The Trump Era Begins

It should be no shock to anyone that Trump would take a pro Israel stance. His daughter and one of his sons are married to Jewish people what else would people expect. Far left jews are mostly responsible for the destruction and genocide of Caucasian Europeans and European americas. Wth complete control of the media and with the politicians in their pockets they will always control the narrative when it comes to Israel. Any resistance to challenge the narrative and you will be labeled an anti Semite. Can you imagine if someone in the US said the US is for whites. Just like in the above article it says jerusalim is only for the Jews. You would be called a racist. They are also hypocritical when it comes to immagration. They are for mass immigration in the US, but not Israel. The reason is many Jews do not consider themselves to be white. They consider mass immigration in the US good for the Jews because they consider themselves minorities, but not good in Israel because they are the majority. White people need to wake up when a negative comment is made about white people 90 percent of the time it is made by a Jewish person that does not consider Jewish people to be white. People need to recognize the comment may just as well have come from a black or Hispanic. For the record I know there are good Jewish people that are not like this, but the far left Jews in my opinion are pure Evil.
Koch and Koch get humiliated by Trump, kicked off golf course

Older tweets:

Donald J. Trump


I really like the Koch Brothers (members of my P.B. Club), but I don't want their money or anything else from them. Cannot influence Trump!

8:00 PM - 29 Jul 2015 · Manhattan, NY

Donald J. Trump


I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?

10:00 AM - 2 Aug 2015

Donald J. Trump


While I hear the Koch brothers are in big financial trouble (oil), word is they have chosen little Marco Rubio, the lightweight from Florida

6:28 AM - 28 Feb 2016

Donald J. Trump


Little Marco Rubio, the lightweight no show Senator from Florida, is set to be the "puppet" of the special interest Koch brothers. WATCH!

11:07 AM - 28 Feb 2016

Donald J. Trump


I turned down a meeting with Charles and David Koch. Much better for them to meet with the puppets of politics, they will do much better!

4:01 PM - 30 Jul 2016
Liberal media is trying to smear Trump with this incident. He should have been more forgiving, not so immature, blah blah. Trump has every right to kick the writer out that said his ex-wife accused him of rape. Most people understand that. This is another example of the media being out of step with the way the average person feels.

Yep that is who the "new" commies aka liberals and progressives are most contemptuous of - and that's who elected President Trump - what the commies
used to claim to represent - the proletariat - THE WORKING CLASS!
Trump emasculates the adulterer / RINO / NeoCon, Arnold Schwartzenegger, in a funny twitter post about The Apprentice ratings...

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
"Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary"
7:42 AM - 6 Jan 2017
Trump emasculates the adulterer / RINO / NeoCon, Arnold Schwartzenegger, in a funny twitter post about The Apprentice ratings...

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
"Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary"
7:42 AM - 6 Jan 2017

LOL. Titan Trump lays the schmackdown on the Gropenator. :p
Trump emasculates the adulterer / RINO / NeoCon, Arnold Schwartzenegger, in a funny twitter post about The Apprentice ratings...

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
"Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary"
7:42 AM - 6 Jan 2017

I could be wrong but I thought Arnold voted for Trump. I remember reading an article about ultra negro-lover Robert Deniro attacking Arnold over voting for Trump.
I could be wrong but I thought Arnold voted for Trump. I remember reading an article about ultra negro-lover Robert Deniro attacking Arnold over voting for Trump.

No, Arnold tried to stab Pres. Trump in the back along with his "elite" pals. He long since sold out, but when he was young, in the pumping iron days, some guys were distributing a national socialist newspaper on the street in CA. Arnold took one and looked it over and then ran back and began shaking their hands and patting their backs.
Meryl Streep begging celebrities to stop Trump.

She's saying this for attention, and for a pat on the head, obviously, but on her words, what is to stop of Trump? She doesn't want to revive the economy? She doesn't want the border secured? She doesn't want to end perpetual war? What?
Meryl Streep begging celebrities to stop Trump.

She's saying this for attention, and for a pat on the head, obviously, but on her words, what is to stop of Trump? She doesn't want to revive the economy? She doesn't want the border secured? She doesn't want to end perpetual war? What?

Concisely and well put. She's a good actress but just another stinking spokeswhore for the ruling reptiles.
Trump destroyed Meryl Streep for her little stunt at the Golden Globes (that nobody watches)...


Streep was a "Hillary Flunky" alright. She spoke at the 2016 DNC Convention...

Great to see a powerful white man fight back against these losers! Celebs are slowly realizing that perhaps they aren't so important or influential in Trump's America.
Husband (lawyer) of "Professor" (man) [wtf???] who harassed Ivanka Trump on an airline flight cowers, evades, and hides face when reporter came to call. This is the weakling left. Starts 2:02 mark.

"Professor" who harassed Ivanka Trump on an airline flight cowers, evades, and hides face when reporter came to call. This is the weakling left. Starts 2:02 mark.

I'd love to see someone put the boots to that little pansy.

P.S. - P1$$ on "Hellyweird", its 'masters' & all it promotes!
I'd love to see someone put the boots to that little pansy.

P.S. - P1$$ on "Hellyweird", its 'masters' & all it promotes!

He sure is a pussy; look at that big parka he's wearing and it's probably only 45 outside.
From his picture he looks like one of "Flo's" eunuch sidekicks in the Progressive Insurance commercials.

The men that act those roles for movies and commercials must certainly be those characters. What man would let others mock and contemptuously parade him just for a few lousy dollars?
From his picture he looks like one of "Flo's" eunuch sidekicks in the Progressive Insurance commercials.
Ha, you hate that annoying b*tch "Flo" as much as I do. She looks like a female clown, literally.
Husband (lawyer) of "Professor" (man) [wtf???] who harassed Ivanka Trump on an airline flight cowers, evades, and hides face when reporter came to call. This is the weakling left. Starts 2:02 mark.

I'd call that slithering cowering punk a f*****t, but then that's no secret when you "marry" another man is it? I want to know why those two sex perverts weren't arrested for terrorism on an aircraft or at least harassment and assault...and also where were Ivanka Trump's two Secret Service escorts while all this was happening. I don't trust the Secret Service and I don't think President Trump does either. They did their vanishing act just before President Kennedy was shot. And those university students interviewed above mostly sound like retards. The white girl was, of course, a well trained commie..."No of course not!"
American Freedom News