The Trump Era Begins

I feel pretty good about his chances in 2020. I could be wrong but I think he will win, and go off into 2024 as the very last Republican President in the history of the U.S. Then it's all over.

If he actually loses next year, look out. The Dems are in hate mode, unabashed.
the best thing, as far as i can tell anyway, about Trump has been the “awakening” (or at least the strengthening?) of White America’s pushback against the label of “racism.” the Left has bloviated so much about “muh raycissm” that even Normies have begun to ignore the charge. check out the column i’ve linked below to get an idea of just how tired the mainstream is getting with all the blame-Whitey crap.
Here’s a real doozie

President Trump will sign an executive order defining Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, thus bolstering the Education Department's efforts to stamp out "Boycott Israel" movements on college campuses

WASHINGTON — President Trump plans to sign an executive order on Wednesday targeting what he sees as anti-Semitism on college campuses by threatening to withhold federal money from educational institutions that fail to combat discrimination, three administration officials said on Tuesday.

The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion, to prompt a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students. In recent years, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — or B.D.S. — movement against Israel has roiled some campuses, leaving some Jewish students feeling unwelcome or attacked.

In signing the order, Mr. Trump will use his executive power to take action where Congress has not, essentially replicating bipartisan legislation that has stalled on Capitol Hill for several years. Prominent Democrats have joined Republicans in promoting such a policy change to combat anti-Semitism as well as the boycott-Israel movement.

But critics complained that such a policy could be used to stifle free speech and legitimate opposition to Israel’s policies toward Palestinians in the name of fighting anti-Semitism. The definition of anti-Semitism to be used in the order matches the one used by the State Department and by dozens of other nations, but it has been criticized as too open-ended and sweeping.

For instance, it describes as anti-Semitic “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination,” and offers as an example of such behavior “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.”

Yousef Munayyer, the executive director of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, said Mr. Trump was trying “to silence Palestinian rights activism” by equating opposition to Israeli treatment of Palestinians with anti-Semitism.

“Israeli apartheid is a very hard product to sell in America, especially in progressive spaces,” Mr. Munayyer said, “and realizing this, many Israeli apartheid apologists, Trump included, are looking to silence a debate they know they can’t win.”

Administration officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the order before its official announcement, said it was not intended to squelch free speech. The White House worked in tandem with some Democrats and activist groups that have been critical of the president to build support for the move.

Among those welcoming the move on Tuesday was Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League
, who said the group recorded its third-highest level of anti-Semitic episodes in the United States last year.

Of course we hope it will be enforced in a fair manner,” he said. “But the fact of the matter is we see Jewish students on college campuses and Jewish people all over being marginalized. The rise of anti-Semitic incidents is not theoretical; it’s empirical

David Krone, a former chief of staff to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada when he was Senate Democratic leader, has lobbied for years for such a policy change and praised Mr. Trump for taking action.

“I know people are going to criticize me for saying this,” Mr. Krone said, “but I have to give credit where credit is due.”

Mr. Reid helped push for legislation similar to the order called the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2016. It passed the Senate in December 2016 unanimously but died in the House as that Congress ended. It has been reintroduced by Democrats and Republicans but has lingered.

Mr. Krone continued to work on the issue after Mr. Reid retired and reached out through a mutual friend last summer to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser. The Jewish grandson of Holocaust survivors, Mr. Kushner embraced the idea, which also had been explored over the past year by the president’s domestic policy aides. With Mr. Kushner’s support, the White House drafted the order and Mr. Trump agreed to sign it.

Mr. Trump over the years has been accused of making anti-Semitic remarks, turning a blind eye to anti-Jewish tropes or emboldening white supremacists. Just last weekend, he drew criticism for remarks before the Israeli American Council in Florida in which he told the Jewish audience they were “not nice people” but would vote for him because “you’re not going to vote for the wealth tax.”

But he has also positioned himself as an unflinching supporter of Israel and a champion of Jewish Americans, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, supporting settlements in the West Bank and recognizing the seizure of the Golan Heights. He also assailed Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, when she said support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins,” meaning money.

The president is expected to be joined at the signing by several prominent Republican lawmakers, including Senators Tim Scott of South Carolina and James Lankford of Oklahoma and Representative Doug Collins of Georgia. But Democrats who have advocated the legislation in the past are not expected, including Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, who on Tuesday released articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump.

The president’s action comes soon after the Education Department ordered Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to remake their joint Middle East studies program on the grounds that it featured a biased curriculum. The move was part of a broader campaign by Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, and her civil rights chief, Kenneth L. Marcus, to go after perceived anti-Israel bias in higher education.

