Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

This one should be posted in the We Are Living in a Cartoon thread. A potential hate crime for burning a poofter banner? It's not a crime to burn the flag of the USA, but I guess the militant rainbow pennant is more important. Damn that Trump for not letting it be flown at all of our Embassies!
meanwhile that White lesbian on the USA women’s national soccer team is being lauded as a “brave hero” for kneeling before games and speaking publicly about the evils of the racist American patriarchy. sigh.
meanwhile that White lesbian on the USA women’s national soccer team is being lauded as a “brave hero” for kneeling before games and speaking publicly about the evils of the racist American patriarchy. sigh.
I don't think that she even started for team USA in their last match, but is held up as the face of US women's soccer by our demented media. Front and center on the cover of SI a couple of weeks ago and featured endlessly everywhere else. Being an ugly bull-dyke probably helps as she fits in with the feminist crowd.
Was channel surfing last night and briefly saw some all-female group playing on Fallon's show. All of them were physically unattractive with several overweight. All-girl bands in the 80s and 90s were always cute, with the Go-Gos being a great example. But not anymore. Ugliness is in in communist Amerika, even in a lot of advertising these days. Feminism has rotted women from the inside out and it shows. Masculine females with mannish jaws, and bearded soy boys who look like they couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag, welcome to Amerika 2.0.
And just to think that back in the '80's this was something to ridicule.....

I remember that one. If nothing else, Wendy's has come up with some memorable commercials over the years (Where's the Beef?).

Thank God we have so much "choice" here -- the ability to choose between different toppings on our hamburger, just don't buck the ideological party line.
Even back then the communist sympathizers in our media raised a stink and Wendy's had to pull the campaign.
There has been some internet chatter today about Kapernik's agent calling qb hurting teams to see if they are interested in his services. One. What a total joke and two: If CK was starting on a team and winning by 3 late in the 4th quarter and the other team had no timeouts would he take a knee to run out the clock? :)
Krappernick is a safe target the white and jewish caste cucks up and down the line are the uber villains.
American Freedom News