Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

Fantasy football is also an extremely important reason for the continued popularity of the NFL, and the NFL and the TV networks know it. As I type this at 8:05 pm EST, BSPN is running an hour long fantasy football show. They recently had a ff marathon that stretched on for many hours. BSPN and the NFL Network constantly scroll fantasy stats and rankings during shows. If fantasy football -- played by some 30 million people, making it far more popular than fantasy baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, etc. -- ever loses its appeal, then the NFL will follow in large part, because so many of the games are boring and poorly played, but fantasy players don't notice or care because they are too busy keeping track of how "their" players are doing and whether they are beating their make-believe opponent(s).

The NFL Sunday Ticket alone is a gold mine for the league and DirecTV. It goes up in price every year and costs nearly $400 for this season. Probably 95%+ of the people who purchase it do so because of fantasy football.
Kommunist Krapperneck was being hailed, lauded, defended, extolled, and given worshipful chants today outside NFL Headquarters by Kommunist/Race Whore Spkike Lee and other Blacks and knuckleheads to decry him not having an NFL QB job. It's all because the league is racist against him because he is Black and stands up for the injustice toward Blacks in America, especially those multi-millionaire Blacks in the NFL...

You can't make this stuff up!!!
LeSean McCoy of the Bills nails it here on why Kraepernick is not signed. He's not good enough to warrant all of the baggage and other problems he would bring. And since LeSean is black, it's difficult to scream "rayciss!!" at him.
LeSean McCoy of the Bills nails it here on why Kraepernick is not signed. He's not good enough to warrant all of the baggage and other problems he would bring. And since LeSean is black, it's difficult to scream "rayciss!!" at him.

Unfortunately most in media will ignore it to continue pushing the narrative.
It is not especially complicated. The National Anthem before games is a custom and ritual that has been a hallmark of humanity since down the ages. It isn't a point of view per say. It is not any endorsement of a politician or political party. It is a humble hymn that in my mind represents two main areas of political notions. The first is personal liberty which by the way is more important than say diversity. The second is an honor to our military . See below why when players give it the finger it is a smack in the face of people like these.
Still waiting for one solitary White player to call this crap what it is...

It's disappointing that their career would probably be over just for stating facts against any player of the magical race.

Screw this league all the way to hell.
They can stand on their head for all I care. That song is played out anyway. I hit the mute and find something to do till it's over. All that flag waving rah rah crap means nothing to me any more in America 2.0.

Of course I stand if I'm at a game though. I might be a look or two though with my bored attitude.

I can see the day when they discontinue the practice as insensitive.

But Kappernick does suck as a QB and an SJW. He might have a lot of money but he strikes me as a lost soul trying to find some meaning for himself.

Hope this happens everywhere and the overpaid crybaby's in the NFL get a clue that most of America opposes this crap.

Former Browns running back Jim Brown was hired by the Browns to "advise" Browns players. Brown has a history of beating up women and is an anti-white racist. You wonder if Brown is encouraging Browns players to disrespect the flag.

The Browns built a statue honoring Brown, who has a history of violence toward women. I wonder if the SJWs will try to get rid of his statue. (sarcasm, of course they won't, they only target White men).
Still waiting for one solitary White player to call this crap what it is...

It's disappointing that their career would probably be over just for stating facts against any player of the magical race.

Screw this league all the way to hell.

Hell, I'm still waiting for one solitary White politician to call out the media's coverup of antifa's 16 month orgy of violence against not just Nationalists but all Trump supporters. There's a one-sided war taking place that's blamed solely on the non-aggressors. The White politicians and the vast majority of White public figures in this country are traitors and cowards.
Hell, I'm still waiting for one solitary White politician to call out the media's coverup of antifa's 16 month orgy of violence against not just Nationalists but all Trump supporters. There's a one-sided war taking place that's blamed solely on the non-aggressors. The White politicians and the vast majority of White public figures in this country are traitors and cowards.
Former Browns running back Jim Brown was hired by the Browns to "advise" Browns players. Brown has a history of beating up women and is an anti-white racist. You wonder if Brown is encouraging Browns players to disrespect the flag.

The Browns built a statue honoring Brown, who has a history of violence toward women. I wonder if the SJWs will try to get rid of his statue. (sarcasm, of course they won't, they only target White men).

On the contrary, after Jim Brown spoke to them, they all stood up for the anthem during the next game:


"According to Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Brown addressed the team and told them, “Do not disrespect your country, do not disrespect the flag."

He was immediately criticized by other blacks in the media and elsewhere, no surprises there.

