The Trump Era Begins

Trump's bumper sticker that will get your car destroyed by "liberal" maniacs:

A CIA-led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes

by Paul Craig Roberts

This article by Moon of Alabama is not conspiracy theory: it carefully. Check out the links.

The article is a documented and accurate description of a coup that is underway. The extraordinary lies that are being perpetrated by the media and by members of the US government have as their obvious purpose the prevention of a Donald Trump presidency. There is no other reason for the extraordinary blatant lies for which there is not a shred of evidence. Indeed, there is massive real evidence to the contrary. Yet the coup proceeds and gathers steam.

President Eisenhower warned us more than a half century ago of the danger that the military/security complex presents to US democracy. In the decades since Eisenhower’s warning, the military/security complex has become more powerful than the American people and is demonstrating its power by overturning a presidential election.

Will the coup succeed?

In my opinion, former and present members of the US government and the media would not dare to so obviously and openly participate in a coup against democracy and an elected president unless they expect the coup to succeed.

It is an easy matter for the ruling interests to bribe electors to vote differently than their states. The cost of the bribes is miniscule compared to the wealth and income streams that a trillion dollar annual budget provides to the military/security complex. The fake news of a Putin/Trump election-stealing plot generated by unsupported allegations of present and former members of US intelligence, the lame-duck President Obama, and the presstitute media provide the cover for electors to break with precedent “in order to save America from a Russian stooge.”

The CIA-controlled European media, the politicians in Washington’s European vassal states, NATO officials, and the brainwashed European peoples will support the coup against Trump.

The only ones speaking against the coup are the voters who elected Trump—all of whom are alleged to have been deceived by Russian fake news— the Russian government, and the 200 websites falsely described by the Washington Post and the secret organization PropOrNot as Russian agents.

In other words, those objecting to the coup are the ones described by the coup leaders as those who made the coup necessary.

I do not know that the coup will succeed, but looking at the commitment so many high level people have made to the coup, I conclude that those bringing the coup expect it to succeed.

Therefore, we should take very seriously the expectation of success that those who control levers of power are demonstrating.
It is nice to see Trump working on his cabinet. All he needs a few more nails and wood and it will be complete. :)
Two k#ke f@ggots that are "married" verbally assault and harrass Ivanka Trump on plane, in front of her small children. I would have been beating the hell out of both of them if I was there.

Truly sickening, degenerate miscreants. Trump and those that support him of course are what's standing between these two weak, pathetic freaks and the sharia-espousing mooslims that would throw them off a building for being fa##ots.
What were Ivanka and her kids doing flying coach on a commercial airliner??? This could well be "fake news."
What were Ivanka and her kids doing flying coach on a commercial airliner??? This could well be "fake news."
Yeah, kinda wondering about that. FoxNews reports that a bunch of cousins were also traveling with them, therefore, coach mode. But regardless, If I was on that plane and heard that queer jew yapping at her, I would have told him to STFU and sit down.
Once they landed, Ivanka Trump, husband and kids go off the tarmac and got into SUVs with their luggage. Must be great to be rich and famous.
I like your style. I'd have loved to smash in the ugly faces of those two depraved zio-f@9s. That's the way to deal with loudmouth commie scourge...blunt force trauma. :bash:

Yeah but then the Secret Service and TSA would have sprung into action and charged you with terrorism on an aircraft.
What were Ivanka and her kids doing flying coach on a commercial airliner??? This could well be "fake news."

It doesn't seem to be fake news but that is a damn good question. With all the security concerns and millions of commie scums foaming at the mouth - and President Trump owns his own private jets which he flies on - so his daughter and her children are flying economy fare with a couple of indolent secret service agents...? Something doesn't compute here.
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Yeah but then the Secret Service and TSA would have sprung into action and charged you with terrorism on an aircraft.

