Another ESPN jerk

ESPN is going to get some competition, but it's coming from fellow CM corporation Fox, which is launching a 24 hour sports cable network called Fox Sports 1 on August 17th.

Of course we already have the NBC Sports Network (after NBC bought Versus). Fox's network will differ little from ESPN, except possibly having periodic two minute stoppages to pray for Israel.

That's the beauty of Cultural Marxist "diversity" -- people of all different racial, ethnic, and sexual backgrounds are constantly seen, but they all spout the same ideological perspective. Diversity only pertains to the make-up of the employees, never the message.
I've been noticing lately that the black "style" so common on ESPN and the NFL Network -- namely loudly shouting instead of just speaking, talking over each other so that no one can be understood, and engaging in periodic bouts of hysterical laughter -- is more and more being adopted by "White" studio announcers and analysts.

Example one: I can't stand Mark Schlereth as he's always been a down the line supporter of the Caste System party line, but at least he's well-spoken and articulate. But I was watching an NFL Live show the other day and there was a segment by Schlereth in which he literally shouted at the top of his lungs the whole time while giving examples of whatever it was his segment was about (it was otherwise so forgettable that I don't even remember the topic). He should have been wearing a sideways ballcap and saggy pants hanging down to his knees, really pathetic, degrading stuff, except that it's probably impossible to make Schlereth feel degraded.

Then today, I was briefly watching a fantasy football show on the NFL Network, and there was a segment called "That Helps No One" which focused on touchdowns by players that no one started on their fantasy teams yesterday (Riley Cooper's touchdown was one of the ones shown). Again, the narrator was literally yelling at the top of his lungs the entire time, and then, after the touchdown by a non-star was shown, he and the other three boys in the studio (two white and one black) would scream in unison "That helps no one!!!!"

Another example is the NFL Network just as the 1:00 games are about to begin. Rabbi Rich Eisen stands in front of a large screen showing various teams emerging from the tunnel onto the field and yells "The (Bills) are COMING OUT OF THE TUNNEL!!!!!" while his fellow clowns (usually some combination of Sapp, Irvin, "Mooch," Faulk and Warner) all scream it in unison with him.

It's really embarrassing, infantile behavior that would never be on display in an homogeneous White society. Just as football, basketball and baseball have moved away from the fundamentals in order to pander to the black "style of play," so White announcers have lowered themselves to the level of shuckin' and jivin' minstrels on the network football shows.
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I've been noticing lately that the black "style" so common on ESPN and the NFL Network -- namely loudly shouting instead of just speaking, talking over each other so that no one can be understood, and engaging in periodic bouts of hysterical laughter -- is more and more being adopted by "White" studio announcers and analysts.

Example one: I can't stand Mark Schlereth as he's always been a down the line supporter of the Caste System party line, but at least he's well-spoken and articulate. But I was watching an NFL Live show the other day and there was a segment by Schlereth in which he literally shouted at the top of his lungs the whole time while giving examples of whatever it was his segment was about (it was otherwise so forgettable that I don't even remember the topic). He should have been wearing a sideways ballcap and saggy pants hanging down to his knees, really pathetic, degrading stuff, except that it's probably impossible to make Schlereth feel degraded.

Then today, I was briefly watching a fantasy football show on the NFL Network, and there was a segment called "That Helps No One" which focused on touchdowns by players that no one started on their fantasy teams yesterday (Riley Cooper's touchdown was one of the ones shown). Again, the narrator was literally yelling at the top of his lungs the entire time, and then, after the touchdown by a non-star was shown, he and the other three boys in the studio (two white and one black) would scream in unison "That helps no one!!!!"

Another example is the NFL Network just as the 1:00 games are about to begin. Rabbi Rich Eisen stands in front of a large screen showing various teams emerging from the tunnel onto the field and yells "The (Bills) are COMING OUT OF THE TUNNEL!!!!!" while his fellow clowns (usually some combination of Sapp, Irvin, "Mooch," Faulk and Warner) all scream it in unison with him.

It's really embarrassing, infantile behavior that would never be on display in an homogeneous White society. Just as football, basketball and baseball have moved away from the fundamentals in order to pander to the black "style of play," so White announcers have lowered themselves to the level of shuckin' and jivin' minstrels on the network football shows.

Nice post.

