The Trumpening?

I don't know if Trump will have to do any more rallies. If he wins Florida and Ohio it's over anyway. That's just a few days away. He will have to stick to more white locations then Chicago but his votes are not in the big urban areas and he can still go off to the suburbs. This will cause a media sh*tstorm, alot of it anti-Trump but it still won't harm him at the polls.

He'll do more rallies. He is discussed even more than ever now. It's a media *********.
Trump from this point forward has to increase paid security and pay cops for overtime details at his ralleys. He can afford it. I only think this will help him. CNN and MSLSD are blaming Trump for the anti white knuckle heads. What was surprising is seeing all the White ppl inside the venue shouting down and fighting with black and white/hispanic miscreants. I believe this election may be a tipping point for White Americans. They are just fed up with being treated as 2nd class citizens and ppl that suffered under the sh*t economy not solved by Obama, Dems and back stabbing Repubs.
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The MSM and the whole lot are totally excusing "the protesters" violence and utter crap behavior. All we see in endless loop replay over and over and over and over is that 78 year old man forearming an obnoxious idiot two nights before at a rally before the chimp-out crap in Chicago. We see how tolerant all these libs are don't we? All three of the other candidates are blaming last night on Trump, right on cue. What they might as well be saying is that they themselves are neutred spineless wussies and will always follow the marching orders of the media-driven mindsets we are all supposed have on any given issue in life, even when that means as a White you are to never start standing up for yourself and your country and try to slow down the Leftist anti-White agenda.
I hope people come out in massive droves and support Trump now and tell the entire Leftist scum, media AND establishment (including academia demoniac brats) to go to hell. I hope this totally backfires on the obvious agenda driven by the msm and their controlling anti-Christ jews behind it all. To hell with them all.
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...Trump says, "I was ready for him, but it's better if the cops do it"...
Then he goes right back to his speech and enthusiasm. A 69 year old man ready to take on that godless Lib trying to kill him. Heck, you guys tell me, didn't it look like Trump was taking an offensive position, physically, and, ready to go at the scum, toe to toe?
Outstanding. Just outstanding!
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The opponents to Trump are trying to portray this movement as a White Nationalist movement. It's not. It's just nationalist. What is good for the nation is good for all the citizens. It's not hate; it's good reason.


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This is rapidly coming to a head. The left is out of control with fear so they are acting out. The useful idiots that the leftists have cultivated in this country over the past 50 years to do their bidding along with a complicit media mouthpiece that serves to brainwash the dumbed down masses.

The left is totally sanctioning this violence and it's going to piss off more and more Americans who were on the fence.
Yep, there has been an ongoing one-sided race war in this country for half a century. The cultural communists thought they had smooth sailing to total victory; about the only thing capable of placing obstacles in their path was a billionaire with cajones, and as it turns out there was still one man left who fit that description.

Remember the Duke Lacrosse Hoax? It dominated the headlines 10 years ago, a great example of virulent, unquenchable hatred of White men that was led by the media (as always, the Permanent Revolution in the U.S. has been a top-down process). William Anderson was the top investigative journalist who exposed the hoax back then; if you want to relive it here's his ten year anniversary perspective on it:
From this point on, Trump has to have buco security both private and law enforcement at all of his events. The moment protester scum from the BLM , communist, Sanders misguided f**ks and the like raise their heads, immediately they should be grabbed and Kicked the f**k out! Like Leonardfan stated, things are rolling to a head rapidly, Trump will have withstand and have clever answers for the corrupt media waiting to pounce if he gets the nomination. Tuesday if he wins Florida and Ohio its all but over, he will be the Republican Nominee. After that I will start to wonder who he will select as his VP. My choice would be a fierce lady conservative to be the attack dog against Clinton if she is able to beat the FBI primary. Marcia Blackburn is an idea. Me thinks she will have to answer for those emails sent on her unsecured private server. I hope
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From this point on, Trump has to have buco security both private and law enforcement at all of his events. The moment protester scum from the BLM , communist, Sanders misguided f**ks and the like raise their heads, immediately they should be grabbed and Kicked the f**k out! Like Leonardfan stated, things are rolling to a head rapidly, Trump will have withstand and have clever answers for the corrupt media waiting to pounce if he gets the nomination. Tuesday if he wins Florida and Ohio its all but over, he will be the Republican Nominee. After that I will start to wonder who he will select as his VP. My choice would be a fierce lady conservative to be the attack dog against Clinton if she is able to beat the FBI primary. Me thinks she will have to answer for those emails sent on her unsecured private server. I hope

