Black men taking our women

Women are not like men. they dont have the sexdrive of a man. i was reading about a russian poll that said most women only have sex to get things.. like money, a night out, to get a man, to hold a man, and even revenge! if you look. you will see that white women who go out with blacks like to be seen by white men. that REVENGE!! they believe that they are avengeing a past wrong by some white guy..Edited by: lost
white lightning said:
There is a Miss Piggy commercial for Disney World where she is fantasizing about being with a black man. Typical of what we see these days. They are even going after little children now. It's ok to love other races. They don't want them to stay with their own race. What a crock of sh**.
That is disgusting. Even brainwashing children.
white lightning said:
There is a Miss Piggy commercial for Disney World where she is fantasizing about being with a black man. Typical of what we see these days. They are even going after little children now. It's ok to love other races. They don't want them to stay with their own race. What a crock of sh**.
Stay with their own race? How do you know Ms. Piggy isn't a black pig?
Fightingtowin said:
white lightning said:
There is a Miss Piggy commercial for Disney World where she is fantasizing about being with a black man. Typical of what we see these days. They are even going after little children now. It's ok to love other races. They don't want them to stay with their own race. What a crock of sh**.
Stay with their own race? How do you know Ms. Piggy isn't a black pig?
If she was black she would not be fantasizing about being with a black man.

I am a bit suprised to hear you say that most upper class white girls prefer "whitewashed" black men to white men. I am not disputing what you have witnessed, just a little suprised. Were I would probably agree with you having been married for many years and know how the female mind works to a degree, is that when black men achieve the same education and earning potential as white men they are welcome by a growing percentage of white women into the dating field.

Were I also agree with you is to a degree you can't blame the white women for doing so. We have personally made black more desirable in the following ways:

White men treat athletes like gods - football, basketball, & baseball - naturally when these girls grow up seeing Dad workshiping these black athletes, they see nothing wrong with seeking them out.

Rap has become domiant in the music industry. So naturally white women will become attracted to black men who look like the rappers they see on TV. Rap is dominat mainly because of white support. When I was growing up rock and roll was domiant in the music industry, and guess who were walking around with all the hot white girls? You guessed it white guys with long hair that looked like rock stars.

I would tell you in the US that for the most part white women prefer white men. I would love to be able to tell you it is for the most part, because they have a bond to their white men (like it appears black women have to their men), but it isn't. Maybe 60% of the women in US feel a special bond with their white male counterparts.

The other 40% for the most part are looking to get paid. What I mean by that is white men in US are clearly the best earners in all fields white collar - blue collar, so those white women who may have dated black guys for many years, may have come back to dating white men because they have had bad experiences with black men.

However, I feel for the most part it is because they have realized who the real earners are in life, and feel they are entitled to certain material posessions, so the person best able to provide that are white men.

As far as pride and confidence goes, I would agree with you that at the younger ages black males may come off as more confident then whites.

However, when a white man becomes a young adult in his early twenties and shows off his intelligence and confidence in the workplace (both white collar and blue collar jobs), the white women start to drool after these white men, and have little or no interest in the black athlete who may be just getting by in the workplace, and know who the domiant males are in the workplace - white men.

Unfortunately, for most of these white women a white women or women of another culture has already claimed him, and the white women who have waited too long are scrambling around to find one. So even though it may hurt a bit to see white women during your youth dating black men. In the long term white men have the last laugh on these women as they are happily married to someone else.
Where i live i see no bond between black men and women. if the black woman is good looking. she is with a white man! i dont believe in ten years i've seen more that maybe two attractive black women with black men.
Black teams with white cheerleaders is another manifestation of this unfortunate phenomenon.

Newguy, I wouldn't say all white girls prefer an "whitewashed" black guy over a white guy, but a great many do in my experience. It could just be because I am a teen and dating black guys is "hip" for girls. On the other hand, there are also a great number of white girls who only like to date white guys, but this is not surprising since they are staying within their own race.
I'd definitely say that there are mainly two types of white girls that tend to go after the black guys...and oddly enough, they're probably on the opposite ends of the same spectrum.