An Advocate for Israel Draws Fire as He Nears Confirmation to Civil Rights Post
Jan. 18, 2018

The order to be signed by Mr. Trump would empower the Education Department in such actions. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the department can withhold funding from any college or educational program that discriminates “on the ground of race, color, or national origin.” Religion was not included among the protected categories, so Mr. Trump’s order will have the effect of embracing an argument that Jews are a people or a race with a collective national origin in the Middle East, like Italian Americans or Polish Americans.

The definition of anti-Semitism to be adopted from the State Department and originally formulated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance includes “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.”

The American Civil Liberties Union was among the groups that opposed using it in the 2016 legislation, deeming it overly broad. “It cannot and must not be that our civil rights laws are used in such a way to penalize political advocacy on the basis of viewpoint,” the group said in a letter to Congress at the time.

But a group of 80 education, civil rights and religious organizations sent a letter to Ms. DeVos last week complaining that some Middle East studies centers on college campuses financed by the government under Title VI have sought to boycott Israel or shut down their universities’ study abroad programs in Israel.

“Recent incidents have demonstrated the willingness of faculty across the country to implement the academic boycott of Israel on their campuses,” the letter said.

While an executive order is not as permanent as legislation and can be overturned by the next president, Mr. Trump’s action may have the effect of extending the policy beyond his administration anyway because his successors may find it politically unappealing to reverse
Here’s a real doozie
Very interesting. I wonder if it is "positive"? Jews have always hid under the "religion" designation when that has little to do with their predisposition. They themselves look at themselves as a superior race, not a religion.
Very interesting. I wonder if it is "positive"? Jews have always hid under the "religion" designation when that has little to do with their predisposition. They themselves look at themselves as a superior race, not a religion.
I agreed FD. The Jews biggest weapon is their ability to hide their real motives. This exposes them as an ethnogroup loosely uniting around a “religion”, and increasingly less so. Most normies don’t understand this so increasing that awareness can only be good in the long run.
As disappointed in Trump I am, watching 10 minutes of the Democraptic debate is enough to make you want to get a MAGA tattoo and name your kid Ivanka.

Is there anything those commies wont promise to get elected? And the anti-white and self hate is so strong it's sickening.

Trump has let me down, but as a friend pointed out, if you factor out the hate directed at him he has been a fairly decent president.

He has not blundered into any big wars and in fact has de-escalated tensions in Korea and Syria. He just pulled some people out of Afghanistan. Any other president would have gotten a couple of Nobel Peace prizes by now.

The economy is percolating along, most of the numbers the economics crowd likes are good. For a working slob like me the two economic issues that matter, interest rates, to keep debt payments low, stock market performance, to keep investments and retirement high, are good so far.

He hasn't proposed any huge govt. programs that screw things up, like the Affordable Health Care Act or ADA.

He stays engaged in current events, makes sure to be aware on natural disasters, mass shootings, terrorist attacks, sporting events, and celebrity stuff, not that I care about some of that stuff, but at least he's making the effort.

I don't think there is any way he can win in 2020, so at least he delayed having a president Hilary/Biden/Warren/Sanders/Harris for 4 years.
The primary results are frightening, the leader so far is a hardcore socialist who would be far left in Canada, then in 2nd place is Mayor Butt Plug(start the laugh track) Pocahauntus seems downright normal compared to these two....
The primary results are frightening, the leader so far is a hardcore socialist who would be far left in Canada, then in 2nd place is Mayor Butt Plug(start the laugh track) Pocahauntus seems downright normal compared to these two....

Bloomberg will get the nomination.
Drudge Report has an article that reports that Bloomberg will ask Hillery Clinton to be his running mate if he gets the nomination.
Bloomberg will get the nomination.
Yes I agree the Democratic leadership probably are scrumming as we speak and will unite behind a "winnable" candidate. Sanders and Mayor Buttplug would get slaughtered in a general election. I recall in 88' the party did this to Jackson who was similar to Sanders who's ceiling was very low and would have been slaughtered at the general election. Of course they went with the weak Dukakis who only did a shade better than Jackson would have done.
It looks like after Super Tuesday career party hack Biden will win the democratic nomination as Buttplug, Klobuchar and Pochantus are out and the insiders are lining up for possible cabinet positions. Even Bloomberg who supposedly dropped 500 million is out while a Me 2 movement was lined up to expose his hostility to females in the workplace and his homophobia.....
It looks like after Super Tuesday career party hack Biden will win the democratic nomination as Buttplug, Klobuchar and Pochantus are out and the insiders are lining up for possible cabinet positions. Even Bloomberg who supposedly dropped 500 million is out while a Me 2 movement was lined up to expose his hostility to females in the workplace and his homophobia.....

