Black men taking our women

jcolec02 said:
Actually if you really do your research, there arent alot of famous black women that havent had some kind of interracial relationship, such as Halle Berry and Serena and apparently now Venus Williams. Take it from a 23 year old, good looking white guy in a 50% black city (Nashville) young black girls are VERY aggressive towards me in a way that a lot of white girls aren't.

Many black women feel that landing a white guy is your ultimate ticket out in life. You hear black and white comedians talking about how white boys have no style, sense, or rhythm. Yet I hear black women say all the time that they love white boys style, whether it's skater, preppy, jock, etc. Heck, many black women would take a skinny white dweeb, it' just that not many white men are interested in them. Sometimes I think about dating a black (more like half or 1/4 black) woman just to get back at black guys for dating white girls, but I realize it doesn't work. Interracial dating by black men is a one way assault, there's no getting back at them other than white girls themselves rejecting them. I've heard people on this board say a guy would get beat up in the ghetto with a black girl, but I know from personal stories that it is not the case. In fact, if you're a whigger it makes you a more "authentic" one if you date a black girl. I was watching MTV True Life on interracial relationships, and a white whigger was welcomed by his girlfriend's family with open arms when he came to visit. They were in tears of joy when he announced that they were engaged. All the brothas were giving him hugs and everything, asking him to take good care of their sister/cousin etc.

I personally don't like this cause again it creates a bad cycle. The less white men there are for women to date, then dumb white girls can claim "White guys aren't interested in me. I see them with Asian, Latina, black and mixed girls all the time. Black boys always show me love when I go out." I know those thoughts are from on an unintelligent person based on misconceptions, but I think it's very important for white men and women to date within their race. Sure, there will always be wayward people and their always have been, but historically they were always less than 1% of the population until the last 30 years or so and never a threat to an entire race. But by golly we don't need to be supporting or advocating for interracial relationships!!!Edited by: Electric Slide
Electric Slide said:
jcolec02 said:
Actually if you really do your research, there arent alot of famous black women that havent had some kind of interracial relationship, such as Halle Berry and Serena and apparently now Venus Williams. Take it from a 23 year old, good looking white guy in a 50% black city (Nashville) young black girls are VERY aggressive towards me in a way that a lot of white girls aren't.

Many black women feel that landing a white guy is your ultimate ticket out in life. You hear black and white comedians talking about how white boys have no style, sense, or rhythm. Yet I hear black women say all the time that they love white boys style, whether it's skater, preppy, jock, etc. Heck, many black women would take a skinny white dweeb, it' just that not many white men are interested in them. Sometimes I think about dating a black (more like half or 1/4 black) woman just to get back at black guys for dating white girls, but I realize it doesn't work. Interracial dating by black men is a one way assault, there's no getting back at them other than white girls themselves rejecting them. I've heard people on this board say a guy would get beat up in the ghetto with a black girl, but I know from personal stories that it is not the case. In fact, if you're a whigger it makes you a more "authentic" one if you date a black girl. I was watching MTV True Life on interracial relationships, and a white whigger was welcomed by his girlfriend's family with open arms when he came to visit. They were in tears of joy when he announced that they were engaged. All the brothas were giving him hugs and everything, asking him to take good care of their sister/cousin etc.

I personally don't like this cause again it creates a bad cycle. The less white men there are for women to date, then dumb white girls can claim "White guys aren't interested in me. I see them with Asian, Latina, black and mixed girls all the time. Black boys always show me love when I go out." I know those thoughts are from on an unintelligent person based on misconceptions, but I think it's very important for white men and women to date within their race. Sure, there will always be wayward people and their always have been, but historically they were always less than 1% of the population until the last 30 years or so and never a threat to an entire race. But by golly we don't need to be supporting or advocating for interracial relationships!!!
Alot of great points. I also saw that episode of "True Life" and if you noticed when the couple went out, the blacks guys really gave them crap because she was attractive for a black girl, and had a big butt which is what blacks crave more than anything! So I do think there is jealousy when it comes to black men seeing there women taken by whites and like it or not it is an increasing trend. Black women, especially college age around my area (about 4 miles from Tennessee State University campus) can be very aggressive towards white guys such as my self.
Electric Slide said:
Sometimes I think about dating a black (more like half or 1/4 black) woman just to get back at black guys for dating white girls, but I realize it doesn't work.

