The Trumpening?

Trump will go cuck for AIPAC tonight. Not that it matters but doesn't it contradict everything that he and his supporters say about being his own man and not being being beholden to any lobbyists or interests groups ? Oddly enough the only presidential candidate this year who won't be attending the AIPAC conference is Bernie Sanders. I just the want the Trump supporters to explain one thing to me. You guys think that the media and the establishment believe Trump is the next Hitler and they will do anything to stop him, there have been multiple posters on this site that have said they think the establishment will try to assassinate Trump. So what do you have to say then about all of the media coverage Trump receives ? If they wanted him to fail why wouldn't they have just ignored him like they did Ron Paul ? Why does every Fox News personality with exception of Megyn Kelly fellatiate him on the air ?

Lew, I believe part of the media's position on Trump is, get him on the air, ratings will increase. When the nominee nail him to the cross and still get bigger ratings.
Lew: What's doing? All that says is Trump knows from media. Big crowds, says things outrageous to their ears, the media wants attention too so they talk, they talk, and they talk. Lots of "bad" press included -but there is not bad press so he rolls with it.
Conservative Losers

We all agree that hitting below the belt is unfair. That's not how gentlemen fight. But what happens when the fellow with whom you are engaging in manly fisticuffs delivers a knee to your junk and pulls out a knife? Because that's how the left fights.

Let's give you a quick rundown of the sort of barrel the left has the nation over right now:

  • You must discipline or fire employees who disagree with feminism or the gay agenda at work under equality law.
  • Companies can openly deny white men employment or promotions solely because of their race and gender.
  • Participating in gay "weddings" is now legally mandatory for caterers, florists, and photographers.
  • Birthright citizenship has turned California permanently blue and is soon to flip Texas.
  • Universities are now controlled stem to stern by the far left; being a conservative is sufficient grounds to deny tenure, even in the hard sciences.
  • Leftists can get you fired by sending your employer screenshots of right-wing things you said on Facebook (but not vice-versa).
  • Kids can get disciplined at school for disagreeing with the LGBTQWTF agenda as presented to them, mentioning they went to the rifle range, or wearing American flags on Mexican holidays.
  • Vaguely right-of-center speakers are physically chased off university campuses by "no-platform" thugs.
The left isn't winning through argument; it's winning through intimidation. Conservatives are so used to the left using violence to shut down the argument that when liberal organizations like MoveOn conspire to break the law and disrupt Republican events, shut down freeways, beat people up, and engage in other illegal activities, the entire conservative pundit establishment sighs, shrugs their shoulders, and is only roused to outrage should anyone on the right hit back.

Seriously! In Chicago, we had illegal immigrants smashing windows, throwing rocks at cops, and climbing street posts to wave foreign flags, and conservative pundits were mostly angry that one of their enablers got punched. Call me crazy, but I would think that any sane person would be more upset that foreigners are trying to shut down our political process and attacking our law enforcement personnel.


This is happening on American soil, and conservatives don't care

Today, conservatives are shrieking about Donald Trump's tone, his creative relationship with the truth, his lack of genuine conservative bona fides, his "nativism," his uninformed views about trade, and so on, insisting that we must put up their guy if we want...uh...what, exactly?

Go reread that list at the beginning of the article. Conservatives have utterly failed to protect us from the left. We're not just tired of conservatives caving before the latest onslaught of left-wing values, we're tired of conservatives letting the left use fear and violence to silence people who don't hold their views.

If conservatives actually fought the war on the left's terms, you wouldn't be able to march in the street waving a sickle & hammer standard. See, you'd find yourself unemployable once the photo appeared on Twitter. Positively citing Marx would be putting your academic career at risk. You could reasonably expect to get beaten up by Polish expats if you wore a Che shirt in public, and no one would feel bad for you. Sexual degenerates would be told that if they can't keep it discreet, they can seek employment elsewhere. When a Jew writes an article advocating "white wounding," the din of outrage would kill his career.

