carolina: Lead ranging from +6% to +20%

Illinois: Lead ranging from +4% to +9%

Ohio: Tied or losing to Kasich by up to 6%

Based on these polls, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois are the most worrisome. Trump did win the Northern Mariana Islands today, which gave him 9 more delegates! I'm hoping to see some bottom-feeding NeoCons experience some major suffering later tonight on Faux News, but it wouldn't surprise me if The Establishment fixes the FL vote for Rubio, likewise for Kasich in OH, and Cruz pulls out a victory in either MS and IL.

The choice in Ohio couldn't be clearer. If they go for the open borders, amnesty supporting, NAFTA/TPP loving Governor Kasich, especially after he blamed Trump, not the violent leftist agitators for the violence in Chicago, then I think we can say Ohio is as cucked as Minnesota and will deserve what's coming.
American Freedom News