The Trump Era Begins

Not sure if we can put much stock in this report from opinions welcome:

Trump supporters wet-dream fantasy. I think it's more likely the military arrests Trump under the direction of dictator for life Barrack Obama. I'm kind of getting tired of all these stories about how Trump is going to crush the deep state when every day he enables it to get stronger and stronger by putting deep staters in charge of stuff. For example why is Rothstein, a deep state operative, and potential treason plotter, still in charge of the justice dept. in place of missing in action Jeff Sessions?
Trump supporters wet-dream fantasy. I think it's more likely the military arrests Trump under the direction of dictator for life Barrack Obama. I'm kind of getting tired of all these stories about how Trump is going to crush the deep state when every day he enables it to get stronger and stronger by putting deep staters in charge of stuff. For example why is Rothstein, a deep state operative, and potential treason plotter, still in charge of the justice dept. in place of missing in action Jeff Sessions?

Instead of draining the swamp Trump seems to me like he's filled it with more of the (((same alligators))) that have been destroying our nation for decades. Satanic scheming snakes are they all. Still see no alternative than what I've stated before...
Not sure if we can put much stock in this report from opinions welcome:

It's possible SHTF on October 3rd with Trump sending a message with a scheduled national emergency tweet. This might happen, they are supposedly waiting to confirm Kavanaugh before they do it. This might be why the rats are fighting the Kavanaugh appointment so hard bringing up (I assume) these BS sexual assault allegations.
The onslaught of lies by the co-ethnics and histrionic purple haired bulldyke cat ladies is absolutely insane to try and stop a bush era conservative from getting on the SC.

Amnesty International (@amnestyusa)
9/24/18, 11:20 AM
BREAKING: We are issuing a rare call for a halt to a vote on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the #SCOTUS unless and until any information relevant to Kavanaugh’s possible involvement in human rights violations.
Good grief.

If he was a baby murderer sympathizer they'd worship him like they did ol' Willie KNOWING that he was a sexual predator to say the least. And they still do. These disingenuous pukes on the Left are astounding. I'm just gonna become a totalitarian in the making in the opposite direction of these Communist diseased rats.
Good grief.

If he was a baby murderer sympathizer they'd worship him like they did ol' Willie KNOWING that he was a sexual predator to say the least. And they still do. These disingenuous pukes on the Left are astounding. I'm just gonna become a totalitarian in the making in the opposite direction of these Communist diseased rats.

Since the Constitutional Republic has been cast by the wayside, the “next best thing” would be a right wing Christian theocracy that matches Saudi Arabia (of years past) in its strict regime. While that will never happen, (IMO) it’d be tenfold better than this modernist bizarro world of “Amerika 2.0”.
Ted Cruz and his wife were crazily harrassed and physically run out of a DC restaurant by Antifa scum last night. Two questions:. Why aren't secret service/body guards intervening and why did an upscale restaurant management allow this? They were also so brazen they threatened him further on twitter saying, "You are not safe. We will find you!"
Videos and stories:
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Since the Constitutional Republic has been cast by the wayside, the “next best thing” would be a right wing Christian theocracy that matches Saudi Arabia (of years past) in its strict regime. While that will never happen, (IMO) it’d be tenfold better than this modernist bizarro world of “Amerika 2.0”.
I'm not against what you said but I'm not sure about any Christian type theocracy. Are we to trust our clergy to stand up for our White people and our nation? I don't have any faith in the scoundrels who are our clergy.
It's a total **** show in Washington right now, as we find out Rod "the rat" Rosenstein tried to overthrow the POTUS, the Kavanaugh mess and complete meltdown by the left, Mueller investigation, trade/tariffs with China, et al.

And yet the country is humming along just fine. Trump with his ZFG attitude, giving that great speech at the UN and once again showing the Republicucks how to fight with his strong defense of the judge, record stock market, record low unemployment, record high consumer confidence. I'm reminded of this famous Vince Lombardi video as I see it all play out:

I'm not against what you said but I'm not sure about any Christian type theocracy. Are we to trust our clergy to stand up for our White people and our nation? I don't have any faith in the scoundrels who are our clergy.

Duly noted & largely agreed. Optimally, it would be a White seperatist regime with Biblical leanings. That was our original & true Republic....which (sadly) is long gone. :(

***FYI, in general...I subscribe to the philosophy of “DTA”...Don’t Trust Anyone! ;)
Brett "I'm proud I got a Synagogue built in Maryland (pro-bono)" Kavanaugh... How is he not an ASS KISSING Washington Insider? In my view, he made a huge mistake going on MacCallum. In recent decades, what has the supreme court done to curtail Satan's children? Why is 'birthright citizenship' still allowed? Forests and wetlands are being decimated by the elites & useless eaters, where are the true environmentalists? Will the Judges across the land who are for abolishing borders, abolish their own Gated Community enclaves?

