The Trump Era Begins

Our armed forces are not near as over-rated as you think. In fact, they're pretty damn good. I should know. I spent 13 years in the Army and was medically discharged as a Warrant Officer. Then I spent 4 years as a defense contractor. We're good; real good. The problem isn't now. The worry you need to possess is the continuing emasculation of our men; the future catalyst of our destruction. We need to keep our kids competitive (whether it be in band or boxing), well informed, and well taught. I hate to say it, but everyone here needs to start stepping up and doing what we can to nip this in the bud. If not, if we sit on our asses and expect politicians in Washington to save us...we're f***ed.

That's what I've been saying and writing and advocating over and over and over for decades. This country is so polarized and our side is angry enough now that "we" -- White Americans, Middle America, Trump's deplorables, whatever you want to call it -- could take America back -- if only aware Whites would get directly involved, financially and as activists. That's the one major ingredient needed that's still missing. We have "truth, justice and the American Way" on our side, they have almost all the power. Guess which side has been winning? If we don't take advantage of the current situation now, with its very real possibilities for our side, then we never will.
That's what I've been saying and writing and advocating over and over and over for decades. This country is so polarized and our side is angry enough now that "we" -- White Americans, Middle America, Trump's deplorables, whatever you want to call it -- could take America back -- if only aware Whites would get directly involved, financially and as activists. That's the one major ingredient needed that's still missing. We have "truth, justice and the American Way" on our side, they have almost all the power. Guess which side has been winning? If we don't take advantage of the current situation now, then we never will.

The sad thing is that they are doing it though one tactic: Being vocal. That's it. The useful idiots keep white America down through their social media harping. They have weaponized words and terrified corporations and white people through talk. Really? Why are we not doing the same? We need to fight back guys. I am right now, going back to college after almost 20 years, and can tell you (right now): They are being created by the education system en masse.

I see wonderful ideas from the majority of you guys here...but ideas ain't s**t without action.
With all the negatives that go into our eye gates and ear gates and the resultant keyboard vitriol that goes on (from yours truly many times!) there are still positives that are going on if we just look for them.

Tonight I checked out several of these #walkaway videos on YouTube. Dang! I must say way more Blacks are behind Trump and telling the Dem party to take a hike than I thought. The videos, the subs, the comments from a LOT of Blacks, Hispanics and former Lefties was eye-opening. I was a pleasantly surprised. These Blacks are bold and in their Black vernacular really tell it like it is from their own experiences essentially pleading with other Blacks while at the same time telling them to wake the flying heck up!

Guys, I don't like everything Trump is doing, and yes for sure he has waaaay too many neocons and Jews in his cabinet, BUT I don't think any other Republican President could have brought this about, and Trump has done it basically indirectly.

I welcome you guys' thoughts!!
Any White President that tells the (((media))) to f*ck off is ok with me. In his first two years, he has accomplished a lot and a lot in our favor.
Any White President that tells the (((media))) to f*ck off is ok with me. In his first two years, he has accomplished a lot and a lot in our favor.

My sentiments exactly, Westside. I'm glad people can't read my mind about what I would love to say or I actually do say alone to my phone or laptop watching clips of Leftists in the media. I love Trump just for the fact of him sticking a finger in their eye EVERY SINGLE DAY. They are evil to the core and have no shame. I love it when they are mocked, ridiculed and called on the carpet. Trump does it to them on a national scale. It's a joy to witness.
Guys Elizabeth Warren "is" Native American. Warning don't drink any soda or beer while watching this video or you may choke to death from laughter......
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The "Featherhead Feminist" ended up being 1/1,024th "Native American." The average European-American has a much higher percentage. Her days of "cultural appropriation" are over...


In 1997, the Fordham Law Review called her Harvard's "first woman of color"...


Trump previously indicated that he'd give $1 million dollars to her favorite charity if she took a DNA test and she was indeed "an Indian" (the actual term he used during a rally speech). He was asked about it yesterday and his response was pretty amusing: "I'll only do it if I can test her personally...and that will not be something I enjoy doing."

Uncle Tom Goes to Washington

by Jim Goad

Kanye West made a lot of black people unhappy last week, and for that he deserves a cookie.

In a modern remake of 1970’s infamous Elvis/Nixon summit, the shamelessly hyperactive hip-hop mogul visited Donald Trump in the Oval Office wearing a MAGA hat and delivered a breathlessly incoherent ten-minute soliloquy before hugging the president and telling him that he loved him.

Football great Jim Brown was also in attendance, but he said almost nothing and it’s unclear he even knew where he was. But he didn’t need to speak, because Kanye never shuts up.

