Riley Cooper

Having seen this story too many times, I just have no confidence that it won't end the way it did for John Rocker, Al Campanis and so many others. If Cooper plays another down in the NFL, I will be shocked.

Im with you on this one big. A white man is simply not allowed to offend blacks in this country. His football career is as good as over. Right now they are just testing the waters with him. Seeing what the public thinks, and trying to get him to embarrass himself with as many apologies as possible. Thats what they love more than anything. The apologies. The begging for mercy.

I look at it like this. Right now the NFL, and the media are a group of deranged prison rapists, and RC is the punk they have chosen to rape. They outnumber him , and they plan on raping him no matter what. He can try to get maddog mean, and fight his ass off, or he can spread his cheeks, and say please be gentle with me boys. So far he has got on his knees and asked them to be gentle with him. Well that dosent work when dealing with lunatics. They are going to rape him hard no matter how much he begs.
Im with you on this one big. A white man is simply not allowed to offend blacks in this country. His football career is as good as over. Right now they are just testing the waters with him. Seeing what the public thinks, and trying to get him to embarrass himself with as many apologies as possible. Thats what they love more than anything. The apologies. The begging for mercy.

I look at it like this. Right now the NFL, and the media are a group of deranged prison rapists, and RC is the punk they have chosen to rape. They outnumber him , and they plan on raping him no matter what. He can try to get maddog mean, and fight his ass off, or he can spread his cheeks, and say please be gentle with me boys. So far he has got on his knees and asked them to be gentle with him. Well that dosent work when dealing with lunatics. They are going to rape him hard no matter how much he begs.

Gee, you make it sound as if these mad men are as hateful as Mike Tyson. Remember when Tyson threaten a White reporter with rape while hurling racial slurs during a Lennox Lewis – Tyson pre-fight event. Youtube has a video of the affair, it’s x-rated. I won’t post it here. I remember how ESPN went on for days and days covering the consequences of Tyson’s hate speech.
Yes, and of course Mike Tyson is now a "lovable" cultural figure, kind of like the immortal Snoop Dog. Compare his reputation in the msm with that of John Rocker, for instance.

WW makes a graphic but entirely accurate assessment of the situation. There is nothing to be gained at this point by whites apologizing for "offending" blacks. It never works. Never. So why doesn't at least one white in this situation realize it?

Spoken courageously and articulately, a statement exposing the clear double standard here from Cooper, or any other white ex-player defending him, would be like a shot heard round the world, another Lexington and Concord.

We need a revolution.
Im with you on this one big. A white man is simply not allowed to offend blacks in this country. His football career is as good as over. Right now they are just testing the waters with him. Seeing what the public thinks, and trying to get him to embarrass himself with as many apologies as possible. Thats what they love more than anything. The apologies. The begging for mercy.

I look at it like this. Right now the NFL, and the media are a group of deranged prison rapists, and RC is the punk they have chosen to rape. They outnumber him , and they plan on raping him no matter what. He can try to get maddog mean, and fight his ass off, or he can spread his cheeks, and say please be gentle with me boys. So far he has got on his knees and asked them to be gentle with him. Well that dosent work when dealing with lunatics. They are going to rape him hard no matter how much he begs.

In the Johnny Manziel thread you seemed to disagree with me and agreed that Manziel should not be a bad ass about his reputation as a partier and now you are saying Riley Cooper should be one concerning his apology. What's the proper role for the high profile White athlete? Follow the rules but when you do something wrong get maddog mean? It sounds like mixed signals.

I agree with you on Cooper but don't understand your take on Manziel. I could just as easily say that this is not the old days anymore and when a White man breaks the "new" rules then he's gotta take it up the rear because that's how it's done these days and if you don't do it that way then the media will rip you up.
Good take on this as always by Paul Kersey at Vdare:

Under the current Minority Occupation Government, the historic American nation exists only to be exploited. And the worst crime for Americans is not murder, rape, or treason—but whites saying a forbidden word.