And, in the midterms, a bunch of Republicans are juden. Dog perpetually chasing its tail.
I just discovered this. From today from Blackstone Intelligence. I am in pretty much total agreement with Jake with his take on Trump now. I discovered his channel a few months ago because of someone here at CF.

Love it or hate it these are facts. Yes, I'm still glad he beat the hildabeast but the (((puppet masters))) seem to always get us to do their bidding...coming or going:

I'm not against what you said but I'm not sure about any Christian type theocracy. Are we to trust our clergy to stand up for our White people and our nation? I don't have any faith in the scoundrels who are our clergy.

Most of mainstream Christianity has been corrupted by Satanism including and especially the Catholic Church. That would have to be cleaned out first.
Most of mainstream Christianity has been corrupted by Satanism including and especially the Catholic Church. That would have to be cleaned out first.

Most definitely! We need to return to the old time way of following God’s true Word (KJB/AV) and not holding man made traditions as equal with the Holy Bible. From a social prospective, “modernism” has been proven wholly detrimental to mankind.
A few minutes ago I was able to watch two, yes two(!) sentences from "Dr" Ford. I only listened to two sentences by choice. In those two sentences I immediately could tell this was totally contrived, fake, whiney piss poor acting from a 12 year old mentality bimbo. I shut it off. This truckload of bovine fertilizer is so obvious it has got to be a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Good grief, America is toast as long as we allow anything like this.

Repeal the 19th yesterday for Pete's sake. Good grief!
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A few minutes ago I was able to watch two, yes two(!) sentences from "Dr" Ford. I only listened to two sentences by choice. In those two sentences I immediately could tell this was totally contrived, fake, whiney piss poor acting from a 12 year old mentality bimbo. I shut it off. This truckload of bovine fertilizer is so obvious it has got to be a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Good grief, America is toast as long as we allow anything like this.

Repeal the 19th yesterday for Pete's sake. Good grief!
Absolutely. I've been saying that for a while now. What a complete disaster! The sole purpose of it was to eventually and ultimately destroy Western Civilization and Christendom. At this point, it's become Biblical and I consider most of them in this country and the West to now be demonically-possessed or possessed by the Jezebel spirit, which is pretty much just one-and-the-same.
Absolutely. I've been saying that for a while now. What a complete disaster! The sole purpose of it was to eventually and ultimately destroy Western Civilization and Christendom. At this point, it's become Biblical and I consider most of them in this country and the West to now be demonically-possessed or possessed by the Jezebel spirit, which is pretty much just one-and-the-same.

Amen and amen!
Absolutely. I've been saying that for a while now. What a complete disaster! The sole purpose of it was to eventually and ultimately destroy Western Civilization and Christendom. At this point, it's become Biblical and I consider most of them in this country and the West to now be demonically-possessed or possessed by the Jezebel spirit, which is pretty much just one-and-the-same.

Regarding such vile reprobates, this sermon is outstanding & its title “tells it all”...

You guys are spot on about Fox. It has basically become MSNBC. Check out this total "We have the dirt on Kavanaugh and this is it" hit piece. I knew once (((Disney))) bought out Fox that the masks would come off. At least they can stop pretending to be other than NWO kosher, er, um, I mean "Fair and Balanced".

What a joke the U.S. mass media is in toto:

Regarding such vile reprobates, this sermon is outstanding & its title “tells it all”...

Refreshing and entertaining. Refusing to preach certain parts of scripture due to fear of backlash or retribution only ends up watering it down and destroying the integrity of the Church. Isn’t doing that similar to Peter’s denial of Christ?

Trump’s EO on Religious Freedom a while back allows someone like him to preach without fear of retribution by the State. I didn't agree with him, however, on the “Ying Yang” (Taoism), which is based on the laws of absolute duality (no “gray areas”), i.e.) male & female (not 52 some-odd “genders”) and good & evil. So, it actually helps bolster some of the fundamentals of Christianity.
You guys are spot on about Fox. It has basically become MSNBC. Check out this total "We have the dirt on Kavanaugh and this is it" hit piece. I knew once (((Disney))) bought out Fox that the masks would come off. At least they can stop pretending to be other than NWO kosher, er, um, I mean "Fair and Balanced".

What a joke the U.S. mass media is in toto:

Fox "News" helped take out Alabama Republican Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore, allowing Demoncrat Doug Jones to win the seat. Jones will vote against Kavanaugh.
If FBI is still remotely fair and professional they will find nothing, ie. evidence byFriday. Lying Ford cannot remember the day, location and all of the identified witnesses she provided including a close female friend said the BS did not happen. Like I said before, here are whites undermining us. Their betrayal is based on money or complete ideological brainwashed political views that belong on the trash heap of history. I believe its the former.
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