Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

Jimmy Chitwood said:
the ObamaCare bill just passed the House ... 219-212, three more votes than required after all the maneuvering and rule breaking. zero Republicans voted for the bill, for what that's worth.
<div> </div>
<div>Obama is, of course, going to sign it as soon as possible. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>gentlemen, we ain't seen nothin' yet. dark days lie ahead ... </div>
<div> </div>

The DNC traitors just cast us into a tumultuous sea of red-tape (for health care). If people think health care is bad now, they'll not be able to bare the coming ocean of (unnecessary) bureaucracy...controlled by the inept, power-hungry feds.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I've seen commenters all night on conservative blogs talking optimistically about taking back the House and Senate this Fall.
It ain't gonna happen.
As I alluded to in the predictions thread, the Democrats will not lose control of Congress this year. How?
They've been planning this takeover of America for a very long time. Everything is running according to plan. Obama will legalize tens of millions of Mexican insurgents and give them instantaneous voting privileges. Although I'm not sure that's even necessary. Plenty of unregistered (and dead) people already vote in our elections. Frequently more than once.
But that's how the Democrats will hold on to power.
And it will take many years for the American people to realize that bloodshed is the only way to regain our country. Sadly, I doubt it will occur in our lifetimes.
This is indeed a dark day for America. Another scheme to enable medicority to gain votes. Another way of giving something for nothing, while DWFs, affelets and other assorted miscreants don't work, rather, stay home and watch Oprah or become addicts. Whilest I work for a living. My reward? Getting f**ked in the ass by means of higher taxes. Outrageous.

And for those who think there is no difference between this sinster party the democrats and Republicans, I submit, not one Republican in either the senate or house voted for this soft tryanny called Obamacare, er Deathcare.

Riddlewire I hope you are wrong and America, us smart ones will slap awake the misguided masses and vote these pricks out of office come November and repel this scheme called Obamacare. It must for the sake of myself and America! God help us.
Riddlewire said:
And it will take many years for the American people to realize that bloodshed is the only way to regain our country. Sadly, I doubt it will occur in our lifetimes.

I beg to differ. As a youngster I can assure you I will no give up on my generation, or America. And with the history of my family and the civil war fighting for Virginia, my blood would be a familiar taste to this ground.

I advise you to look at Fred Reed's ( most recent essay. It has to do with "Nullification." That's the answer. The greatest mistake of the fedgov after the civil War was that they never called a Constitutional Convention to work over the Constitution while the southern states were prostrate and governed by blacks and carpetbaggers. So the constitution still stands and any Governor with an ounce of balls can fight the fedgov on a number of fronts and come out ahead and save his state billions. The power is still there. All that is needed is one man or woman to take the bull by the horns and it can be done by anyone at any level from state gov. to little town mayor and everything in between.

Tom Iron...
Well Republicans had their chance on Amnesty and look what they did. With America ripe to end the illegal invasion that has destroyed our country more than any healthcare bill could, they propped-up John McCain as their saviour. There is no difference in parties.

Illegals already have been getting free healthcare. As long as the invasion continues we were doomed whether it be healthcare or any other topic.
What are your views on the healthcare reform? I personally am against it. I had a conversation today at the dog park with a few guys who are also against it.
I have mixed feelings about health care. Since I retired from the military I have Tri-care for which I pay $38 monthly and all services and drugs are basically free. While watching the debate I went on-line to health quote to see what I would be paying for civilian insurance. The prices ranged from $238, low, to a high end insurance cost of a little over $500 monthly. Thats ridiculous.
Riddlewire said:
I've seen commenters all night on conservative blogs talking optimistically about taking back the House and Senate this Fall.
It ain't gonna happen.
As I alluded to in the predictions thread, the Democrats will not lose control of Congress this year. How?
They've been planning this takeover of America for a very long time. Everything is running according to plan. Obama will legalize tens of millions of Mexican insurgents and give them instantaneous voting privileges. Although I'm not sure that's even necessary. Plenty of unregistered (and dead) people already vote in our elections. Frequently more than once.
But that's how the Democrats will hold on to power.
And it will take many years for the American people to realize that bloodshed is the only way to regain our country. Sadly, I doubt it will occur in our lifetimes.

