Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

Ol' Pop has lost his mind. Sad. He's been a great coach but he's gone off the deep end.
I agree. Popovich sounds like a lunatic who lives in an asylum. His sadistic comments about white people are unforgivable. He thinks of himself as some sort of humanistic philosopher but in reality he is knee jerk clueless ******* of the first order. A classless and downright nasty human being. Good riddance.
The Rooney Rulers are panicking. This is from Info Wars. Notice Rooney's letter repeats the mantra "Our players come from many different backgrounds." No, they come overwhelmingly from one background, black ghettos, the most dysfunctional and crime-ridden areas of the U.S., and this lack of diversity is what the NFL and media have wanted and have pandered to for so many years, rather than giving White football players equal opportunities. This letter shows Trump and his deplorables are holding the whip hand in spite of the solidarity of the fake news media and the league.



Exactly. If the term "diversity" means anything, the NFL is NOT "diverse."
If Christian Mccaffery kneels at their next game or any other I will boycott all of the NFL, CFL, MLB, NBA and encourage anyone that will listen to do the same.... The only reason I watch the NFL is to support white players and some of the non thug negros(very few) Unfortunately white Canadians as I have mentioned before are raised to be polite and giving.....time for that shyte to stop!!!!
The NFL owners are a greasy lot themselves, they make the players look respectable.

About 3/4 of them are tribesmen.

***BTW, p1$$ on that scumbag "Pukeovitch". He's utter garbage, & I could give a rat's @$$ about his basketball coaching "success". Getting paid millions to "coach" a slew of equally overpaid, halfwit thugs to toss around a ball (a kid's game) doesn't impress me one iota!
There's only one way out for the NFL. They need to apologize, do a complete 180 and ban all political expression during games. And they need to make standing and showing respect for the Anthem mandatory.
Looking forward to Mark Levin tearing into these ingrate affelets tomorrow. Bill Cunningham was his guest host and was pretty effective in laying them out.
Mark Levin laying into Spurs idiot f*ck HC. Big time right now. Man, what turns white men into this Popof*ck????
I just can't get Villanueva's story straight in my mind. Did he or didn't he want to stand for the anthem ? It seems like his coach threw him under the bus by saying he thought there was 100% unity for staying in locker room. Am I missing something? Thanks.
I agree. Popovich sounds like a lunatic who lives in an asylum. His sadistic comments about white people are unforgivable. He thinks of himself as some sort of humanistic philosopher but in reality he is knee jerk clueless ******* of the first order. A classless and downright nasty human being. Good riddance.

Another reason why I haven't watched the YoBA in years. How is this guy some sort of expert on social issues? His job is to babysit a bunch of tattooed thugs and he makes millions doing so. The NBA has been on my sh*tlist for a long time now. From the crap in Phoenix about the Arizona immigration law, to the symbolic lynching of Donald Sterling for his benign comments about blacks showing up at the games (something he said in a PRIVATE conversation, mind you) the only people still following this BS league are the most cucked of whites. Most sane people gave up on it years ago.
And yes, the amount of "normies" (not DWF's, just casual observers) that are fundamentally outraged by the BLM Anthem issue is staggering. Every person I've spoken to over the past 48 hours couldn't spew more anti-NFL venom if they tried...many articulating that they "hope they go out of business." Kaepernick and his ilk are despised by the vast majority of Americans and adored by Black Power Militants, the Fake News Media, and AntiFa. Trump is beloved by the vast majority of normal, white Americans. Who will win? It's an exciting time to be alive!

I, too was surprised at the amount of hate "normal" Americans (that I know) have been directing at the NFL kneelers. I figured most people would pay a little lip service to it but not want to do anything to take away the sportsball. But I have sensed some real passion from people. I think it may be a situation where people are fed up with a lot of stuff but unable to express it much, and now BOOM comes a big way to speak out and since, hey it's only a game, why hold back. I had a guy use the n-word talking with me about it today and it was very unexpected.

