The Trump Era Begins

There is absolutely no way Trump will select Romney as Sec of State, no way. Trump is just going through the motions with him as a way of projecting an image of "listening to all corners" of the Republican party. Tmrw, Trump will tell Mitt that he will go in another direction and select Patreus as the Sec of State. Regarding Stien, its a money grab from the dipsh*t libs, snowflake dummy students and all around Dem miscreants that nest in every state. She has amassed a whopping 7 million dollars for a recount that will go nowhere. She will no doubt skim a million(s) off the top and hide it for her personal use. Jill being the Green Jew. And she will get away with it. LOL
I was a prophet. Next week Trump will name the next Sec of State and his name will not be Romney! But I was wrong with Patreus. I thought he would be picked.
Some more on Puzder today: even though I hate his views on immigration, I like his idea of replacing fast food jobs with robots. If we get rid of these fast food jobs, at least our LEGAL immigrants will be a little smarter. I still don't like him, and I'd like Tom Tancredo and Pat Buchanan in the cabinet though. This is our chance to win our demographic struggle; we must not squander it.
If Puzder seems to be too lenient on immigration of non-Whites, we MUST launch a total boycott of Carl Jr's and Hardees. Fundamentally, it is better to live through a major recession and recover our demographics than to see some short term economic growth at the expense of having to accommodate the burdensome kids of fast food workers who will turn this country into Brazil or Venezuela.

Additionally, we should prepare to deluge large companies that lobby for the immigration of crime-prone non-Whites with lawsuits. These companies lobby to bring in these criminals and their criminal children, so they should be held accountable for the crimes their workers commit.
Now the CIA is claiming that Russia is the reason Trump won the election. The amazing "Fake News" hail mary by the globalists/leftists/commies/tribesmen is their latest method to attack the credibility of the ever growing Alternative media who are slowly prying away the grip of the mainstream media's propaganda machine and putting the truth out there to awaken more of the sheeple.
Here, a trivial, silly, small minded, and mean man who thinks the sky is falling and the world is going to end, urges Trump to "kill himself".

Leading Climate Alarmist: Donald Trump Should ‘Kill Himself Immediately’

One of the leading purveyors of climate change panic has described the Presidential election of Donald J. Trump as a “global disaster,” adding that if were to meet Trump he would tell him: “Kill yourself immediately.”

Evolutionary biologist John Wiens of the University of Arizona claims that the earth is racing toward “global extinction” similar to the era of the dinosaurs, as half the world’s species are allegedly failing to cope with global warming.

Wiens said that while we may not quite be at the level of “global extinction of entire species that have already happened,” we are unfortunately “on track for that to happen.”

“If we don’t do anything,” Wiens warned, “it seems like that’s going to happen in the next 50 to 100 years.”

Wiens said that the Trump election bodes badly for the future of the planet, exacerbated by his appointment of climate change skeptic Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA and his determination to pull out of the Paris Climate Change Accord (COP21).

“The EPA in this country, they are the ones supposed to be protecting the environment,” he said.

Wiens suggested the U.K. should invade the U.S., or the U.S. should swap leaders with Canada, with Justin Trudeau taking over in the White House.

Wiens published an article this week in the journal PLOS Biology, claiming that climate-related “local extinctions” are already widespread among plant and animal species.

He concluded that “species cannot change fast enough to keep up with a small change in climate.”

“In almost half the species looked at, there have been local extinctions already,” he said.

Meanwhile, last month a group of scientists discovered to their surprise that the world’s plants have somehow increased their capacity to assimilate carbon, resulting in a decline in the percentage of human-produced CO2 remaining in the atmosphere.

Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that despite the increased human emissions of greenhouse gases, between 2002 and 2014, plants were somehow able to absorb more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere than in previous decades.

Undaunted, Wiens says that humanity is on the verge of disaster, and Americans are particularly to blame.

People are going to die, Wiens prophesied, “and it’s going to be the fault of our country and other big polluters.”


Here's a picture of the man with the dirty mind:


Very profound thinker...
Now the CIA is claiming that Russia is the reason Trump won the election. The amazing "Fake News" hail mary by the globalists/leftists/commies/tribesmen is their latest method to attack the credibility of the ever growing Alternative media who are slowly prying away the grip of the mainstream media's propaganda machine and putting the truth out there to awaken more of the sheeple.

