Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

According to Richard Sherman the league is not fun anymore. That is why the ratings are down.

Maybe just maybe one of the reasons it is down is because the product on the field sucks - dropped passes, missed tackles, boneheaded penalties that prolong games and the best players not always will playing due to the caste system are all valid reasons why ratings are down on top of the black lives matter ********.
According to Richard Sherman the league is not fun anymore. That is why the ratings are down.
He might be right. The NFL and the players have gone from covertly political to overtly political. Even dimwitted DWF's are turned off by it. While Sherman is referring to "burdensome" rules that prevent "fun", the real fun for most fans is that football and sports are a way to get AWAY from in-your-face politics and life in general.
Bring back the over the top fancy always annoying black dance in the end zone and elsewhere yeh Sherman thanks for nailing it.. Stanford grad figured out the NFL ratings plunge. BTW aren't they fancy dancing now or is that just a restrained version of the real thing? God help us if there is something more we are missing out on.
Not to get too metaphorical but lets not mince words here that fancy bs black celebration dance is in some way a black person dancing on the grave of white athletes. ESPN would just eat it up and the blacks can live out their fantasy to the fullest" look at me white losers I am cool with godlike otherworldly athleticism and you are dull as dishwater trash compost".
Add all that jazz to the lets give the finger to the Anthem and you have the true rationale for (why some, many?) blacks love sports---"eat you know what white folks".
I think most of us here are cheering on the low ratings of the NFL one of the few bits of good news in sports these days. Secondly while it is difficult to parcel out how much the lack of white skill position players is playing a role in the whole debate ( mind you the media has not brought this subject up) I suspect it does factor into the equation. Certainly Kaepernick and friends have caused some major problems for ratings I don't think there is anyway around that. Banning Brady for 4 games was not a swift idea either but we can only hope here that the popularity of the NFL continues to plunge which might prompt some changes in roster breakdowns that would result in more say white wide receivers. Far fetched perhaps but what the hell else can we hope for at this stage of the game?
The other day, the winless SJW QB wore a pro-Castro and pro-MalcolmX shirt to his press conference. He also wore his standard "X" hat (for Malcolm X)...


The shirt reads "like minds think alike"...


Here's a different Malcolm X shirt worn by the NFL's most prominent bug-eyed, parrot-nosed, afro-sporting, ultra-hideous Blak Livez Matta activist (who admitted that he's not even registered to vote)...


If Kaepernick is truly a "communist sympathizer," perhaps he can put his money where his big, fat mouth is and donate his many millions of dollars to disadvantaged inner city Negro youth? Yeah, right.

His football career is over after this season. Even the pathetic, watered-down NFL doesn't want a QB who can't play, is a locker room cancer, and is universally detested by the DWFs around the country.

I'm not sure if I'm rooting for this loser to disappear into obscurity or to continue to destroy the NFL's tanking ratings with his obnoxious Black Power rhetoric that even the most cucked DWF is tired of hearing.
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I think at the end of the day he is just a pathetic excuse for s human being, most likely bi-polar and suffering from a huge lack of self esteem. He is as ugly as Keith Richards and that is not a pretty site. I am quite sure in the next few years he will claim to have been sexually molested by a white relative and this is the reason for his crazy behaviour. I say let him rot....
lol at that goofy 'do. lol some more...

ok :lol:

still chuckling over his deliberate presentation. wow, you are a veritable george washington over here mister kaep! hahaha

ok ok, well he's got himself a permanent role in *** news commentary. let's not sell him short of this. he probably knew exactly what he was doing. ironically the white half of his genes instructed him with foreknowledge (don't think he has any Sun Tzu genes that he's bragged about)
The zealous NFL board of commutators started the season celebrating black lives matter and permitting dopes like Peckneck to act up. Now, ratings falling, Trump in, new era, this guy is on his way out.
Krappernick is doubling down on his militant Marxism because he sucks as a quarterback and fears being replaced by Gabbert again, so if he is replaced he can play the political/racial card and claim that it's because of his anti-anthem whining.
Krapernick's self hating parents support their ungrateful adopted son's actions of course. No mention made of Kaepernick being abandoned by his black father (and being a living example of the failure of black men in this society) though. Also it looks like they raised him not to acknowledge he was half white which is par for the course with mulattoes. Just lots of victimization.