And the clown show that was the response to Trump last week peaked with the Dallas Cowboys absurd conga line production before / during the anthem on Monday night. The always despicable Jerry Jones, who had shown the only decent aspect of his personality recently with his opposition to the protests, dreamed some cucked response by choreographing a kneel BEFORE the anthem and then a unifying locked arms stand during the anthem. Jones must have thought he had come up with some legal loophole whereby he could both have protest and not protest. Unfortunately for him are the still pictures of him on one knee like the rest of the America-haters. He could not have come up with a worse idea. I think he will regret that one to his grave. Basically he still knelt in protest of America.

Now an interesting weekend approaches. The league can't possibly think another week of locked arms semi-kneeling is going to work. Fans are fired up and the boos could be intense. I predict the great minds of the NFL are huddling together and trying to come up with some kind of a solution. Maybe no teams on the field. But they may be paralyzed by their fear of the black players and media enablers. They can't be blind to fan response but what can they do?
DirecTV is offering unprecedented refunds for fans who want to cancel their NFL Sunday Ticket package, if they inform the company that they are doing so due to the recent protests during the national anthem, a source confirmed.

Once the season starts, fans usually cannot cancel their subscriptions, but AT&T, which owns DirecTV, decided to change the policy due to the sensitivity of the issue. The price of the package, which allows fans to get out-of-market games, is about $280.
DirecTV is offering unprecedented refunds for fans who want to cancel their NFL Sunday Ticket package, if they inform the company that they are doing so due to the recent protests during the national anthem, a source confirmed.

Once the season starts, fans usually cannot cancel their subscriptions, but AT&T, which owns DirecTV, decided to change the policy due to the sensitivity of the issue. The price of the package, which allows fans to get out-of-market games, is about $280.

What is the business reason for that? So they won't cancel their whole account?
I just can't get Villanueva's story straight in my mind. Did he or didn't he want to stand for the anthem ? It seems like his coach threw him under the bus by saying he thought there was 100% unity for staying in locker room. Am I missing something? Thanks.
Think of a civilian panty waste. That is him now. Pretty confident he is hearing it from his real combat buddies, who held comrades brains in their hands, whereas he was a witness. F him!
I just can't get Villanueva's story straight in my mind. Did he or didn't he want to stand for the anthem ? It seems like his coach threw him under the bus by saying he thought there was 100% unity for staying in locker room. Am I missing something? Thanks.

I don't know what's going on with Villaneuva but I suspect he's backtracking a little bit due to pressure from coaches and teammates.

To me that's not the important thing. The important thing is that Villaneuva stood alone and showed respect for the Anthem and his country, doubtless in the face of significant pressure not to.

Nothing he says afterwards changes that.
American sniper's wife Taya Kyle: An open letter to the NFL


Dear NFL,

You were doing your part to bring people together and heal the world. That’s really how healing works. We heal by loving each other and leading by example; showing people what is possible when we love each other just as we are and not only recognize our differences but celebrate them and look at how we can use them together to make us jointly better than our separate parts. You were doing your part celebrating each other based on skills, talent and a joint vision without regard to color and religion.

You were doing your part and we were doing ours. We showed up cheering and groaning together to as one. We talked in the concession lines and commiserated and celebrated our team together. Did it ever occur to you that you and we were already a mix of backgrounds, races and religions? We were already living the dream you want, right in front of you.

Your desire to focus on division and anger has shattered what many people loved most about the sport. Football was really a metaphor for our ideal world -- different backgrounds, talents, political beliefs and histories as one big team with one big goal -- to do well, to win, TOGETHER.

Your desire to focus on division and anger has shattered what many people loved most about the sport. Football was really a metaphor for our ideal world -- different backgrounds, talents, political beliefs and histories as one big team with one big goal -- to do well, to win, TOGETHER.

