Black men taking our women

The odds go up of finding someone you truly like if you act like yourself. But that does not change the fact that females are attracted to confidence, social standing, and image. Some people resent when guys talk about this because they feel awkward talking about something they have already naturally mastered on their own or do not care to get better at. I think Chris just went overboard to exemplify his point.
StarWars said:
The odds go up of finding someone you truly like if you act like yourself. But that does not change the fact that females are attracted to confidence, social standing, and image. Some people resent when guys talk about this because they feel awkward talking about something they have already naturally mastered on their own or do not care to get better at. I think Chris just went overboard to exemplify his point.

This is true. Now to correct the misnomer of "being yourself" to get the girl, what exactly is yourself? I mean, what set of words your use, mannerisms, clothing etc. truly defines yourself? Actually, I don't think any of that truly defines yourself, I think only your values do. Values don't change. The words you use change (remember in the early 90s when everyone said "dude" and "like" all the time?). The clothing certainly changes, and even mannerisms do. None of that is truly yourself, so how are you "not being yourself" when you change some of those things to improve your chances with women? You know, if I didn't have to I would probably go everywhere in 50/50 poly/cotton blend t-shirt, some nice 20/80 spandex/poly running shorts, and a pair of nice reef sandals. So does that mean I'm not myself if I dress in a suit for my friend's wedding? Or that I put on a long sleeve shirt when I'm hanging out with a girl I just met?

See, so many times when people say "be yourself" they are essentially saying "don't make yourself seem better than you are." But we individually define how proficient we are when it comes to certain things. It should be everyone's goal to not just be them self, but be their BEST self. So if someone loves the company of beautiful women such as myself, they will do certain things to stack the deck in their favor. If "yourself" is not talking to women, staying home every night and playing PS3, and not making yourself presentable (which is something I would "naturally" do), then you can count yourself out of meeting any women. You can adjust certain things in your favor, as has been pointed out in this thread, to make things better. This does not mean you aren't yourself, just that you are trying to make yourself the best it can be!
Deadlift said:
My question -- How did you know you were going to die? Did you finally come to the realization that your black pet, with a knife, had no conscience?

I have no doubt that she bought into the "female empowerment" tripe, but at the end REALITY hits like a mack truck... Please help.

If anyone is offended by this post, they should not read the story or look at the frickin' pictures.

Another sad story. Horrible photos.

This girl has suffered untold agony. Just another foolish white woman who has paid a dear price. Makes me wonder of the advice she received over the years from family and friends concerning racial realities.

I'm sure the moderates who championed race mixing had her ear. The evil extremists who may have told her to, "Stay the hell away from Negroes" were probably reviled, ridiculed.

Interracial relationship leads to permanent disfigurement for British model.

When white women have relationships with black men, they immediately assume an astronomically higher risk of being beaten, murdered, or diagnosed with AIDS.

British model Katie Piper thought that having a black boyfriend was fashionable. Interracial relationships are glorified by Hollywood. She was probably never told that black men are nine times more likely to beat or murder their girlfriend or wife. In the United States, "femicide"Â is a leading cause of death among young black women.

A black boyfriend Piper met over the internet became enraged and brutally beat her. He then recruited another black man to throw acid on her face.

Sulfuric acid burned through all four layers of the skin on the 26-year-old's face and neck.

She was left blind in one eye, unable to eat from the damage to her throat, and in need of over 30 corrective operations to repair the damage.

Piper begged relatives to kill her as she laid in a hospital bed after the attack. She has spent the last 18 months undergoing surgeries. She appeared on British television wearing a plastic mask over the weekend. All of the British media is praising her now, but none are talking about the obvious.


A 2004 report by the CDC says that AIDS is the:

* the leading cause of death for black women aged 25â€"34 years.
* the 3rd leading cause of death for black women aged 35â€"44 years.
* the 4th leading cause of death for black women aged 45â€"54 years.

