The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth

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I've posted them countess times.

Here are a few but there are many more. Trust me I study it 7 days a week. God will not be Mocked!

This is the best that you've got? Alright, let's take a look at some of these.

1 Chronicles 16:30

30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

Nothing here about the earth being flat. This might better be read as a phenomenological verse in regards to geocentrism, but not flat earth.

Isaiah 11:12

12 He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.

Also says nothing of the earth being flat. How does "corner (KJV)" equal flat? I thought that your model was round, it doesn't have corners either.

Isaiah 40:22

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Ah, one of my favorites. Even if you translate khûg (חוּג) to mean circle it doesn't necessily mean flat. A sphere is a circle when viewed from above. Interestingly the same word is translated as "vault" in the book of Job. In modern Hebrew the word is translated as sphere and in Arabic (another semitic language) it is rendered as kura which means ball. For what it's worth, virtually all 15th-16th century Latin bibles translate this as sphaera or globus. And this was before NASA came along and forced everyone at gunpoint to believe in a globe.

I could go on to examine every one of these, not a single one explicitly describes a flat earth. Is your flat earth on pillars? Or is is suspended over nothing? When you are so locked in to a model that you cannot see the poetry and equivocal language of the Bible it is pretty sad. The Bible is intended to point us to the one true Saviour, Jesus Christ. Not to be a petty book of cherry-picking to prove one's pet beliefs.
From Wikipedia:
The early Norse settlers named the island Greenland. In the Icelandic sagas, the Norwegian-born Icelander Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland for manslaughter. With his extended family and his thralls (slaves or serfs), he set out in ships to explore an icy land known to lie to the northwest. After finding a habitable area and settling there, he named it Grœnland (translated as "Greenland"), supposedly in the hope that the pleasant name would attract settlers.[24][25][26] The Saga of Erik the Red states: "In the summer, Erik left to settle in the country he had found, which he called Greenland, as he said people would be attracted there if it had a favorable name."[27]

Then came a Viking named Flóki Vilgerðarson; his daughter drowned en route, then his livestock starved to death. The sagas say that the rather despondent Flóki climbed a mountain and saw a fjord (Arnarfjörður) full of icebergs, which led him to give the island its new and present name.[22] The notion that Iceland's Viking settlers chose that name to discourage the settlement of their verdant isle is a myth.

Thanks for posting this but Wikipedia is about as honest as Facebook and Twitter. They change things all the time to fit the narrative. I get
a laugh out of seeing how many things are changed and I'm not talking about updating stats, I'm talking about false journalism. The W in
Wikepedia stands for Woke.
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So now along with the basically-not-even-veiled racism (instead of fighting against racism against all racial generalizations/suppositions, including the ones against Caucasians), the site is now doing the flat-earther Only thing left to embrace is Q anon.....and the Easter Bunny.

There is much more "racism" on social media and every aspect of society against White people then what exists on this site. This site is used to speak out against the negative stereotypes, active discrimination and neglect that White athletes face and to celebrate White athletic achievement in spite of these obstacles.

I will say I am sick of this thread though.
This is the best that you've got? Alright, let's take a look at some of these.

1 Chronicles 16:30

30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

Nothing here about the earth being flat. This might better be read as a phenomenological verse in regards to geocentrism, but not flat earth.

Isaiah 11:12

12 He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.

Also says nothing of the earth being flat. How does "corner (KJV)" equal flat? I thought that your model was round, it doesn't have corners either.

Isaiah 40:22

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Ah, one of my favorites. Even if you translate khûg (חוּג) to mean circle it doesn't necessily mean flat. A sphere is a circle when viewed from above. Interestingly the same word is translated as "vault" in the book of Job. In modern Hebrew the word is translated as sphere and in Arabic (another semitic language) it is rendered as kura which means ball. For what it's worth, virtually all 15th-16th century Latin bibles translate this as sphaera or globus. And this was before NASA came along and forced everyone at gunpoint to believe in a globe.

