The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth

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I guess the Bible only matters to you when it supports something you believe?
I guess the Bible only matters to you when it supports something you believe?

First off the Holy Bible always matters to me. (B)asic (I)nstructions (B)efore (L)eaving (E)arth

Even if I was an athiest or agnostic I wouldn't believe in a ball shaped earth or the fake moon missions. Even the planets which are actually
stars are named with esoteric meanings. The whole world is a stage. I wouldn't worry as covid proved how dumb & naive most people are
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It's so obvious but it's ok because the high up official fact checkers will say this is not true just like you can't survive covid without taking the 2 or 3 shots. Nothing to see here. Just move right along. Fact checkers never showed up until too much truth starting getting out. Censor the whole internet and stop misinformation so the rulers say. 1984 here we come. Hope people are happy with going along to get along.
I thought this was interesting.
In 1797, Henry Cavendish Used Two Small Metal Spheres To Weigh The Entire Earth

Figuring out how to weigh the Earth took until 1687, and even then we couldn't calculate it until 1798.

At the end of the 1600s, Newton proposed the universal law of gravitation: that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force (F) determined by their masses (M) and the square of the distance between the centers of the objects (R). Math fans may prefer it expressed like this: F=G(M1xM2/D2)

As you can tell from the math, if you have the mass of one of the objects (and all the other information within the equation) you can figure out the mass of the second object. Say you were one of the known masses (or you used a specific weight for ease): you could calculate the weight of the Earth, given that we know roughly how far we are from the Earth's center. The problem was, in Newton's time we did not have a value for G, making this impossible.

Knowing the mass and density of the Earth would be incredibly useful for astronomers, as it would help them calculate the mass and density of other objects in the Solar System, as well as it being interesting to know in its own right. In 1772, the Royal Society set up the “Committee of Attraction” to figure this out.

Attempts were made to measure the average density of the Earth using a mountain in Scotland. The team showed that the sheer mass of Schiehallion attracted pendulums towards it. Measuring the pendulum's movement and surveying the mountain, they were able to calculate a rough density of the Earth.

In 1797, however, we finally got the value of G, allowing us to calculate the mass of the Earth. Geologist Reverend John Michell had been working on the problem, but died before he could finish. Instead it fell to scientist Henry Cavendish, using Michell's equipment, to perform the experiment.

Using a relatively simple setup Cavendish was able to measure the force between two metal spheres separated by a known distance. The gravitational force of the Earth exerted on the smaller ball could be measured by weighing it, and the density of the balls was also known.

Looking at the ratio between the two forces revealed the mass of the Earth, about 5,974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms(13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds), if you're interested.

Earth Has Got A New Quasi-Moon​

Artist impression of an asteroid in space

The new quasi-satellite is a small rock in cosmic standards.

It is always nice to know we are not alone on our path, even if those companions are not exactly traveling with us. This is the fate of the quasi-moons of Earth, not-quite satellites of our planet whose orbit around the Sun also takes them around Earth. Now, Earth’s got a new one.
The object, known as 2023 FW, is small, not much bigger than a four- or five-story building. From the point of view of our planet, it goes around us at an average distance of 26.9 million kilometers (16.7 million miles), yet it is not a moon. The reason why this and the other quasi-moons experience such a weird orbit is because they are in a 1:1 resonance with Earth. That means they complete a full rotation around the Sun at the same time as our planet.

But they are far beyond the region of the gravitational influence of the Earth, the so-called Hill Sphere, which extends up to 1.5 million kilometers (almost a million miles) away. The motion of quasi-moons around the Earth is happenstance and not our planet keeping them in orbit. Quasi-moons in fact come and go. The most stable known is 469219 Kamoʻoalewadiscovered in 2016. This object might have been a piece of the Moon, has orbited Earth for at least a century and it will continue to do so for centuries to come.

A preliminary analysis of 2023 FW by French astronomer and journalist Adrien Coffinet suggests that the record of Kamoʻoalewa might be trashed by this newly discovered object. It might have been around since at least 100 BCE and will continue with us for a long while.

“It seems to be the longest quasi-satellite of Earth known to date,” Coffinet told Sky and Telescope.
Despite being a Near-Earth Object, 2023 FW is not any risk to us. It keeps its distance from our planet and if ever that were to change we would know with decades to spare.
I thought this was interesting.
In 1797, Henry Cavendish Used Two Small Metal Spheres To Weigh The Entire Earth

Figuring out how to weigh the Earth took until 1687, and even then we couldn't calculate it until 1798.

At the end of the 1600s, Newton proposed the universal law of gravitation: that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force (F) determined by their masses (M) and the square of the distance between the centers of the objects (R). Math fans may prefer it expressed like this: F=G(M1xM2/D2)

As you can tell from the math, if you have the mass of one of the objects (and all the other information within the equation) you can figure out the mass of the second object. Say you were one of the known masses (or you used a specific weight for ease): you could calculate the weight of the Earth, given that we know roughly how far we are from the Earth's center. The problem was, in Newton's time we did not have a value for G, making this impossible.

Knowing the mass and density of the Earth would be incredibly useful for astronomers, as it would help them calculate the mass and density of other objects in the Solar System, as well as it being interesting to know in its own right. In 1772, the Royal Society set up the “Committee of Attraction” to figure this out.

Attempts were made to measure the average density of the Earth using a mountain in Scotland. The team showed that the sheer mass of Schiehallion attracted pendulums towards it. Measuring the pendulum's movement and surveying the mountain, they were able to calculate a rough density of the Earth.

In 1797, however, we finally got the value of G, allowing us to calculate the mass of the Earth. Geologist Reverend John Michell had been working on the problem, but died before he could finish. Instead it fell to scientist Henry Cavendish, using Michell's equipment, to perform the experiment.