The first group is the pure, naive, shy, timid girls (sorry for all the adjectives). A lot of times, women tend to go after guys that are the opposite of them...someone who completes them, as corny and cliche as that sounds. I think most of us would agree that blacks are generally louder, more outspoken, and aggressive than white people are...all traits that are opposite of those girls. I don't think there's anything wrong with those girls...most of them are nice, good-natured, and attractive...they just see blacks as more compatible with them, whether that's true or not.

The second one is the 'I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR' group. These are the girls who constantly talk about how STRONG and INDEPENDENT they are. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of their relationship because they are FREE-WILLED and can show how PROGRESSIVE they are by dating a black man, even if their family disapproves of their relationship.

Basically, that group's the ugly and fat chicks.
MarkMadsenCANdance said:
I'd definitely say that there are mainly two types of white girls that tend to go after the black guys...and oddly enough, they're probably on the opposite ends of the same spectrum.The first group is the pure, naive, shy, timid girls (sorry for all the adjectives).  A lot of times, women tend to go after guys that are the opposite of them...someone who completes them, as corny and cliche as that sounds.  I think most of us would agree that blacks are generally louder, more outspoken, and aggressive than white people are...all traits that are opposite of those girls.  I don't think there's anything wrong with those girls...most of them are nice, good-natured, and attractive...they just see blacks as more compatible with them, whether that's true or not.The second one is the 'I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR' group.  These are the girls who constantly talk about how STRONG and INDEPENDENT they are.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of their relationship because they are FREE-WILLED and can show how PROGRESSIVE they are by dating a black man, even if their family disapproves of their relationship.Basically, that group's the ugly and fat chicks.
This i believe is very wrong! most of the white women that i've seen that race-mix are drug-addicts!!
Most of the (physically) attractive women that race mix are gold-diggers (leeching off an "afflete", celebrity, etc.). These are a rarity (% wise). The overwhelming majority of mudsharks (which are a small % of White women) are butt-ugly &/or fat &/or a junkie &/or a "ho's". Most beautiful White women are with good looking, successful White it should be!
DixieDestroyer said:
Most of the (physically) attractive women that race mix are gold-diggers (leeching off an "afflete", celebrity, etc.). These are a rarity (% wise). The overwhelming majority of mudsharks (which are a small % of White women) are butt-ugly &/or fat &/or a junkie &/or a "ho's". Most beautiful White women are with good looking, successful White it should be!
Csonka, there is no need to post images like that. Don, is there any way we can get that deleted? It has no business here. If you want I'm sure you can do a good search and find much more demeaning images of black men and white women.

As far as MarkMadsenCanDance goes, I'm starting to smell troll. Shy, naive, timid girls by and far do not go for loudmouthed guys who "complete" them. Your analysis is completely wrong. For the most part they stick with soft-spoken dudes quite like themself. If you are an outgoing social guy like myself, go try talking to one of these girls. It's not as easy as talking to the normal to extra-outgoing fun-loving types.

As has extensively been described here and accurately summed up by DixieDestroyer, most white women with black guys have some serious issues. Most are nasty, had issues with their dads, use drugs, etc. TorontoArgos, of course if you go to a big night-club you will see some attractive girls with black guys, especially in a place like Canada where being black is officially promoted by the government (it is here too in the U.S. but not to the same extent). In many places it's not as cool to be black, and you don't see nearly as many attractive white women with black men. Unfortunately places in New England like Boston, NY, and states like Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut it's more popular for girls to date black men, but still far from the majority. Also, the more destitute an area is (trailer parks, run-down inner ring suburbs, etc.), the more likely interracial dating will be; yet that is still only likely for girls with family and/or personal problems.

As I have previously stated, you will always find exceptions to the rule. Yes, I'm sure you can find a gorgeous, funny, sweet, nice, out-going, non-whigger white girl from Alabama who grew up in an upper-middle class household who plays soccer, listens to Dave Matthews and loves country music, absolutely loves her dad and brothers, yet still dates some black dude. But, 999 out of 1000 that girl will be dating a white guy. As you eliminate some of those variables the number will drop.
TorontoArgos said:
Fightingtowin said:
white lightning said:
There is a Miss Piggy commercial for Disney World where she is fantasizing about being with a black man. Typical of what we see these days. They are even going after little children now. It's ok to love other races. They don't want them to stay with their own race. What a crock of sh**.
Stay with their own race? How do you know Ms. Piggy isn't a black pig?
If she was black she would not be fantasizing about being with a black man.


