I heard Justice Thomas was planning to retire next year if the Republicans can hold the Senate. If they can get someone else like him in there, but 20+ years younger, that would be a big plus as well. Then there's Libs Ginsberg and Breyer who are getting way up there in years and Sotomayor has diabetes and is in poor health. Would be nice to see Trump get 2-3 more Justices.Ginsberg does not have much time left. Next year Trump could have another Justice installed. I see alot more WINNING.
I heard Justice Thomas was planning to retire next year if the Republicans can hold the Senate. If they can get someone else like him in there, but 20+ years younger, that would be a big plus as well. Then there's Libs Ginsberg and Breyer who are getting way up there in years and Sotomayor has diabetes and is in poor health. Would be nice to see Trump get 2-3 more Justices.
Agreed.Yes, and he should start with Amy Coney-Barrett. If Ginsberg dies or retires while Trump is in office, he should nominate Barrett. If she gets confirmed, that will mean a 6-3 conservative majority. If Thomas is thinking of retiring he should go ahead and do it while Trump is in office and the Republicans control the Senate. That way he will be replaced by a younger conservative. A huge mistake Ginsburg made is that she didn't retire when Obama was President and the Dems controlled the Senate. Had she not been so egotistical and short-sighted she would have retired and then Obama could have replaced her with another shi#lib who was 20-30 years younger. Now this communist will likely be replaced by a conservative when she croaks in the next few years. You have to love it.
I don't know what happen but McConnell and Graham grew a pair when they were needed the most.
Yes, and he should start with Amy Coney-Barrett. If Ginsberg dies or retires while Trump is in office, he should nominate Barrett. If she gets confirmed, that will mean a 6-3 conservative majority. If Thomas is thinking of retiring he should go ahead and do it while Trump is in office and the Republicans control the Senate. That way he will be replaced by a younger conservative. A huge mistake Ginsburg made is that she didn't retire when Obama was President and the Dems controlled the Senate. Had she not been so egotistical and short-sighted she would have retired and then Obama could have replaced her with another shi#lib who was 20-30 years younger. Now this communist will likely be replaced by a conservative when she croaks in the next few years. You have to love it.
Beware of Coney-Barrett. First of all, any women with a hyphenated name should not be trusted. And let's not forget that she adopted several black Haitain children. She's not in our best interest.
She will waltz through confirmation. Her having 5 kids of her own gets a major pass from me. Its a matter of months before vile Ginsberg is asked to leave by herself or someone higher. Barrett is next up and has my full support.I understand the concern with adopting black children. I get it. But:
1. She has borne and is raising five white children
2. She is pro-life
3. She has stated and put into writing that she believes marriage is between one man and one woman
4. She is a devout Christian
5. She was a clerk to Scalia
6. She has opined that judges aren't bound by precedent that conflicts with the Constitution
7. Feinstein, Durbin, and other globalist shi$lib Senators don't like her
8. She is only 45 and would most likely serve on the Supreme Court for decades
She has alot more plusses than minuses. Other than adopting the two Haitian children, she doesn't have any minuses. We are not going to get anyone better than her confirmed. She would likely be a tremendous addition for our side in the Culture Wars. #MAGA.
Man, is that really Taylor Swift today? Just a year ago she was still "hot" and refused to bash Trump. I'm not easily shocked these day, but this is hard to believe.This isn't directly related to Trump, but he's brought in toward the end of the article.
The Fattening: At The Intersection Between Shitliberalism And The Wall
October 9, 2018 by CH
There is a reinforcing FEEDback loop that connects fatness, ugliness, shitlib views, and premature impact with the Wall, and is especially pronounced in the female of the species.
For a real life example, look what’s happened to Taylor Swift, once a chan-repurposed Aryan icon now turned schoolmarmish shitlib pussyhatter:
These before and after shots are NOT ‘SHOPPED.
Tay Tay got tub tub.
That first set of pics is particularly tragic. She’s one tray tray of donuts and box wine away from looking like pre-gastric sleeve Mama June:
Doesn’t Weigh Weigh have an Instawhore account of her cat? UH OH
They say the bloom on the Southern Belle Rose doesn’t last long, but fer crikey’s sake, Swift is swiftly nearing Wall impact at the ripe age of 28!
