The Trump Era Begins

Trump doubles-down on immigration in an interview with London's "The Times":

President-elect Donald Trump has slammed the mass migration policy of Germany’s Angela Merkel and welcomed Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (EU), predicting it will “end up being a great thing” and other countries will depart the crisis-stricken bloc.

“I sort of, as you know, predicted it,” he told British parliamentarian Michael Gove, reporting for London’s The Times in President-elect Trump’s first British press interview.

“The heat I took was unbelievable,” he said, “[but] people don’t want to have other people coming in and destroying their country."

“In this country we’re gonna go very strong borders from the day I get in… We don’t want people coming in from Syria who we don’t know who they are. You know there’s no way of vetting these people. I don’t want to do what Germany did.”

Trump told Gove that, in his view, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to encourage mass immigration into Europe was “the final straw that broke the camel’s back”.

He said: “I think she made one very catastrophic mistake and that was taking all of these illegals, you know taking all of the people from wherever they come from. And nobody even knows where they come from. You’ll find out, you got a big dose of it a week ago. So I think she made a catastrophic mistake, very bad mistake. ”

“People, countries want their own identity,” he said, arguing that the Brexit vote was an affirmation of Britain’s national identity.

“You look at the UK and you look at the European Union and it’s Germany. Basically a vehicle for Germany. That’s why I thought the UK was so smart in getting out,” he said.

Trump also praised the continuing strength of the British economy, a blow to the Bank of England, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other forecasters who had to tear up their negative predictions shortly after referendum day.

“I’ll tell you, the fact that your pound sterling has gone down? Great,” he said, echoing the sentiments of Lord King and former IMF Deputy Director Ashoka Mody. “Because business is unbelievable in a lot of parts in the UK, as you know.”
Trump's latest Tweet after Congressman John Lewis, "representing" Atlanta, GA, said yesterday that he doesn't recognize Trump as a "legitimate" President:

"Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!"

John Lewis is an idiot. There was a talk show host in Atlanta who lost his job after interviewing Lewis because he criticized him for barely being able to speak English. That was 30 years ago and the old fool is still in Congress.
It's been great watching today's festivities of Trump and family in DC. The libtards' heads should be exploding right after his swearing-in tmrw. MAGA!!!!
It's been great watching today's festivities of Trump and family in DC. The libtards' heads should be exploding right after his swearing-in tmrw. MAGA!!!!

Like this:

It's been great watching today's festivities of Trump and family in DC. The libtards' heads should be exploding right after his swearing-in tmrw. MAGA!!!!

My libtard co workers are driving me crazy today with their whining and demonizing of Trump! Going to need a drink after putting up with these pussies. This millennial voted for the good guy !!
What time does the inaugaration start?
Trump will be sworn in at 900 AM EST. So I guess the ball starts rolling 2 hours out.
Westside and company, better Google the inauguration schedule. ( )


11:30 am EST – Swearing-in ceremony. The ceremony will officially begin, with remarks from political figures and religious figures close to the President-elect. Musical performances will also take place.

Noon EST – Oath of office and inaugural address. Donald Trump will take the oath of office from Chief Justice John G. Roberts. The new President will then deliver his speech.

Westside and company, better Google the inauguration schedule. ( )


11:30 am EST – Swearing-in ceremony. The ceremony will officially begin, with remarks from political figures and religious figures close to the President-elect. Musical performances will also take place.

Noon EST – Oath of office and inaugural address. Donald Trump will take the oath of office from Chief Justice John G. Roberts. The new President will then deliver his speech.

My bad, I was thinking PST time. 900 am here. Sorry about the bad info.
My libtard co workers are driving me crazy today with their whining and demonizing of Trump! Going to need a drink after putting up with these pussies. This millennial voted for the good guy !!

You're one of the good ones....& a true American (of the 1776 mold). :)
There is talk of Trump trying to unite the people of this country. A sizable percentage of the population are radical leftists. You cannot and should not try to unite with them.

When the leftists are out of power they talk of uniting and compromise. When they're in power they don't seek to unite and compromise, they attempt to use their power to destroy their political opposition.

Trump should tell them all to go to !@#$.
Trump has to play nice and talk of unity before he's officially sworn in. Even if he wants to unite the country, a good portion of Hillary's coalition of intolerant haters has made it clear they have no interest in anything but doing whatever they can to delegitimize Trump and finish the Permanent Cultural Revolution that he so rudely interrupted. We'll find out Trump's real agenda soon enough, and unfolding circumstances may force him to be a Strong Man even if he doesn't prefer that approach despite the very aggressive way he campaigned.
I viewed a few Keith Olbermann videos. This guy's so far off the rails he comes across as a parody.

Unfortunately there are people out there who will take him seriously.
Westside and company, better Google the inauguration schedule. ( )


11:30 am EST – Swearing-in ceremony. The ceremony will officially begin, with remarks from political figures and religious figures close to the President-elect. Musical performances will also take place.

Noon EST – Oath of office and inaugural address. Donald Trump will take the oath of office from Chief Justice John G. Roberts. The new President will then deliver his speech.


I have to work today but I will find a TV with a few of my co-workers @ noon to watch this historic event. Can't wait to see what executive orders he puts in place today and this weekend. They will probably have to do with securing the border and dismantling Obamacare.
No unity will or can be had with the networks of confounded fools opposing Trump. Our differences are so great it is not possible; we are not matching minds with them. We can not speak sensibly to the senseless. But Trump is resolute, and he will revive the minds of most of Congress who will back him on projects that matter most. Trump will need to constantly remind anyone who will listen about his successes, and that is something he is good at.
I think it's a good thing Trump likes to spend as much time as he does on social media that way Americans can hold his feet to the fire. There are always going to be several different types of negative influences that will try to derail America's interests. Americans need to keep reminding him about most of his promises. As far as our enemies go, we must crush them. No Mercy. Trump needs to take a page from Rodrigo Duterte. Those that don't like it can renew their passports and leave.
For Cultural Marxists, Donald Trump's ascendancy to POTUS may be the most ghastly, nauseating, and bone-chilling moment in modern political history. Today a tall, handsome, boisterous, titanium-willed, unapologetic, successful, charismatic, un-PC, sexist, racist, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, straight, white alpha male with a German last name became the most important human being on planet earth. Essentially, he is the exact antithesis of the President they longed for. They deserve no mercy and I hope only that Trump transforms America into a place where they don't want to live anymore...


Their tears of misery should keep us hydrated for the next four years, haha...

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Trump Offers Father Down on His Luck $10,000 Check at Inaugural Event

A FedEx courier and former security guard from Illinois was surprised with an invitation to meet with Donald Trump after the President-elect saw a story on the struggling single father. But the special meeting wasn’t the only surprise. The young man was stunned when Trump presented him with a check for $10,000.
One hour out of his swearing in till now, I have the most content and relaxed feeling in a long. MAGA!
Winston Churchill has regained his rightful place in the Oval Office, as the MLK bust that has been sitting there the last 8 years has been removed. Nice work President Trump! I wouldn't mind a bust of Theodore Roosevelt in there somewhere, either.

I also hear there were some major changes to the White House website, including the removal of some "civil rights" and LGBT bullsh*t.

So far, so good!

American Freedom News