Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

I really hope this goes "viral" and all kinds of black NFL players begin to follow Kaepernick's lead. It might be the only thing that could actually get DWFs mad enough to reconsider their support of this rabidly anti-White league. DWFs don't mind the Caste System (of course the vast majority are incapable of seeing it because the media hasn't told them it exists), rampant criminality among black players, terrible fundamentals, selfishness, childish celebrations, super-greedy owners who hold up cities for new stadiums, and the rest, but showing disrespect to the flag gets their hackles up in a big way.
"You can murder my race, destroy my civilization but please be respectful and leave the flag alone."
Look I somewhat sympathize with Krapernick. I don't like standing for the song, removing my hat, putting my hand over my heart. For what? This wretched country that elected an african communist, promotes sodomy and degeneracy around the world, and seems to exist to further the value of every low life on the planet except white people. Yeah I support America 1.0 which is gone and dead, but screw the monstrosity it has become.

But what is going unmentioned by everyone in this controversy is that the things that Krapernick opposes have nothing to do with the flag or modern america. Police brutality such as it exists has nothing to do with the fedgov, it's wholly a local matter. Furthermore the reigns of power of the fedgov are controlled by a black president and a black attorney general who mostly completely support Krapernicks agenda.

Krapernicks protest is just a way to take a shot at white people by trying to insult the memory of a long dead white america. So it's basically just more war against white people using the national anthem as a proxy. For that reason I oppose him. Not in defense of usa usa usa or a song.
I would welcome more of the entitled black affletes to join krapernick. The optimistic side of me believes that it would be a good way to attack the caste system in sports as a portion of the primary white fan base would become fed up with them and decide to turn away from following the NFL all together. It may also lead to people wondering why these spoiled entitled blacks are allowed to play the game while whites are being discriminated against in the sport. I am sure it is mostly a pipe dream but it would be nice to use krapernick's leftist anti-white idiocy against the NFL.
I would not be surprised if a few San Diego Chargers declared open season on the Toucan in their pre-season game.
Tonight may be krapernicks final start in the NFL. I really think his actions have a good chance of him getting blackballed (ironic) from the league. If he doesn't play well tonight than the organization can cut him and use this as the official excuse. Still can't believe the 49ers gave him a 114 million dollar contract.

The article on nfl.com about Paperneck's socks and his own statement about them depicting Police as pigs has absolutely no comments section. It's not even there. I can bet it might be a meltdown except for the usual suspects posting a few comments being "supportive" of the whole false narrative.
However, I just don't think the dwfs will go away and stop drinking whatever koolaid given them.
Anyone see Paperneck is sporting an afro tonight? No agenda there for sure...
Mistakenly turned on BSPN to hopefully see some highlights but its all about the Toucan, his giant afro and being the representative of the "oppressed". This world truly is upside down.
I can't say I'm surprised at CK's actions. This sort of thing, like the #BLM movement, was inevitable in a system that rewarded anti-white provocations. If the incentives were reversed, and the media, NFL, politicians, et al uniformly disparaged and even coerced non-whites into a "Love it or Leave it" mentality regarding the US, we wouldn't see CK sitting on the bench. We'd see him standing up for the anthem to get a paycheck and keep his endorsements, or rot in an unemployment line, the limbo of endless free agency, or someplace worse.

I really hope this goes "viral" and all kinds of black NFL players begin to follow Kaepernick's lead. It might be the only thing that could actually get DWFs mad enough to reconsider their support of this rabidly anti-White league. DWFs don't mind the Caste System (of course the vast majority are incapable of seeing it because the media hasn't told them it exists), rampant criminality among black players, terrible fundamentals, selfishness, childish celebrations, super-greedy owners who hold up cities for new stadiums, and the rest, but showing disrespect to the flag gets their hackles up in a big way.
You're right, if enough anti-patriotic fervor erupts among the majority-black NFL player population, who knows? Maybe DWFs will migrate elsewhere, like the NHL, or back down to their college/HS ranks to find a more satisfying gladiatorial entertainment outlet. Look at what's happened to the NBA. Does anyone watch the NBA anymore since it went Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony years ago? I loved the league, and the sport, until the mid-90s. When Magic, Larry, Michael, and Shaq were replaced by tattoo-laced gangbangers, it was "last one out, turn out the lights" for me. Dirk & K Love aside, what is there to watch in the NBA besides street ball?
Look I somewhat sympathize with Krapernick. I don't like standing for the song, removing my hat, putting my hand over my heart. For what? This wretched country that elected an african communist, promotes sodomy and degeneracy around the world, and seems to exist to further the value of every low life on the planet except white people. Yeah I support America 1.0 which is gone and dead, but screw the monstrosity it has become.