I usually don’t have NFL Network with my TV package, but it was free in September, so I’ve been watching over the past two weeks or so. I, too, have noticed the random fits of hysterical laughter (when nothing remotely humorous is uttered), five people permanently speaking at once, the infantile behavior, the constant joking around, the high-volume roaring for no reason, the ceaseless high-fiving, the invariable confusing and mispronunciation of various player names, the putrid grammar, the endless mumbling, and the overall lack of actual football analysis/knowledge. A new segment (complete with Ebonics-flavored title: “U Know It”) featuring Sapp and Irvin debuted this season. I mean, really, what adult male, of any race, age, or creed, wouldn’t be annoyed by something as inane as this…


This laughable segment wasn't merely some silly aberration from their normal, this eyebrow-raising brand of should-be-embarrassing, Afrocentric absurdity is entirely normal for NFLN programming.

Aside from a few NFLN employees at the higher end of the IQ spectrum (Mike Mayock, Brain Baldinger, Jay Glazer, Solomon Wilcotts, etc), few of them articulate anything concerning impending match-ups that an average DWF couldn’t. When it comes time to “pick” the winners, they normally all just pick the team that is favored to win.

I was watching some idiotic segment starring Heath Evans, who speaks and acts like a wigger whilst providing his ultra-generic “analysis.” Evans said something like: “I played with Walter Jones in Seattle and he was the most athletic man I’ve ever known.” Kurt Warner, the effeminate Jesus-freak, also has a “Negro twang” to his voice and imparts nothing but Caston commentary.
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During this years hall of fame game, one of the white commentators made a remark about getting Ray Guy into the hall of fame. I don't remember the exact conversation, but Warren Sapp was not in agreement. When asked why he did not support getting Ray Guy into the hall of fame, Sapp stated something to the effect, that "if any punter needs to get into the hall, it needs to be Reggie Roby". I thought about that for a minute and could not think of one reason why he picked Roby as a hall of fame punter.
I usually don’t have NFL Network with my TV [COLOR=#009900 !important]package[/COLOR], but it was free in September, so I’ve been watching over the past two weeks or so. I, too, have noticed the random fits of hysterical laughter (when nothing remotely humorous is uttered), five people permanently speaking at once, the infantile behavior, the constant joking around, the high-volume roaring for no reason, the ceaseless high-fiving, the invariable confusing and mispronunciation of various player names, the putrid grammar, the endless mumbling, and the overall lack of actual football analysis/knowledge. A new segment (complete with Ebonics-flavored title: “U Know Itâ€￾) featuring Sapp and Irvin debuted this season. I mean, really, what adult male, of any race, age, or creed, wouldn’t be annoyed by something as inane as this…

A couple of years ago NFL Network had a Thursday night match with Bryant Gumbel doing play-by-play with Deion Sanders and Marshall Faulk along side him.:icon_rolleyes: I think that was the night when Sanders mocked one of the players by comparing his movement to a Larry Bird jump shot. As for Michael Irvin, remember his theory on Tony Romo? -
Nice post.

I usually don’t have NFL Network with my TV package, but it was free in September, so I’ve been watching over the past two weeks or so. I, too, have noticed the random fits of hysterical laughter (when nothing remotely humorous is uttered), five people permanently speaking at once, the infantile behavior, the constant joking around, the high-volume roaring for no reason, the ceaseless high-fiving, the invariable confusing and mispronunciation of various player names, the putrid grammar, the endless mumbling, and the overall lack of actual football analysis/knowledge. A new segment (complete with Ebonics-flavored title: “U Know Itâ€￾) featuring Sapp and Irvin debuted this season. I mean, really, what adult male, of any race, age, or creed, wouldn’t be annoyed by something as inane as this…



I appreciate the passion of some of these dopes, but they are a unique breed of NFL (Never Fully Lucid) analysts..
Yeah I heard Hasslebeck on ESPN's Mike & Mike being critical of Griffen, and thought to myself he won't be employed by them for very long.
Twitter Wars: Keith Olbermann vs Tom Sestito's 13-year-old sister

This remind's a bit of when NBC Sports reporter Mike Florio got into a senseless Twitter war with the Jacksonville Jaguars mascot and looked like a total fool.

Tom Sestito of the Vancouver Canucks had a pretty poor night on Monday against the Los Angeles Kings. He played just one second before trying to fight an unwilling Jordan Nolan. He received 27 penalty minutes and never set foot back on the ice the rest of the game. Perhaps the worst game in NHL history.

