Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

To everyone here please watch this video. It's over an hour long but if you don't have time save it to your favorites. We are in
big trouble. The financial crisis is was created by the Fed. They created the crisis with 0 percent & low interest credit for 20
years. Now they raise the rates through the roof in the last year to cause the whole deck of cards to fall down on purpose. They
need and want to destroy the legacy fiat currencies to bring in the total enslavement digital currencies worldwide. They will be
called cbdc's and stable coins. They will tell you what, where and how to buy and your fake money will have an expiration date.
No more saving money. The big banks want to get rid of not only cash but debit & credit cards. They want to force you to pay
with your hand or facial reck./eyes scanners. It's like the Bible warned us thousands of years ago. The early stages of the Mark of the Beast.

Watch this video and learn from people who know this is the final battle for humanity. It's so evil and it's worldwide.

Welcome to the new world if they are successful and right now I wouldn't bet against them.


Quick guys get ready to use your eyes, hands, etc, which are the biometrics our leaders want. Eventually it will be chips inside you.
Oh he is just a crazy conspiracy guy. This would never happen! People really should read your Bible before they take them away
from humanity. This is a spiritual battle at the highest level. From digital ids to digital passports and 15 minutes cities. From taking
away cars and the ability to travel to you will own nothing and be happy. COMMUNISISM in the BACK DOOR. NWO they will track
and stack us like cattle. It's coming guys unless we stop it but if this is the time I think it is we cannot stop it. They lose in the end though.
Most of us won't make it through that to see but my advice to everyone is to please get your faith right. If this helps anyone here then great.

American Freedom News