The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth

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UFO's NASA and the Serpents Tongue - The lie that will change the world​

Can you see the Snakes Tongue? From the Garden of Eden it all started with a Snake which the Devil made speak.

T-Minis 10, 9, 8, Why is the T there? It's the missing T in Satan which they pay homage to.

Screenshot 2023-06-17 at 02-34-19 UFO's NASA and the Serpents Tongue - The lie that will chang...png
You beleved in the covid hoax, you stupid boomer! Good grief, I'd think you'd be more humbled after that episode, where you did exactly what the television said, and then it turned out that it was completely stupid. You should know better!

What the **** is wrong with you, you dumb boomer???

You really are very stupid. Someone should put a muzzle on you. Again, like Charlie Brown, good grief!
First of all dude pump the brakes, or put down the bottle. I was not wrong about Covid. In fact I was exactly right. It was a danger to people at risk, a bad flu to most others. The vaccine was not a cure but an assist to boost the immunity system to prevent serious infection. The vaccine was not a great danger to most who took it, you probably know hundreds of people that got the shot and are doing fine.

It is only in your fevered imagination that there exists a world where your silly conspiracies are true. If you really believe that the earth is flat in an age of deep space exploration and satellites that make this internet communication possible then you are the ignorant one.

UFO's NASA and the Serpents Tongue - The lie that will change the world​

Can you see the Snakes Tongue? From the Garden of Eden it all started with a Snake which the Devil made speak.

T-Minis 10, 9, 8, Why is the T there? It's the missing T in Satan which they pay homage to.

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Your posts are getting so ridiculous it almost seems like you are trolling us now. The flourish you call a serpents tongue is just part of the design. Why isn’t the circle in the design a “halo” as a sign of God. “T-minus” stands for the countdown to “takeoff”.

If you really are serious about this stuff you may want to consider talking to someone. Do you have a minister at your church you could discuss these things with?
Nobody on this forum has ever been high enough above the earth to see its shape. Therefore, we are arguing over beliefs. Beliefs are the enemy of knowledge. Some choose to believe everything they are told. Others believe nothing and only trust their experiences. Nobody has a monopoly on truth.
While no one has a monopoly on truth this has proven a surprisingly divisive topic and in reality affects us all very little one way or the other.

I would once again like to respectfully ask this thread to be locked so as not to detract from the site’s core mission
Your posts are getting so ridiculous it almost seems like you are trolling us now. The flourish you call a serpents tongue is just part of the design. Why isn’t the circle in the design a “halo” as a sign of God. “T-minus” stands for the countdown to “takeoff”.

If you really are serious about this stuff you may want to consider talking to someone. Do you have a minister at your church you could discuss these things with?

You lie about covid. The vaccines caused A.I.D.S. Systems as it attacks the Immune System. Yes just like with HIV it was the people that
took the medicine that died in large numbers. Not everyone but more than those who didn't. These vaccines have caused more injuries
and deaths than all of the vaccines over the last 80 or 90 years put together. Go research it.

You need help for believing in the fairytale of NASA the Great Deceivers of Humanity.
You lie about covid. The vaccines caused A.I.D.S. Systems as it attacks the Immune System. Yes just like with HIV it was the people that
took the medicine that died in large numbers. Not everyone but more than those who didn't. These vaccines have caused more injuries
and deaths than all of the vaccines over the last 80 or 90 years put together. Go research it.

You need help for believing in the fairytale of NASA the Great Deceivers of Humanity.
More people have died that took the vaccine then those that didn’t? Nearly every man woman and child in this country and most others, probably 80% or more were vaccinated. You’re saying that over 20% of the population has died from covid vaccines. That’s ridiculous and a perfect example of how you don’t understand even the most basic of math involved in the things you say.
More people have died that took the vaccine then those that didn’t? Nearly every man woman and child in this country and most others, probably 80% or more were vaccinated. You’re saying that over 20% of the population has died from covid vaccines. That’s ridiculous and a perfect example of how you don’t understand even the most basic of math involved in the things you say.

Here is one of thousands of documents.

In this study it talks about 12 to 29 year olds dieing after taking the vaccines.

While no one has a monopoly on truth this has proven a surprisingly divisive topic and in reality affects us all very little one way or the other.

I would once again like to respectfully ask this thread to be locked so as not to detract from the site’s core mission
Not only locked but deleted, then set fire to, the ashes buried and the ground over it salted!
People just can't admit that they just might be wrong. That our rulers have a track record of lieing about countless things. From lead
paint to fluoride in the water and encouraging people to smoke in the past. Even the doctors said no problem even if your pregnant.

