Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

Although I agree with you booth, I wasn't able to send my children to private schools past elementary age. I have 5 children and if I couldn't send them all, I wouldn't send any of them. We are Christian and I taught my children from an early age about all the crap they would be taught in public school. From Evolution to the LGBT Agenda, we taught and prepared them for what they would face. So far, my first son has made it through college and has a great job and hasn't been affected. He understands the agenda. My second son is a junior in college and often tells me about the liberal professors he has and often is prepared to debate them and has written papers in opposition. He hasn't been penalized or gotten into trouble for debating his professors yet. He has made the Dean's list often, so I guess they haven't held it against him. As for my next three, which are girls, they are also prepared. I believe if you educate them, at home, early on, it will help tremendously. I've been fortunate so far.

Sounds like you have raised them well CS. Well done.
Despicable Toucan and teammate kneel again. Only greeted by coal teammates . Shocker.

Antoine Bethea and another 49er stood with a clenched fist in the air, drawing inspiration no doubt from the infamous 1968 black power salute at the Mexico City Olympics by John Carlos and Tommy Smith. On the Rams side, I saw Kenny Britt and another teammate also doing the black power/communist clenched fist salute. Britt in particular has been oppressed by white privilege, having been arrested a dozen times yet still making millions of dollars as a professional athlete.

Baseball is a "white man's sport" according to Adam Jones which is why there have been no Krapenick protests.

"There's somebody on the 49ers' team that commits an act like that, accosts a 70-year-old man and his kid, and nobody's talking about that," Jones said, referring to Kaepernick's now former teammate Bruce Miller. "But they talk about Kaepernick doing something that he believes in, as his right as an American citizen. People need to talk more about that guy than Kaepernick.

Miller was cut from the team and will be facing legal consequences. I have yet to hear any black bring up the disproportionate number of black on white crimes that plague this country.

Baseball is a "white man's sport" according to Adam Jones which is why there have been no Krapenick protests.

"There's somebody on the 49ers' team that commits an act like that, accosts a 70-year-old man and his kid, and nobody's talking about that," Jones said, referring to Kaepernick's now former teammate Bruce Miller. "But they talk about Kaepernick doing something that he believes in, as his right as an American citizen. People need to talk more about that guy than Kaepernick.

Miller was cut from the team and will be facing legal consequences. I have yet to hear any black bring up the disproportionate number of black on white crimes that plague this country.

That would be an anomaly just as when a white commits a crime vs a black. It ends up being magnified ten fold like it's something that happens all the time.
Black Power salutes are the final straw and the end of many fans I believe. Might not make much of a dent, but they've lost some fans for life. Maybe some Whites will wake up finally.
Since I overcame my "conservatism" I sincerely hope our black dopes up it to 11. They amuse me

I've long thought it a wasted of time to try and reason with libtards of any color or cucks, I think it is more productive if you basically tell them to double down on their stupidity.

It comes down to childishness of coloreds (obviously not all) women (for the most part) and the young and foolish who need to feel the pain of their failures, "go ahead kid touch the flame, you moron."
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The reaction on the other side to all this has been comical to watch. People doing patriotic jumping jacks and calisthenics to counteract this Kappernick stuff. As if saluting the flag and playing the national anthem will cure the rot that now runs so deep in our polity (can't call it a nation of country any more).

A lot of it showing up on my FB feed.

Someone coined a great term for them.

The Leftists name-call anybody on the side of preserving anything from America 1.0. It's all they do since they're wrong on everything. Leftists have brain damage and should be put into asylums or better yet, prison. Them them rot in there. It's the least we can do.
Geez Cuck Pederson is right. It makes sense he's going to be an ass kisser to his players because Phillys last coach was accused of being a raycizz.

Let's not forget he learned from the best all those years - Andy Reid.
Broward County Police not too happy about about the Dolphins players little display of TNB during the anthem on Sunday.


Nice excerpt right here:

"We no longer support an organization that values financial profit over a minimum conduct standard. What good is it to ask singers to sing the national anthem, honor guards to preform services or ask the United States Air Force to conduct fly overs during the National Anthem if the same organization will not even set a minimum code of conduct for its players?

"Until further notice, I respectfully ask all members of law enforcement not to work any detail associated with the Miami Dolphins unless ordered to do so. Again, I would also respectfully ask the Broward Sheriff’s Office to refuse any security details associated with the Miami Dolphins until such time the Miami Dolphin organization mandates a code of conduct for their players during all sanctioned events."

Jeff Bell

Local 6020
Last weekend in Montgomery County MD, Damascus HS, from the whitest, most rural part of this very affluent and multicultural county, played Watkins Mill HS, which is about 2/3 non-white. Damascus is the defending MD 3A champs and was led last year by white RB Jake Funk, who was the MD State Player of the Year, the Washington Compost Metro DC Offensive Player of the Year, and is currently on the Maryland Terrapins as a RB (of course we all know he most likely will never be the starting RB). Before the game the Watkins Mill players chose to make their statement for "social justice" and refused to stand during the National Anthem. Here is an article from the globalist mouthpiece Washington Compost about the noble statement made by the deep-thinking little freedom fighters:


Damascus is an area that is much more like Middle America than Gaithersburg, which is where Watkins Mill is located, which is only about 10 miles away. In stark contrast to the protesting malcontents on the other sideline, Damascus' players ran out onto the field before the game waving the American flag. They then proceeded to stomp out to a 52-6 halftime lead, and ended up winning 52-14. It was beautiful to read about the pummeling the Watkins Mill malcontents had to endure.
More good news:

We’re barely a year removed from the NFL setting all-time records in viewership, yet now the league is on pace for its lowest ratings in years. That’s a sharp and unexpectedly sudden turn.

Given the politicized controversies and the variety of streaming options this year, have we reached a cumulative point of football fatigue? The numbers suggest so.

Last night’s Monday Night Football matchup between the Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants drew a 9.1 overnight rating, an 8% drop from last year’s comparable Week 4 game between the Detroit Lions and Seattle Seahawks. The New England Patriots and Kansas City Chiefs game in 2014 earned a 9.6 rating.

Overall, MNF‘s ratings are down a whopping 19% this year, according to Sports Illustrated’s Richard Deitsch.

Love that the TV ratings are dropping. Hopefully, Whites will stay away from going to games in droves. Every Black Panther salute should be met with cups, ice, beers, team pennants, food, anything being hurled at the BLM overpaid AA hires from the stands with boos and jeers. Then leave and never come back to a game til this crap stops. The owners would get the point real quick.
Blacks destroy everything why would the NFL be any different. If the oligarchs did not have cousins in the money printing business I suspect blacks would make sports franchises money losing ventures.

I look at it this way, each of the demographic tribes of the D party made their way up their ladder by outlandish political theatre meant to shock the normies, well since I am no longer a conservative nothing much is going to shock me so I look at this TNB and want to see them go exponential with the clown show.
That's his cover story. And even if he didn't know, that's insignificant compared to the fact that he was pressured to apologize for making a statement advocating fairness rather than blatant favoritism for one race over all others.
American Freedom News