Well of course the CIA is you going to spit up some ridiculous lie like that. This is the organization that was founded by the vile David Rockefeller to further the interests of his family and their fellow oligarchs, killed the Kennedys, etc. etc. etc. It would be impossible to record all of the atrocities committed by the CIA.
Here, a trivial, silly, small minded, and mean man who thinks the sky is falling and the world is going to end, urges Trump to "kill himself".

Leading Climate Alarmist: Donald Trump Should ‘Kill Himself Immediately’

One of the leading purveyors of climate change panic has described the Presidential election of Donald J. Trump as a “global disaster,” adding that if were to meet Trump he would tell him: “Kill yourself immediately.”

Evolutionary biologist John Wiens of the University of Arizona claims that the earth is racing toward “global extinction” similar to the era of the dinosaurs, as half the world’s species are allegedly failing to cope with global warming.

Wiens said that while we may not quite be at the level of “global extinction of entire species that have already happened,” we are unfortunately “on track for that to happen.”

“If we don’t do anything,” Wiens warned, “it seems like that’s going to happen in the next 50 to 100 years.”

Wiens said that the Trump election bodes badly for the future of the planet, exacerbated by his appointment of climate change skeptic Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA and his determination to pull out of the Paris Climate Change Accord (COP21).

“The EPA in this country, they are the ones supposed to be protecting the environment,” he said.

Wiens suggested the U.K. should invade the U.S., or the U.S. should swap leaders with Canada, with Justin Trudeau taking over in the White House.

Wiens published an article this week in the journal PLOS Biology, claiming that climate-related “local extinctions” are already widespread among plant and animal species.

He concluded that “species cannot change fast enough to keep up with a small change in climate.”

“In almost half the species looked at, there have been local extinctions already,” he said.

Meanwhile, last month a group of scientists discovered to their surprise that the world’s plants have somehow increased their capacity to assimilate carbon, resulting in a decline in the percentage of human-produced CO2 remaining in the atmosphere.

Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that despite the increased human emissions of greenhouse gases, between 2002 and 2014, plants were somehow able to absorb more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere than in previous decades.

Undaunted, Wiens says that humanity is on the verge of disaster, and Americans are particularly to blame.

People are going to die, Wiens prophesied, “and it’s going to be the fault of our country and other big polluters.”


Here's a picture of the man with the dirty mind:


Very profound thinker...

I think that wacked out, nothing happening piece of filth should do everyone a big favor & "lead by example".
Vote recount update:

Pennsylvania - Federal judge rejects recount bid.

Wisconsin - With 92% of the state's votes already recounted, Clinton gained 63 new votes. Only 22,000 to go!

Michigan - Recount efforts struck down by courts. During the recount that did occur, there was so much voter fraud (on behalf of the Democrats) in and around Detroit that a stricter voter ID laws were just passed.

Stick a fork in Jill & Hill, they're done. Back to kitchen, ladies, dinner won't cook itself...


Trump's next battle? Trusting the electoral college representatives will actually vote for him. Over the past few weeks, there have been numerous stories of "faithless electors" who have vowed to never vote for Trump at their impending meeting on December 19th. Christopher Suprun, a pantywaist elector from Texas (with ties to Van Jones) has vowed to vote for Ohio Governor, John "1 out of 50" Kasich...


Since Trump won 306 electoral votes, he'll need 37 or more Trumphobic cretins to follow suit. Not likely. The "faithless elector" BS will prove just another in the myriad of ways that NeoCons and liberals have embarrassed themselves with regard to The Donald's unprecedented ascendancy.

Keep in mind that people like Nancy Pelosi's daughter are electoral college voters. They are demanding an "intelligence briefing" prior to voting.
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Is there anything more disgusting than a guy picked to simply vote the way his state did, thinking he was appointed to actually judge who should be elected? And how bad is it that the Democrats who are complaining about the Electoral College vs. the popular vote, now wanting 538 unelected party hacks to be able to decide who should be President instead of the actual voting system. Who do these people think they are? A nation has an election and then they get to decide who should really be the winner?

