The Trumpening?

Trump crushed it last night. Good ol' Michigan comes through again, we gave George Wallace a primary victory back in the day, and now Trump wins and Hillary loses a shocker.

The crying and complaining from faux conservatives and Hillary supporters is yuuge and entertaining. Trump is taking a wrecking ball to their corrupt system and there is nothing they can do about it. I don't think Trump is the greatest thing ever but he is practically single handedly changing the process in US politics.

Wallace won the Michigan primary in 1972 a few days after being shot while campaigning in Maryland.
The Zionist, Spanish-speaking, amnesty-loving gay-boy, Jeb Bush, to meet with Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich before tonight's debate in FL. Perhaps the establishment is planning on joining forces?

Bush's secret meeting, the Tech CEO meeting, Romney's speech, tens of millions spent on negative ads. Man, the system really hates this man Donald Trump. If he gets the nomination, don't be surprised if he's assassinated before November...

Debate rolling right now. Rubio, Cruz, Kasich all have viewed the questions before start like seeing the exam before taking it. All copying Trump's platform on economy and immigration (with minor variances) to dilute his message. Remember: Trump made these topics; he made them topic of discussion.
An hour in, and all of the candidates are behaving themselves. All speaking to the issues and substances. A 180 from the last debate. All are holding their own.
Example number 1000 of why Donald Trump is the best thing to happen in politics in a long time:

Old white guy punches black protester! Haha for once it's the white guy sucker punching the black kid. Trump has so changed the landscape of America that now elderly white guys are attacking BLM punks. It just keeps getting better.

All polls I can find across net voting overwhelmingly for Trump except Drudge poll which went down for over half and hour with Trump having a big lead then two hours later ending up about 50-50??? Robo voting -Drudge hacked tonight. No worries.
EXCLUSIVE=> Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly to Endorse Donald Trump at St. Louis Rally

Jim Hoft Mar 11th, 2016 9:02 am 161 Comments


Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly has been a national leader of the conservative movement since the publication of her best-selling 1964 book, A Choice Not An Echo. She has been a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972 when she led the fight to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.

Phyllis Schlafly is 91 years-old.


Phyllis Schlafly with President Ronald Reagan at the White House.

Friday at noon Phyllis Schlafly and Ed Martin, the president of Eagle Forum, will attend the Trump rally in downtown St. Louis and endorse Donald J. Trump for president.

Phyllis and Ed will meet with Donald Trump at 11:30am and then Phyllis will introduce Donald Trump at the much anticipated rally at the Peabody Opera House on Market Street. The event is sold out.

Back in December Phyllis Schlafly wrote at World Net Daily that Donald Trump was the last hope for America.

On Friday Phyllis Schlafly will once again make history.

For you younger men, she was a warrior against feminism in her day as she was pro family and pro nature. Not a huge endorsement like Carson but I thought I would put here anyway because much of what she wrote about is true and coming around again anyway.
Example number 1000 of why Donald Trump is the best thing to happen in politics in a long time:

Old white guy punches black protester! Haha for once it's the white guy sucker punching the black kid. Trump has so changed the landscape of America that now elderly white guys are attacking BLM punks. It just keeps getting better.

This man, John McGraw, is a true bad-ass! They were whining about it on every TV news station and website. Trump is acting like a man and other white men are gaining the confidence to act out in public to follow Trump's lead. I love it!
This man, John McGraw, is a true bad-ass! They were whining about it on every TV news station and website. Trump is acting like a man and other white men are gaining the confidence to act out in public to follow Trump's lead. I love it!

That is great. The pussified leftist media crying racism of course. Just another black punk who actually gets what he deserves.
That old guy is in trouble. No need for that. I hate all the black sucker punching I'm not going to celebrate it when a white man does it. They were leading the punk out the cheap shot was stupid. The idiot hurt Trump's campaign with that crap.
That old guy is in trouble. No need for that. I hate all the black sucker punching I'm not going to celebrate it when a white man does it. They were leading the punk out the cheap shot was stupid. The idiot hurt Trump's campaign with that crap.