By way of comparison, AIDS was only the 11th leading cause of death for white women aged 25-34!


The same CDC reports say that homicide is the:

* the leading cause of death among black men aged 15-34 years. (Three age categories!)

* the second leading cause of death for black women aged 15-24 years.
* the fifth leading cause of death for black women aged 25-34 years.

Among women aged 15-24, homicide accounts for 5% of premature deaths in white females, but 20% of all premature deaths by black females.

The majority of black female homicide victims are killed by a current or former boyfriend, which many refer to as "femicide."Â About 93% of all black homicide victims are killed by a black perpetrator overall. 85% of white homicide victims are killed by a white perpetrator.

"The National Black Women's Health Project"Â has identified the battering of women as the number one health issue for African American women (Joseph, 1997).

Femicide is a leading cause of premature deaths in African American women aged 15-44. (Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol 7, No. 1)

In 1998, Salber and Taliaferro reported that the spousal homicide rate among African Americans is 8.4 times more than for whites. The incidence of spousal homicide is 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages compared to intraracial marriages. (Source

I agree with what you are saying, especially about her likely dismissing race realists as "evil racists/bigots" -- but this is another case that goes beyond "foolishness"... I can't help but notice that these boons are usually super-beastly/primitive and ugly as hell itself.

In that context, what am I supposed to feel or think? NO "healthy" woman would ever want to mate with a creature like that. In my opinion, Hollywood is not at fault in a specific case like this one. She felt "sorry" for the creature just like how some women love ugly dogs and cats.

However, with aesthetically-challenged dogs and cats, you are unlikely to get acid tossed on you or your throat slashed. Diversity is a loaded gun and it's killing us.
lost said:
If you talk to white women who date blacks. they all say the same thing! "he's good to me!" well that because it's harder for a black man to get a white woman than you think! so he will be very good to her at the start!! and that's what wrong! young white men today act worse than blacks. their just not good to women. find'em! f***'em! and forget'em! that what young white men say today!

WOW! Negroes HATE women!

UCLA Student Is Charged With Attempted Murder in Attack

Cuddly, huh?

Innocent woman shot several times outside grocery store

This TNB continues to increase and increase.

Another interracial love story from ultra-deracinated England (WARNING: Another extremely greasy/UGLY black boy who found itself a Rose McGowan-lookalike. WTF?)

Can we ever live up to the "excitement" of the wondrous black ladies-man? Escaping from windows and getting carved-up in the street?

It sucks being the lame White guy... perpetually unexciting and all.

The article is disturbing, almost comical, because they are trying to deflect blame away from the dumb ho and her likely deracinated family. They (mudsharks) think they can make all the stupid decisions they want "because the nanny state will come in and rescue me; It will come in and make everything better. I can mate with primitive animals, and they might even be mentally disturbed and certainly hate what they see in the mirror, but the nanny state will protect me! Why should I think for myself when the nanny state can do the thinking for me? The nanny state took away our guns, but they said it was for our own good so who am I to question them?"

You can't get any more sheeple-lized than that! Damn sheeple don't even know that they've enslaved themselves! One can't help but notice (at the link) the disgusting sheeple-tainment "ads" featuring mongrels and miscegenation. No agenda here...
Negro brutalizes/murders 93-year-old woman that's originally from England

I could post links ALL DAY. Can you feel the love?
While anyone can think of numerous violent results of interracial relationships between black men/white women (O.J. being the most famous incident), can anyone think of a white man who killed his black wife or girlfriend?
Electric Slide said:
While anyone can think of numerous violent results of interracial relationships between black men/white women (O.J. being the most famous incident), can anyone think of a white man who killed his black wife or girlfriend?
can you think of a famous white man even dating a black woman?
Electric Slide said:
While anyone can think of numerous violent results of interracial relationships between black men/white women (O.J. being the most famous incident), can anyone think of a white man who killed his black wife or girlfriend?