I've brought this up before and been told, "We can't do that! That wouldn't be fair! The left would hate us more than ever!" And that's why conservatives are losers. Your enemy just kneed your crotch and pulled out a shiv, and you're trying to figure out how to make him like you.
Watched a little bit of Ted Cruz trying to get some political traction from the Brussels attack. He made a big deal of it happening a day after Trump brought up the high cost of maintaining NATO, trying to somehow connect the two. As if NATO could do much about suicide bombings. As I listened to him it occurred to me Cruz may well be something of a psychopath. He's just too slick to be believable for me. Brings to mind a some mega-church pastors.
Trump will go cuck for AIPAC tonight. Not that it matters but doesn't it contradict everything that he and his supporters say about being his own man and not being being beholden to any lobbyists or interests groups ? Oddly enough the only presidential candidate this year who won't be attending the AIPAC conference is Bernie Sanders. I just the want the Trump supporters to explain one thing to me. You guys think that the media and the establishment believe Trump is the next Hitler and they will do anything to stop him, there have been multiple posters on this site that have said they think the establishment will try to assassinate Trump. So what do you have to say then about all of the media coverage Trump receives ? If they wanted him to fail why wouldn't they have just ignored him like they did Ron Paul ? Why does every Fox News personality with exception of Megyn Kelly fellatiate him on the air ?


Well if he's the front runner they can't ignore him. It was easier with Ron Paul because he was never the front runner. You are correct though the media ignored Ron and it worked. Well that and cheating him out of the Iowa caucus or New Hampshire or whichever one it was he actually won.
So Trump takes Arizona by a large margin. After supporting Romney and McInsane the previous 2 elections they've wised up. Guess the border violence and the general flooding of the state with illegals has finally got through to them. I also noticed Rubio got more votes than Kasich. Ha! Early votes aside, what does it say about Kasich's candecy that he can't beat a guy who dropped out? Or maybe many who voted are to stupid to notice?

And speaking of stupid, the Mormons went big for Cruz in Utah. These bleeding heart morons support open borders and all sorts of non-white "refugee" outreach so Trump was never going to get their vote. These Ned Flanders types also can't handle Trump's brashness and sometimes vulgar personality. The Mormons are a unique brand of cucked pussies.
Lew, I believe part of the media's position on Trump is, get him on the air, ratings will increase. When the nominee nail him to the cross and still get bigger ratings.

I can understand the ratings argument but it's something we've argued against for years. It's our opponents who've always said that the reason the media only covers certain things is because all they care about is ratings and selling newspapers. We're the ones who say that spreading their ideology and brainwashing the masses is much more important to the media bosses and the PTB than earning a few more shekels. And if they cared that much about ratings what would draw in more viewers than talking about White genocide and discrimination, black on white hate crimes, and the on going economic collapse of this country ? But they don't talk about those things because it goes against their agenda.

I've heard some right wing pundits and talk radio hosts mention your theory about how the media is propping up Trump just so they can take him down during the general election but why even take that risk if Trump is such a threat ? Hillary Clinton is such a vulnerable candidate and it's very possible that she could lose to him. Could you ever imagine the media propping up the likes of Ron Paul or David Duke and allowing them to win the GOP nomination just so they could knock them down during the general election ? It would never happen because those two are actual threats. Trump on the other hand is 98% Kosher, as opposed to the usual 100% that the establishment is so used to, and that's the reason why some of the more paranoid ones oppose him.

Well if he's the front runner they can't ignore him. It was easier with Ron Paul because he was never the front runner. You are correct though the media ignored Ron and it worked. Well that and cheating him out of the Iowa caucus or New Hampshire or whichever one it was he actually won.

My argument all along has been the only reason he became the front runner is because of all of the media coverage. This is just a couple months after he declared he was running. Any one of us on this site would be the front runner if we were given that much media coverage.

