Black men taking our women

It is exaggerated visually because most white girls with black guys are attention whores in the first place, and put themselves in places to be seen at every opportunity.
More black women like white men than white women who prefer black men, though they're not as common a sight as couples, mainly because few white men are interested in black women and even fewer want to "court" them by going to black neighborhoods.
Black males seem to be disliked by just about everyone when it comes to actually interacting with them rather than rooting for them on TV and aping their "cool" mannerisms. Even blacksdon't likeblacks, except to support each other when racial solidarity is called for. The criminal element has no compunction over shooting each other over the slightest perceived mis-step. The DWF love of blacks -- from a safe distance of course -- is one of the many frustrating examples of the massive cognitive dissonance in this country when it comes to race.
Recently, I looked at a so-called murder blog run by the LA Times. It tracked murder victims in Los Angeles. There was one black male being killed after another. A typical scenario was a black man walking down the street by himself. A car with 2 or 3 black males would drive up, shoot him dead and drive off.
Deadlift said:
Excellent post Electric Slide!

A lot of ladies like to read. A library can be a good place to meet a cool gal.

Absolutely. Some of the best girls I have met where in random situations where I was just somewhere and wasn't out looking for girls or anything like that. A library is a good place, and for the guys in college those free movies and music they often have in the fall and spring are great stress free places to meet girls. Obviously bars and nightclubs will have the highest concentration of good looking women, and you have a chance to meet a lot of them, it is also a high stress environment where lots of guys are trying to do the same thing, and you run the risk of hitting on some other guy's gf. In those situations, especially the insecure guys, they will try to make you feel like an idiot. It's all just the nature of human interaction, and things that have to be dealt with along the way! But it should not discourage anyone, as again there's lots of cute girls that want someone may even want a particular guy to talk to them, because they don't feel it's right for her to go up to the guy!
There are related but distinct conversations going on here. The dynamic of white women dating minorities is one thing, but that should be separate from our own personal situation.

I agree with Don that the black male/white female thing has peaked, and has maybe even slowly leveled off. I agree that after so many attempts, and a continuous assault like the Windows PC commercial, and others showing whites as inept, most white women STILL would rather choose white men, even if they can't say it publicly.

The white guys that I know typically like white females only, and also Hispanic and Asian. I know very few guys who actually like black women, but yes I have known guys like that and they have given bogus explanations like they less stuck-up and more "wild" under the sheets. Yet, I have heard blacks on the internet claim they like white girls cause they are more "wild," and I've heard white and black guys in person also say this about Hispanic and Asian girls. Too me that's a bunch of garbage and can never be scientifically compared, haha.

When it comes to white girls who exclusively prefer blacks, I have hypothesized the various types that do this. As others have extensively noted, white girls that grow up in lower-middle class to poorer areas that have a lot of minorities can end up that way. That doesn't even mean most of them do, just a higher percentage. I also have a theory that in more liberal Northeastern parts of the country, there's a higher chance even with girls from a good background. This is especially true is Massachusetts, where I've met girls that don't exclusively like blacks, but think it's racist to have racial preferences for dating. So even if they never do date a black man by chance, they would still do it if the opportunity arose.

Another large group of white women who actually prefer black men are girls from broken homes who have a bad relationship with their father. Actually, I think this may be the most important aspect, and why a higher percentage of girls in lower income areas date black men because coincidentally many come from broken homes. If they think negatively about their father (a white man), they can transform those feelings to white men in general. Actually, come to think of it I can not think of any white women I met who really likes their dad ever date or mention dating black men.

Another point that should be noted is that I have personally heard more white women share their distaste for black men, then white guys have said about black women. I have heard many girls, aged 18 to 24, complain about black guys at bars and the harassment they receive from them. Some have said their afraid to say anything for fear of being racist. Conversely, I have seen some white girls I've been hanging with straight up dis black dudes in the club! One group of girls, and these ones were very hot I might add, my friend asked them they ever "did" a black guy. Both girls harshly denied it, saying they have never even kissed a black guy with a disgusted look on their face! Lol.

Now, of course I have talked to white girls that say they like black guys. I always ask them why, and they come up with BS like they are tougher, more athletic, better fighters, etc. I always love when they say that, so I can prove their idiocy by asking them "Do you ever watch UFC? Those are the best fighters in the world and most of them are white!" But those girls are so warped in the head that I won't change them, but at least I can lower their self-esteem a bit, and if enough of these women who date blacks are messed up and have low self esteem, it will not seem like an even less appealing thing to date a black man.