Youre right on. Dont waste your time trying to get back at blacks, use it for something productive, like getting together with a nice white girl.

Anyway ES, what age are you? You make a LOT of posts that make you seem very experienced in life.
Ah, this post always cracks me up. Every time I see a new post here, I instantly conjure up a mental image of Sheriff Bart from Blazing Saddles saying "Where da white wimmen at?"
Actually the interracial dating/marrying trend can be stopped quite easily. White families need to give up "white guilt" and "PC attitudes" and rasie their children from the start that it is okay to be friends with people of different cultures, but as far as dating and marrying they had better marry someone from a white euoprean background or they will be disowned.

If the children protest that the parents are being "racist". They would simply state to them that they want them to preserve their white european ancestory, which they should be proud of, which would be the truth.

For those of you that think this can't be done. You are wrong. Look at Indian people in this country. They are friends with people from all cultures and pretty much treat everyone with respect.

However, when it comes to dating and marrying they pretty much only marry within their own culture, and pretty much no one in this country denies them the right to do so. That is why their is no threat of Indian people disappearing from the US, like the whites will over the course of a number of years. It is not only probable, but inevitable if the current trend does not stop.

We should remember that the White race is at the top of the heap so to speak. There are always those who for whatever reason are going to be defective in some way. That's what this thing is with White women and black men. These women are the defectives of our race. There's something just not right about them. Their coupling with blacks was bound to happen. Although it most definitely brings a lot of heartache to the families involved, it's for the best. In the end, their gene pool will disapear in the general mongrel mass. They will never again be heard of.
I know of a case like this. when the girl first had the baby (White girl), her dad disowned her, but her siblings and mother supported her. But as time went by and the little half caste boy started getting older, little by little, the girl and her son were pushed out of the family gatherings until now the girl and son basically don't exist anymore. From time to time I see them and the boy has become a complete young black in all ways and the mother has disintergrated completely. If you didn't know who she was, you wouldn't look at her twice. When you looked in her direction, all you see is an overweight, washed up drug addict hag and she was a very good looking young woman.
If you're reading this, there's something inside you that knows blacks are to be avoided like the plague. There's something wrong with their line and anyone who has anything to do with them will in some way be affected adversely. You all know this to some degree. You also know that what's being spoken about here on castefootball goes far beyond sports. There's something in you that the people who consort with blacks don't have. Like I said they're defective (broken beyond repair).
It's very sad.

Tom Iron...
chris371 said:
Electric Slide said:
Sometimes I think about dating a black (more like half or 1/4 black) woman just to get back at black guys for dating white girls, but I realize it doesn't work.

Youre right on. Dont waste your time trying to get back at blacks, use it for something productive, like getting together with a nice white girl.

Anyway ES, what age are you? You make a LOT of posts that make you seem very experienced in life.

Good response Chris. Yes there is nothing better than being with a cute white girl. To the dismay of some here I have seen/been on dates with non-white women (not black though). While there was some fun to that, there was just something about it that constantly nagged in the back of my head. When I'm with a young white lady, the thought of race doesn't come up, it's just a natural interaction. I guess to the PC crowd that makes me a racist bigot sexist, but oh well that's just how I am.

Unfortunately due to experience I do realize that many white women, even good looking ones, are terrible. As much as I want to defend white women when blacks on the internet claim they are sluts, all I can do is say black women are just as bad if not worse. But that's just life and how the chips fall. I really believe all women are crazy anyway, just some better than others, but I will keep having fun with otherwise good ladies until I find one that has the most going for her and the least amount of flaws

To answer your question I'm in my 20s. I have a little life experience I can take credit for, but there's some people on here that have forgotten more than I know and I love to learn new things from these people!

Don't give up on white women, I believe there are still some really good ones out there, you just have to look. Take if from someone who has been married to one for over ten years, they are the best women out there. Me and my wife connect on just about everything and I think the fact that we share the same culture has a lot to do with it.

My advice is to look for a conservative white girl, stay away from the liberal ones (they are female versions of the far left males). Conservative white girls are more likely to share your views, have a sense of pride in their own culture, and more likely specifically just want white men.