Keith Olbermann responded by naming Sestito his nightly 'Worst Person in the Sports World' during his truncated, 6 p.m. ET broadcast on Tuesday. Olbermann is airing at 6 p.m. ET every night until the end of the Australian Open....

Sestito comes from a large, hockey-loving family from upstate New York. I've briefly covered his brother Tim during stints with the New Jersey Devils. However, we did not know about the Sestito sister, 13-year-old Victoria. We do now after she bluntly shared her thoughts on Mr. Olbermann.


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Olbermann has a nightly "sports show" on ESPN 2, or is it ESPN 8, that is likely viewed by less than 50,000 people. It's the exact same format as his failed political show on MSNBC, which nobody watched either. He's a pompous leftist with incredibly thin skin.

I remember a local hack writing something critical of Keithy in a Pittsburgh rag 7 or 8 years ago. Anyone else would have just let it slide, but Keithy wrote an endless "rebuttal" in the form of a letter to the editor, defending his "honor."

To finish connecting the dots, this same local Pittsburgh hack is, like Keithy, an insufferable leftist pig. I turned on the radio the other day, only to hear the middle of the rant of the hack -- a morbidly obese, arrogant White prick who calls himself a "super genius" -- who was saying that blacks would instantly take over hockey as soon as they "become interested," leaving only the chess club and "playing the trombone" to "those of the Caucasian persuasion." This is what passes for "super genius" wisdom in Pittsburgh.
Olbermann has a nightly "sports show" on ESPN 2, or is it ESPN 8, that is likely viewed by less than 50,000 people. It's the exact same format as his failed political show on MSNBC, which nobody watched either. He's a pompous leftist with incredibly thin skin.

I remember a local hack writing something critical of Keithy in a Pittsburgh rag 7 or 8 years ago. Anyone else would have just let it slide, but Keithy wrote an endless "rebuttal" in the form of a letter to the editor, defending his "honor."

To finish connecting the dots, this same local Pittsburgh hack is, like Keithy, an insufferable leftist pig. I turned on the radio the other day, only to hear the middle of the rant of the hack -- a morbidly obese, arrogant White prick who calls himself a "super genius" -- who was saying that blacks would instantly take over hockey as soon as they "become interested," leaving only the chess club and "playing the trombone" to "those of the Caucasian persuasion." This is what passes for "super genius" wisdom in Pittsburgh.

Don, do you happen to know the name of this eunuch-flavored human-ordure who actually uttered this on the radio? I’d like to devote a little time towards making his life miserable.

As for Olber(wo)mann, I’d like to think that every person of all races, creeds, sexual orientations, and political affiliations would fundamentally detest this contemptuous, ultra-narcissistic little parasite. Back in August, I wrote about a video clip that Olbermann played on his new ESPN show…

Thrashen said:
Keith Olberwomann's vile new show debuted on ESPN the other day and played a enraging clip of NY Mets 2nd baseman, Daniel Murphy, uttering an imbecilic, Jew-approved explanation for why he's been able to steal so many bases this season.

"I'm hoping the fact that I look like a slow white guy is working in my favor right now!"

Olbermann, who is looking more obese and pomphous than ever, grinned ear-to-ear. With any luck, this self-abhorring ****** (Murphy or Olbermann, take your pick) with encounter a gaggle of Trayvon's in the Big Rotten Apple.

To me personally, the most revolting aspect of this manically-liberal, oft-fired, womanizing, Negro-loving, anti-white, Marxist twerp is the fact that he “self identifies” as German. His name (the one he doesn’t deserve) likely originates from a famous region and castle compound called “Ölber am weißen Wege” (meaning “Ölber on the White Trail”), which is located in Lower Saxony, near the Austrian border.

For the copious volume of shame he brings upon all peoples of Germanic lineage, I’d like to throttle his chubby face down his Marxist gullet...


CAPTION: “Honorary Jews” in Their Infancy


CAPTION: “Honorary Jews” Following 25 Years of Luciferian Service
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Don, do you happen to know the name of this eunuch-flavored human-ordure who actually uttered this on the radio? I’d like to devote a little time towards making his life miserable.

