The Trump Era Begins

This Ford woman made it up because she's a total Leftist and her political actions prove it, her social media posts prove it, the pictures of her in those things called vagina hats (something like that) prove it, her professorship of liberal Leftist academics prove it, and that OBNOXIOUS, WHINEY, FAKE, "VICTIM" VOICE in her testimony was total proof of a disingenuous agenda through and through. Multitudes of women online were saying she's a lying fake by that voice alone.

Welcome to the JooSA circus.
The thing is, Flake and the rest of the RINOs on the Judiciary Committee could have just said "F you, we know this is all crap", and voted for a full Senate vote on Monday or Tuesday. But the RINOs are Deep State tools/sellouts, so Flake stabbed the President, the GOP, and the electorate in the back by caving into this sham the disgusting Dems have going. I really hope this sorry episode is inciting more normies to wake the F up.
After no evidence come Friday look for Flake, Collins, and Murkowski they are key. If two of them fold, then look for Dem WV Manchin to come the save Kav. Manchin is a Senator in an uber red state. He is the only Dem Senator with a smidgen of integrity and knows Kav is qualified.
Trump: Very Scary Time for Young Men in America

A good video from Sean at SGT Report succinctly explaining the Kavanaugh fiasco.

I hope that SGT report is accurate. I've watched several of his vids before.

I have some serious doubts about Q but the narrative and thrust of the report is good news if it holds true. The serpents on the left are in no holds barred mode. They have proved time and time again they will even murder to get their way. I'm surprised Trump is still alive and if Kavanaugh gets in we could see all, and I mean all(!) the stops pulled out by the power-mad rats.
From my observation, President Trump has spoken more articulately over the last 5 days. This intrigues me a bit. I'm not buying into supa-repubs or red herrings from Sean Hannity, but this is something to keep an eye on. Is an "event" planned before the midterms?
I hope that SGT report is accurate. I've watched several of his vids before.

I have some serious doubts about Q but the narrative and thrust of the report is good news if it holds true. The serpents on the left are in no holds barred mode. They have proved time and time again they will even murder to get their way. I'm surprised Trump is still alive and if Kavanaugh gets in we could see all, and I mean all(!) the stops pulled out by the power-mad rats.
BFU, I share your doubts about Q Anon which is why I almost didn’t share this video. I thought that was the weakest part. The rest is rock solid and does a good job of connecting a lot of dots.
Now I remember where I saw her before!!

Now we wait on three White senators. Either vote for the rule of law and constitution or become a pawn for the globalist/leftist. It's simple. Flake, Murkowski, and Collins what is so hard? Incredible that they are not on board for Kavanaugh already.
Aside from Trump once again attacking the MeToo Movement, my favorite part is when he talks about how he’s never drank alcohol a day in his life. Me either, Mr. President!

And evidently none of the hypocritical Democrats calling him out were ever drunk at a party in college. Because the standards of conduct should be higher for a Supreme Court Justice than a Senator, or something.
Four White ppl gained control of their minds for the time being and voted to move Kav to a floor vote tmrw. There is hope for us.
The Democrats have called for Trump to apologize because he "mocked" Kavanaugh's accuser. As if pointing out the contradictions in her story was mockery.

To his credit Trump never apologizes to these people. First of all Trump did nothing wrong. Secondly if you apologize to these people they just attack you even more.
The Democrats have called for Trump to apologize because he "mocked" Kavanaugh's accuser. As if pointing out the contradictions in her story was mockery.

To his credit Trump never apologizes to these people. First of all Trump did nothing wrong. Secondly if you apologize to these people they just attack you even more.

He went easy on the paid off, lying harpy. He should have called her a seditious seahag. This whole fiasco is a total sham. That “Me Too” farce is complete baloney. Women are (& always have been) the inferior of the species...that’s a fact. They never should have been the right to vote & let of the damned kitchen. Most of these skanks are lying pieces of filth. P1$$ on these scuzzball heifers & their little BS “movement”!
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He went easy on the paid off, lying harpy. He should have called her a seditious seahag. This whole fiasco is a total sham. That “Me Too” farce is complete baloney. Women are (& always have been) the inferior of the species...that’s a fact. They never should have been the right to vote & let of the damned kitchen. Most of these skanks are lying skanks. P1$$ on these scuzzball heifers & their little BS “movement”!

Ahemm. (Waits for silence from audience...)

There have been phenomenal quotes throughout the history of Caste Football. Therefore, we as the elites of all anonymous posters of all cyber world must acknowledge and give due diligence for not only the priceless jewels our labors bestow upon us, but also truely give honor to where honor is due.

Therefore, (drum roll... ...) I hereby officially nominate Sir Dixie Destroyer's post for The Greatest Post in the History of Caste Football!!!!

The leftists are crapping their pants over Kavanaugh's confirmation. They are truly full of dread and fear, more than should be normal for a S.C. conservative confirmation. Something's up.

'We have to rise above partisanship': Two SCOTUS Justices say the reputation of the Court has been 'hurt' by the Brett Kavanaugh vote
Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor are concerned for the future of the Supreme Court as senators get ready to vote on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh does not belong on Supreme Court, retired Justice Stevens says

Kavanaugh does not belong on Supreme Court, retired Justice Stevens says

So, the Democrats falsely accuse him of serious misconduct. He gets angry at being falsely accused. This, according to the Democrats, proves he's unfit to be on the Supreme Court.

I don't see how anyone can't see that what's being said about Kavanaugh is politically motivated. You have to be willfully blind to believe this propaganda.
Because Leftists are wilfully ignorant and demon--posessed. Watch these angry mobs. The media slandered White conservative Constitutionalists of the Tea Party rallies which I was a part of. We we're shy demure school children compared to these snakes. They are always full of demonic women shamelessly cursing. Always. Pure evil incarnate...
Kavanaugh confirmed 50-48! Never have I witnessed such a witch hunt or charade as this by the Left. Ginsberg's vote was 97-3. Kavanaugh's should've been similar. Disgusting. We are hanging on by a thread.
American Freedom News