The best thing humanity can do is to start questioning everything. More people are having a "Great Awakening". The Rulers know this.
Many secrets are starting to be revealed. it's like the Wizard of Oz Movie. They know they must go now or never. This is a battle
for the freedom or the enslavement of humanity. Choose what side you will serve wisely.

Healthy Debates are a normal part of society unless you have Communism with Total Control.
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More people have died that took the vaccine then those that didn’t? Nearly every man woman and child in this country and most others, probably 80% or more were vaccinated. You’re saying that over 20% of the population has died from covid vaccines. That’s ridiculous and a perfect example of how you don’t understand even the most basic of math involved in the things you say.
obviously this thread has gone off topic, but some of the claims lately haven’t been backed by evidence but rather name calling and vitriol. please consider this:

in his recent interview on Joe Rogan, Democrat presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. summarized the results of the Pfizer trial thusly:

~ 22,000 were injected with the Pfizer vaccine and 22,000 took the placebo (saline)…

~ results showed the NNTV (Number needed to vaccinate to save one life) was 1 in 22,000…

~ the vaccinated group were 21% more likely to die over the next 6 months from all cause mortality…

~ the vaccinated group was 400% more likely to suffer a cardiac arrest in the next 6 months.
An Official Air Force Map of the World from the 1960's. They used to show the truth in the past!
Can you guys say Flat Earth? Notice how Asia, Europe, etc. etc. is not where they show us now.


It's Amazing to me that there are hundreds of thousands of flat earth maps showing where the continents really are. Why would they
fake these? They wouldn't unless it was to push the narrative and propaganda that started around the time NASA started. They then
started to push the Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution and of course the False Round Ball Earth. The False Beliefs of Heliocentrism.

Wake up brothers. The hour is late. Stop being deceived. I post this things to wake up humanity to the lies! Yet some here ignore the
obvious evidence that indeed we live on a flat stationary non rotating earth.
For those that want to know what the Book of Enoch says about the Flat Earth here is an video with audio narration and pictures. It is
very well done and it took alot of time and effort to show the truth to the world. It's over 3 hours long but it's easy to do it in 1 hour
blocks to learn what they don't want you to know. The Book of Enoch was in the Holy Bible in the past but was removed. I wonder why?
God has been and always will be the ONE TRUE CREATOR. I advise people to take the time to watch this whole video. Thank you.

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So I'm in some sort of spiritual danger if I don't believe in a flat earth?

No I've never said that. It's not for me to judge anyone. Only God and Jesus will do that and it's doubtful people would be held accountable for the deception. We will be judged in my opinion on how we treat other human beings throughout our lives and whether we follow God or not. I'm no better than anyone. I just show what I've seen and people can either agree or disagree.
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obviously this thread has gone off topic, but some of the claims lately haven’t been backed by evidence but rather name calling and vitriol. please consider this:

in his recent interview on Joe Rogan, Democrat presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. summarized the results of the Pfizer trial thusly:

~ 22,000 were injected with the Pfizer vaccine and 22,000 took the placebo (saline)…

~ results showed the NNTV (Number needed to vaccinate to save one life) was 1 in 22,000…

~ the vaccinated group were 21% more likely to die over the next 6 months from all cause mortality…

~ the vaccinated group was 400% more likely to suffer a cardiac arrest in the next 6 months.
Ah numbers, the tools of Satan.
First let me say I appreciate RFK Jr. taking on the establishment. That said, let’s remember he’s 1. A democrat 2. A Kennedy 3. A Left liberal that campaigned for Hillary against Trump. If he was somehow able to get elected you would probably be wishing for the old days of Joe Biden.

Regarding his “400% more likely to suffer cardiac arrest,” here’s how that happened. I will try to go slow as some people here are not familiar with numbers and logic.

Pfizer did their study, 22,000 vaccinated and 22,000 took a placebo. 2 people in the placebo group died of covid, and 1 in the vaccinated group. So Pfizer, dicks that they are, announced that the vaccine was 100% effective. Because 1 death is 100% better then 2 deaths.

Robert Kennedy Jr. thought two can play that game. Five (of 22,000 people in the vaccine group) died of heart failure, One (of 22,000 people in the placebo study) died of heart failure. Five deaths is 400% more then one death. See?

Both numbers are insignificant. The five deaths are 0.0225% the one death 0.045%. In a group of that many people there could be many reasons for the small differences. Those numbers prove nothing about the vaccine being more dangerous in regards to heart failure. More research has to be done.

That doesn’t mean the vaccine is safe. It doesn’t mean there might not be some risk but it certainly does not mean that a majority of the people taking the vaccine are dying from it.
Ah numbers, the tools of Satan.
First let me say I appreciate RFK Jr. taking on the establishment. That said, let’s remember he’s 1. A democrat 2. A Kennedy 3. A Left liberal that campaigned for Hillary against Trump. If he was somehow able to get elected you would probably be wishing for the old days of Joe Biden.