Yes we are going to take back the House and Senate this November so help me God! I understand your amnesty point and the potential of 30 million illegals getting registered to vote but that won't all happen this year, it will take some time before all that can be implemented and hopefully just enough time to get all the Dems and traitor GOP types like Lyndsey Graham and John McCain out of office. The Dems used up most of their political capital to pass this unpopular and unconstitutional health care bill and I am not so sure they have the stomach to ram through something else before the Nov. elections, I may be wrong.
whiteathlete33 said:
What are your views on the healthcare reform?  I personally am against it.  I had a conversation today at the dog park with a few guys who are also against it.

Although the current health care system is far from perfect, I am totally against socialized take-over of healthcare. I'm for MUCH smaller government (size, control & red-tape). This thing will be a major cluster#$@% to implement, and create a massive see of red-tape for Americans.
here is a link to a fact sheet about what is actually supposed to be in the health care bill. i'll copy/paste the myth vs. fact section, but if the format doesn't turn out where you can easily read, just click on the link above.

additionally, the original work provides information on the folks who compiled the fact sheet, and it also provides documentation of sources.

even for the idiot sheeple who've been oblivious to what's going on, the battle over socialized health care is out in the open now ...

<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=1 cellPadding=10>
<TR width="100%">
<TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" width=300>
<TD vAlign=top width=300>
<H2 style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">Truth</H2></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>1. This is a universal health care bill.

The bill is neither universal health care nor universal health insurance.
Per the CBO:
<LI>Total uninsured in 2019 with no bill: 54 million</LI>
<LI>Total uninsured in 2019 with Senate bill: 24 million (44%)</LI>[/list]</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>2. Insurance companies hate this bill

<TD>This bill is almost identical to the plan written by AHIP, the insurance company trade association, in 2009.

The original Senate Finance Committee bill was authored by a former Wellpoint VP. Since Congress released the first of its health care bills on October 30, 2009, health care stocks have risen 28.35%.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>3. The bill will significantly bring down insurance premiums for most Americans.

The bill will not bring down premiums significantly, and certainly not the $2,500/year that the President promised.
Annual premiums in 2016, status quo / with bill:

Small group market, single: $7,800 / $7,800

Small group market, family: $19,300 / $19,200

Large Group market, single: $7,400 / $7,300

Large group market, family: $21,100 / $21,300

Individual market, single:<SUP> </SUP>$5,500 / $5,800<SUP>*</SUP>

Individual market, family: <SUP></SUP>$13,100 / $15,200<SUP>*</SUP></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>4. The bill will make health care affordable for middle class Americans.
<TD>The bill will impose a financial hardship on middle class Americans who will be forced to buy a product that they can't afford to use.

A family of four making $66,370 will be forced to pay $5,243 per year for insurance. After basic necessities, this leaves them with $8,307 in discretionary income â€" out of which they would have to cover clothing, credit card and other debt, child care and education costs, in addition to $5,882 in annual out-of-pocket medical expenses for which families will be responsible.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>5. This plan is similar to the Massachusetts plan, which makes health care affordable. </TD>
<TD>Many Massachusetts residents forgo health care because they can't afford it.

A 2009 study by the state of Massachusetts found that:<SUP>
<LI>21% of residents forgo medical treatment because they can't afford it, including 12% of children</LI>
<LI>18% have health insurance but can't afford to use it</LI>[/list]</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>6. This bill provide health care to 31 million people who are currently uninsured.

<TD>This bill will mandate that millions of people who are currently uninsured must purchase insurance from private companies, or the IRS will collect up to 2% of their annual income in penalties. Some will be assisted with government subsidies.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>7. You can keep the insurance you have if you like it. </TD>
The excise tax will result in employers switching to plans with higher co-pays and fewer covered services.

Older, less healthy employees with employer-based health care will be forced to pay much more in out-of-pocket expenses than they do now.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>8. The "excise tax"Â will encourage employers to reduce the scope of health care benefits, and they will pass the savings on to employees in the form of higher wages.

<TD>There is insufficient evidence that employers pass savings from reduced benefits on to employees.

<TD vAlign=top>9. This bill employs nearly every cost control idea available to bring down costs.

<TD>This bill does not bring down costs and leaves out nearly every key cost control measure, including:<SUP> </SUP>

<LI>Public Option ($25-$110 billion)</LI>
<LI>Medicare buy-in</LI>
<LI>Drug reimportation ($19 billion)</LI>
<LI>Medicare drug price negotiation ($300 billion)</LI>
<LI>Shorter pathway to generic biologics ($71 billion)</LI>[/list]</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>10. The bill will require big companies like WalMart to provide insurance for their employees

<TD>The bill was written so that most WalMart employees will qualify for subsidies, and taxpayers will pick up a large portion of the cost of their coverage.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>11. The bill "bends the cost curve"Â on health care.