I agree. Not a smart gesture for himself or for Trump. Makes it look like Trump incites violence.
Trump's rally in Chicago at University of Illinois just got cancelled. Too many Zombies had came and were threatening disruption and violence so police called it off. These ******** who oppose him don't accept free speech. Trump's agents should never have selected a university venue; worst possible place; last place to find free speech is at a university.
The liberal media and his oppenents shouldn't blame him for one old mans violent act. The guy elbowed someone. How could any security let alone Mr Trump stop that. Things like this happen all the time. I would like to know what the guy said to anger this guy so much. I doubt he did it for no reason. Anyways, it's getting ugly and the attacks against Trump will only get worse from here. He better make sure his security can handle whatever transpires. I can also see his enemies putting disinfo angents in his crowds to make things even uglier. Hope I'm wrong.

Regardless, Donald Trump needs to keep being himself. He didn't get to the front by backing down to the media.
I agree. Not a smart gesture for himself or for Trump. Makes it look like Trump incites violence.

Trump loses no votes from the incident and will certainly gain support. Same with "protesters" disrupting his rallies. Trump support is people who are so tired of those BLM and BAM and anti-fa punks that incidents like this increase his vote totals.

And how is it possible for Trump to control every person at a rally? No one with a bit of commonsense expects that, and no one who would think of supporting him cares.
Trump loses no votes from the incident and will certainly gain support. Same with "protesters" disrupting his rallies. Trump support is people who are so tired of those BLM and BAM and anti-fa punks that incidents like this increase his vote totals.

And how is it possible for Trump to control every person at a rally? No one with a bit of commonsense expects that, and no one who would think of supporting him cares.

I agree. This won't hurt his support, it will help it. A good talking point for him at his next rally or press conference.
Communist thugs, BLM goons and other anti-White haters shut down Trump's rally in Chicago tonight. That's a big victory for them and will greatly increase their bloodlust, but it doesn't have to be something that keeps repeating. Trump's campaign will have to be a lot better at vetting crowds, making them invitation only or otherwise have attendees purchase tickets, and avoid large urban areas and big universities. Security will have to be increased, and he should concentrate more on speaking in smaller cities and in smaller venues. Everyone knows he can draw huge crowds anytime he wants; the goal now is not to let the lunatic left shut down any more events.

What happened in Chicago is really a macrocosm of what the right wing in this country has faced for decades. Pro-White groups now meet in government buildings and/or in more rural areas in relatively safe venues.

It's also a ratcheting up of the undeclared civil war that the left has foisted on Middle America. It's a top-down revolution/war, but it's enabled with the rabble that showed up tonight in Chicago. How will the street scum be dealt with? Will Trump stand strong or begin backing down? I hope his constitution is as iron-strong as he makes it appear. He's nearly 70 and will be under ever-increasing stress and attack from myriad directions every day now.
I'm watching this mess in Chicago. Protesters infiltrated Trump rally and it was shut down for security reasons. Mob creating kaos in the streets now. The may have just handed the election to Trump.

Something very shrewd here. I wondered why Trump's people would schedule a rally in all places Chicago university? That's as opposite to Trump as Zimbabwe is to Russia. Trump's agents probably knew these nutcases would prevent a peaceful rally which will only strengthen his support in Illinois and encourage more people to vote for him out of anger for being impaired to hear Trump.
Communist thugs, BLM goons and other anti-White haters shut down Trump's rally in Chicago tonight. That's a big victory for them and will greatly increase their bloodlust, but it doesn't have to be something that keeps repeating. Trump's campaign will have to be a lot better at vetting crowds, making them invitation only or otherwise have attendees purchase tickets, and avoid large urban areas and big universities. Security will have to be increased, and he should concentrate more on speaking in smaller cities and in smaller venues. Everyone knows he can draw huge crowds anytime he wants; the goal now is not to let the lunatic left shut down any more events.

What happened in Chicago is really a macrocosm of what the right wing in this country has faced for decades. Pro-White groups now meet in government buildings and/or in more rural areas in relatively safe venues.

It's also a ratcheting up of the undeclared civil war that the left has foisted on Middle America. It's a top-down revolution/war, but it's enabled with the rabble that showed up tonight in Chicago. How will the street scum be dealt with? Will Trump stand strong or begin backing down? I hope his constitution is as iron-strong as he makes it appear. He's nearly 70 and will be under ever-increasing stress and attack from myriad directions every day now.

I don't know if Trump will have to do any more rallies. If he wins Florida and Ohio it's over anyway. That's just a few days away. He will have to stick to more white locations then Chicago but his votes are not in the big urban areas and he can still go off to the suburbs. This will cause a media sh*tstorm, alot of it anti-Trump but it still won't harm him at the polls.
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