Also, don't look for white women that are complete knockouts. Look for a white women that is somewhat above average, but more importantly look for one that you connect with. Just my advice, take it for what it's worth.
ES, definitely heed NewGuy's advise (above). Try to find a good, old fashioned/conservative gal. I know it's harder to accomplish that nowadays, but try getting into a good college age/20s group at church, etc. As I've said before, you need to place "looks" down on the priority list (as looks fade with age), and bump up characteristics like integrity/honesty, family/upbringing, values, work ethic, kindness, etc. Put those important traits above a pretty face & nice body. I'd urge you to stay positive & look in places other than bars, clubs, etc.Hang in there partner!
From what I understand something like 80% of people meet their spouses through friends. So have your pals/relatives fix you up.

The other place I found good to meet girls was at athletic stuff like: ski clubs, softball teams, volleyball teams, etc. Check out the local rec/church coed teams, great place to meet ladies. Sports gives you time to get to know a girl outside of an awkward date. You also get someone that is into something healthy and is usually physically fit. So they also probably look good. And every rec team goes out after to unwind. I was in a ski club once and almost everyone there ended up married to another member. Had a lot of fun skiing too.
jaxvid said:
From what I understand something like 80% of people meet their spouses through friends. So have your pals/relatives fix you up.

The other place I found good to meet girls was at athletic stuff like: ski clubs, softball teams, volleyball teams, etc. Check out the local rec/church coed teams, great place to meet ladies. Sports gives you time to get to know a girl outside of an awkward date. You also get someone that is into something healthy and is usually physically fit. So they also probably look good. And every rec team goes out after to unwind. I was in a ski club once and almost everyone there ended up married to another member. Had a lot of fun skiing too.

Haha I might have to get into a ski club. You don't have to worry about those girls pairing up with black dudes, lol!
DixieDestroyer said:
ES, definitely heed NewGuy's advise (above). Try to find a good, old fashioned/conservative gal. I know it's harder to accomplish that nowadays, but try getting into a good college age/20s group at church, etc. As I've said before, you need to place "looks" down on the priority list (as looks fade with age), and bump up characteristics like integrity/honesty, family/upbringing, values, work ethic, kindness, etc. Put those important traits above a pretty face & nice body. I'd urge you to stay positive & look in places other than bars, clubs, etc.Hang in there partner!

Good advice Dixie. I have been involved with a church group before, and here's the problem I encountered with those girls. Yes some of them were naturally attractive, but there was something about their personalities that seemed off. They seemed like they were in this constant battle against "impurity." It seemed like anything was potentially damaging to their relationship with God. I am the type of guy that these girls are warned to not get to close to, because I might seduce them into drinking a beer, watching a mainstream movie, or being "touched" in some inappropriate way, lol. Needless to say these girls embraced the type of "Christian men" that we were talking about in the other thread.

Anyway one issue is that I'm not in any particular rush to marry up and settle down, but if the right girl came along I definitely would. In the meantime I don't mind the girls I do meet, it's just after two or three weeks I realize that a lot of them have some big flaws. But well see. You never know something big could start unexpectedly. I'm still hoping a girl drops something off the shelf at the grocery store, and as I pick it up we lock eyes, and life happily ever after. Lol!
ES, I went to a Christian school most of my formative years, so I know the type you listed...and dated a few of those. The true "goody-goodies" are the marrying types (for the most part). I dated a pretty gal (in HS) who's Dad was an MD & she was very Christian, well-mannered & very intelligent. I'm sure she's made some fella a great wife & mom (of their kids). My advise is more geared towards the long-term, and some might label it "old fashion", etc. Definitely don't "rush" into things, and ensure everything (for the most part) is solid for the long haul. Work on improving yourself (physically, career, mentally, spiritually), and more you'll draw more gals.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Warning, the following blog post link contains a graphic story of miscegenation.

If you are disturbed by the worst-case scenarios that result with interracial relationships, please do not view this blog post. It is very depressing:

Long story short, two attractive white teens fight over a short 5'5" black-Dominican thug with no job, car, resources, etc. He has also demonstrated low IQ. One wound girl wound up killing the other. She received a sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

The purpose of the blog post is to show guys that you don't need money, resources, etc. to date or have intercourse with attractive women, all you need is "game."

More interesting than the article are the 677 replies. The sheer volume of comments is astounding. They come from all angles. Guys crediting the degenerate guy for having girls so into them one will kill. Others claiming racial superiority of blacks in attracting women, specifically white women. One poster noted that feminism has led to simmering sexual anarchy, and the former rules of Western Society where meant to keep a social structure together. Some chiming in that social advancement is more important than land young, naive, possibly mentally disturbed women.

