Black men taking our women

It's extremely rare to see a quality White woman hook-up with a black man, or worse, a bottom of the barrel one as in the article posted by ES. For the most part, it tends to be the women with very low-self esteem, bar-skanks, ultra-liberal wackos, or the downright disgusting looking ones who may go in that direction. I'm not too unhappy to see these misguided fools removed from the White gene pool.

However, this isn't exactly great news. Thanks to feminism and other factors that have been discussed, finding a good, quality woman who's marriage material is like hitting the lottery. As a man, it's extremely disadvantageous to get married because thanks to corrupt divorce/family courts and laws, the man has much, much more to lose when things go bad. And over 50% of the time, things do go bad.

I don't doubt all the different suggestions such as sports leagues, churches, and other recreational clubs being a good place to meet women. And let's say you think you've found the "one" and get married. Maybe even have a couple of kids, and things seem perfect. What happens then, after a few years, if she hooks up on Facebook with that first love she never forgot and cheats on you? I'm not saying all women do this, but enough of them do, and that should give any man pause before they think about marriage.
However, this isn't exactly great news. Thanks to feminism and other factors that have been discussed, finding a good, quality woman who's marriage material is like hitting the lottery. As a man, it's extremely disadvantageous to get married because thanks to corrupt divorce/family courts and laws, the man has much, much more to lose when things go bad. And over 50% of the time, things do go bad.

I don't doubt all the different suggestions such as sports leagues, churches, and other recreational clubs being a good place to meet women. And let's say you think you've found the "one" and get married. Maybe even have a couple of kids, and things seem perfect. What happens then, after a few years, if she hooks up on Facebook with that first love she never forgot and cheats on you? I'm not saying all women do this, but enough of them do, and that should give any man pause before they think about marriage.

The consolation prize in that whole scenario is that, even those those two girls didn't/won't produce any white children, at least there won't be any mulatto ones either. Also it serves as a great story of what happens when you interract with black men, you wind up dead or in prison for at least 25 years.

As far as miscegenation and infidelity goes, all we can do is try our best and listen to the advice of guys on this forum like DixieDestroyer and Col. Reb. In the meantime we need to do our best to promote healthy white relationships on the internet and in real life. Hollywood won't do this, but fortunately we have alternative forms of media were we can present our information to mass audiences with no mainstream approval.
I think the whole concept of black men "stealing" our women is more of a media creation then any sort of fact of reality. I've seen it a couple of times in mainstream media where a show attempts to project a black man in a relationship with a white woman as being more masculine then an average white man. Also from the discussions I've seen on youtube that concept of supposed black male superiority is also displayed in pornographic films, though I'd never stoop that low to find out myself. Furthermore, I think another culprit in driving that false concept of racial superiority is unfortunately some self-loathing white women. I actually know quite a few blacks who agree with me in how we both despise self-loathing, lazy & nonathletic whites who blame their lack of athleticism on their race.

So anyway, what I'm trying to say is I think that the media has tried to mold black men into being seen as stronger and as a result may have made white women more prone to interracial dating. However, none of these relationships last because women realize that this idea about black men is not true.

For example, at my school (which is roughly 65% white, 20% black, 15% other) I counted 3 black men-white women relationships. In under a month, two of the white women had broken up with their partners to date a white man and the third woman had broken up with her black boyfriend after he cheated on her with a fat Cuban woman. I don't think interracial relationships are going to last much longer.
The media like nothing better than to think they've got power over the minds of the people. But in reality the influence they have is very little.

Let's look at smoking and see how much power the media has over the population.

According to CDC in 1972 eproxmently 1 in 4 Americans smoked, in About that time the media went on a non-stop campaign against all Tobacco products, aspecially cigarettes.
Now in 2011 according to the CDC, eproxmently 1in4 Americans smoke.

In reality, most white women that race mix are driven to it for one reason or another, either drug problems, being unattractive to white men, having mental problems, etc....
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You don't see much balck male white woman race mixing in wisconsin, I think it happens more down south. Every white girl I've talked to seem to find black men to be low class, disgusting, and uneducated. We do a better job of putting black men in their place up here.
You don't see much balck male white woman race mixing in wisconsin, I think it happens more down south. Every white girl I've talked to seem to find black men to be low class, disgusting, and uneducated. We do a better job of putting black men in their place up here.

Hawkeye2, I hope that was a joke. I'm guessing it was, but if not please see the first post on this thread about how ya'll put black men in their place up there!
I'll be honest, I hate black people, and I'm outspoken about it. On weekends I work the door at a local pub, and If a black person comes in and looks thugish I send him away. They know I train MMA and am willing to go. It is the same way at the fire station that I work at. I've been in many altercations with balcks and always come away the winner. The problem with the south is that no one is fighting for the white man, not our politicians, not out elected official. Ever since the KKK desolved we've had no one. When I see things like the Christian/Newsome murders and not one white person went to that part of Knoxville were the incident occured and take out some of these negros I am appauled. When the KKK was in power you wouldn't see these coaches like Nick Saban and Les Miles overloading there teams with negros.

Re: the Newsome murders, check out the link, a column by Leonard Pitts a nationally syndicated negro columnist, according to him only white nationalists cared about what happened to the Newsomes. Reading that stuff makes you want to lock and load. Reckoning day is coming, I hope I'm here to see it.

"But still, one occasionally hears mewling noises from that subset of my white countrymen who feel put upon by big, bad racial minorities. This is one of those times. And Knoxville, Tenn., has become the capital city of that lunatic fringe."
The fact that you hate black people has nothing to do with my post. My point was there's race mixing in all parts the world and in this country. Wisconsin is not excluded. Common sense would tell me that it would happen more frequently in areas of higher population such as, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. Definitely not southern territory. You may not see it as much for a number of possible reasons. The black population may not be as high in Wisconsin, you may not frequent areas of Wisconsin where race mixing is prevelant, etc. I don't know for sure, but it certainly is not confined predominantly in the south. History says the south, as you put it, had blacks put in their place until when, was it, around 1863. You might remember that time in history. I believe Ol Honest Abe and the union(north) had something to do with changing that!!!!

Are you serious? Isn't Nick Saban a Michigan native? I could be wrong, but he's not from Alabama. Don't blame his recruiting negros on the south!

You're right about one thing, it is the white man's fought we have alot of race issues in this country and for cowering down to blacks. I applaud you for standing your ground at the pub you work at, but that's a small little world you live in if you think no one here in the south doesn't do the same.
You don't see much balck male white woman race mixing in wisconsin, I think it happens more down south. Every white girl I've talked to seem to find black men to be low class, disgusting, and uneducated. We do a better job of putting black men in their place up here.
In all respect, turning away a few negros from a "Honky Tonk" is not what I would call winning a race war.
Are you looking to receive the "Purple heart" for that?

Anyway, the south will be at the forefront of any racial uprising as always...
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lost, did you mean "honky tonk bar" ? :)
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