I'm sure, but it have taken the whole lot of 'em to get ahold of this'un. ;-)
Just saw that Obama is doing his best to rile up Russia as he leaves office by expelling diplomats and calling for sanctions against Russia due their involvement in the election. Assange has been on record stating that russia had nothing to do with the leaks. Obama is doing his best to lay waste to diplomatic and political ties to make life as difficult as possible for trump. It is unreal how big of a snake Obama is
Just saw that Obama is doing his best to rile up Russia as he leaves office by expelling diplomats and calling for sanctions against Russia due their involvement in the election. Assange has been on record stating that russia had nothing to do with the leaks. Obama is doing his best to lay waste to diplomatic and political ties to make life as difficult as possible for trump. It is unreal how big of a snake Obama is

Meanwhile the commie scum are openly planning mass terror and insurrection and chaos for inauguration day and the social media, like Zuckerbergbook aka Facebook and Twitter are helping them organize, and the Obama regime with all its armed to the teeth police agencies - FBI, Homeland Security, etc etc - aren't doing anything to stop it, like arresting the leaders or closing off areas in Wash DC..
Just saw that Obama is doing his best to rile up Russia as he leaves office by expelling diplomats and calling for sanctions against Russia due their involvement in the election. Assange has been on record stating that russia had nothing to do with the leaks. Obama is doing his best to lay waste to diplomatic and political ties to make life as difficult as possible for trump. It is unreal how big of a snake Obama is

That f@990t 0bong0 & the milksop neocucks couldn't fight their way outta a wet paper sack...yet continue the "saber rattling" against a superior military force led by a real man (...unlike the limp wrist Kenyan puss).
That f@990t 0bong0 & the milksop neocucks couldn't fight their way outta a wet paper sack...yet continue the "saber rattling" against a superior military force led by a real man (...unlike the limp wrist Kenyan puss).

Their multiracial multisexual army has gotten their gay asses kicked everyplace from Grenada to Somalia to Afghanistan (the latter two are invading the USA and all the western countries to prove it, and probably the Grenadans are too!) and now the gay kenyan monkey wants to f'g fight Russia and China!? Give me a f'g break. Russia kicks ass - and China? How u gonna fight China when everything here is made in China including the gay soldiers shoes and the flags, not to mention the secret Chinese control and/or detonate chips hidden deep within the computers? The only thing they are good at is mass murdering people by bombing from 30,000 feet. Tell me one war the USA has won since it integrated its military. In fact tell me one war the USA EVER won that benefited the white race and western civilization!
Their multiracial multisexual army has gotten their gay asses kicked everyplace from Grenada to Somalia to Afghanistan (the latter two are invading the USA and all the western countries to prove it, and probably the Grenadans are too!) and now the gay kenyan monkey wants to f'g fight Russia and China!? Give me a f'g break. Russia kicks ass - and China? How u gonna fight China when everything here is made in China including the gay soldiers shoes and the flags, not to mention the secret Chinese control and/or detonate chips hidden deep within the computers? The only thing they are good at is mass murdering people by bombing from 30,000 feet. Tell me one war the USA has won since it integrated its military. In fact tell me one war the USA EVER won that benefited the white race and western civilization!
WW if its true what you are saying about OUR pansy ass armed forces I would be very concerned. I don't believe all units in the military are wussified. Like the one I was in! Remember that obummer set down stupid/unwinnable rules of engagement for the military in the current theaters of war. Also, when Hitler declared war on the US in 1941, pretty sure it was not a diebold Massoud computer chip in in his brain telling him to do so. Besides pretty confident that Trump will fix a number of things that bozo f'd up. Food for thought.
Obviously glad Trump won. I have recently read online he registered 8 companies in Saudi Arabia during his presidential campaign.. That makes me uneasy. Did he dupe us all and is just another neocon warmongerer?! Or will he stay true to his promises of America first and cutting back immigration?! Time will tell. Supposedly he's a hard ass on Mexican and Muslim immigration, but he doesn't mind taking Arab $$. He's a weird guy to figure out, as someone said earlier I truly think Trump is a business man first and foremost. Perhaps with a soft spot for white identity politics. Definitely not a neo nazi white nationalist the MSM demonizes him as.
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Obviously glad Trump won. I have recently read online he registered 8 companies in Saudi Arabia during his presidential campaign.. That makes me uneasy. Did he dupe us all and is just another neocon warmongerer?! Or will he stay true to his promises of America first and cutting back immigration?! Time will tell. Supposedly he's a hard ass on Mexican and Muslim immigration, but he doesn't mind taking Arab $$. He's a weird guy to figure out, as someone said earlier I truly think Trump is a business man first and foremost. Perhaps with a soft spot for white identity politics. Definitely not a neo nazi white nationalist the MSM demonizes him as.