If Biden does win the nomination I think we will see civil unrest from the leftist commie Sanders anti-fascists this summer. Ideally this will permanently split the Democratic party up. I don't have much faith in white folks who voted for Biden because they think "orange man bad" and they have to get him out of office.
If Biden does win the nomination I think we will see civil unrest from the leftist commie Sanders anti-fascists this summer. Ideally this will permanently split the Democratic party up. I don't have much faith in white folks who voted for Biden because they think "orange man bad" and they have to get him out of office.
there will be civil unrest if Sanders does not back down with his tail between his legs like 2016.
there will be civil unrest if Sanders does not back down with his tail between his legs like 2016.
Yes I could see some sort of Chicago 7 type riots at the DNC convention, especially if Sanders had a plurality of delegates(which is very remote now). Even without a plurality with all of the anti-ism protest groups rioting could happen even if Biden tries to placate them with a female vice presidential candidate.

With the whack pack of weirdos all out the campaign less Sanders, Biden is in a bind to placate them but if he gets any big name wierdo vp candidates he will have the baggage of them in campaign trail while trying to get moderates to jump ship or to even vote.
With the whack pack of weirdos all out the campaign less Sanders, Biden is in a bind to placate them but if he gets any big name wierdo vp candidates he will have the baggage of them in campaign trail while trying to get moderates to jump ship or to even vote.

Lets take a look at some of them.

There is that grating Paki broad from Detroit Tlaib who I don't think even her family likes.

How about everybody's favorite Omar from Minnesota? She would certainly qualify as a trailblazer like being the first VP candidate who might conspire to blow up the entire United States.

Kamala Harris? She didn't pass the black sniff test. Has a "little" black blood and that wasn't going to cut it with the bros.

Then there is my favorite. The little Jewish fortune teller witch Marianne Williamson. How she got on the debate stage is anybody's guess but she advocates "universal love" ( is she referring to orgies just asking) and black reparations a subject that makes normal white people feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If she was around during the Salem witch trials she wouldn't have lasted a week.

But there is a push for Joe to pick a woman preferably of color. Woman for the female suburban voters and black for his black base. They like him because he was Obama's shoe shine boy for 8 years and they like that sort of thing.

Women of course are superior than men. Men are Neanderthals of course. If left unchecked they would return things back to the caveman days where they used to club a woman in the head drag her into the cave and have their way with her. Frequently cited by some as the "good ole days." Ha.

Women however work on a higher spiritual level than plain ole men. Which is why bald headed John Delaney, arguably the Dems best candidate, lasted a full seven minutes.

Then there is Butt man and he had no chance with the older church going black voters down south who form the backbone of Biden's backers. The media didn't want to get to detailed on this but this group is more repulsed by gayness than any other group. Imagine someone trying to explain transgender to them. They would say "what you talkin about?"

If Biden has any intention of winning he has to pick a black female running mate who fits into that church going black southerner category.

I fit into the "don't exist" demographic. Poor getting poorer loaded with debt white male working class with a tiny paycheck that you need a magnifying glass to read. My rewards for being a loner who can't stand people. That philosopher who said "hell is other people" sums it up pretty well. Ha.
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I've been seeing rumors online that Trump shut down The Federal Reserve, any truth to that?

Or just more QAnon BS?
Q Anon doesn't exist, he's been built up as Trump's secret super-insider friend by a cult but a more accurate description would be imaginary friend.

The Fed would be the last institution to be shut down by the current power structure.
It's not that Trump shut down the Federal Reserve but the accusation is that the Fed and the Treasury Dept. have been merged through recent executive orders and legislation.

"the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.

This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump."

See the article below for more details.
It's not that Trump shut down the Federal Reserve but the accusation is that the Fed and the Treasury Dept. have been merged through recent executive orders and legislation.

"the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.

This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump."

See the article below for more details.

Pretty big news amidst the Coronavirus Hysteria.
"...the president has shelved safeguards intended to protect trafficking victims and persecuted groups, implementing an expulsion order that sends migrants of all ages back to Mexico in an average of 96 minutes".

In our broken clock world even this is good to read....
So this "proves" the existence of Q? How many more years before Trump and his well placed friends will actually begin to go after some of the large array of perps who have engaged in criminal plots against him?

You think it's so easy to take down a thousands-year old satanic cult which has taken over almost every governament on this planet, huh? Ask JFK what happened to him when he tried to take the short route in taking down that cult. Maybe Trump and his friends have already began to go after that large array. Epstein, Weinstein, ever heard of them? Maybe Trump's very existance proves the existance of Q ? Without Q, do you think Trump would still be alive at this moment ?

You think Google would ever had disabled its censoring algorithm without the existance of Q ?

None of those results would had showed up just a month ago. Or maybe you believe Google disabled its censoring algorithm out of kindness?
American Freedom News