One problem is that even though many white women would not date a black man, there's a lot of support for it. Ironically, I think there's more support for it from men and women who are 35 plus. I know of lot of men that say "it wouldn't matter if my daughter dated or married a black man, as long as he was a good guy." In reality they might not want that, but they feel it necessary to say such things to not be politically incorrect. On the other hand, I know plenty of guys my age that said when they have kids they would NEVER let their daughter date a black guy! I fall into the same category, and would accept whatever consequences that might bring.

To sum things up, I think it's important to shun interracial relationships in the proper setting and time. If it's a school discussion, a good comment to add would be to say every culture should be preserved, so interracial relationships shouldn't be looked at so highly. On the other hand, it is important to look at the other aspect of this conversation, and to do your best with women for your own good, and for the good of others because the better you look, the better white men look as a whole!Edited by: Electric Slide
excellent post, Electric Slide. several, in fact.
Every white girl I have ever talked to that has mentioned being with a black guy have always said they would never do it again and that it disgusts them. I proceed to laugh and agree with they're conclusion.
Most of the white women who date blacks end up being treated horribly. It usually involves physical violence against the woman as well. After seeing so many cases like this in newspapers and from word of mouth you would think that white women would wake up. This is not the case. There continues to be a very small minority of white women who only want to date black men.

Concerning your last sentence, is that really a bad thing?

I don't want AIDS or chlamydia. I don't want to be "daddy" to mulatto brats! Those damaged hos can stay in the jungle, and our Race will only be stronger!
I gotta say that Deadlift is right. The genetic component of ethnocentrism (I'm convinced there is one) will become apparent when this behavior is weeded out. I'm not trying to say we need to be like the tribe, but once whites don't have zombies trying to destroy us, we could do some cool stuff.
Deadlift it is not a bad thing. Those race traiting women that prefer black men can have them. I wouldn't want anything to do with them either. It does make me sick to my stomach sometimes though.
Deadlift said:

Concerning your last sentence, is that really a bad thing?

I don't want AIDS or chlamydia. I don't want to be "daddy" to mulatto brats! Those damaged hos can stay in the jungle, and our Race will only be stronger!

Am I the only one who was secretly happy when OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown (and got away with it)? White whores who date outside their race deserve every beating that's coming to them...and more. Sorry, I just don't feel like sugarcoating.

Don's right, as the opposite of reality (white women w/ non-white spouses) slowly becomes portrated as the norm...white women seem to be bored with it, and want to rebel against it.Edited by: Thrashen
I'm always searching for the truth and, frankly, that search can make one want to hurl at times. These are one of those times...

Abso-fu**ing-lutely disgusting. Pure bestiality.

In ultra-deracinated England, I have NO doubt that she wasn't raised properly, but I think we have a case here that involves a TRUE DEFECTIVE. She thought she was hotsh*t and knew it all. That nasty smug look.. I'm not together enough to describe it right now.

Apparently her final words were, "He's stabbed me to death "¦ my boyfriend, please help."Â￾

My question -- How did you know you were going to die? Did you finally come to the realization that your black pet, with a knife, had no conscience?

I have no doubt that she bought into the "female empowerment" tripe, but at the end REALITY hits like a mack truck... Please help.

If anyone is offended by this post, they should not read the story or look at the frickin' pictures. Look, I do blame all the sorry excuses for "White men" that go to the negro soccerballer matches where White athletes are becoming more and more scarce. All I can say is, the "gullibility gene" will be weeded out in one way or another. This was a true defective that could never be reformed, but we don't have to worry ourselves over that now.
"Also I want to say that from years' experiences working with a lot of black guys over the years I have one reason as to how they pick up the white chicks. They talk a lotta sh*t!! and AREN'T AFRAID to talk to women! These black guys just don't give a flying fu*k what comes out of their mouth. They just keep runnin and runnin their mouths off to whatever girl will listen. Unfortunately I must say from personal experience I've met way more white guys who were afraid or shy to go and start a conversation with the opposite sex. The bottom line is that the aggressive confident male more than likely always gets the chick. More white guys need to stop being computer geeks and get some game with the ladies. They need to take more chances like the brothers and stop caring if they strike out with the girl or not."

You don't fix a rat problem by learning to squeak.
There's a significant dot-head community where I live, and I have NEVER seen one of their women with a negro.

There's a whole bunch of them in the Atlanta area as well, and they built that huge temple/shrine in Georgia. They are certainly doing something right, and if that includes the threat of honor killings, all the more power to them. You don't want to bring "shame" to your Indian family...
Deadlift said:
There's a significant dot-head community where I live, and I have NEVER seen one of their women with a negro.