Par for the course, Dateline NBC featured a case. White man convicted of hiring a hit man.
White men with black woman: Robert Deniro married two different black women. David Bowie dated some black model, I am not sure if he married her. That's about it
Brian Urlacher was with a black woman and had a kid with her.  Kevin Federline also had a kid with a black woman.  I don't know if Federline should be counted as white though.  Wigger is the term for him.
screamingeagle said:
White men with black woman: Robert Deniro married two different black women. David Bowie dated some black model, I am not sure if he married her. That's about it
I dont know if david bowie would be called a man?
lost said:
screamingeagle said:
White men with black woman: Robert Deniro married two different black women. David Bowie dated some black model, I am not sure if he married her. That's about it
I dont know if david bowie would be called a man?

Indeed! There'd been rumors of ol' David "Blowie" being a "switch hitter".
Roger Ebert is and I think I saw George Lucas is married to a black woman. I'm pretty sure I remember Halle Berry going out with some white guys.
DixieDestroyer said:
lost said:
screamingeagle said:
White men with black woman: Robert Deniro married two different black women. David Bowie dated some black model, I am not sure if he married her. That's about it
I dont know if david bowie would be called a man?

Indeed! There'd been rumors of ol' David "Blowie" being a "switch hitter".

David "Blowie" really cracked me up for some reason. I almost spit water all over my work keyboard!
Adam Clayton from the group U2 was engaged to model Naomi Campbell, though I think they ended up not getting married. Bill Maher, the comedian who openly despises Whites and Christians, had a long time black girlfriend.
Here is one I recently saw. Sean Penn and SI swimsuit model Jessica White. Brad Pitt went out with the black girl from Head of the Class whose face later served as Mike Tyson's sparring partner. Also Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson. Edited by: Fightingtowin
Diana Ross married two white men: the first was her Jewish manager, and later she married Arne Næss. He fathered two sons with her, one of whom is the actor Evan Ross.

Venus Williams is too masculine for my taste, but she has a white significant other, pro golfer Hank Kuehne. I vaguely recall her making some controversial comment that black men are too immature.
Parody said:
Diana Ross married two white men: the first was her Jewish manager, and later she married Arne Næss. He fathered two sons with her, one of whom is the actor Evan Ross.

Venus Williams is too masculine for my taste, but she has a white significant other, pro golfer Hank Kuehne. I vaguely recall her making some controversial comment that black men are too immature.

"Penus" Williams looks like a she-male/transformer/junk-tucker!
She's correct about her comments on the "bruvaz" though.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Parody said:
Diana Ross married two white men: the first was her Jewish manager, and later she married Arne Næss. He fathered two sons with her, one of whom is the actor Evan Ross.

Wow talk about a multi-culti extended family! Evan Ross has half siblings that are fully black, and a half-sister that's 100% white! That's why it isn't such a joke anymore when a person refers to a person of another race as their sibling, like the Dudley Boyz from ECW/WWF/WWE. Nowadays it wouldn't be a shock for that to be true.

As far as black males being immature, black women are the only ones who can admit that in public. White women rarely say anything negative about black boys other than in personal private conversation. In college I heard many white girls complain about black males, and not just to boost my ego. Black women are turning to lesbianism at an extremely fast rate. Go to any inner city and you will surely see many of the sistaz walking around in boys clothing. Go to any majority black high school and your largest "GLBT" segment will be black girls. But who can blame black girls for this??? Just look at black boys!!!
I had visions of Mayra Veronica and nice buzz on. Once I viewed this I was in hell. WTF!!!
Actually if you really do your research, there arent alot of famous black women that havent had some kind of interracial relationship, such as Halle Berry and Serena and apparently now Venus Williams. Take it from a 23 year old, good looking white guy in a 50% black city (Nashville) young black girls are VERY aggressive towards me in a way that a lot of white girls aren't.Edited by: jcolec02
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