The Trump Era Begins

I'd call that slithering cowering punk a f*****t, but then that's no secret when you "marry" another man is it? I want to know why those two sex perverts weren't arrested for terrorism on an aircraft or at least harassment and assault...and also where were Ivanka Trump's two Secret Service escorts while all this was happening. I don't trust the Secret Service and I don't think President Trump does either. They did their vanishing act just before President Kennedy was shot. And those university students interviewed above mostly sound like retards. The white girl was, of course, a well trained commie..."No of course not!"

Trump is no dummy, he knows all about the CIA, SS, and the rest of the "intelligence community". That's why he has his own private security force coming with him to Washington. It's made up of ex-Seals and other former special Ops guys who have been with him for years. It's a very smart move.
Trump destroyed Meryl Streep for her little stunt at the Golden Globes (that nobody watches)...


Streep was a "Hillary Flunky" alright. She spoke at the 2016 DNC Convention...

Great to see a powerful white man fight back against these losers! Celebs are slowly realizing that perhaps they aren't so important or influential in Trump's America.

And apparently this was the reaction of Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn, priceless! Always liked Mel Gibson, good to see him back. I also hear Dana White (not a big fan) said something about an "uppity 80 year old woman" not being part of the MMA demographic. :D

There might be some fight left in white men after all, they just need someone at the top to lead the way.

A White Hot Fire Rises

There are signs of volcanic life surfacing in long dormant White America. A White hot fire rises. Recently, I saw once such sign, a very small sign, but magnificently portentous because it was an act of pro-White rebellion committed deep in the heart of a decadent anti-White shitlibopolis; the nature of the act was one that I had not encountered before in the wilds of any SWPLville.

A handful of posters promoting an anti-Trump protest march were taped to traffic light poles and other utility boxes near an outdoor cafe. As I watched with growing interest, five corn-fed and bearded White men wearing working class clothes and ear-to-ear shitlib-eating grins strode purposefully from one poster to the next, tearing them down and (respectfully) walking to a nearby garbage can to throw them out. As they performed their valuable public service, an effete, stoop-shouldered white manlet snarled at them from across the street. Even at twenty paces I could see the manlet’s curled lip quivering with menopausal rage.

The Fantastic Five noticed him too and, gathering together in a V-formation of happy force, triumphantly strutted across the street toward the iconic white liberal, whereupon they rudely impaled his personal space to remove the last anti-Trump poster that happened to be on the traffic pole situated at that corner right where he was standing and fuming. One of the Five swung in front of the manlet and made a dramatic show of crumpling the poster and tossing it into the garbage for a sweet three-point conversion.

The funniest outtake from this scene was the manlet’s utter enfeeblement in the face of an impudent provocation from his mortal enemies. Snarling from a distance, he was left speechless and catatonic when the Five entered his comfort zone; his inability to act on his suppressed rage a reminder of his low-T futility. I loved witnessing his libsnarl give way in slo-mo glory to a chin-tucked, downcast-eyed, beta male turtling once he realized the Five were heading his way to commit what he must have fantasized was unimaginable horrors against his nonblack body.

Nothing physical happened, this time, but something much worse occurred: the ouster of the shitlib from his position of power in the public space he considered his own, and his abject humiliation in the face of real resistance.

There’s fight left in White men. The time is coming, very soon now, when the paper tigress of shitliberalism is exposed on the vivisecting table, and unapologetic shitlords stream out of their bunkers armed to the teeth with the liberating knowledge that the passive-aggressive snarl is all their enemies bring to battle, and behind that snarl there’s nothing but cowardly submission.

Speaking of a White fire rising:


A rare breed, two Pedowood shitlords, react to post-Wall harridan Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump self-aggrandizingharangueon stage. Look at the fire in Vince Vaughn’s and Mel Gibson’s eyes. These are men asking themselves, and the world, “Who bitch this is?”. They forge in the furnace of their unalloyed disgust a quiet and seething intolerance for the enemies of White men; a vengeance devised to settle the ultimate score — recapture of their homeland from degenerates within — percolates in their blood and radiates from their irises.