Lew, I respect what you are saying, but if a competing candidate runs an attack ad, does that count as "coverage" for the candidate being attacked? Or is the ad fulfilling its purpose in tearing down and delegitimizing said candidate? Sure, Trump is on the news all of the time, but 99% of the coverage is the equivalent of an attack ad. Just on the Yahoo home page today, Trump is being mocked for downplaying "climate change", and is ridiculed for allegedly starting gossip about Ted Cruz' wife. So, this coverage is somehow "good"? If so, then the political strategists have been wrong all this time about attack ads against the opposition!
Lew, I respect what you are saying, but if a competing candidate runs an attack ad, does that count as "coverage" for the candidate being attacked? Or is the ad fulfilling its purpose in tearing down and delegitimizing said candidate? Sure, Trump is on the news all of the time, but 99% of the coverage is the equivalent of an attack ad. Just on the Yahoo home page today, Trump is being mocked for downplaying "climate change", and is ridiculed for allegedly starting gossip about Ted Cruz' wife. So, this coverage is somehow "good"? If so, then the political strategists have been wrong all this time about attack ads against the opposition!

The attack ads aren't figured into any of the graphs that I posted in this thread. They just count the coverage he receives on the shows. And the other candidates didn't start running consistent attack ads on Trump until fairly recently. I understand there are lots of negative pieces on Trump online but I urge you to spend a day watching Fox News and see for yourself the mostly positive coverage he receives. He also does interviews on Fox News all the time and they lob soft balls at him left and right. Rupert Murdoch is a neocon through and through, he wants open borders as well as permanent war in the middle east for Israel's sake. If he had any issue with Trump why even allow him on his network at all ?
We need to forget about Trump the man and focus on hijacking his movement and trying to steal away some of his supporters. I believe he's lying through his teeth about what he's saying about the wall, immigration, and the economy and he has plenty of contradicting statements and actions to make me believe so but the fact that those parts of his message are resonating with so many people is a good sign. We can't let it go to waste, and it surely will with Trump. All of those angry Whites will feel placated and satisfied with a president Trump but it won't do anything to change the situation. It may just slow things down by a few years. Instead of Whites becoming a minority in 2040 they'll become a minority in 2045. How does that change anything ? The Cultural Marxist neocon agenda will still go on unimpeded.
The attack ads aren't figured into any of the graphs that I posted in this thread. They just count the coverage he receives on the shows. And the other candidates didn't start running consistent attack ads on Trump until fairly recently. I understand there are lots of negative pieces on Trump online but I urge you to spend a day watching Fox News and see for yourself the mostly positive coverage he receives. He also does interviews on Fox News all the time and they lob soft balls at him left and right. Rupert Murdoch is a neocon through and through, he wants open borders as well as permanent war in the middle east for Israel's sake. If he had any issue with Trump why even allow him on his network at all ?

Trump is one of the best-known Americans in the country, and just as importantly he's a multi-billionaire. This isn't a case of someone the media can black out like you or me or just about any other obscure would-be politician. If they ignored him he'd simply buy large amounts of media time and take his case directly to the people.

It was the same way with Ross Perot in 1992. The U.S. political system, including its media arm, is set up to exclude, ignore or greatly downplay anyone who doesn't play ball with the establishment with one exception -- the very rare public figure who can self-fund and thus break through the formidable barriers facing him.

It doesn't mean Trump won't betray his base of working and middle class Whites; hopefully he won't but that remains to be seen. But then again, the same people who have been angry and disillusioned (and unorganized and unmobilized) have been so for some time; there was no particular crying need in 2016 for the system to set up a "safety valve" for them. If that was the idea then it will backfire big-time as the genie is out of the bottle now. Much better to have spoon-fed us Cruz or Rubio or any of the other large gaggle of non-Trumps who were running.
Trump is one of the best-known Americans in the country, and just as importantly he's a multi-billionaire. This isn't a case of someone the media can black out like you or me or just about any other obscure would-be politician. If they ignored him he'd simply buy large amounts of media time and take his case directly to the people.

It was the same way with Ross Perot in 1992. The U.S. political system, including its media arm, is set up to exclude, ignore or greatly downplay anyone who doesn't play ball with the establishment with one exception -- the very rare public figure who can self-fund and thus break through the formidable barriers facing him.

It doesn't mean Trump won't betray his base of working and middle class Whites; hopefully he won't but that remains to be seen. But then again, the same people who have been angry and disillusioned (and unorganized and unmobilized) have been so for some time; there was no particular crying need in 2016 for the system to set up a "safety valve" for them. If that was the idea then it will backfire big-time as the genie is out of the bottle now. Much better to have spoon-fed us Cruz or Rubio or any of the other large gaggle of non-Trumps who were running.