His name is Mark Madden and he works now at 105.9 FM in Pittsburgh, WXDX. He's not all bad in that he loves hockey and occasionally points things out like Mike Tomlin's love for black quarterbacks, but overall he's an obnoxious piggy. This is a flattering picture of him that gives some idea of his girth.

aa-Mark Madden.jpg

Here's from his days when he was trying to make it big as a pro wrestling announcer:

aa-Mark Madden 2.jpg
His name is Mark Madden and he works now at 105.9 FM in Pittsburgh, WXDX. He's not all bad in that he loves hockey and occasionally points things out like Mike Tomlin's love for black quarterbacks, but overall he's an obnoxious piggy. This is a flattering picture of him that gives some idea of his girth.

View attachment 962

Here's from his days when he was trying to make it big as a pro wrestling announcer:

View attachment 963

I've seen Madden a few times on NFL Films/NFL Network programs. His commentary was unexceptional one way or another, mainly from a Steeler Fan perspective.
I've seen Madden a few times on NFL Films/NFL Network programs. His commentary was unexceptional one way or another, mainly from a Steeler Fan perspective.

Madden thought he was going to hit it big some years back. He briefly had a job on a national network as a sidekick announcer for a pro wrestling show, but unfortunately for him the show's script called for him to be beat up by one of the wrestlers and then fired.

Madden talks about strippers all the time and going to strip clubs is his favorite activity, and he makes lots of very crude remarks about anyone and everyone, so not surprisingly he's been labeled as a misogynist by feminist shrews, which is probably the biggest reason he's never made it out of the Pittsburgh market onto a bigger stage.

He has a strong alpha personality, but one with few admirable qualities.
Madden thought he was going to hit it big some years back. He briefly had a job on a national network as a sidekick announcer for a pro wrestling show, but unfortunately for him the show's script called for him to be beat up by one of the wrestlers and then fired.

Madden talks about strippers all the time and going to strip clubs is his favorite activity, and he makes lots of very crude remarks about anyone and everyone, so not surprisingly he's been labeled as a misogynist by feminist shrews, which is probably the biggest reason he's never made it out of the Pittsburgh market onto a bigger stage.

He has a strong alpha personality, but one with few admirable qualities.

Sounds/looks like another fat, overstuffed, egotistical blowhard who needs his (slack) jaw jacked. As for that pinko pansy "Untermann", I'd love 5 minutes alone with him (with a legal "pass" as to what would befall his commie, candy@$$). He's a sanctimonious ultra-d00shbag that begs a good curb-stompin'.
I haven't watched Sports Center in a long time, but since I was puttering around doing other things I put on the hate corporation known as ESPN just to see when/if/how Kvitiva's win for the ages at Wimbledon was covered.

During the 60 minute cycle, there was lots of coverage of the potential movement of black NBA players, particularly Lebron James (but not a second was devoted to the NHL's ongoing free agency period), and lots and lots of "hispanic" baseball players were hyped along with Derek Jeter, and the World Cup was the dominant story (particularly the injured mulatto Brazilian player). Kvitiva was eventually given about 60 seconds some 40 minutes in. If Brutus Williams had played like Petra. . . well, we know it would have been given in-depth coverage.

Same old anti-White, communist ESPN, nothing ever changes, it's as predictable as tomorrow's sunrise.
Speaking of Olbermann, his show regularly gets 0.0 ratings. Wonder how much ESPN is paying him?
Well, I don't know if this is brought up at all in the media, but over the years I've noticed that White people who are muscular and physically fit are that way because they work for it. Meanwhile, I could say that most of the time when a Black person appears muscular and fit, they are just lucky and have the appearance of musculature. As in, if they are fat or pudgy, they will likely always be that way. Meanwhile if they are fit-looking they just have a fast metabolism or something.

That could explain why so often, we see a Black person who looks like they should be really good at sports, end up having absolute garbage stamina, strength, and work ethic.

Oh, and also, ESPN's hosts usually seem to be a bunch of self-hating caste-sluts.
I remember reading that west Africans have fast twitch muscles and almost every other race has slow twitch.

To use a car analogy fast twitch muscles are like nitrous oxide and slow twitch muscles are more like a turbo charger. In the short term you'd rather have the nitrous because it gives a much greater horsepower boost compared to the turbo charger. The problem is that nitrous oxide is useless once it's run out of compressed oxygen but the turbo charger will keep going and going.

This is why NFL has laxed it's substitution rules, if the NFL limited substitutions in the same way that other football codes do then blacks would be out of the sport. This is why people like Saban hate no huddle offenses so much, everything he recruits has **** for stamina.
I haven't watched Sports Center in a long time, but since I was puttering around doing other things I put on the hate corporation known as ESPN just to see when/if/how Kvitiva's win for the ages at Wimbledon was covered.