As far as this Supran guy is concerned, he is in fact the exact type of douche bag you would expect:

EXPOSED: Anti-Trump Faithless Elector @TheChrisSuprun Paid For Ashley Madison While Bankrupt & Married w/ 3 Kids
The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People

by Paul Craig Roberts

There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

Consider the brand new website PropOrNot and its fake news list of 200 Internet Russian agents. PropOrNot is a website hidden behind multiple screens as would be an offshore tax avoidance scheme. In other words, no known, responsible entity is behind the site, which has libeled 200 other websites, or if it is, it is too ashamed of what it is doing to be associated with it publicly.

Consider the expertise and money required to shield the identity of an organization, whether tax avoidance or website. This is not something that just anyone can do. This type of Klingon cloaking requires real money or the CIA.

As long as it pretends to be a newspaper, the Washington Post is subject to journalistic ethics. But the PropOrNot story by Craig Timberg violated journalistic ethics. Unsupported accusations were leveled against 200 websites, a McCarthyism record.

How did a story, which would have been instantly quashed by editors in my day as a Wall Street Journal editor get past Timberg’s editor?

That is the question.

Here we have the Post committing libel against 200 websites, all of whom can sue for damages. There go Bezos’ billions.

Would a Washington Post editor of any intelligence have published such a libel-inviting story unless the owner, Bezos, gave the OK or the order?

How can the Washington Post feel secure in an act of libel?

Is it because Bezos is protected by his reported membership on a US government committee, along with the Google CEO, that is believed to conspire against the privacy of the American people?

PropOrNot would have amounted to nothing except for the Washington Post. Craig Timberg’s story was written as if PropOrNot was the real goods. Yet, Timberg does not reveal who is behind PropOrNot.

Add to this picture the hyping by the Washington Post, New York Times, and TV presstitutes of the unattributed CIA charge that Russia hacked the Hillary emails and used them to elect Trump with the help of Russian agent websites. This fake news charge is challenged by Wikileaks and by a number of experts who asked why unattributed allegations are accepted in the place of evidence, and the charge is not supported by the FBI. How do we know that the alleged unattributed CIA charges are actually made by the CIA or whether there is consensus within the agency?

How can the presstitutes, such as the NYT and Washington Post give us all these claims without a shred of evidence or any attribution to the CIA officials allegedly reporting the story? What kind of journalism is this?

The conspiracy against truth and against president-elect Trump is real. The oligarchs and their presstitutes, rogue elements of the CIA and the neocon establishment hope to drag alternative media before McCarthyite congressional hearings run by the American hegemonists who want power over the world.

Whatever you think of Trump, clearly the oligarchs who rule us fear him. The oligarchs are trying to keep Trump out of the presidency, and they are trying to associate truthful reporting with foreign influence.

Who wins this war determines the fate of America.
The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People

by Paul Craig Roberts

There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

Consider the brand new website PropOrNot and its fake news list of 200 Internet Russian agents. PropOrNot is a website hidden behind multiple screens as would be an offshore tax avoidance scheme. In other words, no known, responsible entity is behind the site, which has libeled 200 other websites, or if it is, it is too ashamed of what it is doing to be associated with it publicly.

Consider the expertise and money required to shield the identity of an organization, whether tax avoidance or website. This is not something that just anyone can do. This type of Klingon cloaking requires real money or the CIA.

As long as it pretends to be a newspaper, the Washington Post is subject to journalistic ethics. But the PropOrNot story by Craig Timberg violated journalistic ethics. Unsupported accusations were leveled against 200 websites, a McCarthyism record.

How did a story, which would have been instantly quashed by editors in my day as a Wall Street Journal editor get past Timberg’s editor?

That is the question.

Here we have the Post committing libel against 200 websites, all of whom can sue for damages. There go Bezos’ billions.

Would a Washington Post editor of any intelligence have published such a libel-inviting story unless the owner, Bezos, gave the OK or the order?

How can the Washington Post feel secure in an act of libel?

Is it because Bezos is protected by his reported membership on a US government committee, along with the Google CEO, that is believed to conspire against the privacy of the American people?