Look at those eyes brimming with righteous hatred closely, and multiply that look by millions, because that’s how many White men of the West feel the same way. And their numbers grow daily. White men are awakening to their planned and active dispossession by malevolent forces corrupting the creation of their ancestors. They see Meryl StreepThroat as another in a long line of preachy hypocritical reprobates shitting on their race and culture and values for fun and profit and the adulation of the elite bubble crowd. This rapidly coalescing army of normal White men and the White women who have not yet abandoned them for the wigger low life knows that attacks on Trump are proxy attacks on Whites. They know, too, that Meryl Creepgave a standing ovation for child-rapist Roman Polanski, and wonder who is she to lecture White Trump-supporters about decency?

Meryl HeatStreep, in the act of mendaciously regurgitating amedia-generated fake news story about Trump mocking a disabled reporter, says “Disrespect invites disrespect”. White men of the West say to her, “Your cretinous ilk have been disrespecting core White America for generations. You just don’t like that now there’s return fire.”

And this time, anti-White shitlibs, the war won’t be fought with rhetorical BB shooters. The cucks are chastened, the silos opened, and the shiv-tipped nukes ready for launch.
Obama’s teleprompter-aided “farewell speech” last night provided definitive proof that Trump’s astonishing ascension to power hasn’t changed him, nor the strategy of the Democratic Party, one iota. He managed to broach every single divisive topic of the past, present, and future…and he did so in no particular order. The Divider-in-Chief mentioned slavery, women’s rights, changing racial demographics, the Civil Rights Movement, Muslim refugees, the Underground Railroad, worker’s unions, LGBT rights, how guns are bad were responsible for Charleston/Sandy Hook, rich people are evil and don’t pay taxes, climate change (formerly known as "global warming") will kill future generations, white people (he specifically used the phrase “the average middle-age white guy,” that’s how he perceives us all) are racist and don’t like minorities, how he was the first black POTUS and could inspire other non-whites to do the same, and numerous other instances of the same acrimonious “identity politics” that got Hillary eviscerated in the general election only 2 months ago.

Barry-The-Human-Teleprompter even went so far as to mention “Atticus Finch,” the fictional character from the 1960 novel “Too Kill a Mockingbird.” For those who haven’t read the book, Finch was the ultra-liberal, Negro-loving lawyer who represented the black defendant against the white female accuser. Trump just keeps on winning and these sheltered, pampered, ivory tower-dwellers clearly still don’t understand why.

I vehemently disagreed with every single word that this walking, talking, respiring cancer spewed forth...

Did anyone else notice some of the "Marxist Superstars" in the crowd of 18,000 bottom-feeders? Aside from his top cabinet members, Jesse Jackson and Bob Creamer (of Project Veritas fame where he paid scumbags to cause violence at Trump rallies) were also seen clapping in the front row. Those who don't suffer from a 10-second attention span will recall that "Reverend" Jackson was once caught on tape saying how he'd like to "cut Obama's nuts off"...

I suppose time heals all wounds...
Last edited:
A White Hot Fire Rises

There are signs of volcanic life surfacing in long dormant White America. A White hot fire rises. Recently, I saw once such sign, a very small sign, but magnificently portentous because it was an act of pro-White rebellion committed deep in the heart of a decadent anti-White shitlibopolis; the nature of the act was one that I had not encountered before in the wilds of any SWPLville.

A handful of posters promoting an anti-Trump protest march were taped to traffic light poles and other utility boxes near an outdoor cafe. As I watched with growing interest, five corn-fed and bearded White men wearing working class clothes and ear-to-ear shitlib-eating grins strode purposefully from one poster to the next, tearing them down and (respectfully) walking to a nearby garbage can to throw them out. As they performed their valuable public service, an effete, stoop-shouldered white manlet snarled at them from across the street. Even at twenty paces I could see the manlet’s curled lip quivering with menopausal rage.

The Fantastic Five noticed him too and, gathering together in a V-formation of happy force, triumphantly strutted across the street toward the iconic white liberal, whereupon they rudely impaled his personal space to remove the last anti-Trump poster that happened to be on the traffic pole situated at that corner right where he was standing and fuming. One of the Five swung in front of the manlet and made a dramatic show of crumpling the poster and tossing it into the garbage for a sweet three-point conversion.

The funniest outtake from this scene was the manlet’s utter enfeeblement in the face of an impudent provocation from his mortal enemies. Snarling from a distance, he was left speechless and catatonic when the Five entered his comfort zone; his inability to act on his suppressed rage a reminder of his low-T futility. I loved witnessing his libsnarl give way in slo-mo glory to a chin-tucked, downcast-eyed, beta male turtling once he realized the Five were heading his way to commit what he must have fantasized was unimaginable horrors against his nonblack body.

