Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

I have to admit I am liking the way things are going on this issue. I used to think everyone standing at attention during the anthem and cheering each and every overdone paean to 'Merica was just going through the motions. Turns out the normies actually like their red, white, and blue. Now they are getting slapped in the face with the fact that most blacks do not. They could ignore the protests, ignore the statue's coming down, tune-out the news about rioting and black on white crime. But there is no escape from their darling pet affaletes dissing the flag with extreme prejudice. This issue has the possibility of driving a huge wedge between the clueless DWF's and the players.

Generally I would say that the league could salvage this, or wait it out, which I imagine is their strategy. However they are hemmed in by their complete subservience to black interests, their marriage to big media, and their own clueless arrogance. Most of all though President Trump hates the NFL with a passion and he can bring a lot of heat down on them. He has kept with it and since this is personal and probably a viewpoint he feels strongly about I expect that is going to get a lot hotter. I certainly hope so.
I have to admit I am liking the way things are going on this issue. I used to think everyone standing at attention during the anthem and cheering each and every overdone paean to 'Merica was just going through the motions. Turns out the normies actually like their red, white, and blue. Now they are getting slapped in the face with the fact that most blacks do not. They could ignore the protests, ignore the statue's coming down, tune-out the news about rioting and black on white crime. But there is no escape from their darling pet affaletes dissing the flag with extreme prejudice. This issue has the possibility of driving a huge wedge between the clueless DWF's and the players.

Generally I would say that the league could salvage this, or wait it out, which I imagine is their strategy. However they are hemmed in by their complete subservience to black interests, their marriage to big media, and their own clueless arrogance. Most of all though President Trump hates the NFL with a passion and he can bring a lot of heat down on them. He has kept with it and since this is personal and probably a viewpoint he feels strongly about I expect that is going to get a lot hotter. I certainly hope so.

And the NFL has wrapped itself in the flag for decades. They have ceremonies to "honor veterans," flypasts at the Super Bowl with American flags everywhere. The Pentagon has spent millions over the years for advertising during telecasts. The DWFs try (tried) to believe the (black) players on the field share in this.

The DWFs have been hit in the face with the reality that their heroes do not believe in it.
Excellent points, Don.

Also, Big Ben "regretting" not coming out for the Anthem may have a little something to do with the fact that he owns 4 restaurants in the Pittsburgh area and even the dwf will go elsewhere to get their burgers and wings and beer.

Also, you mentioned Limbaugh and Savage reaching vast audiences who may be middle of the road on some things. Rush's take was very good and diplomatic and will hit home with lots of folks for sure. Savage on the other hand, was 3 straight hours of shredding the affletes kneeling and Tomlin as well. I mean he was literally about to swear every segment and the producer was probably at the ready to hit the 7 second delay button. He was pure vitriol. It was a joy to hear.
Looking forward to Mark Levin tearing into these ingrate affelets tomorrow. Bill Cunningham was his guest host and was pretty effective in laying them out.
jeez I never realized it before but Krunchynick looks alot like Barrack Bin Laden...oops I mean Osama Bin Laden. lol
I have to admit I am liking the way things are going on this issue. I used to think everyone standing at attention during the anthem and cheering each and every overdone paean to 'Merica was just going through the motions. Turns out the normies actually like their red, white, and blue. Now they are getting slapped in the face with the fact that most blacks do not. They could ignore the protests, ignore the statue's coming down, tune-out the news about rioting and black on white crime. But there is no escape from their darling pet affaletes dissing the flag with extreme prejudice. This issue has the possibility of driving a huge wedge between the clueless DWF's and the players.

Generally I would say that the league could salvage this, or wait it out, which I imagine is their strategy. However they are hemmed in by their complete subservience to black interests, their marriage to big media, and their own clueless arrogance. Most of all though President Trump hates the NFL with a passion and he can bring a lot of heat down on them. He has kept with it and since this is personal and probably a viewpoint he feels strongly about I expect that is going to get a lot hotter. I certainly hope so.

A negro's idea of 'oppression' is not being able to screw white women.

Is this a belated retaliation by Trump against the NFL for his USFL failure?

The amazing thing is the libs keep taking his bait. Now the libs are defending desecration of the national anthem. I love the way Trump fights and drives these leftists up the wall.
LeSean McCoy of the Bills nails it here on why Kraepernick is not signed. He's not good enough to warrant all of the baggage and other problems he would bring. And since LeSean is black, it's difficult to scream "rayciss!!" at him.
Being a backup qb doesn't mean you are say the 33rd through 64th best qb in the league. Many make rosters for various reasons that have nothing to do with pure ability, but they don't rock the boat and are similar to a golf caddy or a player coach to a young qb. Guys that have this lightening rod type images aren't good fits for any team that aren't veteran teams that don't know how to tune out the media distractions.
They can stand on their head for all I care. That song is played out anyway. I hit the mute and find something to do till it's over. All that flag waving rah rah crap means nothing to me any more in America 2.0.