<TD>The bill ignored proven ways to cut health care costs and still leaves 24 million people uninsured, all while slightly raising total annual costs by $234 million in 2019.

"Bends the cost curve"Â is a misleading and trivial claim, as the US would still spend far more for care than other advanced countries.

In 2009, health care costs were 17.3% of GDP.<SUP> </SUP>

Annual cost of health care in 2019, status quo: $4,670.6 billion (20.8% of GDP)

Annual cost of health care in 2019, Senate bill: $4,693.5 billion (20.9% of GDP)</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>12. The bill will provide immediate access to insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a pre-existing condition. </TD>
<TD>Access to the "high risk pool"Â is limited and the pool is underfunded. It will cover few people, and will run out of money in 2011 or 2012

Only those who have been uninsured for more than six months will qualify for the high risk pool. Only 0.7% of those without insurance now will get coverage, and the CMS report estimates it will run out of funding by 2011 or 2012.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>13. The bill prohibits dropping people in individual plans from coverage when they get sick.</TD>
<TD>The bill does not empower a regulatory body to keep people from being dropped when they're sick.

There are already many states that have laws on the books prohibiting people from being dropped when they're sick, but without an enforcement mechanism, there is little to hold the insurance companies in check.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>14. The bill ensures consumers have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to challenge new insurance plan decisions. </TD>
<TD>The "internal appeals process"Â is in the hands of the insurance companies themselves, and the "external"Â one is up to each state.
Ensuring that consumers have access to "internal appeals"Â simply means the insurance companies have to review their own decisions. And it is the responsibility of each state to provide an "external appeals process,"Â as there is neither funding nor a regulatory mechanism for enforcement at the federal level.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>15. This bill will stop insurance companies from hiking rates 30%-40% per year.

<TD>This bill does not limit insurance company rate hikes. Private insurers continue to be exempt from anti-trust laws, and are free to raise rates without fear of competition in many areas of the country.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>16. When the bill passes, people will begin receiving benefits under this bill immediately

<TD>Most provisions in this bill, such as an end to the ban on pre-existing conditions for adults, do not take effect until 2014.

Six months from the date of passage, children could not be excluded from coverage due to pre-existing conditions, though insurance companies could charge more to cover them. Children would also be allowed to stay on their parents' plans until age 26. There will be an elimination of lifetime coverage limits, a high risk pool for those who have been uninsured for more than 6 months, and community health centers will start receiving money.
<TD vAlign=top>17. The bill creates a pathway for single payer.

<TD>Bernie Sanders' provision in the Senate bill does not start until 2017, and does not cover the Department of Labor, so no, it doesn't create a pathway for single payer.

Obama told Dennis Kucinich that the Ohio Representative's amendment is similar to Bernie Sanders' provision in the Senate bill, and creates a pathway to single payer. Since the waiver does not start until 2017, and does not cover the Department of Labor, it is nearly impossible to see how it gets around the ERISA laws that stand in the way of any practical state single payer system.</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top>18 The bill will end medical bankruptcy and provide all Americans with peace of mind.

<TD>Most people with medical bankruptcies already have insurance, and out-of-pocket expenses will continue to be a burden on the middle class.

<LI>In 2009, 1.5 million Americans declared bankruptcy</LI>
<LI>Of those, 62% were medically related</LI>
<LI>Three-quarters of those had health insurance</LI>
<LI>The Obama bill leaves 24 million without insurance</LI>
<LI>The maximum yearly out-of-pocket limit for a family will be $11,900 (PDF) on top of premiums</LI>
<LI>A family with serious medical problems that last for a few years could easily be financially crushed by medical costs</LI>[/list]</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
Maybe it's my public school education but there is something about this Health care bill I don't understand. I'm reading that Obama is going to sign the bill ASAP and I also read that the bill is going back to the Senate to iron out some differences in which case it will have to go back to the House and be revoted on and etc. So why is he signing a bill that hasn't been finished? I don't get it? I thought it wasn't signed into law until it was actually done.