Trump is one of the best known Americans in the country but until recently he was known as a joke. Nobody took him seriously. He was greeted with laughter when he initially declared he was going to run for president. It wasn't until the media started covering him so heavily that he was seen as a serious candidate and person. I disagree that the media couldn't ignore him if they really wanted to. Since when do these people have ethical standards or rules they have to follow ? They make up the rules and the sheeple won't question a thing. Do you remember in February of 2003 when over 10 million people protested the Iraq war ? Not a lot of people do because the media ignored it. But let's say the media is forced to cover him, it's one thing to cover him fairly like they do every other candidate, it's a totally different thing, however, to give more coverage than literally every other candidate combined. Trump has barely spent any money on his campaign thanks to all of the free coverage he's received. And the thing is he really couldn't afford to either. He's no where near as wealthy as he claims. There was a well researched biography, which Trump was involved in, written about him 10 years ago where the author claimed Trump's true net worth was between 150 million to 300 million dollars. Trump was outraged and he sued the author for like 6 billion dollars. Trump obviously lost but during a deposition he was asked what his net worth his and he answered that it depends on his mood. He's also hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Would somebody worth the 10 billion that Trump says he's worth really set up scams like Trump University ? It's why he won't release his tax returns either.

You're right there was no dire need to set up a safety valve candidate in 2016, it could just be that they saw an opportunity and decided to run with it. I don't see what's going to backfire though ? Trump hasn't said or done anything that you're not allowed to do or talk about. You're allowed to talk about illegal immigration and border fences, you're allowed to talk about trade, and you're allowed to vilify Muslims. And I have to tell you I'm no fan of Ted Cruz but I'm just kind of surprised how hated he is by the media and the establishment. I think he's treated worse than Donald Trump and I can't figure out why.
Lew, take it easy man.

1) You wrote: "...but until recently he [Trump} was known as a joke." No man that has earned a gross worth of ten billion dollars is a joke. He put out 100 pages of financial statements to prove it prior to running.

2) You wrote: "... asked what his net worth his (is) and he answered that it depends on his mood." Net and gross and two different assessments. Net worth is the value of assets that exceed liabilities. When a man's business holdings are as vast as Trump's, he's right, there is no hard number and that is what he euphemistically said.

3) You wrote: "There was a well researched biography..." What facts do you have that the alleged facts of the biography were "well researched"?

4) How is Trump U any more or less a scam than Michigan State, LSU, Harward, Yale, Princeton, Standford, etc., etc., etc., ?

Trump's not going to be a miracle man or a magician, but most of us believe he can do a great deal of good stopping the tidal wave of illegals coming in, and stopping the drift of commercial corporations going out, and, he may start a real trend to a new homeward trend of wayward commercial corporations. No, the real change comes when men stop believing they need their public servants to create wealth for them and start doing it for themselves.
Ted Cruz has just been endorsed by NWO frontman and crime family member Jeb! Cruz is a Bush sleeper cell posing as a Patriot. The establishment at the top love him.

If many in media and government don't like him, it's probably because he's just a very unlikeable guy. Many people have reported how "nasty" he is and based on the fairly extensive research I've done, including listening to many of his speeches and talks, I'd have to agree. Considering how he is the biggest Zionist running for prez this year, it's a blessing that his personality sucks. If he had an ounce of charm, he'd actually be a threat to become president.
Ted Cruz has just been endorsed by NWO frontman and crime family member Jeb! Cruz is a Bush sleeper cell posing as a Patriot. The establishment at the top love him.

If many in media and government don't like him, it's probably because he's just a very unlikeable guy. Many people have reported how "nasty" he is and based on the fairly extensive research I've done, including listening to many of his speeches and talks, I'd have to agree. Considering how he is the biggest Zionist running for prez this year, it's a blessing that his personality sucks. If he had an ounce of charm, he'd actually be a threat to become president.

Cruz's campaign put up a photo of Melania Trump on a furry bed. Prick stooped really low to do it.