Of course I stand if I'm at a game though. I might be a look or two though with my bored attitude.

I can see the day when they discontinue the practice as insensitive.

But Kappernick does suck as a QB and an SJW. He might have a lot of money but he strikes me as a lost soul trying to find some meaning for himself.

Just like Obama, these half breed negroes are angry as hell about being abandoned by their sperm donor negro daddies, yet they always take it out as anger against their white half and against the white race. It's so obvious they're angry about not being fully white, and enjoying the fruits of the white culture and heritage such as having a father that keeps in touch. It's sad and I'm sure the half breeds suffer a lot of mental anguish at their state but it should be a warning against race mixing. Instead it's used as another tool of anti-white hatred.
I have to admit I am liking the way things are going on this issue. I used to think everyone standing at attention during the anthem and cheering each and every overdone paean to 'Merica was just going through the motions. Turns out the normies actually like their red, white, and blue. Now they are getting slapped in the face with the fact that most blacks do not. They could ignore the protests, ignore the statue's coming down, tune-out the news about rioting and black on white crime. But there is no escape from their darling pet affaletes dissing the flag with extreme prejudice. This issue has the possibility of driving a huge wedge between the clueless DWF's and the players.

Generally I would say that the league could salvage this, or wait it out, which I imagine is their strategy. However they are hemmed in by their complete subservience to black interests, their marriage to big media, and their own clueless arrogance. Most of all though President Trump hates the NFL with a passion and he can bring a lot of heat down on them. He has kept with it and since this is personal and probably a viewpoint he feels strongly about I expect that is going to get a lot hotter. I certainly hope so.

Great post. Donald "triggered" the entire NFL, proving once again that he can manipulate the minds and actions of his enemies with the greatest of ease. When he speaks or posts something on Twitter, there is always an instant reaction/backlash. Everything The Left does to "fight back" against Trump's alleged racism/sexism/Islamophobia/xenophobia/Nazi sympathizing is predictable because they are infinitely complacent, have no talent, no ideas, and fully comprehend that they control everything but the POTUS. In order to trick NFL into destroying itself, all DJT had to say was...

And yes, the amount of "normies" (not DWF's, just casual observers) that are fundamentally outraged by the BLM Anthem issue is staggering. Every person I've spoken to over the past 48 hours couldn't spew more anti-NFL venom if they tried...many articulating that they "hope they go out of business." Kaepernick and his ilk are despised by the vast majority of Americans and adored by Black Power Militants, the Fake News Media, and AntiFa. Trump is beloved by the vast majority of normal, white Americans. Who will win? It's an exciting time to be alive!
I'm of two minds, one of which is negative and wish that the NFL, the NBA and the all Latin teams of the MLB would suffer great financial calamity, the other is that they reform and the NFL goes back to early 80s parity, the NBA comes out of the cultural ghetto and the MLB realizes that too Latin is not a winner. I doubt the second so the first is on their shoulders.
I'm of two minds, one of which is negative and wish that the NFL, the NBA and the all Latin teams of the MLB would suffer great financial calamity, the other is that they reform and the NFL goes back to early 80s parity, the NBA comes out of the cultural ghetto and the MLB realizes that too Latin is not a winner. I doubt the second so the first is on their shoulders.

"Mega-dittos" on the former.
Wow Greg Popovich takes the cake on this whole thing. According to him and the literature he has read their is no such thing as whiteness:


So what are white people than? Is there such a thing as blackness? As a coach in the NBA there seems to be a real emphasis on one color over the other.

I was in my doctors office a few months ago and was reading one of the pamphlets about some disease and it indicated that African Americans are more prone to it than Caucasians - I think it was some kind of cancer - anywho that is science identifying a difference between two races yet we have all been told that race is a social construct - I guess cancer did not get that memo since diseases affect different racial groups at different rates - I guess that is just fake science at work. The genetic differences that make certain groups more prone to a disease than other groups do not exists - the disease is racist if it attacks non-white groups at a higher rate than white people.
Wow Greg Popovich takes the cake on this whole thing. According to him and the literature he has read their is no such thing as whiteness:


So what are white people than? Is there such a thing as blackness? As a coach in the NBA there seems to be a real emphasis on one color over the other.

