Black men taking our women

I didn't cry about it. Evolution is one mean mother, she failed in part because she was a wackjob with little between her ears.
I understand Thrashen's anger & feelings on that situation, and I also understand G301's position. My natural feelings are (also) to not care what befalls mudsharks, but as a Christian I try to hope/pray for the best while (many times) expecting the worst. Part of me is sickened by sharks, but I know people do all kind of "messed up" things. I have to pick & choose what I allow to "get to me"...or else I'd be overwhelmed (with all the jacked up ongoings in this world).Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The problem is not that race-mixing exists. Like homosexuality, it always has. The problem is that we live in a society whose values and sense of reason is so stood on its head that to raise any objection to it is to be considered "sick" yourself.
Thrashen said:
I stand by my original statement....which basically suggested that I could care less what happens to any white "woman" who pro-creates with non-white men. I guess that's considered "racist," right? I could care less what anyone considers it, actually.

Well said.
My whole issue with the Nicole Brown situation was that the black's were all elated that OJ got away with murder. They all said he was "innocent" even though they knew he was guilty. It was like Chris Rock said "I'm not saying he did it... buuuuutttt i understand!" I always hope that people will learn the error of their ways. I do not like heroin addicts, but I do not wish HIV uppon them. I hope they stop doing smack once and for all and change their lives. There are people who have been addicted to hard-core drugs and have rid themselves of it permanently. I hope that prostitutes will find the will-power to make money doing something legitimate and not engage in illicit behavior to make money.

The same with mudsharks. I hope they will learn from their experience and not do the same thing again. Even if a mudshark created a child from their experience, I would not hope they would be knocked off the face of the earth even though they made a grave error. I know women who have had kids with a black man, and then had kids with a white man. While this is not ideal, and creates all sorts of weird family situations (mixed kid with all-black half siblings, and all white half siblings) at least they corrected their behavior.

While I say this, I do not hope for good-fortune to the mudsharks. I don't wish them to be successful, or have good things happen to them while they engage in race-experiments. But, I look at it as if I had a sister or daughter who engaged in that type of thing. I would hope they would stop that behavior and continue on the right path. If something bad were to happen to them, I would be upset, but find the "good" in it as a lesson to others to not do the same thing.
Hi guys. I have just registered for the forum but have observed for many years and enjoy the discussions on all the forums.

I am probably a little older then most of you so I will give you my perspective.

I am not a big fan of one marrying outside one's culture. I don't like the trend I am seeing with black-white dating marrying, especially white-female and black-male which seems to be growing. To be fair I don't like it when white men do it as well....white men and asian women. If white men date outside their culture then they don't really give white women a choice, but to think about dating outside their culture.

Here are the reasons I think it is increasing:

- We as white men seem to becoming wimper with each generation. Do you guys think black men would allow white men to go into all black bars and dance and pick up black women, of course not, they would be violence if that happened. They would protect their women no matter what the cost.

- The liberal left have denied white people over the past couple of decades any sense of culture. Most white youth have no sense or pride in their white european heritage. If more white families taught this in their home without feeling guilty their sons and daughters would be less likely to date outside their culture. I have two sons and I have told them both to respective all cultures and treat them equally, but to take pride in your own culture and look to date and marry someone who is white european. I don't believe there is anything wrong with teaching your kids to preserve the family cultural history. However, many white european parents are filled with white guilt and are afraid to teach that to their kids.

- I also think a big problem is that white men are willing now to marry white women with kids from mixed marriages. That is a huge problem today. A lot of the reluctance of white women to marry and have children with black men in the past is that it was a death sentance to have the ability to marry a white man again. No white man would have them if they came into the marriage with mixed children. Today's trend shows white women that they can try out a marriage with a black man, have his children, and still marry a white man if it doesn't work out. This may be one of the biggest problems being removed from white women marrying black men.
newguy said:
- The liberal left have denied white people over the past couple of decades any sense of culture. Most white youth have no sense or pride in their white European heritage. If more white families taught this in their home without feeling guilty their sons and daughters would be less likely to date outside their culture. I have two sons and I have told them both to respective all cultures and treat them equally, but to take pride in your own culture and look to date and marry someone who is white European. I don't believe there is anything wrong with teaching your kids to preserve the family cultural history. However, many white European parents are filled with white guilt and are afraid to teach that to their kids.

The part of your post I quoted mentions the root cause of the decline of the white race and culture. It's that "white guilt" that's been instilled into our minds during the past 50 or 60 years by those who run the media.