Several white players have been openly supporting their black teammates during the ultra-contrived pre-season "national anthem protests." One is an all-too familiar cuck, Eagles DE, Chris Long. This is the same White Negro who, a few months back, refused to attend the White House visit after the Patriots won Superbowl 51 in order to "protest" Donald Trump. Here he is with his arm draped around his teammate, Malcolm Jenkins, as the oppressed black multi-millionare performs the "black power salute." Nice...



Here's what the has-been SJW/DE hybrid had to say about his little stunt. He mentions the meaningless term "equality" numerous times. Did he ever stop to think that if one group needs to fight for "equality," perhaps they aren't equal, but rather, inferior?

"It's just telling Malcolm, 'I am here for you,' and I think it's a good time for people who look like me to be here for people fighting for equality. I've heard a lot of people say you need white athletes to get involved in the anthem protests. I've said before I'll never kneel for an anthem, because the flag means something different for everybody in this country, but I support my peers. And if you don't see why you need allies for people that are fighting for equality right now, I don't think you'll ever see it. So my thing is, Malcolm is a leader, and I'm here to show support as a white athlete."

Derek Carr did some variation of Long's virtue signaling, placing his hand on the shoulder of Khalil Mack during the anthem...


Like Long, Derek Cuck blathered some nonsense about "love " and "unity" and "the children"...

“Obviously, we're not protesting. You know, we're not doing anything like that. What we wanted to do is show all the kids that look up to me, look up to him, that white kids, black kids, brown kids, blue, green, doesn't matter, can all be loving to each other. And that's what me and Khalil are, we're best friends and we love one another. So, the only reason we did that is to unify people, and to unify the people that look up to us, because obviously, we see what's going on in the world, and obviously, everyone pays attention to the national anthem nowadays. And so, we just said, ‘Well obviously, this is the best time to do it,’ while still honoring our country, because I love this country more than anything. We're free to live here and play this game, but we're also free to show each other that we love one another, and I think that that's the message, and that's the only message we were trying to get out, is any kid, any family, any adult that follows us and looks up to us, we knew their eyes would be on us, and we wanted to show them that it's OK for a white kid and a black kid that come from two different neighborhoods to grow up and love one another and be best friends.”

Seattle OL, Justin Britt, did something similar with the odious, white-hating thug DE, Michael Bennett, during a recent anthem...



Here's what "Bolshevik Britt" had to say about his phony "support" for Da Blak Kommunitee. White Guilt 101...

"What Mike said, and how he said a white player should do it, that kind of triggered in my mind, because I see what's going on. We all do. And we all have choices whether to be an example or be a follower. I always tell kids: Don't be a follower. Be the one they're following. So whether it's good or bad in some eyes, I feel like I'm just supporting my teammate, supporting why he's doing it and his reasons, and trying to encourage others. I want to support him. I want to support what he stands for and his beliefs. I'm not foolish. I'm from Missouri. I get that things are different in that area than they are in some other areas. I'm not against what the flag means and veterans. My dad was in the Army. So I'm not putting any disrespect to them. I'm just trying to understand the issues, trying to educate myself more in that regard and showing support. And I'm going to continue to understand what's going on in the world and why it's happening. Because none of it's right. None of it's what should be happening. I'm going to continue talking with Mike and exploring and just helping myself understand things. I wanted to take a first step tonight. And that's what I felt like I did."

"Don't be a follower!"
Yet he follows a bonafide buffoon like Bennett like a cucked white sheep.

"I don't want to disrespect the flag or vets!" But he's willing to offend anyone he needs to so that his black teammates will like him and I can earn diversity points. Go along to get along.

"Educate myself." / "Helping myself understand things." / "Continue to understand what's going on in the world." He's allegedly oblivious to all things black, even though he's spent his entire adult life around blacks in the NCAA and the NFL and could easily observe their many inferiority complexes, irrational fears, and the degenerate behavior that tends to get them in precarious situations with law enforcement. I don't buy it.

