The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth

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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The truth about Satelites. NASA is the biggest purchaser of helium in the world for decades. That is for the satteloons. The
whole space as we've been told is a lie. As it says in the Bible, everything that is secret shall be revealed.

Luke 8:17

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

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Jan 27, 2016
I don’t get it? Why the 10,000 year conspiracy to hide that the Earth is really flat? That’s a lot of work millions of people have engaged in to keep the lie secret.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I don’t get it? Why the 10,000 year conspiracy to hide that the Earth is really flat? That’s a lot of work millions of people have engaged in to keep the lie secret.
I love how you ignore the evidence where our government and NASA among countless others have a flat non rotating earth in their documents. All the aeronautical engineering firms, sattelite compaines, etc. Why is that flint? Yet they push the opposite truth. I will
tell you why. It's to disprove God. They hate God and Jesus. The theory of evolution and the big bang are equally stupid and easily
debunked. Why don't you ever address the videos and the documented evidence? It's an open shut case. I've seen the NASA documents.
Pause the film over and over and then research it. They admit it. You keep believing your pipe dream.

It's not only to disprove that God made the earth. It's because they make billions & trillions of dollars since the 1960's in funding. They would
be stupid to end that with the truth. If the truth comes out, how do tax payers get their money back? We don't. It's a magic act on a
dumbed down population that will believe anything. Covid was an IQ test. Sit down and take off your mask, You won't catch it now.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
So we're back to "The Earth is Flat," again.
Yeah because they have never lied about anything. Your right. Let me take the blue pill and stay asleep. It's because people believe everything
they are taught that we are in this mess. How do you rule people. Teach them partial truths mixed with lies. A dumbed down nation is so easy
to rule. One reason whites are attacked so much. Because some of us are INDEPENDENT THINKERS. Go ahead & believe we played golf
on the moon. Watch out for that global warming. Sure to hit you right in the wallet but it's true right?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Have any of you ever flown in a hot air ballon. You can sit in one spot for a very long time and guess what the earth doesn't move.

How about an ultralight. No computer navigation but not needed to take off and land on a non moving stationary earth. Think people?

If I drive or fly somewhere it takes the same amount of time if there isn't bad weather or traffic. North, South, East, West it doesn't move!
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Jan 27, 2016
Have any of you ever flown in a hot air ballon. You can sit in one spot for a very long time and guess what the earth doesn't move.

How about an ultralight. No computer navigation but not needed to take off and land on a non moving stationary earth. Think people?

If I drive or fly somewhere it takes the same amount of time if there isn't bad weather or traffic. North, South, East, West it doesn't move!
Um centrifugal force? If you are on a moving train ( on a flat non rotating earth) and you toss a ball into the air it doesn’t smack you in the face. Why not, you are sitting still and the train is speeding along, the ball should suddenly reflect that you’re moving and you should move into it.
It doesn’t because you and the ball are moving at the same speed. You don’t notice the difference.

Same as with the balloon or driving, everything is moving at the same speed. It’s relative.


Oct 5, 2022
I love how you ignore the evidence where our government and NASA among countless others have a flat non rotating earth in their documents. All the aeronautical engineering firms, sattelite compaines, etc. Why is that flint? Yet they push the opposite truth. I will
tell you why. It's to disprove God. They hate God and Jesus. The theory of evolution and the big bang are equally stupid and easily
debunked. Why don't you ever address the videos and the documented evidence? It's an open shut case. I've seen the NASA documents.
Pause the film over and over and then research it. They admit it. You keep believing your pipe dream.

It's not only to disprove that God made the earth. It's because they make billions & trillions of dollars since the 1960's in funding. They would
be stupid to end that with the truth. If the truth comes out, how do tax payers get their money back? We don't. It's a magic act on a
dumbed down population that will believe anything. Covid was an IQ test. Sit down and take off your mask, You won't catch it now.
I would check out Creator and the Cosmos by Hugh Ross or there’s some speeches by Stephen Meyer talking about Allen Sandage who was known as the greatest cosmologist of the 20th century and he converted to christianity on the basis of the design in the universe
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
A short but really informative eye opening video for many of the skeptics here. If you want to watch it please have an open mind my friends.