Nothing physical happened, this time, but something much worse occurred: the ouster of the shitlib from his position of power in the public space he considered his own, and his abject humiliation in the face of real resistance.

There’s fight left in White men. The time is coming, very soon now, when the paper tigress of shitliberalism is exposed on the vivisecting table, and unapologetic shitlords stream out of their bunkers armed to the teeth with the liberating knowledge that the passive-aggressive snarl is all their enemies bring to battle, and behind that snarl there’s nothing but cowardly submission.

Speaking of a White fire rising:


A rare breed, two Pedowood shitlords, react to post-Wall harridan Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump self-aggrandizingharangueon stage. Look at the fire in Vince Vaughn’s and Mel Gibson’s eyes. These are men asking themselves, and the world, “Who bitch this is?”. They forge in the furnace of their unalloyed disgust a quiet and seething intolerance for the enemies of White men; a vengeance devised to settle the ultimate score — recapture of their homeland from degenerates within — percolates in their blood and radiates from their irises.

Look at those eyes brimming with righteous hatred closely, and multiply that look by millions, because that’s how many White men of the West feel the same way. And their numbers grow daily. White men are awakening to their planned and active dispossession by malevolent forces corrupting the creation of their ancestors. They see Meryl StreepThroat as another in a long line of preachy hypocritical reprobates shitting on their race and culture and values for fun and profit and the adulation of the elite bubble crowd. This rapidly coalescing army of normal White men and the White women who have not yet abandoned them for the wigger low life knows that attacks on Trump are proxy attacks on Whites. They know, too, that Meryl Creepgave a standing ovation for child-rapist Roman Polanski, and wonder who is she to lecture White Trump-supporters about decency?

Meryl HeatStreep, in the act of mendaciously regurgitating amedia-generated fake news story about Trump mocking a disabled reporter, says “Disrespect invites disrespect”. White men of the West say to her, “Your cretinous ilk have been disrespecting core White America for generations. You just don’t like that now there’s return fire.”

And this time, anti-White shitlibs, the war won’t be fought with rhetorical BB shooters. The cucks are chastened, the silos opened, and the shiv-tipped nukes ready for launch.

Super find there Don. Just love that picture also!
Donald Trump Blasts ‘Fake News’ — ‘I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA’

President-elect Donald Trump seems frustrated by the ongoing attempt to cast him as a leader beholden to Russia.

“Russia has never tried to use leverage over me,” he wrote on Twitter this morning. “I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

Trump also pointed out that the Russians described the unverified intelligence releases as “complete and total fabrication” and “utter nonsense.”

“Very unfair!” the president-elect added on Twitter. “I win an election easily, a great ‘movement’ is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!”

Trump angrily fired back at United States intelligence organizations for allowing the reports to leak to the media.

“Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to ‘leak’ into the public,” he wrote. “One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?”
Obama’s teleprompter-aided “farewell speech” last night provided definitive proof that Trump’s astonishing ascension to power hasn’t changed him, nor the strategy of the Democratic Party, one iota. He managed to broach every single divisive topic of the past, present, and future…and he did so in no particular order. The Divider-in-Chief mentioned slavery, women’s rights, changing racial demographics, the Civil Rights Movement, Muslim refugees, the Underground Railroad, worker’s unions, LGBT rights, how guns are bad were responsible for Charleston/Sandy Hook, rich people are evil and don’t pay taxes, climate change (formerly known as "global warming") will kill future generations, white people (he specifically used the phrase “the average middle-age white guy,” that’s how he perceives us all) are racist and don’t like minorities, how he was the first black POTUS and could inspire other non-whites to do the same, and numerous other instances of the same acrimonious “identity politics” that got Hillary eviscerated in the general election only 2 months ago.

Barry-The-Human-Teleprompter even went so far as to mention “Atticus Finch,” the fictional character from the 1960 novel “Too Kill a Mockingbird.” For those who haven’t read the book, Finch was the ultra-liberal, Negro-loving lawyer who represented the black defendant against the white female accuser. Trump just keeps on winning and these sheltered, pampered, ivory tower-dwellers clearly still don’t understand why.

I vehemently disagreed with every single word that this walking, talking, respiring cancer spewed forth...