I hope these white players get what's coming to them, especially in the case of Long, who is a fringe player far past his prime and a multiple-time SJW offender given his "Trump protest" a few months back. I'd love to see him get cut in favor of one of his black brothers.
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White people should boycott this league in droves, ESPN in droves, NFL network in droves, NFL magazines, ANYTHING THAT PROVIDES ANY MONETARY INCOME TO THIS ANTI-WHITE AGENDA-DRIVEN LEAGUE.
Several white players have been openly supporting their black teammates during the ultra-contrived pre-season "national anthem protests." One is an all-too familiar cuck, Eagles DE, Chris Long. This is the same White Negro who, a few months back, refused to attend the White House visit after the Patriots won Superbowl 51 in order to "protest" Donald Trump. Here he is with his arm draped around his teammate, Malcolm Jenkins, as the oppressed black multi-millionare performs the "black power salute." Nice...



Here's what the has-been SJW/DE hybrid had to say about his little stunt. He mentions the meaningless term "equality" numerous times. Did he ever stop to think that if one group needs to fight for "equality," perhaps they aren't equal, but rather, inferior?

"It's just telling Malcolm, 'I am here for you,' and I think it's a good time for people who look like me to be here for people fighting for equality. I've heard a lot of people say you need white athletes to get involved in the anthem protests. I've said before I'll never kneel for an anthem, because the flag means something different for everybody in this country, but I support my peers. And if you don't see why you need allies for people that are fighting for equality right now, I don't think you'll ever see it. So my thing is, Malcolm is a leader, and I'm here to show support as a white athlete."

Derek Carr did some variation of Long's virtue signaling, placing his hand on the shoulder of Khalil Mack during the anthem...


Like Long, Derek Cuck blathered some nonsense about "love " and "unity" and "the children"...

“Obviously, we're not protesting. You know, we're not doing anything like that. What we wanted to do is show all the kids that look up to me, look up to him, that white kids, black kids, brown kids, blue, green, doesn't matter, can all be loving to each other. And that's what me and Khalil are, we're best friends and we love one another. So, the only reason we did that is to unify people, and to unify the people that look up to us, because obviously, we see what's going on in the world, and obviously, everyone pays attention to the national anthem nowadays. And so, we just said, ‘Well obviously, this is the best time to do it,’ while still honoring our country, because I love this country more than anything. We're free to live here and play this game, but we're also free to show each other that we love one another, and I think that that's the message, and that's the only message we were trying to get out, is any kid, any family, any adult that follows us and looks up to us, we knew their eyes would be on us, and we wanted to show them that it's OK for a white kid and a black kid that come from two different neighborhoods to grow up and love one another and be best friends.”

Seattle OL, Justin Britt, did something similar with the odious, white-hating thug DE, Michael Bennett, during a recent anthem...



Here's what "Bolshevik Britt" had to say about his phony "support" for Da Blak Kommunitee. White Guilt 101...

"What Mike said, and how he said a white player should do it, that kind of triggered in my mind, because I see what's going on. We all do. And we all have choices whether to be an example or be a follower. I always tell kids: Don't be a follower. Be the one they're following. So whether it's good or bad in some eyes, I feel like I'm just supporting my teammate, supporting why he's doing it and his reasons, and trying to encourage others. I want to support him. I want to support what he stands for and his beliefs. I'm not foolish. I'm from Missouri. I get that things are different in that area than they are in some other areas. I'm not against what the flag means and veterans. My dad was in the Army. So I'm not putting any disrespect to them. I'm just trying to understand the issues, trying to educate myself more in that regard and showing support. And I'm going to continue to understand what's going on in the world and why it's happening. Because none of it's right. None of it's what should be happening. I'm going to continue talking with Mike and exploring and just helping myself understand things. I wanted to take a first step tonight. And that's what I felt like I did."

"Don't be a follower!"
Yet he follows a bonafide buffoon like Bennett like a cucked white sheep.

"I don't want to disrespect the flag or vets!" But he's willing to offend anyone he needs to so that his black teammates will like him and I can earn diversity points. Go along to get along.

"Educate myself." / "Helping myself understand things." / "Continue to understand what's going on in the world." He's allegedly oblivious to all things black, even though he's spent his entire adult life around blacks in the NCAA and the NFL and could easily observe their many inferiority complexes, irrational fears, and the degenerate behavior that tends to get them in precarious situations with law enforcement. I don't buy it.

I hope these white players get what's coming to them, especially in the case of Long, who is a fringe player far past his prime and a multiple-time SJW offender given his "Trump protest" a few months back. I'd love to see him get cut in favor of one of his black brothers.