The destruction of a public figure for saying a forbidden word is now an established American ritual. The dust has yet to settle on the Paula Deen n-word debacle, but another manufactured controversy has taken over the headlines. This time, it comes from “America's Opiateâ€￾--the National Football League. The sacrificial victim: the Philadelphia Eagles’ Riley Cooper, one of the few white wide receivers in professional football.
Gee, you make it sound as if these mad men are as hateful as Mike Tyson. Remember when Tyson threaten a White reporter with rape while hurling racial slurs during a Lennox Lewis – Tyson pre-fight event. Youtube has a video of the affair, it’s x-rated. I won’t post it here. I remember how ESPN went on for days and days covering the consequences of Tyson’s hate speech.

Mike Tyson loses his cool when sports reporter Mark Malinoweski yells "Put him in a strait jacket!" (you can hear it at 0:0 to 0:1)

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I messed up trying to attach truthtellers qoute re: ESPN. I think ESPN is in for some decline not sure how much due to increased competition but until one of the big boys ala Bud, Miller , Buffalo Wild Wings etc decide they will take a hike due to ESPN's content then they will carry on as usual. Other media outlets have been just as bad including many newspapers.
It is a non story which is scary because the media is dictating american life greater than anytime I can remember. Cooper to my knowledge has no known history of racist behaviour, he isn't a member of the Klu Klux Klan etc so the story should have NEVER been released.. Like someone mentioned above along with Paula Deen and recent Zimmerman ordeal the media has jumped on the racial "thing" like wild beasts and leaves me wondering how long is this manufactured bs going to continue.
Someone slse brought up the fact that he plays a "black" position and you know maybe that is playing a big part too. How dare he try and be athletic and take some glory away from the blacks!!!
Yeh if it was a field goal kicker would the media be so cowardly and sickening?
Mike Tyson loses his cool when sports reporter Mark Malinoweski yells "Put him in a strait jacket!" (you can hear it at 0:0 to 0:1)

Not to quibble, but Tyson had lost his "cool" long before. Thus the remark by the reporter.

It looks like his friends tried to extort him.

[COLOR=#284E36 !important]EYEON

[h=1]Was Riley Cooper approached about video before it was released?[/h]By John Breech |

August 4, 2013 3:52 pm ET

Riley Cooper didn't know a video of him using a racial slur existed. (USATSI)One of the questions that has remained unanswered in the whole Riley Cooper incident is: Did Cooper know about the existence of the video? And if so, how long did he know about it before the video went public? And if he knew about the video, was there an attempt at blackmail?, the website that released the video of Cooper using a racial slur at a Kenny Chesney concert in June, said in an Aug. 3 post that only a small group of people knew about the video before it was released on July 31 and some of those people reached out to Cooper on Twitter. points out that the group of friends who were originally in possession of the video may have reached out to Cooper to 'blackmail' him or extort him. That theory now makes some sense, because the Eagles released a statement on Sunday mentioning that they got NFL security involved.
"Riley Cooper made us aware of the tweets when the video became public," the statement said. "He told us that he did not know about the video. He informed us he blocked the tweets because he did not know the person nor understand the context of what that person was threatening. We promptly alerted NFL Security. This information potentially speaks to a legal issue that is a matter between Riley and the authorities. Our focus has been on Riley's words and actions." bought the video for $150. According to, the group that sold the video to them approached Cooper on Twitter before selling it to the website.
Cooper blocked two people on Twitter that asked about the video. When you block someone on Twitter, you can no longer look at their tweets or send them a tweet.
As you can see in the Eagles statement, Cooper claims he blocked the two Twitter users because he claims he had no idea what video they were talking about or what context the tweets were sent in.
Whatever the case may be, Cooper has a long road in front of him as far as winning back the Eagles locker room. The 25-year-old receiver isn't practicing with the Eagles right now, as he's been excused from team activities for the immediate future so that he can seek counseling.
I think comparing Cooper's situation to Manziel is apples to oranges at this point. I really don't think Cooper has anything to lose at this point. Apparently even his choice of fashion makes him racist, I heard a jewish talk show host go on about how can't apologize with the pony tail and mustache....seriously?

with Manziel, he can "clean" up his act and when they do discriminate against him in the NFL he can cause a fuss. I mean Russel almost got another shot if he could have just gotten in shape. Vince Young is currently trying out with the Packers right now for a back up gig. The list goes on and on. Apparently you can't be forgiven for saying n*gg*r, so Manziel better make sure he doesn't even say niggA.

