Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

Reasons to be pissed about health care.
ByJosh Fulton- BLN Contributing Writer

The health insurance bill passed, and it's one more triumph of the federal government over individual rights. All statists, rejoice! You've managed to succeed in having Big Brother intrude into one more aspect of your life. I, for one, am not happy about it, not only because I don't like living under the watchful eye of Big Brother, but also because I know that American health care used to be run in a very different way.

The government originally got involved in the health insurance industry in the 1920's, because health insurance was originally too inexpensive. That's right: too inexpensive. At the time, "fraternal societies," of which one-fourth of Americans were a part, contracted with individual doctors to provide health coverage for lodge members. This was such a good deal for the lodge members that lodge members only paid $2 for an entire year's worth of coverage. This is while non-lodge members paid $2 per visit to a doctor.

Well, that didn't last too long. The American Medical Association lobbied Congress to make it so that in order for a doctor to practice medicine in a state the doctor had to be licensed by the AMA. Congress agreed, and that was the end of the fraternal lodge insurance practice. The AMA made sure that its members did not contract with any more lodges. After all, the medical profession had its image and profits to protect.

The government continued to interject itself into the health care market and to screw it up. Licensing requirements expanded. Insurance companies could no longer compete across state lines. Tax exemptions for employer-sponsored health insurance were introduced during World War II as a way to get around wage restrictions. Medicare was introduced (which despite rallying cries to the contrary, is not doing well.) Congress even carved out an antitrust exemption for health insurance companies. If there were ever a case against a government-created monopoly, it may be health insurance.

As we can see, government intervention has taken us from inexpensive health care to health care that costs 1/6 of our GDP and is increasing in cost at four times the rate of inflation. Of course, the option of repealing the laws that brought us to this place is never brought up. No, government expansion is only brought up. But government expansion is not the solution. Government is not a creative force. For its very existence, it must take from private industry. Government expansion did not get us out of the Great Depression, and it won't get us out of this.

All this isn't even to mention the fact that the bill is an economic disaster. It does not decrease costs. It increases costs. The CBO has already estimated that it will increase costs for the individual market by 10 - 13%. Each person in the individual market will also have to spend on average $5,800 for an individual plan, and $15,200 for a family plan. Also, despite Obama's proclamations that this plan will save $118 billion over ten years, when Medicare is included the entire bill winds up costing over $600 billion over ten years. That's right. All these claims of cut costs are just based on accounting tricks.

I, however, think the situation is even worse than they're claiming. The Washington Post says that 19 million people will receive subsidies of $6,000 to help pay for their plans. 19 million * $6,000 = $1.14 trillion. That's right: trillion. This is simple math, but for some reason this number is never mentioned. I think that much like with Bush's estimated costs for the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003 and the Iraq war, we're just being told numbers on the low side to make things more palatable to us. Once the smoke clears, that's when we get the real numbers. ...Personally, I hope this bill covers treatments for a hemorraging national debt.

Of course, this doesn't even account for the potential government intrusion into our privacy. This bill nearly doubles the IRS's budget. Why would the IRS's budget nearly get doubled as a result of this if the government didn't have plans to look more deeply into our personal lives, and to keep more detailed records on us? Not to mention that the House version of the bill allowed for the "real-time (or near real time) determination of an individual's financial responsibility at the point of service" (aka looking into your bank account) and for "enabl[ing], where feasible, near real-time adjudication of claims" (aka taking money from your bank account if deemed necessary.) I have no reason to believe that language is not in the final bill.