In what warped reality do these dindu millionaire afleets think they are being oppressed? They don't know what true oppression is. Slavery still exisits in the world. They still need to whine about equality making millions. It's nothing but fake. It's all fake!
Screw Michael Bennett and his illegitimate protest trying to make white america bow down to him. He can tear up his knee for all I care.
White people should boycott this league in droves, ESPN in droves, NFL network in droves, NFL magazines, ANYTHING THAT PROVIDES ANY MONETARY INCOME TO THIS ANTI-WHITE AGENDA-DRIVEN LEAGUE.

One thing I don't get is why white men would pay good money for the jersey of a black player who hates them because they're white. Total insanity!
Twelve Cleveland Browns knelt and/or had their arms around kneeling players during the anthem last night. Two of them were White.
I appreciate the freedom to observe or not observe the National Anthem, I guess. It's a "free" country. It's his reason that rubs me the wrong way...

Ditto this. It's not his his anthem or his flag, so why would he feel any desire to pay homage?
It is his reason that is completely bogus. Yet the media has it backward (good cause, poor mode of protest). Reality is his mode of protest is no big deal; his "cause" is BS.
The maddening thing is the white ESPN "sporto" cucks who try way too hard to impress blacks by declaring their devotion to 'da skruggle.'
White people should boycott this league in droves, ESPN in droves, NFL network in droves, NFL magazines, ANYTHING THAT PROVIDES ANY MONETARY INCOME TO THIS ANTI-WHITE AGENDA-DRIVEN LEAGUE.

Its a simple search to find streaming sites for free. That way none of those networks get view ratings and if enough people did this the ad revenue would drop.

Have a decent anti-virus before looking if you don't have a streaming site bookmarked already. Most are full of annoying popups but rarely anything thats a threat.
Great job by all these black and white players in killing football interest. May they drive the game right into the ground. Lose those white fans and you will lose the league -think about it NFL boss men. But you're so smarter than everyone else -right Roger et al? You NFL owners and gurus can survive just fine with only the black fans and white libtards -right Roger et al? Maybe you don't need whites at all anyway? So why do you keep trying to sell the "game" to whites so much?
I only watch the NFL because it has more whites playing than the Coloured Football League (CFL) The league where Negro dancing is celebrated by whites.... :babeando:
One of those white cucks is this race traitor who's a Princeton graduate and married to a negress:

View attachment 1691

Check out this quote by TE Seth DeValve about the future half-black children that he plans to sire with his black wife...

"I myself will be raising children that don't look like me, and I want to do my part as well to do everything I can to raise them in a better environment than we have right now....So I wanted to take the opportunity with my teammates during the anthem to pray for our country and also to draw attention to the fact that we have work to do."

DeValve is the first white player to actually kneel during the national anthem. He appeared to by partially crying in the photos I've seen...


The other virtue-signaling SJW who placed his hand on the shoulder of an anthem-kneeling negro was the punter, Britton Colquitt...


Funny how only a few days after Seahawks pea-brain, Michael Bennett, called for "white players to kneel," they all suddenly started doing so.
Check out this quote by TE Seth DeValve about the future half-black children that he plans to sire with his black wife...

"I myself will be raising children that don't look like me, and I want to do my part as well to do everything I can to raise them in a better environment than we have right now....So I wanted to take the opportunity with my teammates during the anthem to pray for our country and also to draw attention to the fact that we have work to do."

DeValve is the first white player to actually kneel during the national anthem. He appeared to by partially crying in the photos I've seen...


The other virtue-signaling SJW who placed his hand on the shoulder of an anthem-kneeling negro was the punter, Britton Colquitt...


Funny how only a few days after Seahawks pea-brain, Michael Bennett, called for "white players to kneel," they all suddenly started doing so.

Seth DeValve was unexpectantly taken in the 4th round of the 2016 NFL draft, much higher than he was projected to go. The fact that he is a race traitor who is acting to breed the white race out of existence may have gotten him drafted higher by the black supremacist, anti-white Browns organization. Groveling white men such as DeValve are the type the Browns would want in their anti-white organization.

The point about what the racist Bennett said is a good one. Many young whites have been trained to always obey blacks. The believe what they are told by blacks without question and want to serve them like slaves. So Bennett told them what to do and they're doing it.