I could go on to examine every one of these, not a single one explicitly describes a flat earth. Is your flat earth on pillars? Or is is suspended over nothing? When you are so locked in to a model that you cannot see the poetry and equivocal language of the Bible it is pretty sad. The Bible is intended to point us to the one true Saviour, Jesus Christ. Not to be a petty book of cherry-picking to prove one's pet beliefs.

It is a cirucular disc, frisbee, pancake, etc. etc. Not a ball. The only way you could visualise a ball is by including the firmament. The earth
is not a round ball like a basketball or baseball. It's a circular disc.
It is a cirucular disc, frisbee, pancake, etc. etc. Not a ball. The only way you could visualise a ball is by including the firmament. The earth
is not a round ball like a basketball or baseball. It's a circular disc.
Well yeah, I know that is what you believe and are promoting. You have that right and I have no problem with that. One of the reasons why this site is different from most. What I'm saying is that none of the verses linked (or the other 185 for that matter) say that the earth is flat. And 2,000 years of the church not believing that either says something about the historical epistimology of the verses. The fact that these were largely compiled by athiest Darwinists to discredit the church in the late 1900's is telling.

Now I really never intended to go off onto that tangent as I was more interested in the science behind Flat Earth beliefs rather than theological positions. Many posters, lurkers and random visitors don't really care about biblical interpretation scraps.

So if you don't mind getting back to the subject matter of the thread, we've established that their are no scalable maps for the flat earth and I had posed a question in regards to seasons. Specifically in the southern hemisphere where I am having difficulty seeing how the small, close circling sun can light all of Antarctica during peak summer.
First off guys just understand that I respect all of you even when we disagree. We are all a brotherhood & small family of friends. The biggest
reason for this site is to help fight the anti white discrimination in sports. I have posted almost 19,000 times so I'm commited to protecting
whites in sports and in life. I'm as proud to be of european ancestry as any of you. Just always know that. We don't have to agree on everything. That being said all ethnicities lie for money and power. I'm not picking on just my people. I just try to show the truth as I see it.

One last thing. Free Speech is one of our most important rights in America. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Right to Bear Arms and
Freedom of Speech. Let's respect each others views as debate is about being a living person with free will, speech and thought! Thanks for
listening. If this site ever got as bad as places like twitter, facebook and many others with the thought police we are in trouble when we are
told what we can and cannot think.
Here you go footballdad.

First off guys just understand that I respect all of you even when we disagree. We are all a brotherhood & small family of friends. The biggest
reason for this site is to help fight the anti white discrimination in sports. I have posted almost 19,000 times so I'm commited to protecting
whites in sports and if life. I'm as proud to be of european ancestry as any of you. Just always know that. We don't have to agree on everything. That being said all ethnicities lie for money and power. I'm not picking on just my people. I just try to show the truth as I see it.

One last thing. Free Speech is one of our most important rights in America. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Right to Bear Arms and
Freedom of Speech. Let's respect each others views as debate is about being a living person with free will, speech and thought! Thanks for
listening. If this site ever got as bad as places like twitter, facebook and many others with the thought police we are in trouble when we are
told what we can and cannot think.
I absolutely agree. In my on-and-off lurking over the last few years, you, WL are consistently one of my favorite posters as you delve into virtually every sport and are very knowledgeable in many "news" items as well. Please remember that I do not intend to mock or to impugn you in any way shape or form. Sometimes a spirited conversation can appear that way to one or both parties.

I'm just interested in this alternate (from what most believe) point of view from a scientific perspective. You do not have to engage if you are uncomfortable. I'm happy to be back, cheers to all here on this most unique website and thanks mostly to Don Wassall for keeping it alive all of these years.
I absolutely agree. In my on-and-off lurking over the last few years, you, WL are consistently one of my favorite posters as you delve into virtually every sport and are very knowledgeable in many "news" items as well. Please remember that I do not intend to mock or to impugn you in any way shape or form. Sometimes a spirited conversation can appear that way to one or both parties.

I'm just interested in this alternate (from what most believe) point of view from a scientific perspective. You do not have to engage if you are uncomfortable. I'm happy to be back, cheers to all here on this most unique website and thanks mostly to Don Wassall for keeping it alive all of these years.