What's interesting is that in the 677 replies; nobody who is critical of blacks, black culture, or the fact that white families keep most black people alive; is accused of racism.

I didn't chime in, but I think it needs to be pointed that game does not overcome all obstacles with women of different social status. If you look at college cheerleaders, the vast majority of them date white men, usually white athletes. They could date any black athlete they wanted, and I'm sure the black athletes lay on "thug game" any chance they get. Yet these attractive, fit, and highly sought after women by and large choose white men. Nobody in the comments mentioned situations like high status attractive women like that, swimsuit models, etc. I know Heidi Klum always gets pointed out, but that is the vast exception.

If you have a strong stomach, please read the blog post and see what you think now in light of some of the theories and concepts presented.
I've read more than one discussion board where black men lament how White women treat them, meaning very few are interested in them. They also find many to be racist in that any White female no matter how poor and dumpy thinks any black man no matter his economic and social class should be interested in her.

The black male/white female thing is mostly a phenomenon of deindustrialization -- the white girls left behind in run-down lower middle class former factory towns that have significant numbers of blacks around (and dominating the milieu) often end up with them; and with others a bit of experimentation in their high school and college days. The latter almost always end up with White guys.

The number of White women who marry or even date blacks is small; as far as being cool and trendy it "jumped the shark" years ago. It's not going to go away, but the U.S. population is not gonna become filled with Derek Jeters and Mariah Careys either. Asians and hispanics are the real threat for mass miscegenation; the black/white fixation is increasingly an archaic paradigm from which to view the issue.
Three places to meet girls

This is just a suggestion. I have noticed that in the 18-30 age range that we have a female skewd population at my church. There are 2-3 young women for every young man. These are nice young ladies and several of them that never attend with a male companion are considerable more than averagely attractive. I also used to coach fast pitch soft ball and need I say that fast pitch softball games are a target rich environment for a young man. The third and best place to meet women if such is available is if there is college that offers ballet or modern dance as a major find out where the ladies practice. These women are so busy that they do not have time to pursue a lot of contacts, they do have time to go out with a young man they already know and trust. Read a book or research the net so you can talk intelligently about their art and you will make friend with them. And sometimes these friends may become more than just a friend. Oh. yeah they all tend to have bueatiful bodies. And they also tend to be mostly caucasian.
I've read more than one discussion board where black men lament how White women treat them, meaning very few are interested in them. They also find many to be racist in that any White female no matter how poor and dumpy thinks any black man no matter his economic and social class should be interested in her.

The black male/white female thing is mostly a phenomenon of deindustrialization -- the white girls left behind in run-down lower middle class former factory towns that have significant numbers of blacks around (and dominating the milieu) often end up with them; and with others a bit of experimentation in their high school and college days. The latter almost always end up with White guys.

The number of White women who marry or even date blacks is small; as far as being cool and trendy it "jumped the shark" years ago. It's not going to go away, but the U.S. population is not gonna become filled with Derek Jeters and Mariah Careys either. Asians and hispanics are the real threat for mass miscegenation; the black/white fixation is increasingly an archaic paradigm from which to view the issue.
I seen more race mixing back in the 90's than I do today. When its no longer "Hip!" it dies away...........
I've read more than one discussion board where black men lament how White women treat them, meaning very few are interested in them. They also find many to be racist in that any White female no matter how poor and dumpy thinks any black man no matter his economic and social class should be interested in her.

The black male/white female thing is mostly a phenomenon of deindustrialization -- the white girls left behind in run-down lower middle class former factory towns that have significant numbers of blacks around (and dominating the milieu) often end up with them; and with others a bit of experimentation in their high school and college days. The latter almost always end up with White guys.

The number of White women who marry or even date blacks is small; as far as being cool and trendy it "jumped the shark" years ago. It's not going to go away, but the U.S. population is not gonna become filled with Derek Jeters and Mariah Careys either. Asians and hispanics are the real threat for mass miscegenation; the black/white fixation is increasingly an archaic paradigm from which to view the issue.