Using a relatively simple setup Cavendish was able to measure the force between two metal spheres separated by a known distance. The gravitational force of the Earth exerted on the smaller ball could be measured by weighing it, and the density of the balls was also known.

Looking at the ratio between the two forces revealed the mass of the Earth, about 5,974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms(13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds), if you're interested.
How about providing links to the various articles you've been posting, otherwise it looks like plagiarism.
as i’ve said previously, i don’t know what to think about this flat earth business, as it seems to me from my own (admittedly limited) observations and thoughts that the earth is relatively spherical. that being said, i see absolutely nothing wrong with posts introducing/examining evidence that contradicts my position. in fact i’ve done so myself.

the truth needs no defense. let the evidence speak for itself. respectful, but lively, debate is one reason our people have made the leaps forward that make our way of life the envy of all others.
Just to show you how far humanity has fallen including so many of the religions/churches with false teachers everywhere. The Vatican has one
of the biggest telescopes in the world. They named the telescope "Lucifer". Wake up my people, the hour is late. Turn to God & Jesus.

Space is an ocean of water above and we have the oceans below. The stars float in the water and the planets are just bigger stars. There
is no space other than what's made in a hollywood basement. Even William Shatner admited this at a Star Trek Conference to fans. He said
there is no difference between science and science fiction.

PS 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

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Satanic NASA?

Mission Control to John Glenn after liftoff: “Godspeed John Glenn”

during a news conference from orbit, Glenn radioed back, “To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is, to me, impossible.”

Ed White became the first American to leave the confines of an orbiting spacecraft. And during that historic spacewalk White experienced something he didn’t expect. He confided later to his friend the Reverend Jackson Downey of First Methodist Church in Cocoa Beach, Florida, that out there in space, he’d sensed the presence of God.

Gordon Cooper in orbit, transcript:
“Father, thank You, for the success we have had in flying this flight. Thank You for the privilege of being able to be in this position, to be up in this wondrous place, seeing all these many startling, wondrous things that You’ve created.
“Help guide and direct all of us that we may shape our lives to be good, that we may be much better Christians, learn to help one another, to work with one another, rather than to fight. Help us to complete this mission successfully . . .
“Be with all our families. Give them guidance and encouragement, and let them know that everything will be okay.
“We ask in Thy name. “Amen.”

I remember this as a kid, what a special moment!!
On their ninth and second-to-last orbit—just before they were to begin their long trip home—the spacemen clicked on a TV camera and broadcast to a massive audience on Earth. TV Guide estimated that one out of four humans listened in to their telecast. To nearly one billion people, across hundreds of thousands of miles of space, the astronauts described what they were seeing. They took turns giving impressions and panned the camera to show the surface of the moon sweeping by at four thousand miles per hour, a mere sixty miles beneath the command module.

Then, just before signing off, the astronauts offered one final message. They decide to share their “feeling of closeness to the Creator of all things.” And they took turns reading from chapter one of the King James Bible’s version of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth . . .” When they finished their reading, Borman signed off with this: “And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you—all of you on the good Earth.” That was Christmas Eve 1968.
WL, lots of respect to you and we share an unashamed faith in Jesus Christ, but these Christian men that orbited the earth, wouldn't they have been able to plainly see that the earth was a sphere and not flat?
WL, lots of respect to you and we share an unashamed faith in Jesus Christ, but these Christian men that orbited the earth, wouldn't they have been able to plainly see that the earth was a sphere and not flat?

They never went into space. It's called low earth orbit. They cannot ever go past the Van Allen Belt(Firmament). They admit this now a
days currently but still stick to the lies that they lost the technology that got them to the moon.

Every rocket launch all around the world has many things in common. One it's always by water/ocean. Two they go straight up for only a
short time and then go diaganol and then sideways as they quit filming. In the Bermuda Triangle is the largest graveyard/junkyard for space
ships in the world. Yes they go back down into the ocean. They recover them and take them to an island so people never see the truth.
They never went into space. It's called low earth orbit. They cannot ever go past the Van Allen Belt(Firmament). They admit this now a
days currently but still stick to the lies that they lost the technology that got them to the moon.
10-4. ....and as others have stated, I have no problem with you posting about this, although I do believe the earth is spherical in shape. Do you believe the sun and moon are flat as well?
They never went into space. It's called low earth orbit. They cannot ever go past the Van Allen Belt(Firmament). They admit this now a
days currently but still stick to the lies that they lost the technology that got them to the moon.

Every rocket launch all around the world has many things in common. One it's always by water/ocean. Two they go straight up for only a
short time and then go diaganol and then sideways as they quit filming. In the Bermuda Triangle is the largest graveyard/junkyard for space
ships in the world. Yes they go back down into the ocean. They recover them and take them to an island so people never see the truth.

So John Glenn and the other White astronauts are a bunch of liars. Along with centuries of White scientists, seamen, explorers, etc.
I found this to be interesting. The Columbia Command Module might still be orbiting the moon. I also like the comment that every human except one is in that picture. Although with that lighting the earth might be a flat disk with a dome around it. LOL no space ocean though!

A picture of the LEM from above over the lunar surface. Behind it in space a half lit Earth.

Eagle just before meeting with Columbia. Every human but Michael Collins is in this picture.
Image credit: NASA

Almost 54 years ago, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the Lunar Module Eagle and landed on the Moon. After less than a day on the surface of our natural satellite, they lifted off, to meet up again with Michael Collins in the command module Columbia. Once back on Columbia, the Eagle was abandoned, expected to come crashing down on the Moon. But maybe it did not.
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