This bill is a mess. I'm glad that people are angry, but we need to get even angrier. We need to support states in their efforts to nullify this law. Thirty seven states have already said they intend to do just that. If we can get states to once again be bulwarks against the federal government, then we've succeeded, even if for a while we have to endure the government looking into our records and telling us to turn our heads and cough.
It's too bad the Jehovah's Witnesses don't have better lawyers. Obamacare clearly violates their First Amendment rights. Not only are they being forced to pay for something they consider a mortal sin (transfusions), it's highly likely that they will be put in a position where they are forced to accept those same practices for themselves and their families. Anyone on the 'Government Plan' will have to play by whatever rules the government says. So if a Jehovah's Witness needs a blood transfusion (as determined by Obama's death panels), then they will be forced to accept one against their religious beliefs. This is in clear violation of the First Amendment.
Also, all Amish are now criminals. Since they refuse to purchase health insurance and instead create community pools of funds for necessary health care, as decided by their elders.
I'm sure there are other religious groups that are equally afoul of Obamacare at the present time.

And, although this one is obvious, Obamacare also violates the Thirteenth Amendment (protection against involuntary servitude). Ron Paul has argued in the past that income tax itself violates the 13th Amendment, but Obamacare is a much more clear example. It's a specific REQUIRED payment that is diverted from certain Americans to other Americans. Illegal, Illegal, Illegal.

Edited by: Riddlewire
the crooks on Capitol Hill were so ecstatic yesterday that Obama wasgoing to sign the Socialized Medicine Bill, they lost all decorum ... including Vice President Joe Biden dropping the f-bomb on national tv. the link includes video and audio, and it also reveals a rather complimentary tone regarding the incident from a "non-biased" journalist [sic].
Representative John Dingell (D-MI) was accidentally honest during a live telephone interview with Detroit WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show host Paul W. Smith on Smith's show Monday morning, March 22, 2010. The night before, Dingell had been a featured speaker at the Democrat Congressional leadership victory press conference after Obamacare passed the House. in the interview, herevealed information that we already knew. the surprise is that he admitted it publicly.

In response to a question posed by Smith, Dingell said:

Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.

you can hear the audio here, courtesy of the Council of Conservative Citizens website.

and as Thrashen has repeatedly pointed out, it's idiot White people who are making all this possible. as reminder, i've provided a video that shows just how moronic many Whites have become in the modern USSA. i expect no better from blacks, but White folks should be ashamed. it sickens me.


edited to add: my apologies to Dixie. i didn't see that he'd mentioned the Dingell-berry story already, but i did provide some additional info!
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
JC, good video. I'm not suprised the untermenschen are so ignorant (as they have naturally low IQs), but the "Whites" should be more informed. The "White" Obongo voters are racially castrated, weak-minded, limp-wristed, candy@$$ dolts (of the highest order).
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>Representative John Dingell (D-MI) was accidentally honest during a live telephone interview with Detroit WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show host Paul W. Smith on Smith's show Monday morning, March 22, 2010. The night before, Dingell had been a featured speaker at the Democrat Congressional leadership victory press conference after Obamacare passed the House. in the interview, he revealed information that we already knew. the surprise is that he admitted it publicly.In response to a question posed by Smith, Dingell said:
Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.

John Dingell. Let me say a few words about John Dingell. This guy is my federal rep, he inherited my district a few years ago when the state contracted his original district with mine in a gerry mandering caused by the state losing a House rep. The R's were in charge at the time and forced Dingell and another useless long term democrat to fight it out for relection.

Dingell is one of those guys that has been around for about 50 years. Like Ted Kennedy his election is always reassured no matter how horrible he does. And I can honestly say that Dingall is one of the worst politicians in US history. I do not say this lightly. His only redeeming quality is that he is "good" on guns which initially endeared him to the mostly white male autoworker and avid hunter that made up his distict.

Dingell has long been the most powerful politician in the most auto worker intensive district in america. And what is the result of his stewardship over the US auto industry: Complete and utter destruction. On his watch the US auto industry has gone from the strongest in the world to being on life support. No coincidence that the US has gone from super power to super sad in the same amount of time.

It is in no small part his doing that has led to the changes in our society. For every compromise he made and every bloated budget he supported he has been at ground zero of the american collapse. If they ever write the story of the fall of america, he will deserve a whole chapter himself.