George Foreman expressed similar sentiments. Jason Whitlock of Fox Sports has been against Toucan and his idiotic stance from the very beginning. It just so happens that the only few people of prominence who have spoken out against these anthem protests have been other blacks. Jerry Jones hasn't come out to criticize them per se, but has made it very clear no one on the Cowboys will do any such thing, good for him.

Other than that, Don is correct. No white athlete, politician, owner, or anyone of high stature has come out to condemn this anti-American rubbish. The sports media and the media as a whole, along with the rest of mainstream America have embraced this fool as some sort of hero and banded together to force and shame the league into signing him.
We've heard so much from the controlled enemy "mainstream" media about poor St. Colin of Krappernick and that hyper-martyred SJW in Charlottesville. How they're such morally perfect saints, pure as the driven snow, yet wrongly hated by us evil ignorant rubes, who must be too blind to see the halos over their heads. But of course the (((enemedia))) have no outrage over the five Whites murdered by a racist black serial killer, or two White men murdered for flying the Confederate flag, or the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise, or the attempted mass murder at the Family Research Council by a left-wing SJW untermensch, or Waco or Ruby Ridge, or thousands of other liberal-on-conservative hate crimes.

Today, being a left-wing extremist makes you part of THE most privileged group in America, one that can literally get away with murder, and being Alt-Right makes you part of the most oppressed group, a group which, since Dylann Roof and amplified by Charlottesville, has been the target of nothing less than a high-tech pogrom led by hyper-powerful globalist mega-corporations like Google and Facebook.
Ironically these free blacks if in another country and refused to stand for that country's anthem would be killed by an angry mob. Total fools, honestly I could care less about blacks in general, not my job to scold them, I just want my freedom from them.
Speaking of Pittsburg. Big Ben regrets his decision in not joining Villanueva. There is cracking already!
I imagine Ben over the years has received a first rate racial education, mainly negative I'll bet. FTR the anthem protests are being conducted by Clowns, Trump on a bad day will club them like baby seals.
Drudgereport Home Page

Drudge is read by an average of 30 million people a day, mostly in the U.S., so when he prominently publicizes something and does so in a way that is counter to the unified party line of the fake news media, it's a very powerful weapon. Add in the audiences of Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity and Carlson, and it's that much more effective, even though they adhere to the cucked boundaries conservatives follow when it comes to race.
Drudge is read by an average of 30 million people a day, mostly in the U.S., so when he prominently publicizes something and does so in a way that is counter to the unified party line of the fake news media, it's a very powerful weapon. Add in the audiences of Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity and Carlson, and it's that much more effective, even though they adhere to the cucked boundaries conservatives follow when it comes to race.
Excellent points, Don.

Also, Big Ben "regretting" not coming out for the Anthem may have a little something to do with the fact that he owns 4 restaurants in the Pittsburgh area and even the dwf will go elsewhere to get their burgers and wings and beer.

Also, you mentioned Limbaugh and Savage reaching vast audiences who may be middle of the road on some things. Rush's take was very good and diplomatic and will hit home with lots of folks for sure. Savage on the other hand, was 3 straight hours of shredding the affletes kneeling and Tomlin as well. I mean he was literally about to swear every segment and the producer was probably at the ready to hit the 7 second delay button. He was pure vitriol. It was a joy to hear.
Excellent points, Don.

Also, Big Ben "regretting" not coming out for the Anthem may have a little something to do with the fact that he owns 4 restaurants in the Pittsburgh area and even the dwf will go elsewhere to get their burgers and wings and beer.

Also, you mentioned Limbaugh and Savage reaching vast audiences who may be middle of the road on some things. Rush's take was very good and diplomatic and will hit home with lots of folks for sure. Savage on the other hand, was 3 straight hours of shredding the affletes kneeling and Tomlin as well. I mean he was literally about to swear every segment and the producer was probably at the ready to hit the 7 second delay button. He was pure vitriol. It was a joy to hear.

A lot of pro athletes own businesses, often restaurants or bars. Most of their patrons are the hard-core fans who cheer for them but oppose the disrespecting of the flag and anthem. When the NFL players struck in 1987, they quickly caved after the owners stayed unified and started playing replacement players and they missed a few paychecks. If this starts to hurt the wallets of both the players and owners, not just player businesses but noticeable drops in revenue at stadiums and advertising revenue, the owners will quickly "get religion" and put an end to it, if the players don't first. And you can bet many black players live paycheck to paycheck despite the colossal size of those paychecks.
American Freedom News