I mean what are they trying to get the average dwf to think right now? "Those white boys are crazy, using the n word, drinking and partying, johnny even got into a bar fight, and now he might have gotten paid illegally while in college and the news is coming out before hes even in the NFL.. I mean i can understand the murder, rape, wife beating, cocaine and sizzurp using, but come on you gotta draw a line somewhere"

Now we are supposed to believe the blackmail story? They got 150 bucks for it. Thats not a whole lot when you think about how much Cooper has. I think it was more of an attempt to sabotage his career. Otherwise, the person would have tried harder to get in touch with Cooper, there are other ways besides twitter, and if only a small group knew about the video then I am sure they could have gotten in contact with him. Supposedly the person contacting him about it he didn't know, so how did they get the video? None of this makes any sense. Why would a friend sell out someone for 150 dollars? Unless someone was trying to dig up something on Cooper, learned about the video, and offered the friend a lot more. Yes they might not have been real friends but they could have gotten a lot more than 150.
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That article says a "group of friends," it never states they are Cooper's friends.

Unfortunately in the USSA you have to expect that any and all strangers will sell you down the river for $150, and many of your "friends" as well.
Aside from the embarrassing preposterousness of Cooper being forced to leave the team for several days, lobbing futile apologies upon the Synagogue Alter 24/7/365, and seeking the sagely “council” of some pinheaded psychiatrist (most likely a childless, single, Marxism-tutored female devoid of all ontological integrity, let alone racial cognizance) for uttering a single six letter word during a private, inebriated moment, the latest in the “Riley Cooper Witch Hunt” is that the sewer-dwelling bastard who filmed the “moment that ruined his life” attempted to extort Cooper via Twitter, but Riley blocked him/her...

Cooper sensed that there was something unusual with the tweets that apparently made not-so-cryptic references to what he had said at a Kenny Chesney concert on June 9. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have blocked the users sending him the messages. (For those not conversant in Twitter, “tweets” aren’t blocked. Users are blocked, preventing them from following or posting messages directed to the user who has blocked them.)

The statement from the Eagles indicates that Cooper said nothing about the tweets he received until the video surfaced. Still, if someone asked Cooper for money in exchange for not releasing the video and Cooper didn’t pay and the video then was released, the persons who released the video could be charged with extortion.

The best case scenario is that the cretins (who are almost certainly white) that sold the footage will be charged with extortion, sent to prison, and experience the sheer euphoria that feral Negroes can beget upon whites.

As others have noticed, some DWF’s have become annoyed with the Corporate Kosher Media’s ceaseless coverage of this nonsense, causing many “comment sections” to be disabled. Despite an obvious push-back from white fans (a truly ethereal concept), there are throngs of militant Jewish sycophants, such as David Climer of the “The Tennessean,” who doesn’t believe Cooper’s numerous apologies to be authentic and still covets his scalp on a platter…

Cooper said he’s sorry. I’m sure he is. But is he sorry the word is in his vocabulary or that someone caught it on camera and later exposed him? I suspect it’s a little of the former and a lot of the latter.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell decided the league would not take action against Cooper. He left it up to the Eagles, who fined him an undisclosed amount and on Friday excused him from team activities to focus on counseling.

Beyond that, Cooper must now try to make amends with his teammates. That’s quite a challenge.

Like they say, you can’t fix stupid. I’m pretty sure you can’t fix racist either. The Eagles can send Cooper to all the sensitivity training they want, but it isn’t likely to change his long-held beliefs and attitude. He’ll just learn what not to say and when not to say it.

Cooper is 25 years old. It’s not like he heard some lyric in a Chesney song and immediately closed his mind and opened his mouth to blurt out a racial slur. The word has been sitting there for quite some time. Do you really think it’s the first time he’s used it?

It remains to be seen if Cooper ever will play another down for the Eagles or any other NFL team. In a league where almost 70 percent of the players are African American, Cooper is toxic. His very presence in an NFL locker room is a distraction.

The modern NFL usually steers clear of the racial divide that exists elsewhere in society. The game depends so completely on teamwork and camaraderie that the different races and backgrounds of players disappear in order to achieve a common goal.

But with the use of one ugly word, Riley Cooper reminded us that the NFL bears the same warts as the rest of society.