I occasionally get mail from this turd and the big thing he pushes now is, get this...environmentalism. Now I don't generally mind someone being a bit "green" but it's the green movement and their marxist cohorts that helped do in the auto industry. This SOB is supposed to be taking on those bastards because god damn it that is who he represents. But no, another sell out, another poser, another politician that turned his back on his district to appeal to the leftist media and get the positive press that he needs to continue to hold office.

And he is also too old for office. Like so many decrepit tyrants before him he refuses to step aside because once free of the evil spell these long term traitors hold over the voting public, they vote someone else in whose usually better (see Scott Brown for T Kennedy). He has tried to get his sons to take his place and continue the Dingall dynasty but they turned out to be nothing but his evil spawn and the chances of those losers following him are nil. So on he staggers (actually I think he is wheeled everyone he goes) until the mercy of God removes this tumor from the body politic of this once great country.
DixieDestroyer said:
More fallout from the marxist shell/Globalist puppet core "Demoncraps" sell-out of America...

Rep.Dingell Says "ObummerCare" to "Control the People"!

"ObamaCare" Signals the End of U.S. "Empire"
I wonder what the author meant in the "ObamaCare" Signals the End of U.S. "Empire" article with this excerpt:

"China has started to innovate and has worked
out what the West's weaknesses are so it can overtake developed
countries, he added.
country is investing heavily in Africa
, which Murrin calls a "huge
opportunity" because it has the best demographics in the world and a big
resource pool.
think Africa, as a generic theme, is the hottest thing in town," he
***********************************************************Huh? "the best demographics"?
This could explain why "Uncle Bernie" was "bitch slapped" in jail...
The man who blew the whistle on Bernard Madoff

Harry Markopolos spotted Bernard Madoff's $65bn Ponzi scheme years before it imploded. He tells the Guardian how he lived in fear of his life while trying to convince the world

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* Andrew Clark in New York
*, Wednesday 24 March 2010 12.17 GMT
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Harry Markopolos

Harry Markopolos testifies at a congressional hearing on Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme Photograph: Jason Reed/REUTERS

In a small Massachusetts town, American fund manager Harry Markopolos lived in fear of his life. For three years, he carried a Smith & Wesson revolver, checked under his car for bombs and avoided walking along dark shadowy streets. A self-confessed maths geek, he had unravelled the secret of Wall Street's biggest conman.

A belatedly celebrated whistleblower who was ignored by everybody, Markopolos tried, umpteen times, to raise the alarm about Bernard Madoff's $65bn (£43bn) Ponzi scheme which imploded at the end of 2008, leaving thousands of charities, hedge funds, pensioners and Hollywood stars bereft of billions of dollars. Dismissed as a misguided obsessive until Madoff's eventual confession, he became increasingly anxious for his safety.

"Think about it. Here was a man that wiped out thousands of families," says Markopolos, who was afraid both of Madoff and of the tame "feeder funds" that fed him customers' money. "If he didn't have a reason to kill me, think about the feeder funds. What's going to happen to their lifestyles? They're all going to be ruined financially, they'll all be sued and, hopefully, many of them will go to jail. What will people do to protect their lifestyles?"

A quantitative financial specialist with an instinct for the numbers behind complex derivatives, Markopolos smelt a rat about Madoff Investment Securities as far back as 1999 when his boss at Boston-based Rampart Investment Management asked him to create a product that could provide similarly stellar returns to the astonishingly consistent numbers produced by Madoff.

In a newly published book, No One Would Listen, Markopolos describes agonising over how Madoff could produce 1% to 2% returns every month, in positive territory 96% of the time, producing a 45-degree curve of profit â€" with no volatility. For months, he tried to reverse-engineer Madoff's stated strategy of using a basket of S&P 500 shares hedged against risk using options on Chicago's derivatives exchange.