Roissy in DC put it better then I could in this rant from yesterday:

As I write the House is on the verge of passing a bill that will socialize 1/5th of the US economy. The red swollen teat engorged with milk, the populace, its current protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, will eventually acclimate to the suckling and prove to be impossible to dislodge in the future. The Democrats know this, which is why they are willing to sacrifice near term power in next November's midterms for long range power over the functioning of greater and greater swaths of American private enterprise.

Count today as the final nail in the coffin of American exceptionalism.

If an alien race ill-disposed to America were to devise a plan to bring the US to her knees as quickly, efficiently, and bloodlessly as possible (so as not to arouse a mighty backlash of patriotic fervor, i.e. survival instinct) they could do no better than what we have done to ourselves over the past 50 years. A plan to drain the nation's coffers and psyche â€" not to mention the good will of her allies â€" with half-cocked schemes to export democracy to sh*tholes around the world that are constitutionally incapable or unwilling to embrace democracy, coupled with a zeal for importing vast numbers of ethnically (and genetically) antagonistic and listless peasant stock who will vote 2 to 1, generation after generation regardless of the desperate political pandering to staunch it, for socialist politicians and the concomitant racial grievance spoils machine whose gears never stop thirsting for the slick blood of the hated enemy, would break the back of the nation's people insidiously, cracking each vertebrae in the middle of the night with hairline fractures designed to avoid sudden jolts of pain. Numb any immunological reaction with the soul poison of feminism, enervating porn pills, mollifying technogadget distractions, and a PC shaming mechanism psyche-out that would make Orwell blush, and you have a perfect recipe for destroying a world-bestriding superpower in less than half a century without firing a single shot.

I don't believe the Americans In Name Only who bought into this plan are stupid. No. It's much worse than that. They are venal.

I am wishing for the day to come when the traitors swing from the lamp posts. Swing high sweet Benedicts.
whiteathlete33 said:
What are your views on the healthcare reform?  I personally am against it.  I had a conversation today at the dog park with a few guys who are also against it.

Frankly, I haven't investigated it much. However, based on what I have seen that typifies politics I think it's a none issue that is getting all the press while banker fraud and bailouts continue, illegal invasion destroys our bottom line and gene pool, and illegal war destroys our bottom line and morality as a nation.

If healthcare was a real issue that actually made a real difference would it get so much debate attention? So much resistance from one side of the aisle? That tells me all I need to know. It's similar to the abortion debate that seems to dominant every single election and supreme court nomination since I can remember. And yet abortion or making abortion illegal wouldn't change the direction our country is heading in the least. Niether will the healthcare proposal. Nothing will change. We working (mostly white) Americans will still pay for the healthcare of every illegal immigrant maggot and every ghetto welfare leech from Letisha and her babies to Natasha and her little brown nuggets. Either way we pay - bill or no bill - we pay the final bill. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Since I don't have faith in the Republican party to do anything right I have to assume that their "opposition" to health care reform is mere window dressing. For sure the power grab by the gov't is nothing the Republicans would mind.

I think it's just like the abortion issue. They use it to gain support from their members but they will deliver NOTHING. This law will never, ever, be repealed. As soon as I heard that the repub's wanted to do it I knew it was all an act.
there will be at least 15 new taxes to pay for the new "health care" bill.

Last night, the House of Representatives passed health care reform and moved the bill to the President's desk for a final signature.

The bill is littered with tax increases in order to fund the expansion of health coverage for Americans, and the Reconciliation Act, now in the Senate, has similar increases.

<H2>Excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: A 40% tax on health insurance plans exceeding determined levels. Those levels are projected for 2013 to be $8,500 for self only and $23,000 for any other level.

<H2>Increase in additional tax on distributions from HSAs and Archer MSAs not used for qualified medical expenses</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: An increase from 10% to 20% on taxes of money in a health savings account not used for qualified medical expenses. For Archer medical savings accounts, an increase from 15% to 20%.

<H2>A tax on failing hospitals</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: A $50,000 tax on hospital organizations, which fail to meet described quality requirements.

<H2>Imposition of annual fee on branded prescription pharmaceutical manufacturers and importers</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: A fee based upon the sales of pharmaceutical companies in relation to the total sale of such pharmaceutical products to the public.

<H2>Imposition of annual fee on medical device manufacturers and importers</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: Medical device manufacturers must pay a fee in relation to the sales of their product in the marketplace and the total sales of devices.