You are asking us to abandon what we loved about togetherness and make choices of division. Will we stand with you? Will we stand with our flag? What does it mean? What does it mean if we buy a ticket or NFL gear? What does it mean if we don’t? It is the polar opposite of the easy togetherness we once loved in football.

It was simple – we loved you and you loved us – with all of our races, religions, different backgrounds and politics. Simplicity in a crazy world was pretty awesome.

You dear NFL, have taken that. You have lost me here.

If you ever want to get off your knees and get to work on building bridges, let me know. I have found screaming about the problems in service marriages or even standing in silence in front of them, hasn’t healed even one of them.

On the other hand, funding the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation, building a team and rolling up my sleeves to get in the trenches during my “off time” -- volunteering there outside of my paying jobs -- has proven to make real change.

You have a lot of strong guys, I am sure in the off season a lot of them could build some pretty big bridges if they care enough to do the hard work. That would involve getting off their knees and getting to work though. If I can do it while I raise two kids as their only parent and work through the greatest pain of my life, let’s see if they can do it for the issues they say they care so much about.
I, too was surprised at the amount of hate "normal" Americans (that I know) have been directing at the NFL kneelers. I figured most people would pay a little lip service to it but not want to do anything to take away the sportsball. But I have sensed some real passion from people. I think it may be a situation where people are fed up with a lot of stuff but unable to express it much, and now BOOM comes a big way to speak out and since, hey it's only a game, why hold back. I had a guy use the n-word talking with me about it today and it was very unexpected.

And the clown show that was the response to Trump last week peaked with the Dallas Cowboys absurd conga line production before / during the anthem on Monday night. The always despicable Jerry Jones, who had shown the only decent aspect of his personality recently with his opposition to the protests, dreamed some cucked response by choreographing a kneel BEFORE the anthem and then a unifying locked arms stand during the anthem. Jones must have thought he had come up with some legal loophole whereby he could both have protest and not protest. Unfortunately for him are the still pictures of him on one knee like the rest of the America-haters. He could not have come up with a worse idea. I think he will regret that one to his grave. Basically he still knelt in protest of America.

Now an interesting weekend approaches. The league can't possibly think another week of locked arms semi-kneeling is going to work. Fans are fired up and the boos could be intense. I predict the great minds of the NFL are huddling together and trying to come up with some kind of a solution. Maybe no teams on the field. But they may be paralyzed by their fear of the black players and media enablers. They can't be blind to fan response but what can they do?
Yup. They exist in a "fake news" media bubble that is providing them (players, coaches, owners) a false narrative and thus enabling their actions. Perhaps only Fox News is outside of this "fake news" media bubble (on this issue, at least) to what they are saying and doing. They are sitting there probably imbibing BSPN, Fox Sports, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, ABC, etc., etc., etc., thinking everyone is on their side when the real sentiment of most NFL fans and of most "six-pack" (beer, not abs) Joes is not. Anything outside of this bubble is considered "right-wing", "alt-right" (read: "Nazi"), etc., so they don't dare defy the "fake news" media's narrative or risk being labeled a "White Supremacist". It's another unintended example of the Left eating their own, again.
While the Packers are tripling down trying to get the fans involved. Shows how few brain cells they have.


"It will represent a coming together of players who want the same things that all of us do—freedom, equality, tolerance, understanding, and justice for those who have been unjustly treated, discriminated against or otherwise treated unfairly."

LOL, the Fudge Packers actually think the average fan wants to stand with the same Kneeler/Sitter/Fister (Martellus Bennett) that they booed last Sunday? Similar to how the MSM doesn't understand Trump supporters, the NFL is too cucked to understand the rage that DWF's experience when they see players kneeling, sitting, flashing the the Black Power Fist, or entire teams "linking arms in unity." Their self-dug grave will get deeper this weekend. Thanks, Donald!


The super-oppressed millionaire writes stuff like this...

American Freedom News