We'll find out soon enough how sincere he is. Philip Giraldi is a very well respected patriot who used to work for the CIA.

Welcome to Greater Israel!
The tail will be wagging the dog under Donald Trump

by Philip Giraldi

While the presidential campaign was still in progress it was possible to think that there might be some positive change in America’s broken foreign policy. Hillary Clinton was clearly the candidate of Washington Establishment hawkishness, while Donald Trump was declaring his disinclination for democracy and nation building overseas as well as promoting détente with Russia. Those of us who considered the foreign policy debacle to be the most dangerous issue confronting the country, particularly as it was also fueling domestic tyranny, tended to vote on the basis of that one issue in favor of Trump.

On December 1stin Cincinnati, president-elect Donald Trump made some interesting commentsabout his post-electoral foreign policy plans. There were a lot of good things in it, including his citing of $6 trillion “wasted” in Mideast fights when “our goal is stability not chaos.” And as for dealing with real enemies, he promised to “partner with any nation that is willing to join us in the effort to defeat ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism…” He called it a “new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past” adding that “We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.”

Regarding the apparent inability of governments to thoroughly check out new immigrants prior to letting them inside the country, demonstrated most recently in Nice, Ohio and Berlin, Trump described how “People are pouring in from regions of the Middle East — we have no idea who they are, where they come from what they are thinking and we are going to stop that dead cold. … These are stupid refugee programs created by stupid politicians.” Exaggerated? For sure, but he has a point, and it all is part and parcel of a foreign policy that serves no actual interest for people who already live in the United States.

But, as so often with Trump, there was also the flip side. On the looney fringe of the foreign and national security policy agenda, the president-electoddly believes that“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” So to reduce the number of nukes we have to create more of them and put them in more places. Pouring gasoline on a raging fire would be an appropriate analogy and it certainly leads to questions regarding who is advising The Donald with this kind of nonsense.

Trump has promised to “put America first,” but there is inevitably a spanner in the works. Now, with the New Year only six days away and the presidential inauguration coming less than three weeks after that, it is possible to discern that the new foreign policy will, more than under Barack Obama and George W. Bush, be driven in significant part by Israeli interests.

At least Obama had the good sense to despise Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but that will not be true of the White House after January 20th. Trump’s very first telephone conversation with a foreign head of government after being elected was with Netanyahu and during the campaign, he promised to invite Bibi to the White House immediately after the inauguration. The new president’s first naming of an Ambassador-designate to a foreign nation was of his good friend and bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman to Israel. Friedmanhad headedTrump’s Israel Advisory Committee and is a notable hard liner who supports the Israeli settler movement, an extreme right-wing political entity that is nominally opposed by existing U.S. government policy as both illegal and damaging to Washington’s interests. Beyond that, Friedman rejects creation of a Palestinian state and supports Israel’s actual annexation of the West Bank.

U.S. Ambassadors are supposed to support American interests but Friedman would actually be representing and endorsing a particularly noxious version of Israeli fascism as the new normal in the relationship with Washington. FriedmandescribesJerusalem as “the holy capital of the Jewish people and only the Jewish people.” Trump is already taking steps to move the U.S. Embassy there, making the American government unique in having its chief diplomatic mission in the legally disputed city. The move will also serve as a recruiting poster for groups like ISIS and will inflame opinion against the U.S. among friendly Arab states in the region. There is no possible gain and much to lose for the United States and for American citizens in making the move, but it satisfies Israeli hardliners and zealots like Friedman.

The Trump team’s animosity towards Iran is also part of the broader Israeli agenda. Iran does not threaten the United States and is a military midget compared either to nuclear armed Israel or the U.S. Yet is has been singled out as the enemydu jourin the Middle East even though it has invaded no one since the seventeenth century. Israel would like to have the United States do the heavy lifting to destroy Iran as a regional power. If Washington were to attempt to do so it would be a catastrophe for all parties involved but that has not stopped hardliners from demanding unrelenting military pressure on Tehran.