After analysing Madoff's vague, broad-brush statements to clients, Markopolos concluded that it was impossible â€" not only was it mathematically inconceivable to smooth out all the ups and downs in the S&P index's performance, Madoff would need to use more options than existed on the entire Chicago Board Options Exchange, where nobody owned up to seeing any volume from Madoff's firm at all.

"The math was so compelling," Markopolos told the Guardian in an interview this week, over beer and french fries at an Irish bar in midtown Manhattan. "If there's only $1bn of options in existence and he's many times that size, unless you could change the laws of mathematics, I knew I had to be right. And the risk-return ratios had never been seen in human recorded history. They were off the charts."

It's easy to say so with hindsight. But Markopolos was shouting the same thing for years â€" not just once, but continually. He approached the securities and exchange commission (SEC) as early as 2001. He contacted politicians and badgered journalists to write about Madoff, succeeding in getting a couple of business magazines to publish sceptical stories. In a coup de grace, he even presented the SEC with a detailed dossier in 2005 bluntly entitled The World's Largest Hedge Fund is a Fraud. So why did nobody take any notice?

"Mainly, it was incompetence," says Markopolos, who believes that the SEC's staff, who are largely lawyers rather than financiers, simply lacked the financial nous to follow his reasoning. But also, he says, it was unthinkable. "It was just too big."

Madoff, a respected Wall Street name, kept his investment management business very quiet, beneath his legitimate market-making operation. Markopolos says: "I'm coming in saying there's a hedge fund you've never heard of that's six to 10 times larger than anything you know that exists and by the way, it's corrupt, it's secretive and it's run by someone you already know, Bernie Madoff."

Tall, lean, in an immaculate cream suit and pink shirt, Markopolos, 53, cuts a credible figure, although he talks with a degree of utter certainty that can seem, at times, unnerving. A father of three young boys, he has been criticised as an obsessive and a self-publicist, while some have wondered if he was motivated by a financial bounty, which he denies. The Wall Street Journal, which did nothing with Markopolos's dossier on Madoff for two years, recently patronised him as "a little bit nuts".

"I'm a little bit eccentric, of course," concedes Markopolos, who reveals in his book that at one point he kept an old army gas mask handy in case SEC investigators burst into his home with teargas. "If you're a whistleblower, you need to be eccentric. You have to have a firm belief in your core values and you have to be willing to risk it all to do what's right."

He's clearly relishing elements of his new-found notoriety. Giving evidence before a congressional committee, he says, was thoroughly enjoyable, and he likes the interest that movie scriptwriters have shown in his story â€" perhaps, he suggests, Nicolas Cage could portray him as a "nerd with a hard edge". He quit fund management in 2004 to pursue fraud investigations full-time and was presented with a silver whistle last year by Boston's Security Analysts Society.

But Markopolos stresses that he wasn't the only person who was suspicious. He believes Madoff's more financially astute clients â€" feeder funds and hedge funds â€" chose not to look too closely. Some, Markopolos thinks, knew that Madoff was dubious but believed he was "front-running" by using advance knowledge of clients' trades from his stockbroking business to insider trade his way to success. And there were glaring signs â€" such as Madoff's use of an unknown two-man accounting firm, Friehling & Horowitz, to audit his books.

"Hundreds, if not a few thousand people knew. They knew something was wrong with Madoff and they stayed away from him," says Markopolos, who compares the fraudster's lack of subtlety to somebody running through Times Square stark naked in the middle of a summer's day. "You'd hear people say 'I don't think he's legitimate, I think he's a fraud'."

Now serving a 150-year sentence at a federal prison in North Carolina, Madoff has prompted a searching self-examination and a series of reforms at the SEC. Markopolos advocates a list of further changes â€" including moving the agency from Washington to New York, axing lawyers in favour of experienced financiers, improving databases and copying the tax authorities by offering a share of recovered funds to whistleblowers.

He remains wary over safety, claiming that Madoff's clients included Russian mafia and South American drugs cartels. And he wastes few words describing his view of Wall Street's most notorious crook, describing the 71-year-old as "evil".

