The Trumpening?

What a great article. That guy really frames the situation well. Andrew Jackson indeed recognized the enslaving, parasitical threat that were the moneyed interests of his day. One of my favorite quotes is when he said of those interests that were plotting to set up a central bank "By the Lord God I will root you out!". Andy Jackson knew what he and the country were up against. That's the kind of leader we need now. More and more people are rapidly waking up, which is exactly what we need.
We need to forget about Trump the man and focus on hijacking his movement and trying to steal away some of his supporters. I believe he's lying through his teeth about what he's saying about the wall, immigration, and the economy and he has plenty of contradicting statements and actions to make me believe so but the fact that those parts of his message are resonating with so many people is a good sign. We can't let it go to waste, and it surely will with Trump. All of those angry Whites will feel placated and satisfied with a president Trump but it won't do anything to change the situation. It may just slow things down by a few years. Instead of Whites becoming a minority in 2040 they'll become a minority in 2045. How does that change anything ? The Cultural Marxist neocon agenda will still go on unimpeded.

Who do you feel we should vote for then? Hillary or Sanders? Trump is about as good as it gets. What other white man has said even a tenth of the things he has about illegal immigration and similar topics? None! At least he is challenging the system and he has woken some white people up!
Thanks for the link, Don. Wilfully ignorant minds. Very obvious where these peoples' values are. There is no cure for them, except a change of mind that comes from within, being willing to to see, acknowledge, and follow the truth.
Just saw a Trump commercial saying he'll put temporary stop to Muslim immigration and make Mexico pay to build the wall. Hot Damn capped it off by saying "Let's make America Great Again!"

*No wonder the Left is scared shitless.
Fifteen year old black lives protester gets peppered sprayed by apparent Trump supporter after throwing a punch at Trump rally. She goes off the rails after a man she was arguing with touched her with a piece of paper. It seems she was claiming he groped, touched, or fondled her breast. Kids today!

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"Anderscum Pooper" is a silver spoon little f@990t who grew up spoiled rotten by his heiress socialite mommy (Gloria Vanderbilt). He's a world class cultmarx candy@$$ who's never worked a day & never had a fight in his life (...outside a bath house any way).
All time great queer Anderson Cooper gets slapped around ruthlessly by Trump. Try and not smile; just try...

Trump is unflappable.

NBC has led off its national "news" propaganda broadcast for two days in a row trying to make hay over Trump saying females should be punished if they have an abortion should abortion be made illegal. That's not an outrageous suggestion at all; why should a class of people be immune from criminal charges if they knowingly commit a crime?

Cruz is supposedly ahead by 10 percentage points in Wisconsin. The gatekeepers of the status quo seem more confident every day of late that Trump will go to Cleveland short of the 1,273 delegates he needs, which they will manipulate so that Cruz or a "compromise" candidate gets the nod. But if Trump doesn't get the nomination it will be a Pyrrhic victory as it only cause the oligarchy to be viewed as illegitimate by a much larger proportion of Americans than already do.
"Anderscum Pooper" is a silver spoon little f@990t who grew up spoiled rotten by his heiress socialite mommy (Gloria Vanderbilt). He's a world class cultmarx candy@$$ who's never worked a day & never had a fight in his life (...outside a bath house any way).

That's so funny -Andy's got all the foam and suds his money can buy....
Trump is unflappable.

NBC has led off its national "news" propaganda broadcast for two days in a row trying to make hay over Trump saying females should be punished if they have an abortion should abortion be made illegal. That's not an outrageous suggestion at all; why should a class of people be immune from criminal charges if they knowingly commit a crime?

Cruz is supposedly ahead by 10 percentage points in Wisconsin. The gatekeepers of the status quo seem more confident every day of late that Trump will go to Cleveland short of the 1,273 delegates he needs, which they will manipulate so that Cruz or a "compromise" candidate gets the nod. But if Trump doesn't get the nomination it will be a Pyrrhic victory as it only cause the oligarchy to be viewed as illegitimate by a much larger proportion of Americans than already do.