PropOrNot would have amounted to nothing except for the Washington Post. Craig Timberg’s story was written as if PropOrNot was the real goods. Yet, Timberg does not reveal who is behind PropOrNot.

Add to this picture the hyping by the Washington Post, New York Times, and TV presstitutes of the unattributed CIA charge that Russia hacked the Hillary emails and used them to elect Trump with the help of Russian agent websites. This fake news charge is challenged by Wikileaks and by a number of experts who asked why unattributed allegations are accepted in the place of evidence, and the charge is not supported by the FBI. How do we know that the alleged unattributed CIA charges are actually made by the CIA or whether there is consensus within the agency?

How can the presstitutes, such as the NYT and Washington Post give us all these claims without a shred of evidence or any attribution to the CIA officials allegedly reporting the story? What kind of journalism is this?

The conspiracy against truth and against president-elect Trump is real. The oligarchs and their presstitutes, rogue elements of the CIA and the neocon establishment hope to drag alternative media before McCarthyite congressional hearings run by the American hegemonists who want power over the world.

Whatever you think of Trump, clearly the oligarchs who rule us fear him. The oligarchs are trying to keep Trump out of the presidency, and they are trying to associate truthful reporting with foreign influence.

Who wins this war determines the fate of America.

Such as we are, much longer than centuries before the Renaissance, we, what is known as "Western" peoples, have not regressed backwards. I don't expect we will at this time either.

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
Thomas Paine
Embracing the LGBT community, reaching out to Al Sharpton, and meeting with Kanye West. I'm a little concerned!
Embracing the LGBT community, reaching out to Al Sharpton, and meeting with Kanye West. I'm a little concerned!
Trump posing with Kanye West is his way of reaching out to the millions of West's low info fans. Good move.
Trump posing with Kanye West is his way of reaching out to the millions of West's low info fans. Good move.
Trump is not an idealogue, he's a businessman. He's focusing on "shaping up" the business of the USA. Reaching out to your opponents puts them off guard, which gives you an advantage when the deal goes down.
Trump posing with Kanye West is his way of reaching out to the millions of West's low info fans. Good move.

Yeh, & I dig the boy's threads. ;)


The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People

by Paul Craig Roberts

There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

Consider the brand new website PropOrNot and its fake news list of 200 Internet Russian agents. PropOrNot is a website hidden behind multiple screens as would be an offshore tax avoidance scheme. In other words, no known, responsible entity is behind the site, which has libeled 200 other websites, or if it is, it is too ashamed of what it is doing to be associated with it publicly.

Consider the expertise and money required to shield the identity of an organization, whether tax avoidance or website. This is not something that just anyone can do. This type of Klingon cloaking requires real money or the CIA.

As long as it pretends to be a newspaper, the Washington Post is subject to journalistic ethics. But the PropOrNot story by Craig Timberg violated journalistic ethics. Unsupported accusations were leveled against 200 websites, a McCarthyism record.

How did a story, which would have been instantly quashed by editors in my day as a Wall Street Journal editor get past Timberg’s editor?

That is the question.

Here we have the Post committing libel against 200 websites, all of whom can sue for damages. There go Bezos’ billions.

Would a Washington Post editor of any intelligence have published such a libel-inviting story unless the owner, Bezos, gave the OK or the order?

How can the Washington Post feel secure in an act of libel?

Is it because Bezos is protected by his reported membership on a US government committee, along with the Google CEO, that is believed to conspire against the privacy of the American people?

PropOrNot would have amounted to nothing except for the Washington Post. Craig Timberg’s story was written as if PropOrNot was the real goods. Yet, Timberg does not reveal who is behind PropOrNot.

Add to this picture the hyping by the Washington Post, New York Times, and TV presstitutes of the unattributed CIA charge that Russia hacked the Hillary emails and used them to elect Trump with the help of Russian agent websites. This fake news charge is challenged by Wikileaks and by a number of experts who asked why unattributed allegations are accepted in the place of evidence, and the charge is not supported by the FBI. How do we know that the alleged unattributed CIA charges are actually made by the CIA or whether there is consensus within the agency?