But what is going unmentioned by everyone in this controversy is that the things that Krapernick opposes have nothing to do with the flag or modern america. Police brutality such as it exists has nothing to do with the fedgov, it's wholly a local matter. Furthermore the reigns of power of the fedgov are controlled by a black president and a black attorney general who mostly completely support Krapernicks agenda.

Krapernicks protest is just a way to take a shot at white people by trying to insult the memory of a long dead white america. So it's basically just more war against white people using the national anthem as a proxy. For that reason I oppose him. Not in defense of usa usa usa or a song.

Yeah, what he's doing is not really against the US government, it's against the white population and its former institutions and moral code.
What's the deal with Krapernick and his "pig" socks. Doesn't the NFL regulate to the point of absurdity the uniforms of players? I know they fine people that don't keep their jerseys tucked in and prohibit anything not expressly approved so how does he get to wear those socks. I guess he only wears them for practice but does that mean that swastika armbands would be okay to wear for practice? The NFL is getting into troubling territory here and they should be worried. I have listened to several DWF's over the last week loudly proclaim that the NFL is going to lose their business if this keeps up. It might be BS but it might not.

What's the deal with Krapernick and his "pig" socks. Doesn't the NFL regulate to the point of absurdity the uniforms of players? I know they fine people that don't keep their jerseys tucked in and prohibit anything not expressly approved so how does he get to wear those socks. I guess he only wears them for practice but does that mean that swastika armbands would be okay to wear for practice? The NFL is getting into troubling territory here and they should be worried. I have listened to several DWF's over the last week loudly proclaim that the NFL is going to lose their business if this keeps up. It might be BS but it might not.

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For his own sake he better not drive a car -anywhere. If he gets pulled over they'll lean on him for anything.
For his own sake he better not drive a car -anywhere. If he gets pulled over they'll lean on him for anything.

Yes I concur, if any of those racist white "pig" cops do pull him over for no reason, and those crackers then recognize him as the nationwide celebrity face of self-proclaimed victimhood of anti-POC racism, man wow they are definitely gonna tune him up old-boy style. Yee-haw!
The fact that this story has gone this far, or that the 'black lives matter' organization even exists means our war is lost. Anyone with half a brain knows the days of racism have long been gone and absolutely don't exist anymore at all outside of a few individuals here and there. Public service positions like police, firefighters and paramedics have many blacks. Cities everywhere have many black workers. Many coaches and teachers are black. Blacks hold jobs everywhere and have an easier time getting them than anyone else, provided they are willing to put in even an ounce of effort. We have a president that is half black for goodness sakes, who clearly was only elected because of that. I'm at the point where I don't even care to fight the caste system anymore because I have realized that outside the few of us here and maybe a handful of other whites in this country, I am fighting for whites who don't want to be fought for and by large are undeserving of being fought for. These whites have created the system and perpetuated it. The blacks, muslims, transgenders, *******, lesbians and other freaks of the world won't be the destruction of the white race, the average whites will. These weak minded, guilty, undeserving, self loathing whites will be the ones who end us. They hold the power to change all of this of course, but they clearly don't want to. These are the vile and disgusting whites that make my blood boil. I actually hate these whites more than the black pieces of garbage they defend and promote. I suppose I will keep trying with marginal effort to educate here and there for the sake of all of you here, and the few others out there who are actually proud to be white, but I feel we are the vast minority within the white race. I don't see myself living in this country in the future, but the question remains. Where do I go? Where do we go? How long do we have until we have to pay a tax for being white, or until every workplace is required to have a black manager, or until every middle and upper class white family is required to adopt and raise a black child? These may seem like far fetched ideas, but they really aren't. Anyways, I'm way off topic here. I will say that I have never cared for Kaepernick, but I absolutely hate the NFL and the whites who have given him the platform and the voice to do what he's doing. The whites that are in power are the real problem. Kaepernick and 'black lives matter' are just symptoms.
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