<H2>Imposition of annual fee on health insurance providers</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: A fee applied to all health insurance providers based upon net premiums and any third party fees associated with the administration of those programs.

<H2>Additional hospital insurance tax on high-income taxpayers</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: High income tax payers, making on a joint return over $250,000 and a standard return over $200,000, are required to pay an additional 0.5% of wages. This applies to both self-employed, and regularly employed individuals.

<H2>Excise tax on elective cosmetic medical procedures</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: A tax of 5% is levied upon the am mount paid for any cosmetic surgery. This does not include the need for such surgeries created by trauma or a disfiguring disease. If the tax is not collected by that professional completing the procedure, their business is still liable for the requirement.

<H2>Tax on individuals without acceptable health care coverage</H2>


Bill: H.R. 4872 Reconciliation ActStatus: Yet to be approved by the Senate

Description: A 2.5% income tax on individuals who do not have health care coverage, limited to a cost less than the average national health care premium.

<H2>Health insurance fee</H2>


Bill: H.R. 4872 Reconciliation ActStatus: Yet to be approved by the Senate

Description: For self-insured plans, a fee on the the sponsor whether that is the employer or the employee organization. Also, a fee on the issuer of every health care plan imposed.

<H2>Tax on non-electing businesses who refuse to supply health care</H2>


Bill: H.R. 4872 Reconciliation ActStatus: Yet to be approved by the Senate

Description: For firms refusing to pay health insurance, but not meeting required exclusions, an 8% tax on wages will be applied.

<H2>Imposition of tax on indoor tanning</H2>


Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStatus: Awaiting President's signature

Description: A tax of 10% on the amount paid for any tanning service.

<H2>1% surcharge on individuals making more than $350,000</H2>


Bill: H.R. 4872 Reconciliation ActStatus: Yet to be approved by the Senate

Description: A 1% tax increase for individuals making between $350,000 and $500,000.

<H2>1.5% surcharge on individuals making more than $500,000</H2>


Bill: H.R. 4872 Reconciliation ActStatus: Yet to be approved by the Senate

Description: A 1.5% tax increase for individuals making between $500,000 and $1 million.

<H2>5.4% surcharge on individuals making more than $1 million</H2>


Bill: H.R. 4872 Reconciliation ActStatus: Yet to be approved by the Senate

Description: A 5.4% increase for individuals making more than $1 million.
by the way, i'm sure it's just a coincidence that most all the pictured folks were White ...

i mean, it would be racist to point out that Whites will be virtually the only folks paying all these taxes. right?
Tax on individuals without acceptable health care coverage
Not Constitutional
Not Legal
Not American

Once this bill becomes "law", any lawmaker who voted for it, due to the inclusion of this provision, has committed treason.

Since Napolitano has decreed that anyone who has differing political opinions from her master is likely a domestic terrorist, I feel it is in my best interest to mention that I don't advocate violence against anyone, except when your or your family's lives are in imminent danger. I suspect that this site is monitored by government New-Thought police, and my last couple of posts have been of the "Cantankerous Malcontent" type. Expressing righteous anger to one's friends is a crime in the internet age. And even if it's not, they'll get you for something if they want you bad enough.
Edited by: Riddlewire
the Heritage Foundation documents some more of the problems with the ObamaCare bill. i'll post a couple of notable ones ...

America stands on the precipice of sweeping liberal health care reform that will radically reshape one-sixth of the U.S. economy, and a 153-page House bill is all that stands between us and a fundamentally changed America.

What will that change look like? Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,"Â￾ and President Barack Obama said, "By the time the vote has taken place, not only will I know what's in it, you'll know what's in it."Â￾

In other words, here's a ticket to ride, get on board, we can't tell you where it's going, but you'll like it once you get there. We promise.
5. Unconstitutional mandates, courtesy of Congress. Don't want to buy health insurance? Congress will penalize you if you don't, regardless of income.

as you say, Riddlewire. this one alone should make everyone load up their ol' rifles and firmly (but politely
) disagree with "our" government.

6. Lock your back door. Higher health care costs will be sneaking in. The plan gives subsidies to low-to-moderate wage families, but the subsidies will increase at a lower rate than the rate at which premiums increase. In other words, those families will pay more every year.

this one is probably especially for Barney Frank.

the bottom line, as Obongo promised ...Chains You Can Believe In.
Jimmy C good one about Barney's Frank.