No question. I was shocked by how smashed together right by Trump the crowd was today in Ohio, especially right after what happened last night. The thug was close enough to make physical contact with Trump. Apparently it took place as he left his airplane and was addressing a crowd there, but there's no way anyone should be able to get so close to Trump like that; it's mind-boggling.
From a non-American perspective, I agree with Westside's comment when he says this election could be a tipping point in the USA.

Saw the video of someone trying to assault Trump on stage. Truly disgraceful behaviour, but then again all too predictable behaviour from leftists.

The entire mainstream media and political sphere have united and are attacking Trump and seeking to destroy his character and ultimately censor him.

Its important that people at this site understand the bigger picture here and ultimately this is a conflict of left VS right. It looks like this will be the last stand made by the right in the USA.

Don Wassall is bang on correct when he refers to the protestors as "communist thugs".

If Trump doesnt win the best the USA can hope for is changing attitudes which can only come from the immigrant population. Letting nonwhites have a larger say in things might be a good strategy so long as their views are traditional.

Call me cynical but I see Trump losing. No way the system will let him win and they will rig the god damn election before they let him win.
No question. I was shocked by how smashed together right by Trump the crowd was today in Ohio, especially right after what happened last night. The thug was close enough to make physical contact with Trump. Apparently it took place as he left his airplane and was addressing a crowd there, but there's no way anyone should be able to get so close to Trump like that; it's mind-boggling.

Anything is possible with these leftists. They probably have people working as part of Trump's campaign team.
If Trump or Cruz fails to ascend to the Presidency, the USA as we know will be lost. The new President will have at least 2 shots are the Supreme Court, possibly 4. If Clinton is able to beat the FBI primary she will complete the job the leftist started in earnest in 1968. The country will forever change for the worst. Most freedoms will be curtailed and the complete vilification of White men completed by the PTB. The US will turn into a Brazil a country of mud people. God, just hope that most White people finally see what is happening before their eyes.
Video of Tommy Dimassimo, the low-life scum bag brain dead bottom feeder who attempted to attack Trump today.

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This is the guy who tried to attack Trump? From his name he is obviously Italian. Not sure why that video has Arabic music as there are no Arabs in that video.

The Italian seems like a hardcore wigger. Figures that this kibd of wigger, leftist, liwlife would try and attack Trump.
Video of Tommy Dimassimo, the low-life scum bag brain dead bottom feeder who attempted to attack Trump today.

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CLEARLY, clearly, clearly a University-educated idiot...Misplaced "I'm offended by (fill in the blank with anything non-Leftist)..." typical graduate school fool.
This is what parents for decades have been paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for and we are reaping the mind-rot in our cultures from top to bottom. Like producing like for decades now. A HUGE percentage of all University professors, especially those in "Political Science", "Anthropology", "Historical Studies", "Human Government", "Psychology", etc, etc etc... need to be taken to the edge of the ocean...
CLEARLY, clearly, clearly a University-educated idiot...Misplaced "I'm offended by (fill in the blank with anything non-Leftist)..." typical graduate school fool.
This is what parents for decades have been paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for and we are reaping the mind-rot in our cultures from top to bottom. Like producing like for decades now. A HUGE percentage of all University professors, especially those in "Political Science", "Anthropology", "Historical Studies", "Human Government", "Psychology", etc, etc etc... need to be taken to the edge of the ocean...

They are double-stamped fools because they paid to get dumbed down!:mad:
American Freedom News