Here is the author of that pre-pubescent drivel…

CAPTION: (Star of-) David Climer Vexed by Cooper's "Bigotry"

Perhaps “David,” the elderly, ethnically-inert, Afrocentric imbecile who is an appalling journalist bereft of any writing talent, should put this into perspective…Leonard Little, Pacman Jones, Chris Henry, Ray Lewis, Lawrence Phillips, Jerramy Stevens, Albert Haynesworth, Brandon Marshall, Plaxico Burress, Antonio Cromartie, Michael Irvin, Antonio Bryant, Tank Johnson, Odell Thurman, Randy Moss, Sean Taylor, Larry Johnson, Santonio Holmes, Rae Carruth and Aaron Hernandez haven’t publically apologized for their transgressions as much as Riley Cooper has for uttering a single “impolite” term...a “jingoistic” noun that was casually utilized daily (sometimes hourly) by everyone I knew growing up (grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, teammates, elementary school classmates, peers at church, teachers, coaches, etc)…


CAPTION: Lawrence Phillips, Captain of NFL "All-Thug" Squad

There will be no “Dick Vermeil”-style lamentations for Cooper. No sob-laced pleading with the media that “He’s a good kid!” Nein. Race pariahs here in the Anglosphere are solitary beings orphaned of all friends, relatives, co-workers, teammates, and political representation.
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How ridiculous that as you get ready to fight someone you have to be careful not to call them a bad name. Of course only white people have to worry about that. Paula Dean called a thug that put a gun to her head a n!gger 30 years ago. Today I saw on the news that two off duty Minneapolis police officers are being fired because when they were in Green Bay they got jumped by 9 Trayvon's and then got caught on camera describing the blacks as "doing their Monkey thing". Like we have to be sensitive to the feelings of people who have wronged us and with whom we are rightly angry with. I can't count how many times I've called some jackass a fat ass. Should I have stopped and wondered if calling an arsehole a fat ass would offend other fat people? Why don't we outlaw cuss words while were at it. If you stub your toe and swear two years w/o probation and 40 lashes with a wet noodle.

In the meantime lets forgive and forget real crimes like running an illegal dogfighting circus, beating a woman, robbing, stealing, drugs, vehicular homicide etc.
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I received a link to a piece by John Rocker on Cooper. Rocker has emerged from the long Cultural Communist, anti-White witchhunt against him as a writer for World News Daily. WND is strongly Christian and conservative but also extremely pro-Zionist even though the site's publisher, Joseph Farah, is of Arab descent. WND has been reporting quite a bit on black-on-White crime in recent months, to their credit.

Rocker's article is posted on the CF homepage in the right-hand column:
Rocker's article is posted on the CF homepage in the right-hand column:

Rocker is a pretty good writer! Well reasoned presentation, backed with factual exhibits.

How much worse the climate has become since John Rocker voiced those self-evident observations just over one decade ago! At least from the point of view of the msm, what constitutes "respectable" speech is even more restricted. Something else, however, is occurring...

Political commentators note the increased polarization in the typical Dem vs Rep sphere. Even though the entire platform has moved leftward, increasingly Democrats are hard-left and Republicans (at least in their words) identify as right. There is much less meeting-in-the-middle. Lifetime mouthpieces for CONservatism (Limbaugh, Hannity) lately display open dissent from the Republican modus operandi. These guys don't act on pure principle; they are getting feedback from "us" and they know we are on the verge of major blowback. On immigration, guns, Trayvon, etc, at times they almost sound like race-realists.

And it's because for the first time in a couple decades, whites are pushing back. Forget that way too many of our brethren are not quite educated in their thinking -- some think they are pushing back in order to satisfy "Dr King's true dream..." The encouraging thing is that whitey is tired of being a punching bag. As another poster observed, some message boards are being closed down to silence true public sentiment, which is not quite as learned as CF discourse, but very much in-concert with some of CF's basic tenets.

Caste Football is making a definite difference. CF is now read by scores of whites who are not quite aware, but taking their first real steps. With this in mind, please continue posting well reasoned, fact-based submissions.

The center cannot hold.
Rocker is a pretty good writer! Well reasoned presentation, backed with factual exhibits.

How much worse the climate has become since John Rocker voiced those self-evident observations just over one decade ago! At least from the point of view of the msm, what constitutes "respectable" speech is even more restricted. Something else, however, is occurring...