That's a pretty good analysis to explain the vast majority of these interracial scenarios. One thing I would add is the brainwashing effect of television, movies, music videos, magazine covers, sports glorifying black athletes, claims to black superiority in sports, the Karashians,etc. I think the years and years of push for miscegenation actually shows how crucial the bond is between white people. Yet, I can't help but believe all the pop-culture indoctrination hasn't influenced a significant number of white women to go mud-sharking.
If you are disturbed by the worst-case scenarios that result with interracial relationships, please do not view this blog post. It is very depressing:
I read that article earlier this year and was going to post it here at that time, but didn't.

It is mind-boggling and makes you wonder what goes on in the mind of younger (White) females. Obviously, they were brainwashed with no ability to think critically or logically. At that age girls are very easily influenced by what they see and hear in the media and are especially emotion-driven. The fact that they "fell" for a punk like this is not coincidental, but socially-engineered by the usual suspects.

When I was in the Northeast U.S. on a 6-month contract several years ago, I saw quite a bit of this. One situation being at the apartment unit right-next-door to mine. Some stupid teenage White girl would occasionally bring her mixed baby over with her mother to show it to her ignorant, drop-out, ghetto-punk-thug, "baby daddy", in the parking lot of the complex, and he and his bro roommate would act very boorishly and immaturely...dancing around and laughing and shucking and jiving with each other all while pointing at the half-breed. It was all a joke to them. After about 15 minutes of this buffoonery, she and her mother would eventually leave. This child and many others like it, will ultimately be the beneficiaries of family inheritances in the future. Also, one evening while I was taking out the trash, another physically-attractive, but whorish-dressing 16-year-ish-old White girl was not far behind me, doing the same thing...she had just come out from the same bros apartment unit and went right back in when done. I could go on on a few other situations I saw while out there, but will leave it at that.

I think Roissy mentioned that the biggest mistake made in this whole situation was when the punk went over to meet the girl's father. The father empowered and validated the punk by telling him something like, "you be sure to take good care of her now", or something like that, essentially transferring his power, authority, and responsibility over to this worthless punk. Roissy said the father should've made some cold-hard threat or ridiculed him in such a way as to reduce him in size and stature, and do it right in front of his daughter, instead of empowering the punk in front of her. Just ignorant psychology on the part of the father.

In the past, long ago, when families were patriarchies, the sons would get the inheritance and the daughters would get nothing. This provided an incentive for daughters to marry into a good family. So, the daughters would be raised to have good manners, be virginal until marriage, and adept at a being a good housewife. This would give them tremendous value and make them ideal "marriage material" where she could then marry into a good family and become the wife of a doctor, etc. and produce her own offspring, repeating the same cycle. Of course, this eventually ended when it met the buzzsaw of Cultural Marxism in the late 60's and into the toilet since then.
I've read more than one discussion board where black men lament how White women treat them, meaning very few are interested in them. They also find many to be racist in that any White female no matter how poor and dumpy thinks any black man no matter his economic and social class should be interested in her.

The black male/white female thing is mostly a phenomenon of deindustrialization -- the white girls left behind in run-down lower middle class former factory towns that have significant numbers of blacks around (and dominating the milieu) often end up with them; and with others a bit of experimentation in their high school and college days. The latter almost always end up with White guys.

The number of White women who marry or even date blacks is small; as far as being cool and trendy it "jumped the shark" years ago. It's not going to go away, but the U.S. population is not gonna become filled with Derek Jeters and Mariah Careys either. Asians and hispanics are the real threat for mass miscegenation; the black/white fixation is increasingly an archaic paradigm from which to view the issue.
I mostly agree with this. As far as the Asians and Hispanics being the real threat for mass miscegenation...perhaps, but assuming the mass miscegenation is with other Whites, the immediate offspring, in many cases, are considered "White", whereas if between White and black, they'd be considered "black"...even if only 1/4 or 1/8 so.
In the past, long ago, when families were patriarchies, the sons would get the inheritance and the daughters would get nothing. This provided an incentive for daughters to marry into a good family. So, the daughters would be raised to have good manners, be virginal until marriage, and adept at a being a good housewife. This would give them tremendous value and make them ideal "marriage material" where she could then marry into a good family and become the wife of a doctor, etc. and produce her own offspring, repeating the same cycle.