For CFers not aware, Barney Frank is a prolific homosexual. He used to have gay orgies at his home with him as the main pinata!

When his orifice became too sore or would not function properly he told his gay studs to turn their desire and effort else where. He told them to turn his residence into a gay brothel while he was a U.S. Congressmen! The brothel was opened for several months before anyone found out. He was only reprimanded.
Saw this posted at Coach Wyatt's site. He didn't credit a source, so I'm going to assume all credit goes to him. Seems pretty relevant to the thread topic.

*********** EFFICIENCY OF GOVERNMENT...................

Think of it this way: A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year.

A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles so that's 224 million gallons saved per year. That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil. 5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.

More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars. So, the government paid $3 Billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.

We spent $8.57 for every dollar we saved.

I'm pretty sure they will do a great job with our health care, though.
Yahoo accidentally asks a legitimate question ... a trillion-dollar question, perhaps.

After Obama signs health care reform bill, why mess with reconciliation?

Washington â€" The White House signing ceremony is typically the climax of a reform drive â€" a time for to mark a historic achievement in a dignified setting.

But in the case of the historic health care reform bill that President Obama signs Tuesday, it's only a prelude to one of the most arcane spectacles that American politics has to offer.

Next on the to-do list is running a gauntlet of Senate precedents and rules to "fix" through the process called reconciliation the bill that Mr. Obama will sign.

It's a process almost certain to make Sunday's House debate look as though it was played out in fast-forward â€" a bacchanal of vote after vote, often running past midnight and occasionally into the morning hours.

In theory, none of it is needed.

Once Obama signs the bill Tuesday, it will be the law of the land, no matter what happens next ...
i've been pondering this one myself for the last couple of weeks. and i can't see the Dems going back and "fixing" the "problems" with this monstrosity. i'm afraid the Federal Gov't is gonna try and Barney Frank us.


there's another story that needs to be looked into, as well. as someone mentioned (i think it was Kaptain Poop), with all the hubbub surrounding the ObamaCare bill it would be easy for the Federal Gov't to do some other evil act while everyone is focused elsewhere. well, in Greece it seems that has happened.

The Most Important story the msm, Fox news, Glenn Beck, and others will not cover.

by John Galt

Sunday, March 21, 2010

During all of the confusion and turmoil erupting inside the United States with the debate over so-called "health care reform"Â events around our nation and world wide continue to move forward. A small news story in Europe though caught my attention and sent up the warning signal, or flare of fire into the night sky, that every one of my readers had best pay attention to.

Of call places, it was Agence-Presse Francais (AFP) who posted the story innocently enough on a Saturday afternoon and I found it in The Australian while reading their Sunday business section last night. The headline sounds logical enough as does the reasoning behind the taxation proposals:

<H1>Greece targets church in massive tax grab</H1>

The story provides a road map for America's socialist future. Let's review the highlights from this story:

1. A new draft bill to be tabled in parliament next week imposes a 20 per cent tax on the Orthodox church's real estate income, reportedly worth over 10 million euros ($14.8 million) a year.

In the United States, this will be used to attack the large, organized churches, especially those institutions involved in political activities. This process was used in Mussolini's Italy with the alliance with the Vatican to eradicate or force underground any competition to the Catholic Church. The same happened in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Poland, etc. throughout history. The United States will be the model to seize and tax the assets of those churches which do not conform to the nationalist ideology of Marxist theology and to silence the opposition of groups like the Christian Coalition, etc. The reply you will here is "it can't happen here"Â but we all now know better.

2. It also outlaws all business transactions of more than 1500 euros ($2220) conducted in cash, prescribing instead the use of credit cards and urging consumers to collect receipts in an effort to stamp out tax evasion that costs the state an estimated 10 billion euros ($14.8 billion) a year.

The I.R.S. will insist and win via pressures on our bond market and stagnant economy that they need the ability to restrict the use of cash in business transactions. As I have said on these pages throughout the years and many other there is a drive to move our economic model to a cashless society and this will be the next to the last final step in doing so. The introduction of the EBT benefit cards was to condition the lower economic class to the idea of a cashless society and it has been a resounding success, as it has been renamed from the stigmatic "Food Stamp"Â program to the catchier, less demeaning "SNAP"Â benefit system. The psychological modeling was completed when we saw rappers and singers dancing through coffee shops and nurseries on our television screens swiping their VISA cards to conduct business in a rapid manner. Anyone who has stood in line behind a stoner or 86 year old knows that the VISA commercial is complete and utter nonsense. As the idea of reducing the size of cash transactions expands, American society will rapidly become acclimated to the banning of cash and financial privacy which ultimately will lead to cash transactions being limited to $20 or less in the long run.

