The Trump Era Begins

I view Willa as strong scrubbing bubbles against the migrant scum creeping its way toward America. Hopefully, it will be a direct hit on that horde.
This occurred in my area and thought it was well worth noting.

So Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Miami’s Marxist Jew Donna Shalala tried campaigning in Miami with someone who had praised Fidel Castro and had fought sanctions against Venezuela’s dictatorial regime.

That’s right, the campaign event was set to feature Democrats California Representative Barbara Lee who is a well known Castro sympathizer and a Maduro/Ortega apologist.

Not a smart move by the Democrats to pull especially in a district filled with Castro-hating/Chavez-hating/Ortega-hating exiles from different countries throughout Latin America.

Enjoy the video! Karma’s a b**ch Nancy!

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Somewhat interesting nobody has commented on all the "bomb and suspicious packages" "sent" to all these dnc dweebs. I think it's probably a Leftist wackjob who wants to pin a hate crime on the "evil Right-wing white man" seeing as how so many hate crimes were total hoaxes in so many cases. I could be wrong of course. Interested in you guys' thoughts on this...
there have been ZERO postmarks, stamped stamps, or any other proof that ANY of these packages (that i’ve seen anyway) were “sent” anywhere, through the mail or otherwise. they seemingly were all placed directly into whatever receptacle they were “found.”

it looks totally staged to me, but i’ve admittedly grown skeptical of claims like this.
Somewhat interesting nobody has commented on all the "bomb and suspicious packages" "sent" to all these dnc dweebs. I think it's probably a Leftist wackjob who wants to pin a hate crime on the "evil Right-wing white man" seeing as how so many hate crimes were total hoaxes in so many cases. I could be wrong of course. Interested in you guys' thoughts on this...
Somewhat interesting nobody has commented on all the "bomb and suspicious packages" "sent" to all these dnc dweebs. I think it's probably a Leftist wackjob who wants to pin a hate crime on the "evil Right-wing white man" seeing as how so many hate crimes were total hoaxes in so many cases. I could be wrong of course. Interested in you guys' thoughts on this...

I believe it’s a “false flag” operation from the word go. I call total baloney on the whole deal. Notice how none of these “packages” met their ‘targets’.
Why do the leftists call Trump Drumpf? Apparently it started with some "comedy" sketch but what's the point?
Why do the leftists call Trump Drumpf? Apparently it started with some "comedy" sketch but what's the point?

I suspect it’s something coinciding with the fact they are obtuse, vacuous, craven, brain washed, weak minded, wicked cretins. ;)
the Left is eating itself, as virtue-signaling talking head Megan Kelly just lost her multi-million dollar job for NBC after (correctly) staying that children should be allowed to wear any costume they want for Halloween. the ever-insulted-further-Left “shockingly” took offense at her reasonable position and went in for the kill. despite her groveling, teary-eyed apology the next day, she’s been cut loose.

i feel absolutely no sympathy for her, but this is just the latest example of how the SJW mob will turn on anyone not sufficiently extreme with their views, even one of their own stars.
the Left is eating itself, as virtue-signaling talking head Megan Kelly just lost her multi-million dollar job for NBC after (correctly) staying that children should be allowed to wear any costume they want for Halloween. the ever-insulted-further-Left “shockingly” took offense at her reasonable position and went in for the kill. despite her groveling, teary-eyed apology the next day, she’s been cut loose.

i feel absolutely no sympathy for her, but this is just the latest example of how the SJW mob will turn on anyone not sufficiently extreme with their views, even one of their own stars.
New DNC "ad":

the Left is eating itself, as virtue-signaling talking head Megan Kelly just lost her multi-million dollar job for NBC after (correctly) staying that children should be allowed to wear any costume they want for Halloween. the ever-insulted-further-Left “shockingly” took offense at her reasonable position and went in for the kill. despite her groveling, teary-eyed apology the next day, she’s been cut loose.

i feel absolutely no sympathy for her, but this is just the latest example of how the SJW mob will turn on anyone not sufficiently extreme with their views, even one of their own stars.
What Kelly said was a matter of fact years ago. She should not have had her show canceled and never apologized. BTW, she will get every cent of that 69 million dollar contract. She gave an opinion. She did not violate any moral clause. NBC is f**ked in more ways than one. They will have to pay.
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What Kelly said was a matter of fact years ago. She should not have had her show canceled and never apologized. BTW, she will get every cent of that 69 million dollar contract. She gave an opinion. She did violate any moral clause. NBC is f**ked in more ways than one. They will have to pay.
Actually, I feel sorry for any Christian woman who gets mixed up with these Jewish TV/movie people. She's a fairly good looking woman and that took her to where she is, nothing more. The best day of her life is when she parts ways with these sort of people.
I don't know if any of you guys know who Mike Adams is but I found his theory on the "migrant caravan" very logical. In the first 13 minutes he gives his take and the remainder is misc commentary. I'd like you guys' thoughts please. Thanks!:

  1. I know everyone is busy and all but the latest information shows not only are there two additional "migrant caravans" organized, funded, and headed here to invade us, BUT they are now being aided and expedited by various means to arrive at the border just before the Nov 6th midterms vote. Now, I wonder why, who, how...etc. Guys, I guess we'll all find out in exactly a week, after dinner and into the wee hours. See the latest below:
I don't think I've ever seen a full-court press by the leftists before an election like this one. You go to ANY mainstream news site and it's breathtaking how, well, communist it is.