Did anyone else notice some of the "Marxist Superstars" in the crowd of 18,000 bottom-feeders? Aside from his top cabinet members, Jesse Jackson and Bob Creamer (of Project Veritas fame where he paid scumbags to cause violence at Trump rallies) were also seen clapping in the front row. Those who don't suffer from a 10-second attention span will recall that "Reverend" Jackson was once caught on tape saying how he'd like to "cut Obama's nuts off"...

I suppose time heals all wounds...

Excellent analysis. I forced myself to watch it and the self-absorption (75 references to himself) was astonishing even for this most egomaniacal of politicians. His speech lasted longer than Reagan's, Clinton's and W. Bush's farewell addresses combined.

Paul Craig Roberts slightly disagrees with Obama's appraisal of his legacy:

Obama the War Criminal Butcherer of Women and Children

There is no doubt that US President Barak Obama is a war criminal as are his military and intelligence officials and most of the House and Senate.

Obama is the first president to keep the US at war for the entirety of his eight-year regime. During 2016 alone the US dropped 26,171 bombs on wedding parties, funerals, kid’s soccer games, hospitals, schools, people in their homes and walking their streets, and farmers tilling their fields in seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.

What does the administration have to show for eight years of illegal military interventions in seven countries, none of which comprised a danger to the US and against none of which the US has declared war? Terrorism was created by US invasions, no wars have been won, and the Middle East has been consumed in chaos and destruction. Worldwide hatred of the United States has risen to a record high. The US is now the most despised country on earth.

The only purposes of these crimes is to enrich the armaments industry and to advance the insane neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony. A tiny handful of despicable people have been able to destroy the reputation of the United States and murder millions of peoples, sending waves of war refugees to the US and Europe.

We call these “wars,” but they are not. They are invasions, largely from the air, but in Afghanistan and Iraq from troops on the ground. The invasions by air and land are entirely based on blatant, transparent lies. The “justifications” for the invasions have changed a dozen times.

The questions are: If Trump becomes president, will Washington’s massive crimes against humanity continue? If so, will the rest of the world continue to tolerate Washington’s extraordinary evil?
Interestingly, John Podhoretz who could hardly be described as pro-Trump penned this piece for the NY Post that blows up the Buzzfeed BS story:


Buzzfeed’s Trump report takes ‘fake news’ to a new level
By John Podhoretz

January 10, 2017 | 10:56pm | Updated January 11, 2017 | 11:12am

So the website BuzzFeed decided to publish a series of memos that have been floating around for months alleging all kinds of terrible things about Donald Trump.

Some of those terrible allegations have to do with efforts to influence the American elections and Trump. Some of them have to do with Trump’s personal sexual conduct.

Readers of this newspaper know well not to include me among Trump’s supporters. But the scurrilousness of what BuzzFeed has done here is so beyond the bounds of what is even remotely acceptable it should compel even those most outraged by Trump’s political excesses to come to his defense and to the defense of a few other people mentioned in these papers whose names are also dragged through the mud.

There is literally no evidence on offer in these memos or from BuzzFeed that any single sentence in these documents is factual or true. What’s more, we know most major news organizations in America had seen them and despite their well-known institutional antipathy toward Trump, had chosen not to publish them or even make reference to them after efforts to substantiate their charges had failed.

BuzzFeed tells us that “the document was prepared for political opponents of Trump by a person who is understood to be a former British intelligence agent.” Indeed, the memos are designed to read as though they were cables sent from the field to the home office. And they should set off the bull detector of every rational person who reads them.

I’ve been a newspaper and magazine editor for 31 years, and like many in my profession, have had occasion over the course of four decades to work with people linked to intelligence agencies both domestic and foreign when they are retailing stories injurious to one or another politician or cause.

In my experience, there is no source of whom you need to be more skeptical, and whose information you need to verify to the letter before you can even begin to think of publishing it, than an “intelligence” source.

The telling indicator is that every factoid such a source produces is given equal weight with every other one. Chances are some percentage of those factoids is actual fact, but it could be 10 percent or it could be 90 or any number in between.

Since the person retailing the factoids has an agenda, as BuzzFeed acknowledges here, he has at the very least a bias toward believing every piece of anti-Trump detail he puts down on paper—and at worst a desire to throw every single rumor he can collect (or generate out of his own fevered imaginings) at the wall to see which ones might stick.