Got Gold or Silver?

3. It also introduces income checks for owners of yachts, private planes and jets, swimming pools and other luxury items.

Which will soon lead to income checks for you and I when we attempt to buy a surround sound system, laptop, cell phone or new vehicle. "But that only applies to the super rich and in many cases that includes drug dealers,"Â will be the retort of the average sheeple. And as the price drops as to what requires income verification and ultimately permission from the I.R.S. the conditioning program will be complete. Any purchase made for more than $300 to $500 will end up requiring a bureaucrat or computer program to validate that you are current on your taxes and that all preconditions for ownership have been met.

Gee, most firearms are $300-$500. Interesting how that would impact our freedoms, isn't it?

This story is huge. It is not big because of the "where"Â of the story but the meat of it. If anyone of my readers thinks this will not happen here, you are not paying attention. The history of what has happened in the world dictates that a desperate society requires drastic courses of action. The fact that our society is bankrupt, morally and financially, puts the United States on the glide path for these draconian impositions to become reality.
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
most CFers probably already know the stuff in this documentary, but it's an excellent primer for anyone who isn't aware of what's going on with American takes about an hour and a half, and it's time well-spent. the presenter also mentions several other good documentaries you should check out during his talk.

send it to any of your loved ones who are still asleep ...

The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve, and You.
Kaptain Poop said:
whiteathlete33 said:
What are your views on the healthcare reform?  I personally am against it.  I had a conversation today at the dog park with a few guys who are also against it.

Frankly, I haven't investigated it much. However, based on what I have seen that typifies politics I think it's a none issue that is getting all the press while banker fraud and bailouts continue, illegal invasion destroys our bottom line and gene pool, and illegal war destroys our bottom line and morality as a nation.

If healthcare was a real issue that actually made a real difference would it get so much debate attention? So much resistance from one side of the aisle? That tells me all I need to know. It's similar to the abortion debate that seems to dominant every single election and supreme court nomination since I can remember. And yet abortion or making abortion illegal wouldn't change the direction our country is heading in the least. Niether will the healthcare proposal. Nothing will change. We working (mostly white) Americans will still pay for the healthcare of every illegal immigrant maggot and every ghetto welfare leech from Letisha and her babies to Natasha and her little brown nuggets. Either way we pay - bill or no bill - we pay the final bill.

Everyone should re-read Jax and KP's posts. The substance of which involves the official hand-picked American political talking points permitted to be discussed. Every single one, at its essence, either supposedly "good"Â￾ or supposedly "bad,"Â￾ is completely meaningless to the white race as a whole. Our fate is the most controlled, most manipulated, and most predetermined detail in human history. The fictional Oceania is our only mirror image...our globalists are just different players, playing different games, in different ways.

Abortion, capitalism, socialism, cap and trade, the environmental, religious, secular, welfare, warfare, tax cuts, tax hikes, immigration, foreign policy"¦.they're all just hollow, futile buzz words meant to pacify a slow fatality with lame, unimaginative diversions, smoke, mirrors, and delusions of grandeur.

The American political system is nothingness personified into boyish race-traitors"¦dressed up like real men in their cute little business suits. All of their ideas and political "moves"Â￾ are also predestined to occur; else their political careers would fall by the wayside with the rest of the pro-white heretics.
Westside said:
Jimmy C good one about Barney's Frank.

For CFers not aware, Barney Frank is a prolific homosexual. He used to have gay orgies at his home with him as the main pinata!

When his orifice became too sore or would not function properly he told his gay studs to turn their desire and effort else where. He told them to turn his residence into a gay brothel while he was a U.S. Congressmen! The brothel was opened for several months before anyone found out. He was only reprimanded.

WS, the reason "Bonnie Frank(furter) recipient" was only reprimanded is that he threatened to "out" the (many) closeted sodomites in the GOP.

FYI, here's more damage from socialist "ObummerCare"...

20 Ways "ObamaCare" Will Take Away American's Freedoms

Edited by: DixieDestroyer