Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

The problem is that blacks are told from day one that they have just as much potential as Whites, Asians or Mestizos. This is of course ******** but they're told this their entire lives. By the time they get into their 20s and their supposed equality hasn't materialized they're left with a choice. They can admit they're not equal and therefore less intelligent, or they can blame whitey. No one wants to admit that they're stupid, so blame whitey it is.
The problem is that blacks are told from day one that they have just as much potential as Whites, Asians or Mestizos. This is of course ******** but they're told this their entire lives. By the time they get into their 20s and their supposed equality hasn't materialized they're left with a choice. They can admit they're not equal and therefore less intelligent, or they can blame whitey. No one wants to admit that they're stupid, so blame whitey it is.

I kind of disagree. I beleive they are told they have more potential than Whites, Asians or Mestizos and this is especially true in sports
NFL being discussed in a thread over at Radix, maybe some of the principals here could add something to their discussion.
Obama of course is not a fan of the Constitution whatsoever, unless it can be used to disparage White people and America 1.0.
The fact that this story has gone this far, or that the 'black lives matter' organization even exists means our war is lost. Anyone with half a brain knows the days of racism have long been gone and absolutely don't exist anymore at all outside of a few individuals here and there. Public service positions like police, firefighters and paramedics have many blacks. Cities everywhere have many black workers. Many coaches and teachers are black. Blacks hold jobs everywhere and have an easier time getting them than anyone else, provided they are willing to put in even an ounce of effort. We have a president that is half black for goodness sakes, who clearly was only elected because of that. I'm at the point where I don't even care to fight the caste system anymore because I have realized that outside the few of us here and maybe a handful of other whites in this country, I am fighting for whites who don't want to be fought for and by large are undeserving of being fought for. These whites have created the system and perpetuated it. The blacks, muslims, transgenders, *******, lesbians and other freaks of the world won't be the destruction of the white race, the average whites will. These weak minded, guilty, undeserving, self loathing whites will be the ones who end us. They hold the power to change all of this of course, but they clearly don't want to. These are the vile and disgusting whites that make my blood boil. I actually hate these whites more than the black pieces of garbage they defend and promote. I suppose I will keep trying with marginal effort to educate here and there for the sake of all of you here, and the few others out there who are actually proud to be white, but I feel we are the vast minority within the white race. I don't see myself living in this country in the future, but the question remains. Where do I go? Where do we go? How long do we have until we have to pay a tax for being white, or until every workplace is required to have a black manager, or until every middle and upper class white family is required to adopt and raise a black child? These may seem like far fetched ideas, but they really aren't. Anyways, I'm way off topic here. I will say that I have never cared for Kaepernick, but I absolutely hate the NFL and the whites who have given him the platform and the voice to do what he's doing. The whites that are in power are the real problem. Kaepernick and 'black lives matter' are just symptoms.

It's the old question of what came first, the chicken or the egg? White Americans haven't had good leadership for generations. When you write that "the whites that are in power are the real problem" you are exactly right. The entire system, from the government to the media to the education system, is built around an extreme anti-White agenda that is not allowed to be contradicted without punishment being inflicted. Without any kind of leadership Whites become degenerate over time, especially when they are trained and rewarded for going in that direction.

The average person doesn't have the time or ability to figure things out on their own. The problem is a top-down one that's now rotted a good portion of the White population but I think a lot of Whites still have good instincts that have been long suppressed. I expect Whites to respond to good leadership, and hopefully enough will to elect Trump, but I don't expect them to lead the counter-revolution. It's always a small vanguard that leads and brings about change, not the masses.
It's amazing to me that this country is full of self hating Americans that think the US is such a horrible place. But yet they never have been outside of the US and live in their little bubble.
I want to be original here but the last 3 or 4 comments say it all. There is no point arguing what we all know.
What the Seahags are going to do is even more defiant than sitting. This is all about hating on Whitey. Period. The Whites on this "team" didn't have a spine, none of them. And the coach, Plantation Pete, is despicable. I hope they go 0-16...

That they're going to do this on 9/11 won't win them any new friends. I detest the lies surrounding what happened that day and how it's been used to implement a total surveillance state, but just like December 7, 1941, it's an important day in U.S. history, associated with deep patriotism. Plantation Pete's oppressed millionaires will only further polarize the country, and hopefully turn some more NFL fans into ex-fans.
Blacks take every opportunity to express their hatred for white people. What's it going to take for white liberals to wake up?

White people should band together and take action to defend their group interest.
Seattle fans should completely boycott the Seahawks as a start.
Blacks take every opportunity to express their hatred for white people. What's it going to take for white liberals to wake up?

White people should band together and take action to defend their group interest.
Seattle fans should completely boycott the Seahawks as a start.