It's white servility syndrome.
Great job by all these black and white players in killing football interest. May they drive the game right into the ground. Lose those white fans and you will lose the league -think about it NFL boss men. But you're so smarter than everyone else -right Roger et al? You NFL owners and gurus can survive just fine with only the black fans and white libtards -right Roger et al? Maybe you don't need whites at all anyway? So why do you keep trying to sell the "game" to whites so much?

We have to think about these things because nothing goes in a straight line anymore no pun intended.
1-Breitbart News the so called "genius" behind the alt-right (confession, I had never heard of Breitbart or the term alt-right until last year during the election and correct me if I'm wrong CF predates them) has never really touched on the issue of race in sports in terms of the push for black athletic supremacy. I have said it before and I will say it again. The central facet for white angst in this country in my humble opinion ( more male than female but certainly not exclusive) is the decline of the white athlete in the major sports. To me it strikes at the heart of men and masculine identity. In general the way sports have been presented, with ESPN at the forefront, the white fan absorbs the gamma rays of inferiority on a daily basis. This adds up to immense psychological misery and distress. Of course the media wouldn't cover the subject whole hog like we do here at CF but for all these so called smart reporters and commentators out there in the sports world you would think at least a few of them would recognize that one of the key reasons white people are so restless and unhappy these days is related to the current structure and media coverage of modern day sports where the white athlete often seems left out in the cold.
2- Again the decline in NFL viewership last season was not solely based on the politics of guys sitting out the Anthem, although I admit that was a big factor, but I think ( perhaps jolted into reality with spoiled black athletes acting like ********) some white fans were finally recognizing the white alienation and the decided lack of the white player as a featured star in the glory positions like RB and WR. It was no coincidence in my mind that the ratings perked up as white WR's started to gain traction later in the season culminating in a glorious playoff run that featured white WR's as true difference making stars even if the some sections of the media like ESPN downplayed their roles.
3- Now that the 2017 season is upon us the Anthem protests have somehow broadened as some white players have joined the fray. There is even tough talk that the NFLPA will strike in a few years yet there has been little discussion regarding artificial playing fields. If I was the head of the NFLPA that would be my main point of contention. Yet there is a touch of bad irony with all these happenings. Coming off a Super Bowl where white skill players rose to the occasion and at least on the surface, we are entering a season with perhaps the most promising set of white RB's and WR's in years. Christian McCaffrey, who has been applauded in some quarters but certain people from, guess who, ESPN are not sold on him, represents a real break through type of white player. So we have to ask ourselves this question as we monitor the situation as the season progresses? If this Anthem stuff starts knocking off more fans and as (we hope) white players start making a bigger impact what will happen to fan interest? On the one hand the emergence of more white skill stars should boost excitement but on the other hand the political stuff could turn away fans. In my mind it is not just arbitrary timing or irony that this is happening now. Granted the league is still lacking white stars but I never heard any dissention from black players back in the day when there were but one or two white WR's if that. Think 1990's.
Is it a coincidence? I am not so damn sure.
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It will be interesting to see if this year's purge of White players is more or less severe than usual, or roughly the same. Since Charlottesville the media has gone insane pushing its anti-White agenda. Part of the larger "caste system" in society at work is the rule that the number of Whites must keep shrinking in all ways, at least as reflected by what the media shows the masses. The NFL has become more of a racial flashpoint thanks to comrade Kaepernick and his fellow travelers, so we'll see what happens in less than two weeks when the cuts come (and they're coming all at one time this year, from 90 to 53 in one fell swoop).

As far as the profitability of the NFL, it's still incredibly lucrative. To own a team is to become an instant billionaire when it's selling time. And the yearly average profit of NFL teams is also large, well into the tens of millions. The NFL is the Godzilla of professional sports leagues. It will take a lot more dropping in interest and anger from DWF Nation, as measured in falling TV ratings, season ticket declines, and other criteria before the league changes its m.o.
Baseball, when you include the minor leagues which has become a white fan's refuge makes big bucks too but the media keeps that hidden because gambling in the NFL is a main engine in football whereas in baseball it boils down to fans and families just enjoying the sport. Baseball is also the perfect sport to attend for families with kids. And keep in mind even if the NFL is swimming in money it is the advertisers that really become the bottom line so if they start getting jittery and nervous then look out. Owners may be up to their necks in money but these big wigs don't want to see any sort of decline. They are not accustomed to downward figures.
American Freedom News