Welcome to castefootball, newguy! I hope to see more of your posts here in the future.
Newguy, welcome to Caste Football sir!
Great post by newguy. We need to stay with our own race. White men and women need to be taught this from a young age. The european race is dieing far to quickly as it is because most choose not to have a big family. Some don't even have kids at all. That is a quickly growing trend of whites as well. Then the average white family has 2 kids. We need to have a bigger family on the average and stay with our own.
Interesting debate between thrashen and guest301

In my opinion, when I hear news that a white women is maimed or killed by her black boyfriend I feel the same amount of sympathy for her as I would a black women who suffers such a fate (that is to say I would feel some sympathy). I am not "happy" by any means, however the effect on me are MUCH less than when I hear of a white women who is married to a white man, or dating a white man getting harmed by a African. I suppose because in a way, I feel like one of my own is suffering when a good (in my opinion) white women is harmed. However when a white women who has made a conscious decision to receive African sperm inside her(in many cases the black man may even loathe the white man)over her own men then I feel a emotional and psychological disconnect. I no longer really consider them to be white any longer thereby making the whole affair much less personal to me. Is it sad? Yeah, I suppose. But we must remember that such women are not part of us, they are no longer one of us.

As the new guy has eluded to, there are some white men who actually raise African seed. To each their own I suppose. But wow! I could not imagine a more humiliating, degrading act such as raising a black mans children. Nothing against the children, they are innocent of any wrong doing. But from the perspective of a white man, who is reminded day in and day out that his wife has had African cum pumped in her is just beyond the realm of sanity for me. Imagine, everytime you pass a group of blacks they look at each other and think "Yeah we tapped dat". Mabye the white man in question is hard up and desperate, she may be somewhat attractive in comparison to him and he may assist in raising the kids as a way to receive sex from the white mother. Who knows? I can only elaborate as I have never pictured myself faced with that dilemma. But man, that would be shameful and utterly humiliating BEYOND what words can describe. Edited by: aussieaussie31
Here in Australia the biggest combo by far would be Asian women (mostly Chinese in reality) with White men. The Asian women white man scenario is much much more acceptable to me. In fact one of my closest friends who hails originally from Scotland is married to a lovely Iranian women. Their 3 children are well behaved, intelligent, and just over all highly civilized. I rarely seen this to be the case when coming across a white women with mixed race children while I lived in the States. The African man white women (which is non-existent where I live at the moment)scenario I find repulsive to the core. I am not a geneticist, but I wonder if there is a genetic component in men that make us more readily accepting of "foreign" women entering the tribe as opposed to "Foreign" men. I suppose the odds are good for there being exactly such a thing.
aussieaussie31 said:
However when a white women who has made a conscious decision to receive African sperm inside her(in many cases the black man may even loathe the white man)over her own men then I feel a emotional and psychological disconnect.

Referring to a white "woman"Â￾ who has had children with a man of any other race (let alone the most pathetic "men"Â￾ of all, African) as simply a "disconnect"Â￾ makes me laugh. I can no longer edit my comments like the "tolerant"Â￾ little Zionist-Christian choir boys that we are all mandated to be.

Why can't white "men"Â￾ just admit when they hate something that deserves their hatred? Anyone else on earth is fully permitted (and encouraged) to express simple human emotions; white men should exercise this freedom to the fullest extent.

I have so many things and people in my life that I love so much"¦.and I really do HATE the people and ideas that are trying to take it away. I hate white women who date / marry / have sex / have kids outside their race"¦.because the agonizingly slow destruction of white DNA warrants my hatred. Why is that so hard to fathom (even for the members of CF)? What's the point in white men sugarcoating their attitudes and actions when no one else "plays by the rules?"Â￾

I'm glad OJ's little whore was murdered. Her father should have done it years prior. If I'm the only person at CF who feels like that, I could really care less. If you feel "guilty"Â￾ for admitting that, just consider what white American men would have done to Nicole and OJ 70 years ago? 100 years ago? I wonder if those men (the same men we all respect and adore for their toughness and courage) would have simply "let it go"Â￾ and flashed a smile at the "cute couple?"Â￾

The white men in this country (and the entire planet) have evolved into something far beyond a mere "joke."Â￾ We are so lifeless and robotic that we can't even experience hate for simple race treachery that would have made our ancestors seethe with murderous anger.

If we're all just "getting with the times,"Â￾ count me out.
aussie, I think we would get the point of your 1:01 post without it being so graphic.
Colonel_Reb said:
aussie, I think we would get the point of your 1:01 post without it being so graphic. 


Thrashen, righteous rant there partner!
While I don't personally "wish" violence upon mudsharks (nor derive glee from it), I often have limited sympathy. When the chickens come home to roost, I think "Ya mess with fire, yer gonna get burned", etc. I am also disgusted by mudsharks (& their growing #'s) & other assorted race traitors. However, I try not to overly focus on it, as it'd anger & distract me far too much.