West spoke of alternate universes and how time doesn’t exist. He said that kids should play basketball while they are learning math. He said that love is the cure for police brutality. He claimed his IQ was in the 98th percentile. He said that his erratic behavior was due to sleep deprivation rather than bipolar disorder. He said “************” and “********” and “balls.” He urged the construction of “Yeezy Ideation Centers” in Chicago. (One of his many nicknames is Yeezy.) He said that wearing the MAGA hat made him feel like Superman.

But as wickety-wack as all that was, what had black pundits calling him a coon and a House Negro and an Uncle Tom and a race traitor and a sellout was his repudiation of every last political preconception that blacks have been spoon-fed and have willingly swallowed for the past couple generations—those “progressive” policies that have led to welfare dependency and broken homes and ghetto war zones. For as dumb and flighty as Kanye West tends to be, his chief sin was to say things that a black person is simply not supposed to say. The following are all quotes West made during the Oval Office press conference:

You know, people expect that if you’re black you have to be Democrat. I have a — I’ve had conversations that basically said that welfare is the reason why a lot of black people end up being Democrat.

And I said, “You have to bring manufacturing onshore.” And not even shore; into the core. It’s not about the border; it’s the core of Adidas. And Chicago is the core of Middle America. And we have to make Middle America strong.

You got Levi’s, the greatest jeans company in the world, making their jeans in Vietnam…We have to bring jobs into America because our best export is entertainment and ideas. But when we make everything in China and not in America, then we’re cheating on our country and we’re putting people in positions to have to do illegal things to end up in the cheapest factory ever: the prison system.

And we also, as black people, we have to take a responsibility for what we’re doing. We kill each other more than police officers.

One of the moves that I love that liberals try to do — the liberal would try to control a black person through the concept of racism, because they know that we are very proud, emotional people.

The problem is illegal guns. Illegal guns is the problem, not legal guns. We have the right to bear arms.

I can’t find a single factual error in there. It all seems eminently sensible—moderate, even. But the media’s Official Negroes were so inflamed by West’s comments, it’s almost as if they needed some Preparation H rubbed on their souls.

“This is white supremacy by ventriloquism,” burped the eternally aggrieved Michael Eric Dyson, who is far lighter-skinned and far less successful than Kanye West. “A black mouth is moving, but white racist ideals are flowing from Kanye’s mouth. Kanye West is engaging in one of the most nefarious practices yet. A black body and brain are the warehouse for the articulation and expression of anti-black sentiment.”

I’ve watched the video of the Trump/West summit a half-dozen times and am still straining to find the “anti-black” part.

“What I saw was a minstrel show today,” sighed CNN’s Don Lemon, a gay black man who engages in sodomitical exploits with his white male partner. “Him in front of all these white people, mostly white people, embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans, but mostly African-Americans, because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones, watching this, cringing.”

I hadn’t realized that all African Americans think the same way. It almost sounds like they’re easily led or something.

Lemon also added that West obviously needs psychiatric help. So did many others. After all, when a black person says that jobs should remain in America and that the welfare state has destroyed the black community, what other option is there than to gaslight him?

“Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” alleged former South Carolina state representative Bakari Sellers, who appears to use an incredibly effective brand of tooth whitener.

“[West is] an attention whore, like the president…He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration,” whinged Tara Setmeyer, a fat token Negress for CNN.

“At one time it was a pleasure to work alongside you,” lectured Atlanta-based rapper T.I., who is nowhere near as famous or wealthy as Kanye West. “Now, I’m ashamed to have ever been associated with you… This is the most repulsive, disgraceful, embarrassing act of desperation & auctioning off of one’s soul to gain power I’ve ever seen.” To prove exactly how classy he is, T.I. recently released a video that shows himself having sex with Melania Trump in the Oval Office and making a cuckold out of the president.

Writing for Esquire—which used to be a softcore Playboy but has morphed into yet another white guilt factory, someone who calls himself Malcolm-Aimé Musoni says that West must be held “accountable” for the summit and “doesn’t deserve to come back from this.”

In The Atlantic, another Token Black Sourpuss named Vann R. Newkirk II questioned West’s mental health and accused him of misogyny and “narcissism,” the latter of which has become a go-to smear term that boring people toss at charismatic people.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo—who is not black but appears to wish he was—steered clear of directly criticizing Kanye West because that would be, you know, racist. Instead he wondered what sort of racist thoughts were bubbling up inside the president’s skull while listening to West speaking. What once was called “journalism” now consists of putting “racist” thoughts in people’s heads.