How can the presstitutes, such as the NYT and Washington Post give us all these claims without a shred of evidence or any attribution to the CIA officials allegedly reporting the story? What kind of journalism is this?

The conspiracy against truth and against president-elect Trump is real. The oligarchs and their presstitutes, rogue elements of the CIA and the neocon establishment hope to drag alternative media before McCarthyite congressional hearings run by the American hegemonists who want power over the world.

Whatever you think of Trump, clearly the oligarchs who rule us fear him. The oligarchs are trying to keep Trump out of the presidency, and they are trying to associate truthful reporting with foreign influence.

Who wins this war determines the fate of America.

I wish people would stop using words like McCarthyite. Joe McCarthy was a great man who stood up against the leftist agenda.

The idea that he recklessly hounded innocent people is pure fiction. That belief is the result of a smear campaign conducted by his leftist foes.
On the most recent stops of Trump's "Thank You Tour," he started employing a "Merry Christmas" logo prominently featured on the front of his podium...


Naturally, many on the “left” consider this gesture an act of religious persecution (against Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, atheists, etc) by the President-elect. To be fair, I can totally emphasize with their perspective...because it's exactly how white Christians have felt for the past 8 years with ever-strengthening "war on Christmas." If Bernie Sanders had won the presidency and his podiums had “Happy Hanukkah” written on them, I’d surely feel like I didn’t belong or that the President didn’t care about me. Same if Barak Hussein was touting his religion (Islam) or writing the ultra-offense “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greeting” on his non-denominational "holiday" cards in order to "appease" religious minorities and intentionally offend normal, white Christians...



What "holiday" are they (sort-of, kind-of, maybe) referring to in this carefully-worded card? They mention "receiving gifts," but what was the occasion? Winter? Anyone offended by Trump's unapologetic and effusive use of the term "Merry Christmas" now understands how white Christians people have felt living under Bolshevik Barry for 8 years. I hope they feel as alienated and unwelcome as humanly possibly over the next 4-8 years. They deserve it in spades.
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How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?

by Paul Craig Roberts

The claims that the Russian government hacked US voting machines are absurd. Voting machines are not connected to the Internet. To hack a voting machine you have to be physically in proximity to the machine and use a hand held device. The machines can be programmed to throw the vote count to one candidate or the other, and there are other ways to interfere with elections. Possibly if a foreign power had server presence in the US, some precinct reports of results could be intercepted and altered, although a voice check over the telephone is an easy way to verify the electronic transmission. What is clear is that Russia cannot hack the voting machines.

What about the claims that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails and used a network of 200 Internet websites to convince the American people to vote for Trump? Wikileaks, which released the emails, said they were a leak, not a hack, and that they did not come from Russians. The FBI and the Director of National Intelligence do not support the CIA’s claims. Or should we say claims attributed to the CIA as apparently the source of the claims, like the source of PropOrNot, is unknown.

And look at the size of the alleged conspiracy—the Kremlin and 200 websites. Surely someone would have talked!

John McCain says he is sure Russia did something and we need a congressional investigation to find out what.

Why not start with an investigation of PropOrNot and what they are up to? We also need an investigation why Americans living in big cities on the NE and West coasts were immune to Russian fake news, whereas the geographical bulk of the country succumbed to the Russian fake news instead of to the presstitute fake news that conquered the NE and West coasts.

The FBI says that the claims attributed to the CIA would not stand up in court. So what are the claims all about? Who is behind them? Are there elements within the CIA committing treason by working against president-elect Trump? Are there elements in the US Congress committing treason by trying to sway electors with fake news resting on unattributed claims that the Russians, not the American people, elected Trump? Why these claims in the absence of proof?

What we are experiencing in the delegitimization of Donald Trump is an extraordinary rejection of democracy by elements in the government and by the presstitutes.
Intel Community May Be Carrying Out Anti-Trump ‘Disinformation Campaign’

That pic that Thrashen posted, to be honest, has to be the most flattering pic of his family ever. But...that will never take away from his failed presidency nor from his angry racist angry wife Moooshell's unhappy / misguided life. LOL
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BTW, I love how Trump is rubbing it in the progs faces with Christmas spelled out in no uncertain terms. He really knows what buttons to push. Loving it.
American Freedom News