Agreed. But whites will not wake up until personal space and property gets invaded. Truth be told we've become soft!
Agreed. But whites will not wake up until personal space and property gets invaded. Truth be told we've become soft!
This is a very interesting comment and I agree. Most white people live in relatively safe areas with limited exposure to blacks. Most of what they know of blacks is the inaccurate portrayal they are shown on TV. I myself work in the public service sector and I am exposed to every ugly side of the human population and since I live near the very diverse Seattle, I am exposed to a lot of blacks. The truth is, the black community is absolutely disgusting. The way they treat others, the way they treat each other and the way they treat their communities. They don't respond to anyone trying to help. At some point they will have to change, but no amount of money or assistance can make them until they decide they want to. If anything, throwing assistance at them just gets them through another day, and delays change. Their community as a whole needs to hit rock bottom before this can happen. One big problem is the black family unit has been broken for multiple generations now. The past several generations of black youths were not good by any stretch, but the current crop of youth is a nightmare in the making. Until this problem comes to the white mans doorstep or starts hitting him in the pocketbook, most will take no action.
I read somewhere recently that nearly 75% of black kids grow up without a father figure... That statistic alone is very telling. It's not just blacks either whites are at about 50%. Welfare system, emasculating men, drugs, and a shitty economy has done a lot of harm to family unit and it's by design, 50 years in the making.
The only hope i see for whites is to send your kids to a private school, and for their sake and the country's please don't send them to a state run college. The liberal ******** they teach today is straight out of Mao and Stalin. My wife and i worked two jobs most our lives to pay for our daughters education only to be ashamed at what they believed in. My grandchildren will grow up believing the same crap as my daughters. What ever you have to do please don't send your children to this cesspool called the public school system!
The only hope i see for whites is to send your kids to a private school, and for their sake and the country's please don't send them to a state run college. The liberal ******** they teach today is straight out of Mao and Stalin. My wife and i worked two jobs most our lives to pay for our daughters education only to be ashamed at what they believed in. My grandchildren will grow up believing the same crap as my daughters. What ever you have to do please don't send your children to this cesspool called the public school system!

Home schooling is an option.
The only hope i see for whites is to send your kids to a private school, and for their sake and the country's please don't send them to a state run college. The liberal ******** they teach today is straight out of Mao and Stalin. My wife and i worked two jobs most our lives to pay for our daughters education only to be ashamed at what they believed in. My grandchildren will grow up believing the same crap as my daughters. What ever you have to do please don't send your children to this cesspool called the public school system!

All whites need to stay close to their children from their first day learning from anyone other than their parents.
Wigger Pete and his mansion-dwelling plantation workers linking their arms to show dat blak livez matta!


The funny thing about this whole act of "defiance" by NFL players is that nothing will change because there IS nothing to change. Communities still have to be policed and there will always be squabbles between cops and citizens. Blacks and whites and any other color will get shot by cops in the future. This is unavoidable. This, like every other thing in our ADD society will blow over like a fart in the wind. Next year it will be something else...
The only hope i see for whites is to send your kids to a private school, and for their sake and the country's please don't send them to a state run college. The liberal ******** they teach today is straight out of Mao and Stalin. My wife and i worked two jobs most our lives to pay for our daughters education only to be ashamed at what they believed in. My grandchildren will grow up believing the same crap as my daughters. What ever you have to do please don't send your children to this cesspool called the public school system!
More like (((Sheckelstein))) and (((Goldberg)))

Lets call a spade a spade here. Modern (((Liberalism))) is really jewish philosophy aka "Cultural Marxism", an anti white ideology that permeates all strata of society that jews have ensconced themselves in, soft sciences, academia, media, films etc.
The only hope i see for whites is to send your kids to a private school, and for their sake and the country's please don't send them to a state run college. The liberal ******** they teach today is straight out of Mao and Stalin. My wife and i worked two jobs most our lives to pay for our daughters education only to be ashamed at what they believed in. My grandchildren will grow up believing the same crap as my daughters. What ever you have to do please don't send your children to this cesspool called the public school system!

Although I agree with you booth, I wasn't able to send my children to private schools past elementary age. I have 5 children and if I couldn't send them all, I wouldn't send any of them. We are Christian and I taught my children from an early age about all the crap they would be taught in public school. From Evolution to the LGBT Agenda, we taught and prepared them for what they would face. So far, my first son has made it through college and has a great job and hasn't been affected. He understands the agenda. My second son is a junior in college and often tells me about the liberal professors he has and often is prepared to debate them and has written papers in opposition. He hasn't been penalized or gotten into trouble for debating his professors yet. He has made the Dean's list often, so I guess they haven't held it against him. As for my next three, which are girls, they are also prepared. I believe if you educate them, at home, early on, it will help tremendously. I've been fortunate so far.
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