There's a whole bunch of them in the Atlanta area as well, and they built that huge temple/shrine in Georgia. They are certainly doing something right, and if that includes the threat of honor killings, all the more power to them. You don't want to bring "shame" to your Indian family...

The rubyknoggins don't mix very much...I'll give them that. They (do however) infest metro Atlanta to swipe IT & engineering jobs (via H-1B visas) from more talented, worthy American workers!
Like Heidi "Slum", add "celebrity" Khloé Kardashian (half Armenian, 25% Scottish, 25% Dutch) to the list of "Hollyweird" mudsharks. The step-daughter of Bruce Jenner is "famous for being famous" & married NBA "afflete" Lamar (y)Odom.

***Reference article Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The Kardashians' look like undesirable, unfeminine, muds to me -- so this is only natural! They don't have a "soft" look!

It'd be ludicrous to claim that everyone from Armenia is White.

It's common knowledge that not everyone from Turkey or Russia is White, and Armenia is likely no different. You can go deeper into Europe, like Hungary for example, and see some of most beautiful voluptuous ladies, but, at the same time, you'll see some really freakish folks because of all the Asiatic invasions of Europe. I'm not hating, but I ain't going to procreate with just anybody.

We truly are the recessive race!

P.S. - Any woman that is mentally healthy would want Luke Walton.
White_Savage said:
You don't fix a rat problem by learning to squeak.

well said, sir.
A friend in the military once told me "You know, if the blacks keep doin the white chicks and white guys keep doin' the asians and the asians keep messing around with the Mexicans, we're all gonna look like filipinos!"
Thrashen said:
Deadlift said:

Concerning your last sentence, is that really a bad thing?

I don't want AIDS or chlamydia. I don't want to be "daddy" to mulatto brats! Those damaged hos can stay in the jungle, and our Race will only be stronger!

Am I the only one who was secretly happy when OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown (and got away with it)? White whores who date outside their race deserve every beating that's coming to them...and more. Sorry, I just don't feel like sugarcoating.

Don's right, as the opposite of reality (white women w/ non-white spouses) slowly becomes portrated as the norm...white women seem to be bored with it, and want to rebel against it.

I hope you were the only one secretly happy about the near decapitation of Nicole Simpson. She didn't deserve that no matter what anyone thinks of dating outside your race. I also am certainly not happy that OJ got away with it either. I hope you are alone in those sentiments but maybe you are not. Virtually no woman "deserves" a beating as you put it. I have a very good friend at work who used to be married to a black guy and I would beat the crap out of any white man that laid a hand on her about it. I certainly think people should usually date and marry within their own race but I don't want to make a Sharia law against it. To each his own.
guest301 said:
Thrashen said:
Deadlift said:

Concerning your last sentence, is that really a bad thing?

I don't want AIDS or chlamydia. I don't want to be "daddy" to mulatto brats! Those damaged hos can stay in the jungle, and our Race will only be stronger!

Am I the only one who was secretly happy when OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown (and got away with it)? White whores who date outside their race deserve every beating that's coming to them...and more. Sorry, I just don't feel like sugarcoating.

Don's right, as the opposite of reality (white women w/ non-white spouses) slowly becomes portrated as the norm...white women seem to be bored with it, and want to rebel against it.

I hope you were the only one secretly happy about the near decapitation of Nicole Simpson. She didn't deserve that no matter what anyone thinks of dating outside your race. I also am certainly not happy that OJ got away with it either. I hope you are alone in those sentiments but maybe you are not. Virtually no woman "deserves" a beating as you put it. I have a very good friend at work who used to be married to a black guy and I would beat the crap out of any white man that laid a hand on her about it. I certainly think people should usually date and marry within their own race but I don't want to make a Sharia law against it. To each his own.

Guest, I stand by my original statement....which basically suggested that I could care less what happens to any white "woman" who pro-creates with non-white men. I guess that's considered "racist," right? I could care less what anyone considers it, actually.

"To each his own," yeah, that's exactly what the "men" who started this totalitarian cultural marxist revolution in AmeriKa thought, too. I imagine I'm considered "insane" for being apathetic towards an "all-american homecoming queen" race traitor like Nicole Brown. Knowing the "men" in this wimpy country, I'm sure dear old dad was very proud of her.

Nothing anyone could every say would make me care about women like this.
Thrashen, you are more than "apathetic" towards what happened to Nicole Simpson, you seemed downright happy from your first post that she died such a horrible death. I thought it was way over the top and I called you out on it. Obviously you haven't changed your opinion one iota and you are entitled to that and I stand by my post as well.Edited by: guest301
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