"He was a knowing predator. He would show up at weddings, funerals. At funerals, he would put his arm round the grieving widow and say 'I'll take care of you' and of course he did, he'd wipe her out," says Markopolos. "He was hunting at social occasions. Everybody thought of him as nice uncle Bernie. But he was a predator."

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Bernard Madoff's fall from grace

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jaxvid said:
John Dingell. Let me say a few words about John Dingell. This guy is my federal rep, he inherited my district a few years ago when the state contracted his original district with mine in a gerry mandering caused by the state losing a House rep. The R's were in charge at the time and forced Dingell and another useless long term democrat to fight it out for relection.

Dingell is one of those guys that has been around for about 50 years. Like Ted Kennedy his election is always reassured no matter how horrible he does. And I can honestly say that Dingall is one of the worst politicians in US history. I do not say this lightly. His only redeeming quality is that he is "good" on guns which initially endeared him to the mostly white male autoworker and avid hunter that made up his distict.

Dingell has long been the most powerful politician in the most auto worker intensive district in america. And what is the result of his stewardship over the US auto industry: Complete and utter destruction. On his watch the US auto industry has gone from the strongest in the world to being on life support. No coincidence that the US has gone from super power to super sad in the same amount of time.

It is in no small part his doing that has led to the changes in our society. For every compromise he made and every bloated budget he supported he has been at ground zero of the american collapse. If they ever write the story of the fall of america, he will deserve a whole chapter himself.

I occasionally get mail from this turd and the big thing he pushes now is, get this...environmentalism. Now I don't generally mind someone being a bit "green" but it's the green movement and their marxist cohorts that helped do in the auto industry. This SOB is supposed to be taking on those bastards because god damn it that is who he represents. But no, another sell out, another poser, another politician that turned his back on his district to appeal to the leftist media and get the positive press that he needs to continue to hold office.

And he is also too old for office. Like so many decrepit tyrants before him he refuses to step aside because once free of the evil spell these long term traitors hold over the voting public, they vote someone else in whose usually better (see Scott Brown for T Kennedy). He has tried to get his sons to take his place and continue the Dingall dynasty but they turned out to be nothing but his evil spawn and the chances of those losers following him are nil. So on he staggers (actually I think he is wheeled everyone he goes) until the mercy of God removes this tumor from the body politic of this once great country.

Good rant on Dingall, Jaxvid. I've also heard nothing but negative things about him.

It's the elderly Cultural Marxists (same with old DWFs and other old white self-loathers) that are perhaps the most wretched of all. They had the chance to live during the lily-white days of American history in which whites possessed legitimate love and respect for their families and volk.

Great Grandfather Pigs like Dingall, Ted Kennedy, and John Murtha have sold so many white souls in exchange for a "pat on the back" from the Media Jew-Boys / Z0G / PTB.
Thrashen said:
It's the elderly Cultural Marxists (same with old DWFs and other old white self-loathers) that are perhaps the most wretched of all. They had the chance to live during the lily-white days of American history in which whites possessed legitimate love and respect for their families and volk.

Great Grandfather Pigs like Dingall, Ted Kennedy, and John Murtha have sold so many white souls in exchange for a "pat on the back" from the Media Jew-Boys / Z0G / PTB.

So true. All they were asked to do is pass on to their posterity the blessings of liberty and western man, they f'ed it up! Completely. Instead of retiring in shame they have embraced the very things they should have been fighting. Guys like this make me so mad sometimes. My advice to younger guys, get involved, get mean mad dog involved before you are tied down with family and crushing responsibilites that prevent you from being nothing but an observer. (or an angry guy that bitches about how screwed up things are!
ifound a couple of quotes from the article white is right posted particularly interesting ...

"Mainly, it was incompetence," says Markopolos, who believes that the SEC's staff, who are largely lawyers rather than financiers, simply lacked the financial nous to follow his reasoning. But also, he says, it was unthinkable. "It was just too big."

sound familiar to gov't activity today?

and the next onesounds very relevant to the caste system, i think. lots of folks know, but the few who have the courage to speak up are ignored and marginalized.