During the 60 minute cycle, there was lots of coverage of the potential movement of black NBA players, particularly Lebron James (but not a second was devoted to the NHL's ongoing free agency period), and lots and lots of "hispanic" baseball players were hyped along with Derek Jeter, and the World Cup was the dominant story (particularly the injured mulatto Brazilian player). Kvitiva was eventually given about 60 seconds some 40 minutes in. If Brutus Williams had played like Petra. . . well, we know it would have been given in-depth coverage.

Same old anti-White, communist ESPN, nothing ever changes, it's as predictable as tomorrow's sunrise.

I was watching the ball game at the bar and another screen had Sports Center on and I swear they had Lebron James picture on for an hour or two straight. Every time I glanced over they showed his ugly mug, and one thing is for sure, James is one ugly mofo. The graphics were about the teams negotiating with him but surely there isn't enough information on this subject to justify the constant coverage.

ESPN is so insanely driven by their agenda it drives me nuts. Basketball and soccer when king football is not going on and then women's basketball. Hockey-no, baseball yes, but still emphasizing douche bags like that Pig guy. I know the day will come soon when the current model of tv watching is altered for good by the internet and I hope one of the first casualties is the PC sports network.
Michael Wilbon on PTI tonight said Brazil (mostly black and mixed race) is the most aesthetically pleasing team at the World Cup. Yet in their last match they were responsible for the most fouls in what turned out to be a record-breaking (in terms of fouls) night.

Brazil created this climate. It was clear from the beginning of the match that they were going to hack Columbia's best player, James Rodriquez, every time he got the ball. It was a disgraceful display by a bunch of bullies with the referee on their side. "Aesthetically pleasing" my a**.

BTW a day after the epic Wimbledon final that was the top sports news story throughout Europe the tennis was only the fourth item of the day on PTI. LeBron was #1 Carmelo #2.:icon_rolleyes:
Michael Wilbon on PTI tonight said Brazil (mostly black and mixed race) is the most aesthetically pleasing team at the World Cup. Yet in their last match they were responsible for the most fouls in what turned out to be a record-breaking (in terms of fouls) night.

Brazil created this climate. It was clear from the beginning of the match that they were going to hack Columbia's best player, James Rodriquez, every time he got the ball. It was a disgraceful display by a bunch of bullies with the referee on their side. "Aesthetically pleasing" my a**.

BTW a day after the epic Wimbledon final that was the top sports news story throughout Europe the tennis was only the fourth item of the day on PTI. LeBron was #1 Carmelo #2.:icon_rolleyes:

What racist trash double-standard crap from him. If a White announcer had said (predominantly White) Argentina was "the most aesthetically pleasing team" he'd be fired before the night was over and the story would be shoved down our collective pseudo guilty throats 24/7 until it was "the talk at every water cooler, blah, blah, blah, BS".

And the Wimbledon Men's Final was a total classic even if Federer didn't pull it out. And worthless off-season NBA crap takes precedence over the biggest Major in the sport? Granted, tennis has dropped in popularity in Amerika without top stars on the Men's side but c'mon. Who gives a flying rat's behind what LeBrown the overrated, overhyped punk does or where he signs and the same for the doubly over-rated ball-hog no-defense playing wussy Anthony? I don't. To heck with that entire League office and their mouthpiece BSPN, their usual cohorts, and their agenda in toto.

And back to Wimbledon, if somehow in a dreamworld Tsonga had made the Final (not in this life) even to lose we'd be under a total blitzkrieg hearing about it and how many DWFs are worshiping his rise to "new heights"...

BSPN is an entity worthy of disdain to the hilt. I'm glad I cut all cable, satellite, and the whole propaganda machine over 15 years ago. I wish everyone would do the same. Cut the money supply (cut off the snakes head...).
When he said "aesthetically pleasing" he meant their style of play. But anyone who has actually watched the matches knows there has been nothing beautiful about Brazil's style of soccer. I'm hoping they get knocked out on Tuesday.
When he said "aesthetically pleasing" he meant their style of play. But anyone who has actually watched the matches knows there has been nothing beautiful about Brazil's style of soccer. I'm hoping they get knocked out on Tuesday.
If he were White and said something to the effect of the scenario I gave, it wouldn't matter what he "meant" or didn't mean. His career would be over.
American Freedom News