I respect everyone here no matter your opinion but in my mind honestly I'm 100 Percent sure there is a firmament above our earth and no
rocket/spaceship on anything else is ever leaving this earth to go into the fake outerspace. The planets are actually major stars and the moon
and sun rotate around the stationary earth. The earth does not rotate. Also the Sun and Moon are not that far away. God made it all perfect!



Jan 27, 2016
I’m reading a great book. It’s called “Moonshot” the inside story of America’s race to the moon. It features a lot of information and details on the many White geniuses and brave heroes that made the greatest achievement in human history possible. Very inspiring.

There is also a lot on the Russians who had many of their own hero’s and men of great intelligence. Incredible to realize that we are members of a people so talented as to be to able to achieve such great things!

Think of the many thousands of people that dedicated their lives to making it happen. Some gave their lives for it.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I’m reading a great book. It’s called “Moonshot” the inside story of America’s race to the moon. It features a lot of information and details on the many White geniuses and brave heroes that made the greatest achievement in human history possible. Very inspiring.

There is also a lot on the Russians who had many of their own hero’s and men of great intelligence. Incredible to realize that we are members of a people so talented as to be to able to achieve such great things!

Think of the many thousands of people that dedicated their lives to making it happen. Some gave their lives for it.

Some in Russia says we never went to the moon. Only Hollywood did. They made a documentary several years ago.



Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I’m reading a great book. It’s called “Moonshot” the inside story of America’s race to the moon. It features a lot of information and details on the many White geniuses and brave heroes that made the greatest achievement in human history possible. Very inspiring.

There is also a lot on the Russians who had many of their own hero’s and men of great intelligence. Incredible to realize that we are members of a people so talented as to be to able to achieve such great things!

Think of the many thousands of people that dedicated their lives to making it happen. Some gave their lives for it.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004


Busted!!! Wires and Harnesses are Used on the ISS Defrauding the World (Old Taboo)

Taboo Conspiracy


Sep 11, 2021
I don’t think we went to the moon ( I used to).

However I also think the space program itself with what was done in the age of slide rules and limited computing power is a tremendous achievement

If our economy were not as finance centric and more engineering centric I think it’s possible we could get there.

I say this as an engineer who went to finance and made more money. Incentives matter, but I’m part of the problem


Jan 27, 2016
Obviously you can’t really “know” if we went to the moon or not. In the end you have to accept as truth what someone else tells you.

I choose to believe that the White America that existed at that time was made up of great men and women that achieved a tremendous goal. They were good people that worked hard, believed in a divine presence, and did something historic.

Non- believers think those people were lying con artists that devoted their lives to a massive fake scam that was completely phony. Thousands of engineers sitting in mission control and around the world going through a massive farce. And they all took that secret to their graves.

That thinking means those White people must be some of the most despicable humans ever to have lived. Thousands conspiring to promote the biggest lie in history. And most of them the best and brightest our people had to offer.

If that’s what you think about the people responsible for the greatest achievement in human history, why support White people so much? That’s how our enemies feel, and you agree with them.
Dec 18, 2004
Obviously you can’t really “know” if we went to the moon or not. In the end you have to accept as truth what someone else tells you.

I choose to believe that the White America that existed at that time was made up of great men and women that achieved a tremendous goal. They were good people that worked hard, believed in a divine presence, and did something historic.

Non- believers think those people were lying con artists that devoted their lives to a massive fake scam that was completely phony. Thousands of engineers sitting in mission control and around the world going through a massive farce. And they all took that secret to their graves.

That thinking means those White people must be some of the most despicable humans ever to have lived. Thousands conspiring to promote the biggest lie in history. And most of them the best and brightest our people had to offer.

If that’s what you think about the people responsible for the greatest achievement in human history, why support White people so much? That’s how our enemies feel, and you agree with them.

It's similar to how a former poster thought the famous White football players from the past went along with scripting and fixing every game.