So, in retaliation, Donald put up this photo of Cruz's wife on Trump's Twitter/Facebook pages:


Trump's a fighter; you throw, he throws back.
Haha, good stuff Ambrose.

Cruz seems out of touch. What's wrong with having a babe for a First Lady? After 8 long years of the broad shouldered, man handed Moochelle Obama, America deserves a beautiful woman in the White House.
Trump is one of the best known Americans in the country but until recently he was known as a joke. Nobody took him seriously. He was greeted with laughter when he initially declared he was going to run for president. It wasn't until the media started covering him so heavily that he was seen as a serious candidate and person. I disagree that the media couldn't ignore him if they really wanted to. Since when do these people have ethical standards or rules they have to follow ? They make up the rules and the sheeple won't question a thing. Do you remember in February of 2003 when over 10 million people protested the Iraq war ? Not a lot of people do because the media ignored it. But let's say the media is forced to cover him, it's one thing to cover him fairly like they do every other candidate, it's a totally different thing, however, to give more coverage than literally every other candidate combined. Trump has barely spent any money on his campaign thanks to all of the free coverage he's received. And the thing is he really couldn't afford to either. He's no where near as wealthy as he claims. There was a well researched biography, which Trump was involved in, written about him 10 years ago where the author claimed Trump's true net worth was between 150 million to 300 million dollars. Trump was outraged and he sued the author for like 6 billion dollars. Trump obviously lost but during a deposition he was asked what his net worth his and he answered that it depends on his mood. He's also hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Would somebody worth the 10 billion that Trump says he's worth really set up scams like Trump University ? It's why he won't release his tax returns either.

You're right there was no dire need to set up a safety valve candidate in 2016, it could just be that they saw an opportunity and decided to run with it. I don't see what's going to backfire though ? Trump hasn't said or done anything that you're not allowed to do or talk about. You're allowed to talk about illegal immigration and border fences, you're allowed to talk about trade, and you're allowed to vilify Muslims. And I have to tell you I'm no fan of Ted Cruz but I'm just kind of surprised how hated he is by the media and the establishment. I think he's treated worse than Donald Trump and I can't figure out why.

When Trump started off his campaign by lambasting Mexican illegals and calling them criminals and rapists, he instantly became a serious candidate with a large base of support. Being as famous as he already was, it was just that easy, those words were music to the ears of tens of millions of Americans.

Ronald Reagan was an actor who was widely ridiculed as lacking substance before becoming first Governor of California and then President; ever since then it's been taken for granted that all the "serious" candidates know they also have to be good actors in the age of television and visual media.

Trump is a super-alpha in a country pussy-whipped by decades of nothing but beta male politicians, and he pushed the right buttons. He might be a complete phony, but the "Trump phenomenon" is real, because of how he launched his campaign and because of his built-in fame and having enough money to bypass the closed U.S. political system and its tangle of election finance laws that force candidates of the two permanently-entrenched monopoly parties to be controlled whores to succeed.
Wouldn't It Be Nice?

by Mark Hackard

Because the true essence of liberal democracy is oligarchy, national elections in America generally function the same way as the Super Bowl: a form of corporate-sponsored mass spectacle. As a rule, choosing between Democrats and Republicans is analogous to determining one’s preference for Coke or Pepsi, both laced with arsenic.

Unlike previous US presidential campaigns, little more than glorified puppet theatre brought to you by Goldman Sachs and the rest of the banking octopus, the 2016 race for the White House is proving to actually matter for America’s future and that of the world. Both party establishments, Democrats and Republicans, remain loyal servants of a financial international insatiable in its lust to destroy nations and construct the technocratic World State, Huxley and Wells’ dystopia made manifest. Georgetown University professor and court historian to the plutocracy Carroll Quigley puts it quite plainly:

[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.

And the party candidates have all bowed in fealty to the oligarchs and promised to carry on their malevolent policies, save one exception. Billionaire real estate developer Donald J. Trump has seen no reason to pay obeisance to the Masters of the Universe; he doesn’t need their funding and has paid no heed to intimidation or media hysteria. In an utterly surreal turn of events, Trump, the brash, high-flying reality television host who enjoys the company of beautiful women and playing a star role in professional wrestling matches, is the only man to offer sensible policy alternatives diametrically opposed to the elites’ current course to ruin.