Also, there's bigger issues to focus on...the collapse of the Republic, our crumbling middle class (by design), the overall cultural Marxist agenda, rampant Globalism & fast rising police state. Again, I understand & agree with your not sugar-coating your thoughts (just as the Neocon/RINO, Zionist crowd would have you do). There's too much compromise by (racially castrated) White, Christian Americans these days!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
If you talk to white women who date blacks. they all say the same thing! "he's good to me!" well that because it's harder for a black man to get a white woman than you think! so he will be very good to her at the start!! and that's what wrong! young white men today act worse than blacks. their just not good to women. find'em! f***'em! and forget'em! that what young white men say today!
I unfortunatly have to agree somewhat with lost. I know several white guys who just want to f*** a girl and dump her. No doubt inspired by stupid Zionist crap like American Pie, which from what I hear makes white men out to be sex crazed idiots.
My new hero! Keith Bardwell

Interracial couple denied marriage license in La.

Interracial couple denied marriage license in La.

NEW ORLEANS â€" A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

"I've been a justice of the peace for 34 years and I don't think I've mistreated anybody," Bardwell said. "I've made some mistakes, but you have too. I didn't tell this couple they couldn't get married. I just told them I wouldn't do it."

Edited by: jaxvid
Great to hear Justice Bardwell has alotta wisdom & a big set of nardz!
No doubt the cultural Marxist MSM & race hustlers like "Messe HiJackson" & Al "Charlatan" will be crawling out from under their rocks soon!
To any white woman who gets involved with a black man I say good riddence. The majority of the relationships end due to dyfunctionality or violence. The offspring are in a state of confusion based in what ever community they are in. Most end up on the public support. I could not imagine marrying a black woman and have to be around her most likely f..ked clan or thug affelet types. NO HOW NO WAY!
I read somewhere on the internet that males inherntly feel the need to protect their women from outsiders. If you look at any of the animal kingdom type shows you will see that this is true.

So people who claim to not having a problem with interracial dating are fighting their natural instincts. I personally feel that interracial dating is an act against god. I don't believe we were meant to date/marry outside of our race. The only time in the animal kingdom animals mix is in unnatural circumstances. Dogs are domesticated so they mix because generally their are no other dogs of their breed around. A lion can actually mate with a tiger. It has happened in a zoo, but never in a natural environment.

One poster said he doesn't mind seeing black males date white women if they are cool. I honestly can't consider any black man that dates white women cool. I can however consider educated black men who marry black women and raise black children a friend.

I feel bad for the original poster that he has to witness white girls who should be dating him instead are dating black guys. I wonder if these girls understand how insulting this is to their white male counterparts.

I have also noticed that white men are played for chumps in the interracial dating game. Not that white men are interested in black women, but here are a few observations I have made from the occassional trips I make to the local mall.

I notice there are more then a few white guys who hang out with black guys. I imagine a lot of times the white guys introduce black guys to white girls. These guys are morons in my opinion. I also notice with very few exceptions that white girls generally only hang out with white girls. I think instinctivley white girls want to keep their dominance in the dating scence and exclude outsiders. While some of them don't mind being introduced to black men the last thing they are going to do is introduce the handsome white quarterback to a black girl.

White women seem to be smarter about this stuff. Look at the magazines at your local stores and a lot of the males on the magazines promoted are black men. While the female magazines are almost exclusively white. That's probably because the marketers know that white women woon't buy a magazine that features a black women on the cover, but not us we are stupid enough to buy the magazines with black men on the cover. Look at the corporate them of america these days its all about limiting the impact of white men, but not white women. Look at the commercials these days were 90% of the time the ones that feature multiculurism will be black male/ white female. Look at the number of commercials that leave white men out as compared to white women. Yet we sit there and do nothing about it. Are we stupid?

Also, I urge all of you including myself to write to Broadview Security and tell them their commercials are racist. They have ran several commercials thus far with a white men always shown as the crook. As a matter of fact they are probably the only ones that consistently show white men on their commercials as criminals.

Sorry for the long post I know I was all over the map.
One last thing sorry for the typos in my last post.

Another thing that caught my eye when I was shopping was they had a mens cologne featuring P. Diddy on the box surronded by white girls. Who the heck would buy that. What is their message if I was black and cool like P. Diddy I could get white girls. What white guy would buy that.
Welcome to the boards, NewGuy. Its funny you should mention those broadview commericals. Three days ago I was arguing this same point to a sobering DWF.

Regarding the typos no sweat, I wish we could spell check as well.