But Markopolos stresses that he wasn't the only person who was suspicious. He believes Madoff's more financially astute clients â€" feeder funds and hedge funds â€" chose not to look too closely. Some, Markopolos thinks, knew that Madoff was dubious but believed he was "front-running" by using advance knowledge of clients' trades from his stockbroking business to insider trade his way to success. And there were glaring signs â€" such as Madoff's use of an unknown two-man accounting firm, Friehling &amp; Horowitz, to audit his books.

"Hundreds, if not a few thousand people knew. They knew something was wrong with Madoff and they stayed away from him," says Markopolos, who compares the fraudster's lack of subtlety to somebody running through Times Square stark naked in the middle of a summer's day. "You'd hear people say 'I don't think he's legitimate, I think he's a fraud'."
Arch-communist dictator praises Obongo's socialized health care takeover.

Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill

Dubious endorsement? Cuban leader endorses US health care reform, says it's about time

Paul Haven, Associated Press Writer, On Thursday March 25, 2010, 12:39 pm EDT

HAVANA (AP) -- It perhaps was not the endorsement President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress were looking for.

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform "a miracle" and a major victory for Obama's presidency, but couldn't help chide the United States for taking so long to enact what communist Cuba achieved decades ago.

"We consider health reform to have been an important battle and a success of his (Obama's) government," Castro wrote in an essay published in state media, adding that it would strengthen the president's hand against lobbyists and "mercenaries."

But the Cuban leader also used the lengthy piece to criticize the American president for his lack of leadership on climate change and immigration reform, and for his decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, among many other things.

And he said it was remarkable that the most powerful country on earth took more than two centuries from its founding to approve something as basic as health benefits for all.

"It is really incredible that 234 years after the Declaration of Independence ... the government of that country has approved medical attention for the majority of its citizens, something that Cuba was able to do half a century ago," Castro wrote.

The longtime Cuban leader -- who ceded power to his brother Raul in 2008 -- has continued to pronounce his thoughts on world issues though frequent essays, titled "Reflections," which are published in state newspapers.

Cuba provides free health care and education to all its citizens, and heavily subsidizes food, housing, utilities and transportation, policies that have earned it global praise. The government has warned that some of those benefits are no longer sustainable given Cuba's ever-struggling economy, though it has so far not made major changes.

In recent speeches, Raul Castro has singled out medicine as an area where the government needs to be spending less, but he has not elaborated.

While Fidel Castro was initially positive about Obama, his essays have become increasingly hostile in recent months as relations between Cuba and the United States have soured. Washington has been increasingly alarmed by Cuba's treatment of political dissidents -- one of whom died in February after a long hunger strike.

Cuba was irate over the island's inclusion earlier this year on a list of countries Washington considers to be state sponsors of terrorism. Tensions have also risen following the arrest in December of a U.S. government contractor that Havana accuses of spying.

In Thursday's essay, Castro called Obama a "fanatic believer in capitalist imperialism" but also praised him as "unquestionably intelligent."

"I hope that the stupid things he sometimes says about Cuba don't cloud over that intelligence," he said.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
i don't think anyone has commented on this yet ...

Social Security will pay out more than it takes in this year. that's six years BEFORE the morons at the Congressional Budget Office predicted. yeah, nicework younon-accountinga-holes.

also, if i recall correctly, costs were 8 times what were expected. 8 times! now then, in addition to all the new taxes and other rights-infringing legislation we're going to have to face, how accurate do you think all those projections are for the Socialize-Americare bill are?

in times like these, the following words spring to mind ...

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - the Declaration of Independence
remember this picture ... it says it better than i ever could.

JC, I heard that overview on SS early today. They had projected it'd be upside down by 2016, but I figured it'd be much earlier. Even when I started my career (right outta college) 16 years ago, I NEVER factored SS into my retirement planning.