Personally I am very glad that this recently ended. When I think of whites that I hope reproduce, poor ones come to mind many times more than rich ones. is a really neat blog where they go into the social deviancy rampant in the black community, and as encouraged/promoted by liberals, feminists, etc. The guy is trying to encouraged some activism and awareness to his blog and increase white racial consciousness at the same time by posting flyers of infamous black-on-white hate crimes, and one he just made of the numerous dangers of interracial dating. Some people have been going door to door with the fliers, some have been posting them on college campus bulletin boards, posting them inside bathroom stalls, and stuffing them into free newspapers such as campus papers. I think it's a great idea we might want to borrow for our own purposes. BTW, the people at unumusement park need some educating as some believe in black athletic superiority. Maybe we can inform them a little bit!
I read that article earlier this year and was going to post it here at that time, but didn't.

It is mind-boggling and makes you wonder what goes on in the mind of younger (White) females. Obviously, they were brainwashed with no ability to think critically or logically. At that age girls are very easily influenced by what they see and hear in the media and are especially emotion-driven. The fact that they "fell" for a punk like this is not coincidental, but socially-engineered by the usual suspects.

When I was in the Northeast U.S. on a 6-month contract several years ago, I saw quite a bit of this. One situation being at the apartment unit right-next-door to mine. Some stupid teenage White girl would occasionally bring her mixed baby over with her mother to show it to her ignorant, drop-out, ghetto-punk-thug, "baby daddy", in the parking lot of the complex, and he and his bro roommate would act very boorishly and immaturely...dancing around and laughing and shucking and jiving with each other all while pointing at the half-breed. It was all a joke to them. After about 15 minutes of this buffoonery, she and her mother would eventually leave. This child and many others like it, will ultimately be the beneficiaries of family inheritances in the future. Also, one evening while I was taking out the trash, another physically-attractive, but whorish-dressing 16-year-ish-old White girl was not far behind me, doing the same thing...she had just come out from the same bros apartment unit and went right back in when done. I could go on on a few other situations I saw while out there, but will leave it at that.

I think Roissy mentioned that the biggest mistake made in this whole situation was when the punk went over to meet the girl's father. The father empowered and validated the punk by telling him something like, "you be sure to take good care of her now", or something like that, essentially transferring his power, authority, and responsibility over to this worthless punk. Roissy said the father should've made some cold-hard threat or ridiculed him in such a way as to reduce him in size and stature, and do it right in front of his daughter, instead of empowering the punk in front of her. Just ignorant psychology on the part of the father.

In the past, long ago, when families were patriarchies, the sons would get the inheritance and the daughters would get nothing. This provided an incentive for daughters to marry into a good family. So, the daughters would be raised to have good manners, be virginal until marriage, and adept at a being a good housewife. This would give them tremendous value and make them ideal "marriage material" where she could then marry into a good family and become the wife of a doctor, etc. and produce her own offspring, repeating the same cycle. Of course, this eventually ended when it met the buzzsaw of Cultural Marxism in the late 60's and into the toilet since then.

There is a lot going on with the story, but certainly you're right they have been considerably influenced by modern media which embraces black males, gives them artificial good qualities, labels black pastimes like pimping (human trafficking) and thuggery (wanton destruction to lift ones' self esteem) as good traits, and postures and poses them to be some sort of supermen (Gatorade, Old Spice ads, etc.).

The other thing is that these girls must have not been involved or tied up in other busy activities. As others have noted, sometimes the best women are a little harder to locate because they're tied up with constructive activities like studying, working out, sports, reading, church, work...which has the added benefit of less TV watching (the Tel-A-Vivision as some have noted) which means less subtle and outright influence to driven to miscegenation. I wonder how many captains of the girls lacrosse state championship team (or finalists, or even members of any girls lacrosse team) are dating black guys, let alone bottom of the barrel black guys like that?

Lastly, of all the appropriate ways the father should have acted, he did the opposite. Most do this, and will pay to support the mulatto offspring (in addition to the minorities that he already pays taxes for). But again, a lot of this has to do with brainwashing, white guilt, etc. Has anyone seen Me, Myself, and Irene with Jim Carey? His wife ditches him on the honeymoon for a black midget, and has three kids. Jim ends up taking care of him, lying to himself that they are actually his biological kids. I would never watch a movie with this type of plot again, but it's interesting the brainwashing that goes along with it: If you wife cheats on you with a black guy, just suck it up and raise the kids anyway. People will look at you as the good guy.
American Freedom News