Political commentators note the increased polarization in the typical Dem vs Rep sphere. Even though the entire platform has moved leftward, increasingly Democrats are hard-left and Republicans (at least in their words) identify as right. There is much less meeting-in-the-middle. Lifetime mouthpieces for CONservatism (Limbaugh, Hannity) lately display open dissent from the Republican modus operandi. These guys don't act on pure principle; they are getting feedback from "us" and they know we are on the verge of major blowback. On immigration, guns, Trayvon, etc, at times they almost sound like race-realists.

And it's because for the first time in a couple decades, whites are pushing back. Forget that way too many of our brethren are not quite educated in their thinking -- some think they are pushing back in order to satisfy "Dr King's true dream..." The encouraging thing is that whitey is tired of being a punching bag. As another poster observed, some message boards are being closed down to silence true public sentiment, which is not quite as learned as CF discourse, but very much in-concert with some of CF's basic tenets.

Caste Football is making a definite difference. CF is now read by scores of whites who are not quite aware, but taking their first real steps. With this in mind, please continue posting well reasoned, fact-based submissions.

The center cannot hold.

I agree. I was having a conversation about Riley Cooper with a few white women at work the other day and the craziest thing happened. They all said apparently only whites can be racist and it's a racist witchhunt against the guy. I couldn't believe it.
Why would you even talk to any woman, not your wife, about such a subject?


They were having a conversation right next to me. The one girl says ," Do you think what calling someone a cracker is the same as the n word." The other girl said, " Apparently only white can be racist." So I butted in and said a few things.
Whiteathlete33 - Not a good thing getting involved this way with women not you wife or other relative. Just my opinion. You never know with women what's coming. Very sly and cunning creatures. I know from daily up close encounters with my wife. I can handle my wife, but they're not all the same. What works with one, won't absolutley work with another. You can't pin them down. Trust me on this.

Riley Cooper received reps with the first-team offense in his return to practice on Tuesday.

He's learned his lesson, apparently. Cooper's teammates have appeared mixed — at best — on his quick return, but the punishment for his ugly viral video amounted to little more than a slap on the wrist. Cooper's biggest concern now is his lack of talent. He's battling Russell Shepard and Damaris Johnson for No. 2 duties.

from rotoworld
Riley Cooper received reps with the first-team offense in his return to practice on Tuesday.

He's learned his lesson, apparently. Cooper's teammates have appeared mixed — at best — on his quick return, but the punishment for his ugly viral video amounted to little more than a slap on the wrist. Cooper's biggest concern now is his lack of talent. He's battling Russell Shepard and Damaris Johnson for No. 2 duties.

from rotoworld

was just going to post that with the same emphasis... ****ing asshats
It appears Riley's return has upset some creep named Josh Katzowitz :kev:

Four days of leave for Riley Cooper is a joke

Any surprise another Lonsman is attacking Riley? Many of Riley's black teammates haven't had a huge problem with his since day 1, but the Jewish media can't spread enough hate for this man.


Quick notes:

** Good to see so many (presumably) whites defending after Rabbi Josh Katzowitz's article I linked above...

** Some guy named Dan Graziano (non-Jewish I assume) has written a fair piece about him at and white fans continue to back Riley with vigor...

** Also, Greg Rosenthal :kev: did a write up on Riley over at't brother to read the Lonsman trash, but noticed disabled all comments after the article. Looks like Rosenthal and those of his ilk can't get over the fact that gentiles are supporting a fellow "goy" with so much vigor?

Finally, why any whites (male of female) join the U.S. military in order to defend Israel is a mystery to me? Can't find more anti-white people on the planet (including blacks) than many of our "Koser friends", yet millions of whites are willing to risk their lives and limbs to help their homeland. Makes no sense at all!
That article says a "group of friends," it never states they are Cooper's friends.

Unfortunately in the USSA you have to expect that any and all strangers will sell you down the river for $150, and many of your "friends" as well.

Would it surprise you if it were his friends who did this? It wouldn't surprise me at all. Supposedly the video was sold for 150 dollars. I find that very hard to believe. Some white trash had to get big bucks for something like this, a video that can ruin a mans life and bring the race hustlers and media into full force.
American Freedom News