Thanks but trust me I'm not uncomfortable. I could be the only one here that believes what I believe and I wouldn't care. While it might make be a little sad that more can't see past the propaganda and programming it is what it is. I'm an Alpha Male and I lead and do not follow. I
will take on thousands of posters all by myself and not back down. That is why they want to take our free speech away everywhere. It protects
their mountains of lies to control the internet and all forms of speech and thought.
Rob Skiba did so much great work despite threats on his life many times. Check out some of his videos.

was this book removed from the Bible? In my opinion because it exposes the lies and tells you everything about the earth we live on.

It should be better to appreciate the vastness and the beauty of God's universe instead of trying to box it into some simple little matchbook world in a snow globe.
To me the best explanation for not believing earth is flat and we're encompassed in some kind of dome. God is eternal and to believe this theory seems to limit God. My God is eternal, omniscient and sovereign. The universe is eternal just like my God is.
...since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20.
The way I can try and understand an eternal God is to picture God outside of space and time. God created it all, so he has to be outside of it. But that's not to say we are encompassed in it. It's still eternal to us, but not to God. Absolutely mind-blowing if you think about it too long.
BTW. there is the theory to the earth being enclosed in a water type canopy, before the flood. Before the flood everything continued to grow like in a greenhouse. Which would explain the size of dinosaurs as well as giant humans, plant life etc. We live in a junk yard now compared to the Garden of Eden. Can you imagine 25 feet high tomato plants? When the flood came, it was caused by this canopy dropping to earth. Remember it had never rained before the flood. As well as springs bursting up from the earth.
for the Lord God had not sent rain to the earth and there was no man to work the ground. But streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Genesis 2: 5-6.
To me the best explanation for not believing earth is flat and we're encompassed in some kind of dome. God is eternal and to believe this theory seems to limit God. My God is eternal, omniscient and sovereign. The universe is eternal just like my God is.
...since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20.
The way I can try and understand an eternal God is to picture God outside of space and time. God created it all, so he has to be outside of it. But that's not to say we are encompassed in it. It's still eternal to us, but not to God. Absolutely mind-blowing if you think about it too long.
BTW. there is the theory to the earth being enclosed in a water type canopy, before the flood. Before the flood everything continued to grow like in a greenhouse. Which would explain the size of dinosaurs as well as giant humans, plant life etc. We live in a junk yard now compared to the Garden of Eden. Can you imagine 25 feet high tomato plants? When the flood came, it was caused by this canopy dropping to earth. Remember it had never rained before the flood. As well as springs bursting up from the earth.
for the Lord God had not sent rain to the earth and there was no man to work the ground. But streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Genesis 2: 5-6.

While I respect you as a fellow brother in Christ we will have to agree to disagree on this. God put the stars and lights in the sky to always
know about the time and changing of the time & seasons. The stars stay the same for 1000's of years. Depending on the season they will look a litle
different but like the earth they do not move. The sun and moon revolves around the earth.

Yes God is infinate. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. Always was and Always will be. He is eternal, all knowing, all seeing
and all powerful. Gods Ways are so much above our ways. He is the perfect father. He created a beautiful world that has not changed. It was
cleansed during the flood with Noah and will be cleansed again with fire and brimstone. The earth has not changed. The Firmament in all of Gods Glory is still there and it cannot be breached or broke ever! God is Always in Control.

Please take the 3 hours to watch The Book of Enoch posted just a little above. Watch it an hour at a time if you have to. We are all busy
but it's important to help more people understand how beautiful Gods Creation of the Earth really is! It's amazing.
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While I respect you as a fellow brother in Christ we will have to agree to disagree on this. God put the stars and lights in the sky to always
know about the time and changing of the time & seasons. The stars stay the same for 1000's of years. Depending on the season they will look a litle
different but like the earth they do not move. The sun and moon revolves around the earth.

Yes God is infinate. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. Always was and Always will be. He is eternal, all knowing, all seeing
and all powerful. Gods Ways are so much above our ways. He is the perfect father. He created a beautiful world that has not changed. It was
cleansed during the flood with Noah and will be cleansed again with fire and brimstone. The earth has not changed. The Firmament in all of Gods Glory is still there and it cannot be breached or broke ever! God is Always in Control.