At a moment when journalists are up in arms about “fake news,” what BuzzFeed has done here is take fake news to a new level. Its editor, Ben Smith, acknowledges “there is serious reason to doubt the allegations.” In other words, there is almost certainly fake news inside these memos, and it might all be fake, or some parts of it might be true but buried so deeply under falsity that it would be impossible to separate it out.

“Publishing this dossier reflects how we see the job of reporters in 2017,” Smith writes. This is an amazing thing to say, because if you think it through, it means publishing open libels and slanders is the job of reporters in 2017.

“Fake news will become more sophisticated, and fake, ambiguous, and spun-up stories will spread widely,” warned an important American editor at the end of December 2016. His name: Ben Smith. His publication: BuzzFeed.

I didn’t make that up.
The "intelligence community" has been far too powerful since the end of WWII, but now it's way out of control. What's the difference between the CIA and the old KGB?

I hope Trump has the cajones to rein them in -- abolishment is what's needed and then start over from scratch based on genuine need and with strict oversight and control -- but everyone knows they rule through fear and the threat of assassination.

Trump conducts his own sting operation to ensnare intelligence briefers – and says he caught them leaking
The "intelligence community" has been far too powerful since the end of WWII, but now it's way out of control. What's the difference between the CIA and the old KGB?

I hope Trump has the cajones to reign them in -- abolishment is what's needed and then start over from scratch based on genuine need and with strict oversight and control -- but everyone knows they rule through fear and the threat of assassination.

Trump conducts his own sting operation to ensnare intelligence briefers – and says he caught them leaking

"but everyone knows they rule through fear and the threat of assassination."

Too true. JFK wanted to abolish the CIA. He was the last president to stand up to them. He also demanded that the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona be inspected according to the law. He was the last president to stand up to the Israelis. So far Pres. Trump has the Israelis on his side. Next week the commie scum and the ruling vampires intend to try to overthrow the government, and the Soetoro alias Obama regime is still in power. This could be an interesting week.
He also needs to create safe zones for refugees as soon as possible to stop the flood of refugees poring into America and Europe

By freeing and securing Aleppo, the Russians and Syrians have created a safe zone. That city is now under armed protection and supply.
He also needs to create safe zones for refugees as soon as possible to stop the flood of refugees poring into America and Europe

But the so called refugees are not looking for safe zones, they are looking for free welfare for life and white women to rape and countries to conquer.
But the so called refugees are not looking for safe zones, they are looking for free welfare for life and white women to rape and countries to conquer.

Their "safe zone" should be down in Davey Jones' locker. ;-)
But the so called refugees are not looking for safe zones, they are looking for free welfare for life and white women to rape and countries to conquer.

At the end of this prolonged attack on their country, the Syrians that stayed, especially the soldiers, are going to be heroes and get many privileges in their country. The cowards that left, when they come back, will be ridiculed, disdained, and shunned.
At the end of this prolonged attack on their country, the Syrians that stayed, especially the soldiers, are going to be heroes and get many privileges in their country. The cowards that left, when they come back, will be ridiculed, disdained, and shunned.

That will be the least of it. If they come back. But then why would they ever want to voluntarily leave the amenities listed above? Besides the "refugees" are the lowest dregs of the Mohamedan world, terrorists and criminals.
That will be the least of it. If they come back. But then why would they ever want to voluntarily leave the amenities listed above? Besides the "refugees" are the lowest dregs of the Mohamedan world, terrorists and criminals.

Wolf, the true refugees that fled just to stay alive -though cowardly- will return to rebuild their country. The scum we cite here, and the ones you're referring to are the same dregs that joined and deserted ISIS, and who came to Europe to steal and rape, are mostly NOT from Syria but Sodom Arabia, Sodom Qatar, Sodom Kuwait, Sodom Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Sodom Yemen, and Sodom Oman. When the war is over these are really going to get shoved off!
Trump's latest Tweet after Congressman John Lewis, "representing" Atlanta, GA, said yesterday that he doesn't recognize Trump as a "legitimate" President:

"Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!"
Trump's latest Tweet after Congressman John Lewis, "representing" Atlanta, GA, said yesterday that he doesn't recognize Trump as a "legitimate" President:

"Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!"

John Lewis & his ilk (Joseph Lowery, Ralph Abernathy, etc.) are total coat tail/gravy train riders of "Saint MLK" (the prop'd up, apostate, hooker beating, phD plagiarizing zio-tool). If the world was just & right, Lewis so would been 'governing' a shoe shine stand the last 40+ years.
American Freedom News