It’s not a cohencidence that Taylor Swift publicly came out as a cat-carrying member of Pussyhat, Inc at the point in her life when she’s bloated up and the Wall has risen into view. The rose is wilted; the screechy shrew is germinated. It’s nothing but White man-hating spite from here on out. Taking bets on Swift’s first mudshark paparazzi shot.
She’ll need to be retired as a frogtwatter secret-soopremacist Nordi-Alpine icon.
The ugly truth is that she’s an express line rider of the **** carousel. There are no innocent virginal women left in America, but the extremely homely who had no choice. How many boys have graced her song lyrics? None of them were good enough for her, or she wasn’t good enough for them. Solution: Carbs, cats, and cuntery.
The lifestyle is finally taking its tribute in the form of her sanity, like it does for most famous women. She is “anti-Kavanaugh” now and hitting the campaign trail for the Dem in TN’s midterm race. Her assimilation into the celebutard borg is complete (as is her retirement from peak nubility). Another White woman lost to The Fuggernaut. Sad!
Lesson: White women get married off before 25, or they instantly become hags for hillary.
Same goes for the trough. White women push away from the table, or they become hogs for hillary.
What’s not sad: Trump’s nuclear neg!
Trump tells us upon arriving back at the White House he likes Taylor Swift’s music but maybe about “25 percent” less now that she has endorsed Bredesen
We are blessed to have this man as our President. Trump is a Master of Game. I like this response, it’s very clever. It operates like a neg: you don’t want to come right out and insult a (former) hottie, because she’ll know you’re bitter, butthurt and try-hard. But if you say you still like the hottie “but just 25% less”, that’s a dig that reflects on her rather than on you.
Trump is smart, especially street smart. Lefties know this, but won’t ever admit it, so they prefer to go crazy denying the obvious.
Man, is that really Taylor Swift today? Just a year ago she was still "hot" and refused to bash Trump. I'm not easily shocked these day, but this is hard to believe.
Interesting read I'd like you guys' thoughts on, especially you Don. Thanks:
I don't buy it at all. No way China will attack the U.S. militarily. Even though American armed forces are grossly over-rated -- they've been unable to defeat anyone other than mighty Grenada over the past 35 years of constant warmongering -- Washington's thousands of nukes are more than enough to prevent such a surprise attack. Though Russia may feel forced at some point to pre-emptively attack due to the constant threats and pressure from the neo-con madmen.
China will eventually be the big winner by continuing to do what it's doing -- rebuilding the Silk Road to solidify the rise of Eurasia as the world's leading economic powerhouse, while simultaneously buying land and buildings all over the United States and other Western countries, sending millions of its students to U.S. universities to be educated with many staying here while maintaining their loyalty to China, and various other non-military tactics while the USSA continues to be hollowed out by the (((forces))) that conquered it from within without firing a shot. The long game favors China and Russia waiting patiently as Amerika rots from communist-style immigration, social and economic policies as the oligarchy frantically tries to divert attention from themselves to various made-up external enemies ("Hitlers of the month").
I don't buy it at all. No way China will attack the U.S. militarily. Even though American armed forces are grossly over-rated -- they've been unable to defeat anyone other than mighty Grenada over the past 35 years of constant warmongering -- Washington's thousands of nukes are more than enough to prevent such a surprise attack. Though Russia may feel forced at some point to pre-emptively attack due to the constant threats and pressure from the neo-con madmen.
China will eventually be the big winner by continuing to do what it's doing -- rebuilding the Silk Road to solidify the rise of Eurasia as the world's leading economic powerhouse, while simultaneously buying land and buildings all over the United States and other Western countries, sending millions of its students to U.S. universities to be educated with many staying here while maintaining their loyalty to China, and various other non-military tactics while the USSA continues to be hollowed out by the (((forces))) that conquered it from within without firing a shot. The long game favors China and Russia waiting patiently as Amerika rots from communist-style immigration, social and economic policies as the oligarchy frantically tries to divert attention from themselves to various made-up external enemies ("Hitlers of the month").