Regarding the P Diddy cologne , I think the company is targeting dufus/criminal/lazy/affeletic/low IQ/materialistic negros.
Living in Toronto, the most multicultural city in the world, I get to observe many interesting racial phenomenons.

I have observed that the vast majority of white girls who prefer black guys over white guys are recent immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, or Hispanic countries (as well as Jewish girls). Almost always, they have distinct accents that refrlect their recent immigration and interaction with mostly non-Canadians who speak English as a second language. They may be of Russian, Italian, Yugoslavian, Mexican, South American or Portuguese descent. There are very few people immigrating from Western Europe nowadays.

The fathers of these girls are often obnoxious, uncultured men who also happen to be highly racist. Although these fathers hate black people outwardly, they also exhibit many of the obnoxious, and "virile" qualities that young black men possess. The daughters are annoyed by their fathers obnoxiousness, but subconsciously admire the confidence and self-assurance.

Unfortunately for us, the average white youth is overly polite and cultured, which sometimes translates to a lack of confidence and being afraid to do things like speak your mind, or go for a girl.

In upper class society, most white girls date almost exclusively within their own culture. These girls often grew up in families where racism is not promoted but interracialism is not encouraged either. Most of these girls avoid black guys sexually. At worst, they will go out with a "whitewashed" black guy who is relatively well-mannered and polite (of which there are many in Canada compared to the United States). In general, they avoid typical black male behaviour. However, when it comes to "whitewashed" blacks, many cultured white girls actually prefer a black man with "class" over a white man. In my observation, these girls deem these men to be a perfect balance between having good manners but also being black which automatically classifies him as being "manly" or "sexy" in the eyes of many brainwashed girls. Because of their color-blind upbringing, girls see nothing wrong with a polite black guy, and in fact see it as a bonus because of its rarity.

Uncultured "nigg3rs" are left to "hook up" with trashy immigrant girls or Jewish girls who are considered whores by everyone, as well as black girls.

Since my initial post a year and a half ago (at age 16), I have seen and experienced many different things. One thing that has brought me more success has been a careless attitude about talking to girls that all "attractive" men possess, as well as a large number of black males. After all, she is just a girl. Most men innately look down on "girly behaviour", and boys who exhibit this are ridiculed. So if we look down on female attitudes, why are some men scared of females? I am not a sexist but when I am having self doubts about talking to a girl I just remind myself that I'm a male, and she is a female. I am more innately intimidating than a girl, so why should I be scared? If you approach a girl with confidence and act like you deserve to get her, and truly believe it, you most likely will. Its jsut something in your attitude that reflects in your actions.

Black men are consistently worshipped by "whitey". It is no surprise that they feel a sense of entitlement when it comes to our women. If we treat him like a superior, will he not feel entitled to the best women? Is that not natural?

We as whites need to stand up for ourselves, even if it means showing traits that nowadays are only admired when they come from blacks, confidence and pride. HAVE PRIDE!!! If anyone puts you down, white or black, male or female, you must defend yourself. It all comes down to pride.

I would say that one of the most attractive traits that women see in men is pride. If we have pride in our culture and in ourselves, we will be taken seriously as people and as a culture. Women take men seriously who take themselves seriously. Not too seriously, but seriously enough to not be somebody else's doormat, even if they happen to be black. If we have pride, we too will feel that sense of entitlement to our women that some black men have. As an athletic white male, I am entitled to an attractive white female, more than any black man despite what the media tells me (including those numerous commercials featuring diversity with a black man and white woman). If we have the attitude that we are better than any black, girls will believe that we are too.

I don't blame girls who look for guys with balls. These girls often have partners who are white, black and hispanic. I resent that they are being taken by men of other races, but I do not blame the girls. It is only natural. Most women feel comfortable in the presence of a confident leader, thats why the quarterback of the Varsity team gets the most girls. If we are gonna take back our women, we need to look in the mirror and be the MEN that our women are looking for. Not to say that we need to emulate the bad things about minorities, but take pride in who we are and what we can do.Edited by: TorontoArgos
newguy said:
One last thing sorry for the typos in my last post.

Another thing that caught my eye when I was shopping was they had a mens cologne featuring P. Diddy on the box surronded by white girls. Who the heck would buy that. What is their message if I was black and cool like P. Diddy I could get white girls. What white guy would buy that.

My girlfriend and I saw that hideous ad in our local Rite Aid, and every time we saw it, we turned it around. After 10 or so times of this, the ad was removed.
There is a Miss Piggy commercial for Disney World where she is fantasizing about being with a black man. Typical of what we see these days. They are even going after little children now. It's ok to love other races. They don't want them to stay with their own race. What a crock of sh**.
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