When I read this I was laughing hysterically. Those two last posts had to have been amongst the funniest I've ever read on CF. And I'm not even sure you intended it to be! Lol!!!
Mark is acting a bit like a troll.
I agree that its time for a cleansing of the board. accesscrimea seems to be outing himself as well.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I'm glad to see that many of you are so tolerant of others' opinions. And that was sarcasm, because I'm sure a few of you couldn't tell. Are you guys that insecure (Lost, Electric Slide, Colonel Reb) and worried about black people that you have to constantly repeat to yourself that there is nothing redeeming about black people? Do you guys honestly believe that there are no normal white girls that would want to date black guys? Do you really think all the white girls dating black guys are drug addicts or fat pigs?

Let me give you a scenario...with whites only...hopefully you'll be more understanding. There's a shy, quiet, submissive white girl. What's she most likely going to be most compatible with and what would she gravitate toward? A confident, outgoing, white alpha male. Would you agree? If yes, then you are correct. If no, then you recognize that it is a trap question. Why do you see so many of those pairings? Why do you see so many loud, fat white girls with quiet, skinny guys. There's a tendency for women to be more attracted to those that are not like them...race doesn't always factor into the equation.

I don't know if some of you had a bad experience with a black guy talking smack to you, but some of you are way beyond blind hatred. It's okay to admit that there are some normal whites that like black guys without throwing a fit and crying that the trolls are coming to get them.
To get women you need to manipulate them.

Some girls like snobs and money, so for those kinda girls i dress like a snob and show off my nice apartment and display good manners and taste in wine, clothes, literature etc.

Some girls like tough guys, so for those i cut my hair short and and maintain a 6 ft 5 260 lbs frame and box regularly and tell them a few stories about streetfights etc. Also i act a little less nice. treat em mean, keep em keen.

Essentially you need to find out what a girl wants and give it to them.

They dont care that im ugly, they only care about image, and thats easy to give them.

Through this i just spent the weekend with an extremely beautiful blonde german woman. And im a damn ugly guy!

Doesnt matter if you are white or black, women dont care about how you look, they care about Image. Either tough guy, sensitive guy, trendy guy, snob etc. Thats all they care about
Edited by: chris371
I love white women, blonde women in particular, and have am enormous desire to be with them. Therefore i will do whatever is necessary in order to get what i want. You need to work hard to get women.

Heck, id even walk around in hip hop clothes and and talk like a wigger if that would get me a cute white girl. Thankfully it doesnt!!!!

My outer appearance may change, but im always the same guy inside, thats all that matters.
chris371 said:
They dont care that im ugly, they only care about image, and thats easy to give them.

Through this i just spent the weekend with an extremely beautiful blonde german woman. And im a damn ugly guy!

Doesnt matter if you are white or black, women dont care about how you look, they care about Image. Either tough guy, sensitive guy, trendy guy, snob etc. Thats all they care about

Thank you. A lot of guys think that looks can get a girl. In reality, it is his reputation and image. That is all they can see. Looks play a very minor role in getting girls, and an almost nonesistant role in getting girls that are truly worth the trouble.
chris371 said:
I love white women, blonde women in particular, and have am enormous desire to be with them. Therefore i will do whatever is necessary in order to get what i want. You need to work hard to get women.

Heck, id even walk around in hip hop clothes and and talk like a wigger if that would get me a cute white girl. Thankfully it doesnt!!!!

My outer appearance may change, but im always the same guy inside, thats all that matters.

Well, this says it all. Oh, and this:

chris371 said:
To get women you need to manipulate them.

Why don't you just be yourself and dress in an effing clown suit.
Bronk said:
chris371 said:
I love white women, blonde women in particular, and have am enormous desire to be with them. Therefore i will do whatever is necessary in order to get what i want. You need to work hard to get women.

Heck, id even walk around in hip hop clothes and and talk like a wigger if that would get me a cute white girl. Thankfully it doesnt!!!!

My outer appearance may change, but im always the same guy inside, thats all that matters.

Well, this says it all. Oh, and this:

chris371 said:
To get women you need to manipulate them.

Why don't you just be yourself and dress in an effing clown suit.

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