FYI, here's more BS via socialist "ObummerCare"...

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

Force subject to 'involuntary calls to active duty' during 'public crises'

Posted: March 25, 2010
11:40 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

President Obama's recently passed health-care reform legislation includes a surprise for many Americans â€" a beefing up of a U.S. Public Health Service reserve force and expectations that it respond on short notice to "routine public health and emergency response missions," even involuntarily.

According to Section 5210 of HR 3590, titled "Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps," the force must be ready for "involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises."

The health-care legislation adds millions of dollars for recruitment and amends Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204), passed July 1, 1944, during Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is one of the seven uniformed services in the U.S. However, Obama's changes more than double the wording of the Section 203 and dub individuals who are currently classified as officers in the Reserve Corps commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.

'You've been served!" Send the Constitution to Obama, Pelosi, Reid and put them on notice. What better way to tell them why they're losing their jobs?

The following is the previous wording of the act as of 2004, before Democrats passed the health-care legislation:

Wording of Section 203 of Public Health Service Act before Obamacare amendment

The U.S. Public Health Service website describes its commissioned corps as "an elite team of more than 6,000 full-time, well-trained, highly qualified public health professionals dedicated to delivering the nation's public health promotion and disease prevention programs and advancing public health science."

According to its mission page, officers of the commissioned corps may:

* Provide essential public health and health care services to underserved and disadvantaged populations

* Prevent and control injury and the spread of disease

* Ensure that the nation's food supply, drinking water, drugs, medical devices and environment are safe

* Conduct and support cutting-edge research for the prevention, treatment and elimination of disease, health disparities and injury

* Work with other nations and international agencies to address global health challenges

* Provide urgently needed public health and clinical expertise in response to large-scale local, regional and national public health emergencies and disasters

Members are trained to respond to public health situations and national emergency events, such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks and terrorist attacks.

As stated in the health-care legislation, "The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed service's reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions."

The Democrats' legislation recently added the following text to Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act:

'(b) Assimilating Reserve Corp Officers Into the Regular Corps- Effective on the date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, all individuals classified as officers in the Reserve Corps under this section (as such section existed on the day before the date of enactment of such Act) and serving on active duty shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.

'(c) Purpose and Use of Ready Research-

'(2) USES- The Ready Reserve Corps shall--

'(A) participate in routine training to meet the general and specific needs of the Commissioned Corps;

'(B) be available and ready for involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises, similar to the uniformed service reserve personnel;

'(C) be available for backfilling critical positions left vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and

'(D) be available for service assignment in isolated, hardship, and medically underserved communities (as defined in section 799B) to improve access to health services.

'(d) Funding- For the purpose of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for recruitment and training and $12,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for the Ready Reserve Corps.'

Commissioned officers of the ready reserve corps are appointed by the president, and commissioned officers of the regular corps are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Robert Book, a senior research fellow in health economics at the Heritage Foundation, said the service has been around some time but is not well known.

In the past, its responsibilities have included work related to the National Institutes of Health, the Indian health service and providing physicians for Coast Guard operations, he said.

As first reported by WND during his campaign, Obama called for a "civilian national security force" July 2, 2008, in Colorado Springs, Colo.

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

WND also reported in January when a Rand Corporation report proposed the federal government create a rapid deployment "Stabilization Police Force" that would be tasked with "shaping an environment before a conflict" and restoring order in times of war, natural disaster or national emergency.

The blogosphere is buzzing with speculation about the amendment. Some comments include:

* This cannot be publicized enough!

* Remember before the election when Obama said we need to have a civil defense corps as well funded and as well armed as the armed services?

* Is it Hitler and the Brown Shirts all over again? It is time for all who love our freedom to stand up and be counted.

* Perhaps ACORN with a different name?

* What about FEMA. Does this mean FEMA is to be disbanded?

* Healthstapo!