Donald Trump is not even president yet but he advised Barack Obama to exercise the U.S. veto for the resolution condemning Israeli settlements that was voted on at the United Nations Security Council on Friday,explaining that“As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations. This puts Israel in a very poor negotiating position and is extremely unfair to all Israelis.”

This is a straight Israeli line that might even have been written by Netanyahu himself. Or by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which fumed “AIPAC is deeply disturbed by the failure of the Obama Administration to exercise its veto to prevent a destructive, one-sided, anti-Israel resolution from being enacted by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). In the past, this administration and past administrations have rejected this type of biased resolution since it undermines prospects for peace. It is particularly regrettable, in his last month in office, that the president has taken an action at odds with the bipartisan consensus in Congress and America’s long history of standing with Israel at the United Nations.”

Ah yes, the fabled negotiations for a two state solution, regularly employed to enable Israelis to do nothing while expanding their theft of Arab land and one wonders how Trump would define what is “fair to the Palestinians?” So we are already well into Trump’s adoption of the “always the victim argument” that the Israelis have so cleverly exploited with U.S. politicians and the media.

Not content with advising Obama, Trump also reportedly took the Palestinian issue one step further by directly pressuring the sponsoring Egyptians to postpone any submission of the resolution. Expecting to have a friendly president in the White House after January 20th, Egypt’s president Abdel Fattah al-Sisicomplied on Thursdaybut the motion was reintroduced by New Zealand, Venezuela, Senegal and Malaysia on the following day. The resolution passed with 14 yes votes and a courageous U.S. abstention after Obama finally, after eight long years, developed a backbone. But unfortunately, Trump’s interventions suggest that nothing critical of Israel will be allowed to emerge from the U.N. during his term of office. Referring to the U.N. vote, he said that “things will be different after January 20th.”

The United Nations resolution produced an immediate reaction from Israeli Firsters in Congress and the media, led bySenator Chuck Schumerand theWashington Post. ThePostfeatured a lead editorial entitledThe Obama Administration fires a dangerous parting shotand an op-edThe United States just made Middle East peace harderby no less a redoubtable American hero than Eliot Abrams. Look in vain for any suggestion of what might be construed as an actual U.S. interest in either piece. It is all about Israel, as it always is.

The problem with Israel and its friends is that they are never satisfied and never leave the rest of us Americans alone, pushing constantly at what is essentially an open door. They have treated the United States like a doormat, spying on us more than any ostensibly friendly nation while pocketing our $38 billion donation to their expanding state without so much as a thank you. They are shameless. Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer has been all over American television sputtering his rage over the United Nations settlements vote. On CNNhe revealedthat Israel has “clear evidence” that President Obama was “behind” the resolution and he announced his intention to share the information with Donald Trump. Every American should be outraged by Israel’s contempt for us and our institutions. One has to wonder if the mainstream media will take a rest from their pillorying of Russia to cover the story.

For many years now, Israel has sought to make the American people complicit in its own crimes while also encouraging our country’s feckless and corrupt leadership to provide their government with political cover and even go to war on its behalf. This has got to stop and, for a moment, it looked like Trump might be the man to end it when he promised to be even-handed in negotiating between the Arabs and Israelis. That was before he promised to be the best friend Israel would ever have.

Israel’s quarrels don’t stay in Israel and they are not limited to the foreign policy realm. I havealready discussedthe pending Anti-Semitism Awareness Act,a bipartisan effort by Congressto penalize and even potentially criminalize any criticism of Israel by equating it to anti-Semitism. Whether Israel itself wants to consider itself a democracy is up to Netanyahu and Israeli voters but the denial of basic free speech rights to Americans in deference to Israeli perceptions should be considered to be completely outrageous.

And there’s more. Israel’s government funded lawfare organization Shurat HaDin has long been using American courts to punish Palestinians and Iranians, obtaining punitive damages linked to allegations regarding terrorist incidents that have taken place in Israel. Now Shurat HaDin is using our courts to go after American companies that do business with countries like Iran.

I cut out the last part of this article so that it would post on the forum. Full article:
American Freedom News