I was in my doctors office a few months ago and was reading one of the pamphlets about some disease and it indicated that African Americans are more prone to it than Caucasians - I think it was some kind of cancer - anywho that is science identifying a difference between two races yet we have all been told that race is a social construct - I guess cancer did not get that memo since diseases affect different racial groups at different rates - I guess that is just fake science at work. The genetic differences that make certain groups more prone to a disease than other groups do not exists - the disease is racist if it attacks non-white groups at a higher rate than white people.
Sickle-cell disease, for example, only effects Africans and people of African decent. Race is very real and can easily be proven with examples like this.
Don is correct again in that the masses adopting a CF mindset is fantasy. But what I think is possible is that white men get fed up and explicitly reject the sermon that is in everything today like this anthem nonsense. The "Sermon" is painfully obvious and blatantly hostile today, mocking it, discrediting it and disqualifying it from moral judgement will be a lot easier that debating 40 times with some DWF jersey wearing chumbalone.
So earlier yesterday, I was reading the normie comments sections below a few articles. There were a lot of Cowboys fans who were angry about the Sunday protests but were gloating that their team would never do so. According to them, that's why they are truly America's team.

Well what will they say now that Jurahhh was kneeling with his pet negros? There are no NFL teams that will stand up to the PC, anti-White madness. The league needs to be brought down and now the normies finally see it.
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So earlier yesterday, I was reading the normie comments sections below a few articles. There were a lot of Cowboys fans who were angry about the Sunday protests but were gloating that their team would never do so. According to them, that's why they are truly America's team.

Well what will they say now that Jurahhh was kneeling with his pet negros? There are no NFL teams that will stand up to the PC, anti-White madness. The league needs to be brought down and now the normies finally see it.

Getting them to realize that the system is essentially one -- that the players, owners, the corporations and the media all have the same anti-White agenda -- will be a huge step forward.
National Survey: Americans Agree with Trump on National Anthem and NFL Protests

This crystallizes, as Daniel Flynn noted on the sports page a few days ago, just how well Donald Trump has chosen his enemies. In picking a fight with the NFL, headed-up by Roger Goodell, Trump pits himself against people that the public essentially loathes. Making it next to impossible for him to come out the loser in any kind of PR conflict. While President Trump may have his difficulties from time-to-time, he is infinitely more popular than the people he’s criticizing.

As for the popularity of the player protests themselves? That doesn’t look good for the NFL either:

full article: http://www.breitbart.com/sports/201...ans-agree-trump-national-anthem-nfl-protests/
Thanks for posting that Don, just awful optics by the NFL, truth be told black people are to be loved at a distance and in the abstract, they are not at least in the political sense nice people you want in your personal lives. I mention that because that polling says that republican fans are not being replaced by democratic fans which is easy to believe because no one hates a democratic voter like another democratic voter. My disgust with the NFL and the football industrial complex is not about blacks, my disgust starts with whites and their subservience and virtue signaling phoniness.
Now some attention is turned to college football and remember the U of Missouri staged protests and fans of some other teams gathered in protest too several years ago so you wonder if college teams are going to mimic their ******* elders and follow suit by taking a knee etc.? Missouri the university which was hijacked by the black power movement has suffered gigantic losses since those protests. Enrollment has fallen off a cliff, many professors and school affiliated workers have been laid off and the football team is lackluster. The school has been decimated by that surge in black power bullying. One would hope other schools have taken notes.
You have to think some or many of the black players are chomping at the bit to "get involved" but administrators in my opinion should nix any plans for protests in the bud otherwise another nightmare circus could break out. It might not happen but don't be shocked if protests did break out either.
Tread very carefully boys. You want to pull that fake protest crap in front of the service academies like Navy, Army and the Air Force? Hell will come raining down on any school that attempts to pull that off against those teams. You think the public is pissed off now, which most are see above post with Breitbart link,piss on Navy, Air Force and or Army and the tide of discontent will become a tidal wave.
If I had to guess I would be shocked if a school like Notre Dame pulled that take a knee stuff.
San Antonio Spurs Marxist head coach, Gregg Popovich, says "White People Have to Be Made to Feel Uncomfortable".
San Antonio Spurs Marxist head coach, Gregg Popovich, says "White People Have to Be Made to Feel Uncomfortable".
Ol' Pop has lost his mind. Sad. He's been a great coach but he's gone off the deep end.
The Rooney Rulers are panicking. This is from Info Wars. Notice Rooney's letter repeats the mantra "Our players come from many different backgrounds." No, they come overwhelmingly from one background, black ghettos, the most dysfunctional and crime-ridden areas of the U.S., and this lack of diversity is what the NFL and media have wanted and have pandered to for so many years, rather than giving White football players equal opportunities. This letter shows Trump and his deplorables are holding the whip hand in spite of the solidarity of the fake news media and the league.


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