* I guess this is how they'll keep all the doctors from quitting the profession and becoming window washers.

* Amazing isn't it, they can't afford to secure our borders, but we can afford this nonsense â€" dangerous nonsense.

* Let's all sign up. It will be much easier to take the country back if we do it from within.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Jimmy Chitwood said:
remember this picture ... it says it better than i ever could.
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That gavel might as well be a broomstick in Pelosi's hand. By the way who is holding Barney Frank's man purse....
Lets see, there are two sober for the moment DWFs, two affirmative action negros who played the race card to get elected. And one rich white female liberal who will have to answer in another world for her campaign on killing unborns. Enjoy the moment, hopefully come November the those smiles will be frowns and their numbers in congress significantly less.
Westside said:
Lets see, there are two sober for the moment DWFs, two affirmative action negros who played the race card to get elected. And one rich white female liberal who will have to answer in another world for her campaign on killing unborns. Enjoy the moment, hopefully come November the those smiles will be frowns and their numbers in congress significantly less.

Can't post the link but there is a article on Matt Drudge today about white men leaving the Dem. party in droves. There is also a excellent news item about a new law coming to Arizona in a few weeks that criminalizes all 400,000 illegal aliens in Arizona by passing a law that makes it illegal to "trespass" in the state and the police can now detain you. The Arizona Gov. will sign it into law in a few weeks and while John McCain won't take a stand on the issue, the guy who is trying to unseat him in the GOP primary, JD Hayworth is in full support of it.Edited by: guest301

--J.D. Hayworth is good on immigration.I agree with you here, he deserves our support against McCain.

BTW, did everyone notice that *Sarah Palin supports McCain* against J.D. Hayworth? granted that she owed some dues to McCain,.... but this woman is supposed to be the hope of the GOP and the American right?? give me a break!

Edited by: Solomon Kane
This post shows in graphic detail that America most likely won't survive if the Democrats can't be unseated this November. An amazing array of graphs here.

*I have no knowledge of the political alliances of this blogger. I've never heard of him before. It's just a good assemblage of research.
Riddlewire said:
This post shows in graphic detail that America most likely won't survive if the Democrats can't be unseated this November. An amazing array of graphs here.

*I have no knowledge of the political alliances of this blogger. I've never heard of him before. It's just a good assemblage of research.

Yes, if only we could get Republican rule back this country will be back to successful days of the George Bush era.

Those "graphs" are the equivalent on peeing on my foot and telling me it's raining. It's a good assemblage of crap.

Sir, don't worry about the survival of our country. We'll come through this in tact. The ones who won't are the minorities. If things deteriorate to the point where minorities can't get what they want, they'll go stark raving mad and then, they'll be dealt with.

The thing with minorities is they can't see anything in depth. All they can see is the illusion that has been created for them of their supposed power. They can't see or comprehend their overwhelming weakness. For example, when they fight, they can only injure, kill, or maim those they can see and touch. They have no real ability to kill, injure or maim those at a distance as White people can. That concept is unknown to them. So when the reconing comes with these poor people, it is they who are doomed.

Look in depth Sir, not just at surfaces.

Tom Iron...
Solomon Kane said:
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<div>--J.D. Hayworth is good on immigration.  I agree with you here, he deserves our support against McCain.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>BTW, did everyone notice that *Sarah Palin supports McCain* against J.D. Hayworth?  granted that she owed some dues to McCain, .... but this woman is supposed to be the hope of the GOP and the American right??  give me a break!</div>
<div> </div>
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Yes I noticed Palin was doing that and as a big fan of Palin I think it's a mistake. But she feels loyalty and a obligation to campaign for McCain but notice that she hasn't said one bad word about Hayworth and I fully expect her to endorse him after the primaries are over and Hayworth is the victor.
Kaptain Poop said:
Yes, if only we could get Republican rule back this country will be back to successful days of the George Bush era.
When responding to posts, it's best not to read in things that aren't specifically written.