“Conservative” Fox News descends into convulsions of rage.Image: Fox News.

Whatever one’s opinion of his personality, Trump is a populist and a nationalist – for decades he has made the case for American sovereignty, both in matters of trade and the control of immigration flows, the plutocrats’ favored weapons of economic displacement and demographic alchemy. Though not a dove on foreign policy, Trump is an old-fashioned realist with a traditional formulation of state interests. Not only that, he has issued statements previously unthinkable in US strategic discourse, calling forimproved relations with Russia:

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get along with Russia, we could get along with foreign countries?

That Trump even broached the notion of a normal, healthy US-Russian partnership sends chills down the collective spine of Atlanticist elites. According to their long-running plans, Russia must be subverted, raped and dismembered, its resources seized by multinationals and its people enslaved under “democracy.” All Eurasia is to be subjected to full-spectrum dominance by the arbiters of history, the light-bearers of the liberal order’s new millennium. For Trump to object to a new Cold War and potential conventional or even nuclear conflict is unforgivable apostasy to an entrenched military-industrial complex that profits off death and human misery. Yet the businessman’s positive remarks on Russia, coupled with strong non-interventionist leanings, show a viable policy alternative to the mad drive toward universal hegemony.

In Trump’s rather intuitive vision, both America and Russia would act as sovereign nations according to their own vital interests; as in the earlier US-Russian relationship throughout the 19th century, these interests need not conflict. Just as the Bolshevik Soviet Union disappeared and Russia no longer seeks to impose godless communism across the world, so too could America “come home” and renounce the oligarchy’s predatory wars for global capitalism, Mammon’s Magical Kingdom. The same deadly fever-dream that captivated Napoleon and Hitler – the quest to conquer the Eurasian Heartland – should be buried in their ashes, so that Americans, Russians, Europeans and all other peoples may survive well into the future. For a chance at success, a whole host of issues must be addressed: the anachronism turned postmodern monstrosity that is NATO, an end to regime change and support of jihadist proxies in the Middle East, and a level-headed bargain on nuclear forces and missile defense.

Like any politician, Donald Trump is far from perfect, and it remains to be seen whether some of his bolder proclamations are more than just rhetoric. Even still, his rhetoric is without precedent – public intentions to audit the Federal Reserve, declassify 28 pages on Saudi involvement in the Twin Towers attacks from the 9/11 Commission report, and re-engage Russia in a friendly manner run directly counter to the establishment program.

If Trump means what he says, the peril he faces is of the same magnitude as what led to John F. Kennedy’s execution in Dealey Plaza in November of 1963. Since “the Donald” and Russian President Vladimir Putin have exchanged favorable opinions of each other, perhaps Trump could look further into Putin’s experience bringing rapacious, nation-wrecking oligarchs to heel, or he could draw inspiration closer to home from Andrew Jackson’s war against the Money Power of his day. The more success Trump enjoys at the ballot box, the greater the threat to his position and very life will increase. Should he gain the opportunity to enact new policies from the White House, the dangers would then multiply as a new phase of risk commenced. In an age of treachery, we can only wish Trump well if he truly stands against the bankster international. Now must good men arise to weather the storm and prevail.
The picture is quite clear. The same usual suspects are the enemies of us all. It's been a joy to see them squirm a bit, and see some people that they despise (Whites) waking up and actually taking notice. Some Whites and other folks living above the dead fish floating downstream mentality are even taking notice of the culprits of the crimes and taking action: speaking that which is forbidden by PC twits and proudly voting for Trump, a very un-PC voice of the people to be reckoned with.
I'd kinda love to see the elitists try to thwart and nullify our will, my will, and the will of all of us who are beyond fed up (pun intended) with the traitorous brood of vipers and their neutered lap dogs.
At this point I can only wonder what law enforcement, SWAT, military generals, et al would or will do if it hits the fan as a result of the oligarchs' shenanigans and treasonous crimes. They are the ones worthy of death that they want to bring on us.
Interesting times we are in.
Pray for wisdom...
American Freedom News