Regarding his “400% more likely to suffer cardiac arrest,” here’s how that happened. I will try to go slow as some people here are not familiar with numbers and logic.

Pfizer did their study, 22,000 vaccinated and 22,000 took a placebo. 2 people in the placebo group died of covid, and 1 in the vaccinated group. So Pfizer, dicks that they are, announced that the vaccine was 100% effective. Because 1 death is 100% better then 2 deaths.

Robert Kennedy Jr. thought two can play that game. Five (of 22,000 people in the vaccine group) died of heart failure, One (of 22,000 people in the placebo study) died of heart failure. Five deaths is 400% more then one death. See?

Both numbers are insignificant. The five deaths are 0.0225% the one death 0.045%. In a group of that many people there could be many reasons for the small differences. Those numbers prove nothing about the vaccine being more dangerous in regards to heart failure. More research has to be done.

That doesn’t mean the vaccine is safe. It doesn’t mean there might not be some risk but it certainly does not mean that a majority of the people taking the vaccine are dying from it.

Let's get the thread back on topic please. We all said a few things about the vaccines but this is taking the thread in the wrong direction. Thanks and that includes me. We have a message thread for this topic.
To be clear. I think nasa is just a government agency which is to space travel what the post office is to package delivery.

I think one can believe in spherical planets without being a NASA supporter.
Tomorrow is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. Round earthers believe that the earth is tilted in it's axis as it orbits the sun and this accounts for the change of seasons. Flat earthers, however know this to be a lie, probably the work of Satan, and have their own explanation.

Flat-Earthers agree that the sun perfectly circles the ring of the equator on the equinox; however, to account for the equal hours of daytime and nighttime, the models make a few tweaks to how the sun itself looks and behaves.

While you might envision the sun as an enormous ball of exploding gas located 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) away, a flat-Earther would see it as a teeny, tiny spotlight hovering just over the Earth. How teeny and how close is it? According to the early flat-Earth thinker Samuel Birley Rowbotham, who published the influential treatise "Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe" in 1881, the sun is only about 32 miles (52 km) in diameter and hovers anywhere from 400 to 700 miles (640 to 1,130 km) above the Earth, depending on the month.

Many modern flat-Earthers now believe that the sun sits about 3,000 miles (5,000 km) over the Earth, but Rowbotham's general idea remains popular in the community. Here's how members of the Flat Earth Society (one of the foremost flat-Earth activist groups in the world) describe the idea on their official wiki page:

"The sun moves in circles around the North Pole. When it is over your head, it's day. When it's not, it's night. The light of the sun is confined to a limited area, and its light acts like a spotlight upon the Earth."


The diameter of these sun-circles governs the seasons. According to one popular theory, the sun circles closest to the North Pole in June, then spends the next six months spiraling slowly outward toward the ice wall at the edge of the world. In December, the sun reverses course and spirals back inward again. During the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun circles in a perfect loop around the equator, casting light on half of the disc world at any given time. Voila: seasons!

This explanation has its problems. For starters, a sun circling 3,000 miles (5,000 km) above a flat Earth would never actually "set," even at the most southern latitudes. YouTube user Wolfie6020, a globe-Earth proponent, demonstrated this by building a scale model of the flat-Earth-style sun as it would be seen from Sydney on a vernal equinox. As shown in his video, the sun (actually a drone carrying a ping-pong ball) never dips below the horizon, even at its farthest point from the observer.

Moreover, during an equinox, the sun appears to rise due east and set due west everywhere on Earth except at the poles.
For this to hold true on a flat Earth, where some cities are physically many times farther away from the sun than others, the sunlight would have to bend at hundreds of different angles simultaneously. That's the only way it could appear as if it was always coming from the east.

So far, no flat-Earth model has been able to resolve these problems. But that doesn't stop the community from trying — or, in some cases, not trying. Like many conspiracy theories, it's the uncertainty that makes flat-Earth theory a mystery worth obsessing over for its proponents. So, whatever you believe, we hope this year's solstice restores your wonder in the globe/disk we call home.
You can find the truth in video games, cartoons, movies, tv shows, and especially music. Again you have to search for it.

A few of the Lyrics from the "Red Hot Chilli Peppers" from their song "Californication".

[Verse 4]
Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement
And Cobain, can you hear the spheres singing songs off Station to Station?
And Alderaan's not far away, it's Californication

Born and raised by those who praise control of population
Well, everybody's been there, and I don't mean on vacation

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