That seems to be a plan by some but in the end I doubt the GOP is really going to go through with scuttling Trump's candidacy because at the end of it all, presuming he wins the presidency, it's just four years. The people that are really having a bad day every day are the panty-lined men and jock-strapped women of the Cult of Marx. So sad.
Four years is a long time indeed if Trump is a true insurgent intent on upsetting the apple cart. "They" like being in complete control and don't want to take the chance that he is. The Marxist street scum are nothing but disposable useful idiots in the bigger scheme of things.
I agree, Deep State likes total control of everything, but he can only do so much by executive order, and anything done by executive order can be undone by same; and he still would have to work in collaboration with Congress which would not always be cooperative. Also, he hasn't done anything at all except talk so all of this opposition to him is much ado about nothing.
Trump is unflappable.

NBC has led off its national "news" propaganda broadcast for two days in a row trying to make hay over Trump saying females should be punished if they have an abortion should abortion be made illegal. That's not an outrageous suggestion at all; why should a class of people be immune from criminal charges if they knowingly commit a crime?

Don, you're the first person I've seen say that and it's exactly right. Are women such special snowflakes that they can commit a crime and not be responsible? Are they such immature children that they can go out and get an illegal abortion and not expect any punishment because they are female? Do women want to be equal to men? Or do they want special rights? If the law would say that an abortion is illegal then the guy doing the operation and the women paying for it are both responsible. This shouldn't even be controversial.

Also the fact that radical prolifers like Cruz, who doesn't want women to have an abortion ever, even in case of rape or incest, could come out and criticize Trump because they feel that the women should be shown sympathy, is such BS. What a rat bastard! He basically considers abortion doctors "baby killers" but the actual person arranging the killing should be given a pass? What a spineless turd!
I agree, Deep State likes total control of everything, but he can only do so much by executive order, and anything done by executive order can be undone by same; and he still would have to work in collaboration with Congress which would not always be cooperative. Also, he hasn't done anything at all except talk so all of this opposition to him is much ado about nothing.

He would need to be a Strongman to get things done, with the backing of the People and hopefully a large bloc of House and Senate Republicans, and that's certainly the way he's presenting himself. No one really knows what would happen if he's elected; hell, even the run-up to the election could be unprecedented as far as volatility. Certainly the upcoming GOP convention in Cleveland is bearing a lot of parallels to the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago, which shook the country to its core, as did that entire fateful year. One of the great things Trump has done so far is show just how shaky the system is when someone can take advantage of its one big institutional weakness -- it is vulnerable to a self-funding billionaire with brass cajones.
Trump is unflappable.

NBC has led off its national "news" propaganda broadcast for two days in a row trying to make hay over Trump saying females should be punished if they have an abortion should abortion be made illegal. That's not an outrageous suggestion at all; why should a class of people be immune from criminal charges if they knowingly commit a crime?

Cruz is supposedly ahead by 10 percentage points in Wisconsin. The gatekeepers of the status quo seem more confident every day of late that Trump will go to Cleveland short of the 1,273 delegates he needs, which they will manipulate so that Cruz or a "compromise" candidate gets the nod. But if Trump doesn't get the nomination it will be a Pyrrhic victory as it only cause the oligarchy to be viewed as illegitimate by a much larger proportion of Americans than already do.

Trump is indeed unflappable. Contrast that with Hillary. Can you imagine what he would do to her head to head in a debate? Oh my God, it would be entertaining. Her handlers must be shaking in their boots at the thought.
He would need to be a Strongman to get things done, with the backing of the People and hopefully a large bloc of House and Senate Republicans, and that's certainly the way he's presenting himself. No one really knows what would happen if he's elected; hell, even the run-up to the election could be unprecedented as far as volatility. Certainly the upcoming GOP convention in Cleveland is bearing a lot of parallels to the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago, which shook the country to its core, as did that entire fateful year. One of the great things Trump has done so far is show just how shaky the system is when someone can take advantage of its one big institutional weakness -- it is vulnerable to a self-funding billionaire with brass cajones.

To get anywhere, the "Right" has to pursue their goals as ruthlessly as the left does.
If you ever doubted how stupid Leftist liberals are, and how totally irrational they are, check this out:
Warning: Language in the post I don't condone, but the point is well taken.
p.s. thing you know, a certain historic brand of motorcycles will be outlawed for their close "association" with someone whose mere name poses a threat...LOL!!


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