Please take the 3 hours to watch The Book of Enoch posted just a little above. Watch it an hour at a time if you have to. We are all busy
but it's important to help more people understand how beautiful Gods Creation of the Earth really is! It's amazing.
You don't necessarily need to watch the video. You can simply download the book here. It's not very long and it's a fascinating read. Whether it's authentically from Enoch is not known, but the descriptions of the pre-flood times are intriguing. Especially all the sordid details of the angels who came to earth to marry human women and create the Nephalim children. Nothing about flat earth unless you decide to take the visions of Enoch at face value where the earth is supported by big 'ol stones. It's like reading the book of David and Revelation and not accounting for the nature of the things shown to the men seeing them.

Even if you are of the belief that these fragments were written in the 3rd century BC as many scholars have posited, it's worth your time as it's not necessarily contradictory to the Holy Writ.
You don't necessarily need to watch the video. You can simply download the book here. It's not very long and it's a fascinating read. Whether it's authentically from Enoch is not known, but the descriptions of the pre-flood times are intriguing. Especially all the sordid details of the angels who came to earth to marry human women and create the Nephalim children. Nothing about flat earth unless you decide to take the visions of Enoch at face value where the earth is supported by big 'ol stones. It's like reading the book of David and Revelation and not accounting for the nature of the things shown to the men seeing them.

Even if you are of the belief that these fragments were written in the 3rd century BC as many scholars have posited, it's worth your time as it's not necessarily contradictory to the Holy Writ.

Yes you can read it or listen to it. That being said the guy who made this put hundreds of hours into the pictures and graphics. It's amazing
and helps people to understand what the Book of Enoch is saying about our earth and about living in the end times. It just goes so much
more into depth to get an all around perspective. Trust me brother. In your spare time watch this as the illustrations are amazing!
Thanks for the two videos, WL. First one was nice and basic, laid out the seasons in a manner which makes sense if you subscribe to the model. The second one was a bit more interesting, there are many things in that one that I found interesting. But when it came down to the 24 hours of sunlight in Antarctica during the summer, this gentleman simply dismissed it as a "hoax" and that all film evidence of it was faked and it's a "myth". Amazingly lazy. I'm would actually be surprised if he ever actually left his basement and looked around outside. I'm sorry, but if you want you can go see for yourself if you're so inclined. There are the cruises that Flint mentions, heck, you can even go work there!

But hey, we'll play along and say that cruises and workers are shown something different or whatever. You don't even need to go to Antarctica to illustrate this problem. You can just go to the tip of South America, it's close enough and people actually live there. During December the sun rises at 4:50AM and doesn't set until 10:10PM. With the flat earth model it would have to light up the world in this particular way:


One big problem with this is that the black dot, Point Barrow, AK is dark 24 hours a day at this time. No model that I've seen shows how this is remotely possible. Seasons and night/day on the same model don't work. If you can show this, that would be great.
I'd say it's time to lock it. Flint posted early on that this thread makes Caste Football look bad and is a topic that shouldn't even be allowed for discussion, yet he seems to have posted more in this one thread than he has the rest of the site combined over the past year.

It's been turned into pretty much a mano a mano marathon, with Football Dad now entering the fray as well. White Lightning will always defend his beliefs, while Flint wants him to concede various points and will help keep this thread that he claimed to dislike front and center for an indefinite period of time.

One side presents an alternative perspective that combines faith and religion with what any objective observer should admit also has a certain logic behind aspects of it that don't have to be accepted or submitted to any more than someone has to accept that Anthony Fauci is "The Science" and that both he and weaponized "science" are beyond questioning. The other advocate regularly supports the regime's narratives on just about every important issue and historical event (except when it comes to the Caste System), so there couldn't be a much wider separation between the two. Both have presented voluminous material, more than enough to back their basic positions for anyone interested in studying the flat earth arguments and their rebuttals. So let's call it a draw and move forward to sports.
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