As for the illegal immigrant mobs, the MSM has been reluctant to report on it, since they aren't sure which side it's going to energize. The people that put it all together though saw the effect that the "children in cages" fake news story had on polling data, and this is a gross extension of that. They are doubtless hoping for tragedy that can be blamed on the "heartless" Trump administration so that wishy-washy undecideds will flip Dem, and that Trump supporters will stay home.
Excellent column by Ann Coulter to help y'all become experts on the 14th amendment! (her claim)

October 31, 2018

Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history.

In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the Logan Act and the emoluments clause to North Korea. The all-star panels rush to Wikipedia, so they can pretend to be experts on things they knew nothing about an hour earlier.

Such is the case today with "anchor babies" and "birthright citizenship." People who know zilch about the history of the 14th Amendment are pontificating magnificently and completely falsely on the issue du jour.

If you'd like to be the smartest person at your next cocktail party by knowing the truth about the 14th Amendment, this is the column for you!

Of course the president can end the citizenship of "anchor babies" by executive order -- for the simple reason that no Supreme Court or U.S. Congress has ever conferred such a right.

It's just something everyone believes to be true.

How could anyone -- even a not-very-bright person -- imagine that granting citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is actually in our Constitution?

The first question would be: Why would they do that? It's like being accused of robbing a homeless person. WHY WOULD I?

The Supreme Court has stated -- repeatedly! -- that the "main object" of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment "was to settle the question ... as to the citizenship of free negroes," making them "citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside."

Democrats, the entire media and House Speaker Paul Ryan seem to have forgotten the Civil War. They believe that, immediately after a war that ended slavery, Americans rose up as one and demanded that the children of illegals be granted citizenship!

You know what's really bothering me? If someone comes into the country illegally and has a kid, that kid should be an American citizen!


Give me a scenario -- just one scenario -- where the post-Civil War amendments would be intended to grant citizenship to the kids of Chinese ladies flying to birthing hospitals in California, or pregnant Latin Americans sneaking across the border in the back of flatbed trucks.

You can make it up. It doesn't have to be a true scenario. Any scenario!

As the court has explained again and again and again:

"(N)o one can fail to be impressed with the one pervading purpose found in (the 13th, 14th and 15th) amendments, lying at the foundation of each, and without which none of them would have been even suggested; we mean the freedom of the slave race, the security and firm establishment of that freedom, and the protection of the newly made freeman and citizen from the oppressions of those who had formerly exercised unlimited dominion over him."

That's why the amendment refers to people who are "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States "and of the state wherein they reside." For generations, African-Americans were domiciled in this country. The only reason they weren't citizens was because of slavery, which the country had just fought a civil war to end.

The 14th Amendment fixed that.

The amendment didn't even make Indians citizens. Why? Because it was about freed slaves. Sixteen years after the 14th Amendment was ratified, the Supreme Court held that an American Indian, John Elk, was not a citizen, despite having been born here.

Instead, Congress had to pass a separate law making Indians citizens, which it did, more than half a century after the adoption of the 14th Amendment. (It's easy to miss -- the law is titled: "THE INDIAN CITIZENSHIP ACT OF 1924.") Why would such a law be necessary if simply being born in the U.S. was enough to confer citizenship?

Even today, the children of diplomats and foreign ministers are not granted citizenship on the basis of being born here.

President Trump, unlike his critics, honors black history by recognizing that the whole purpose of the Civil War amendments was to guarantee the rights of freed slaves.

But the left has always been bored with black people. If they start gassing on about "civil rights," you can be sure it will be about transgenders, the abortion ladies or illegal aliens. Liberals can never seem to remember the people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves, i.e., the only reason we even have civil rights laws.

Still, it requires breathtaking audacity to use the Civil War amendments to bring in cheap foreign labor, which drives down the wages of African-Americans -- the very people the amendments were written to protect!

Whether the children born to legal immigrants are citizens is controversial enough. But at least there's a Supreme Court decision claiming that they are -- U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. That's "birthright citizenship."

It's something else entirely to claim that an illegal alien, subject to deportation, can drop a baby and suddenly claim to be the parent of a "citizen."

This crackpot notion was concocted by liberal zealot Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote as dicta in a 1982 case. "Dicta" means it was not the ruling of the court, just a random aside, with zero legal significance.

Left-wing activists seized on Brennan's aside and browbeat everyone into believing that anchor babies are part of our great constitutional heritage, emerging straight from the pen of James Madison.

No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens. No Congress has deliberated and decided to grant that right. It's a made-up right, grounded only in the smoke and mirrors around Justice Brennan's 1982 footnote.

Obviously, it would be better if Congress passed a law clearly stating that children born to illegals are not citizens. (Trump won't be president forever!) But until that happens, the president of the United States is not required to continue a ridiculous practice that has absolutely no basis in law.

It's often said that journalism is the first draft of history. As we now see, fake news is the first draft of fake history.

Watch this on how Russia deals with ILLEGAL immigrants...No wonder the Left hates Putin:

CNN's Acosta should have been punched in the mouth and arrested last night. How is this allowed? How is this walking puke allowed in the WH Press room after this stunt?!! This is almost assault:

EDIT: Scroll further down the page to the Twitter video. It shows Acosta shoving away the arm of the female staffer trying to get the mic. Just unbelievable how this puke behaves...
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CNN's Acosta should have been punched in the mouth and arrested last night. How is this allowed? How is this walking puke allowed in the WH Press room after this stunt?!! This is almost assault:

EDIT: Scroll further down the page to the Twitter video. It shows Acosta shoving away the arm of the female staffer trying to get the mic. Just unbelievable how this puke behaves...

Acosta should be banned from the WH forever after that stunt. Trump needs to tell CNN to get a new WH correspondent.
Buchanan in a great interview with Laura Ingraham this morning. He talks about the demography of the nation several times being key to America's future. Her show is nationwide. He was great as usual:

American Freedom News