He also thinks the great White explorers of the 16th Century were lying about sailing a ship around the world.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
I can see why older generation clings to the greatness of White America 1.0. The moon landing was programmed as being the biggest thing, well, ever.

We were lied to about Pearl Harbor, Vietnam , MLK and All the Kennedy deaths. 9/11, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.. Covid.

Idk maybe that’s why I’m skeptical of every single thing the government says as fact!

I’ve questioned before why we haven’t been back. Answer I got is because we have more diversity now… I can see that, or we’ve never been able to go in 1st place.

Whites on our side have more important things to do than bicker about flat earth and moon landings though.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I can see why older generation clings to the greatness of White America 1.0. The moon landing was programmed as being the biggest thing, well, ever.

We were lied to about Pearl Harbor, Vietnam , MLK and All the Kennedy deaths. 9/11, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.. Covid.

Idk maybe that’s why I’m skeptical of every single thing the government says as fact!

I’ve questioned before why we haven’t been back. Answer I got is because we have more diversity now… I can see that, or we’ve never been able to go in 1st place.

Whites on our side have more important things to do than bicker about flat earth and moon landings though.
Good post. I have no idea why this topic was brought up yet again when it's repeatedly proven to be divisive. It's a debate better suited for other venues than a sports site.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I can see why older generation clings to the greatness of White America 1.0. The moon landing was programmed as being the biggest thing, well, ever.

We were lied to about Pearl Harbor, Vietnam , MLK and All the Kennedy deaths. 9/11, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.. Covid.

Idk maybe that’s why I’m skeptical of every single thing the government says as fact!

I’ve questioned before why we haven’t been back. Answer I got is because we have more diversity now… I can see that, or we’ve never been able to go in 1st place.

Whites on our side have more important things to do than bicker about flat earth and moon landings though.

I love it when some of the younger generation can think logically outside of the box. Schools are indoctrination centers. from 1 to 12 and then colleges take it to another level. I had some good debates at all levels but that's because I'm an independent thinker. It's even harder
to be like that now. It's like with covid if you are sitting in a restaruant you can take the mask off and eat. If you stand up the virus will get you.

We have a nation of brainwashed zombies and I should say a world full of pre programmed robots that believe everything they are told. Science was supposed to be about questioning everything. Now they tell us NO, just believe the science. It's so dumb and more people
are waking up. That's why they call it The Great Awakening.

I'm more intrigued by this beautiful earth and the firmament than the moon. It just all blends together. Again the earth is a disc. It's round
on the like a orange cut in half and it faces up. The antartic ice circle surrounds the water. The center is magnetized and their is an aether
in the air that can produce energy for free if harnessed. Tesla talked about so much of this so they ruined him and took all his money. He
was one of the smartest guys to ever live. He invented Alternating Current. Edison had the Direct Current which is only good for a small
area. Yet they made him rich and gave Edison credit for the AC even though he is a fraud. Tesla wanted humanity to have energy for free.

Back to the flat earth. Yes it has hills, mountains and valleys. It is round but only on the edges. The ice walls are 100 to 200 feet high. When
they have went beyond them eventually there is alot more land, priceless natural resources and it's warm. They hide much of the land masses from humanity. The earth is far bigger than they tell us. That land is only for the very , very rich. Why they ban us from going there. The Antartic Ice Treat is not about Penguins but go ahead and believe the tv and teachers. Haha.
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Jan 27, 2016
Good post. I have no idea why this topic was brought up yet again when it's repeatedly proven to be divisive. It's a debate better suited for other venues than a sports site.
I can tell you what my motivation is. To me this is the equivalent of running down the accomplishments of White people in sports. It’s like saying Babe Ruth wasn’t any good because he didn’t face black pitchers, or Ty Cobb’s records are void because he was racist, Mantle was a drunk and all those pennants the Yankees won was a conspiracy to let a mostly White team win.

It’s the same BS of attacking the White past as being bad or tainted in some way. People who disparage the validity of the moon landings are tearing down more statues in my opinion. I won’t be a part of that.

Supposedly this site exits to support White athletes and has a policy against disparaging them. I feel the same way about other Whites that did great things.
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