Perhaps they are all legitimately upset by West’s political beliefs. Or perhaps they’re upset that their Magical Shame Wands are ineffective against him. Or perhaps they’re ashamed that the Magical Shame Wands have been so effective against them, so they’re lashing out at someone whose sense of self is that strong.

West is living proof that when you’re worth a quarter-billion dollars, you can walk off the plantation whenever you wish.
Trump referred to Stephanie Clifford (alias: Stormy Daniels) as “Horseface” in a tweet yesterday after a judge ruled that Daniels will need to pay Trump’s legal fees. Fake news collectively cried (Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo were quite triggered), because you’re not allowed to insult women...since, you know, we’re all “equal!”
Two more Republican candidates physically assaulted by Leftist Dem pukes, this time in Minn.

One of the victims was a woman attacked and punched by a "man" and she literally had to run away from him to her car and throw it in reverse to get away from him.

The male candidate suffered a concussion after being suckerpunched in a restaurant and his head hit the floor and will take 4-6 weeks to recover. Oh the tolerant ones...

It's high time these miscreant subhuman violent pieces of filth pay a serious price:
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This will be interesting and a "kick-ass" moment for Trump if these dregs are allowed to make it to the Mexico and US border. I suspect Mexico since the new trade agreement was signed with the US, will somehow make this group do a U-turn.
Michael Savage just now said on his radio show that what Trump does regarding this particular horde will determine if we can consider Trump the greatest modern President or just another one in a long line of them acquiescing to the PTB. I tend to agree.
Michael Savage just now said on his radio show that what Trump does regarding this particular horde will determine if we can consider Trump the greatest modern President or just another one in a long line of them acquiescing to the PTB. I tend to agree.
Looks like Mexico is turning those 3rd world no winners back to their respective sh*tholes
...and the GROWING INVASION (financed and organized) is still on its way as of Sunday evening 10/21/18:

Trump needs to deploy an Army division to the border right where the invading force is set to cross. Since its an invasion, its obviously legal to do that. The seditious, traitorous Democrats will try to say using the Army like this this is illegal and will call Trump a dangerous dictator and another Hitler for defending the country.
Trump needs to deploy an Army division to the border right where the invading force is set to cross. Since its an invasion, its obviously legal to do that. The seditious, traitorous Democrats will try to say using the Army like this this is illegal and will call Trump a dangerous dictator and another Hitler for defending the country.

Amen & on. Instead of putting U.S. troops in harm’s way for the Zionists in the Middle East, they should be defending American soil against these mexcrement invaders.
Trump needs to deploy an Army division to the border right where the invading force is set to cross. Since its an invasion, its obviously legal to do that. The seditious, traitorous Democrats will try to say using the Army like this this is illegal and will call Trump a dangerous dictator and another Hitler for defending the country.
Using the military to defend the border from invading peoples, armies, etc. is completely within the Executive branches' authority and is codified law. That isn't really the issue. As with everything in our Fake News economy it's all about optics. Imagine the hue and cry if "Trump's army" is forced to crack heads of these poor, innocent "refugees". Heaven forbid some of them are actually killed. It's a genuine October/November surprise.

Trump should call an emergency congressional session to deal with it. Get Schumer and Pelosi on record supporting the invading "mob". That would be a great way to flip the perception on the event to Dems detriment.
Can anyone clear this up as it seems anything we want and should be able to do is always called illegal by the Democrat Liberal Globalists? I have heard the argument that we can't deploy troops on our soil at the border because it violates Posse Comitatus. Heard in on CNN or something yesterday. Please tell me its just more ******** from the libtards. Surely if we can drop bombs on civilians 1/2 the world away in an undeclared war, we can put troops on our own borders - right?
Posse Comitatus goes back to Reconstruction when the federal government pulled out of the South after the Civil War. Ironic that liberals are trying to use the law that removed federal control of the ex-slave states (turning it over to local authorities) to try and thwart a conservative President. Apparently the Armed forces of the US cannot be used to defend the border. Israels border? Fine. South Korea's border? No problem. But the US border? No, that would be racist. As stupid as this sounds it fits in nicely with the cultural suicide desired by the crazies that make up the elite.

I imagine it's vague enough that it would go to the courts where Trump now has the upper hand.
How the world had changed! When I was a kid I remember tanks rolling by my house in Detroit in response to rioting blacks. The attitude then was there was no stupid law that was going to stop the government from putting down a negro insurrection. Now they are not even to be used to protect the border. Crazy!
Posse Comitatus has been a dead letter since 9/11 and the "Patriot" Act. No way the President, who now has emperor powers, could be stopped from putting troops wherever he wants.
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