Another ESPN jerk

I've been watching ESPN for a long time now and I've noticed their female anchors almost always fit into two categories: They are either pretty white (gentile) women or are merely average looking (at best) Jewish (i.e Linda Cohn & Dana Jacobson) or black women....seems to be very little variation, except, perhaps, some of the white women that do play-by-play are former ex-female athletes at the college/pro level. Or, like Hannah Storm, who is attractive for her age, come from a powerful sports family -- her dad was the Commish of the old ABA (Mike Storen) and her husband is Dan Hicks.

But along came Lindsay Czarniak, who's very likely Polish Catholic and absolutely "average looking", at best.


Today, she was talking to Stephen A. Smiff from Miami and getting pretty giddy talking to the proud brother, so I decided to do a quick google search to see why the Cult-Marxists over at ESPN would hire such an average (ugly?), non-Jewish Jane. My "first guess", was she was either an All-American softball player or recently married to some high ranking executive at ESPN.

Within 2 minutes I very likely found the answer at the bottom of her Wiki page:

Czarniak married WRC-TV reporter & weekend anchor Craig Melvin on October 15, 2011 in Washington.

Next, I clicked on her "husbands" wiki page link and just as I figured, after years of toiling at local stations, Czarniak got a huge pay-raise and promotion to a national media outlet when it became known she was marrying a well-known African-American News Anchor:

The Washington Com-Post even has put up their Wedding Album for all the DWF's to see

This is similar to the Steve Berthuiame story, who toiled as an obscure weekend anchor for small network affiliates for decades in Hartford, Pensecola, Providence and other places, only to be quickly hired by ESPN when he married (in his 40's) their mulatto WNBA anchor Cindy Brunson. Not only is "Bertie" on Sports Center, but he's the face of Baseball Tonight, along with Karl The-Bad-Toupee wearing Lonsman.


Who said Race-Mixing was bad for your career? Not at ESPN, I suppose?
Is Cindy Brunson mixed with black? That came as a surprise to me.
Racial treason pays big dividends w/ the cultmarx pro-caste networks. :thumbdown:
Racial treason pays big dividends w/ the cultmarx pro-caste networks. :thumbdown:

Yes sir, Dixie, that was the exact point of my post in this thread. I know Don doesn't like when posters start up with the "Mudshark" stuff, or whatever...I respect that, but I felt I needed to point out I see a bit of an obvious trend here. Just like Hollyweird liberals know it's good for their careers to adopt kids from Africa, it seems like word is getting out in every crappy little town in America that even lowly weekend sportscasters at network affiliates can significantly boost their careers, by being obvious race-mixers. I find it strange. Almost as strange and offensive as seeing Lindsay the skank's male family members (brothers?) walking behind a bunch of smiling Uncle Toms (like 3 white peon dregs) in the "wedding album" posted by the Washington Com-Post :thumbdown:

By the way, I noticed Sara Walsh was sort of "average looking" (and I'm being nice saying 'average') on ESPN...I'm scared to look her up. My guess is she's either half-Jewish or has a black husband...I'll leave that for another day....

As far as Cindy Brunson, I can't imagine how she could be not be seen as an obvious mulatto? First of all, every Brunson I've ever seen in sports (and in general) is black and her complexion clearly show she's not white, or even Mexican (ala Michelle Tafoya)...The posters over at claim she's black/German

Lindsay was considered the "hottest" girl on TV by all the jock sniffers in the Washington, D.C. area. A popular radio show used to drool over her when she gave them a few minutes of her time.

She epitomizes the new reality, however- she was already more famous than Melvin, so she clearly didn't choose him because of his money or position.
She epitomizes the new reality, however- she was already more famous than Melvin, so she clearly didn't choose him because of his money or position.

Fair points Big Unreal. Perhaps she was/is more famous than than her Uncle Tom "husband". But, my point was did her engagement to a well known black broadcaster get her a job (promotion) at ESPN, like it seems to have done with Steve Berthuiame who toiled in obscurity (almost into his 40's) until he married mulatto Cindy Brunson?

Look at the timeline: Her and the self-hating Tom got engaged on April 11th, 2011...She announced she was leaving for ESPN on June 23, 2011. The woman was already in her mid 30's and had been on TV for a while and never had full time national exposure -- only had a few cameo's on NBC and TNT in over a decade in the business. Doesn't it seem odd this "Plain Jane" "suddenly" gets her promotion (to national TV) right after being engaged? And, per my google search, it seems the "engagement" was big news in D.C...Big enough news to be splashed all over the local gossip sections and national broadcasting trade publications.

As far as her being "hot", I guess that's subjective. She does remind me of a certain, celebrity, however:

Truthteller, who or what is that hideous mug in your avatar? :icon_eek: :scared:
Dixie, I got sick of my last avatar (Tiki Barber and the Shimone Peres) and needed a change. Until I can find another one (hopefully real soon), I decided to go with America's new sports folk hero "RGIII"....Word is he has a great smile and can easily charm the jock sniffers and DWF's..
I'd never seen that black quarterback sans helmet..& that's a good thing. That joker looks like he starts every morning with a bowl of lugnuts...before embarking on his favorite hobby of chasing parked cars.
About a month ago, I saw Czarniak “wiggering around” on ESPN while chatting with her co-anchor that night (Indian newcomer, “Zubin Mehenti,” I believe). I forget what specific “ghetto slang” was being uttered, but I was disgusted by her inane antics. And, until Truthteller’s revealing post, I had no clue that she signed a contract with the “Professional Mud Wrestling” circuit…


CAPTION: The Queen of Disgrace

Truthteller said:
Almost as strange and offensive as seeing Lindsay the skank's male family members (brothers?) walking behind a bunch of smiling Uncle Toms (like 3 white peon dregs) in the "wedding album" posted by the Washington Com-Post :thumbdown:

Those wedding photos contain some truly perplexing imagery. Another emaciated, dog-faced white corporate female, with the inexorable aid of cradle-to-grave assistance from all members of this negro-venerating BraveNewWorld, happens to select the most disagreeable-looking mate possible. And no one, even the “men” in her own family, take issue with this matter...


CAPTION: Othello & Desdemona, Hopefully w/ a Similar Ending

Truthteller said:
Look at the timeline: Her and the self-hating Tom got engaged on April 11th, 2011...She announced she was leaving for ESPN on June 23, 2011. The woman was already in her mid 30's and had been on TV for a while and never had full time national exposure -- only had a few cameo's on NBC and TNT in over a decade in the business. Doesn't it seem odd this "Plain Jane" "suddenly" gets her promotion (to national TV) right after being engaged?

Nice research, man. You’re probably right on all accounts.

Bigunreal said:
Lindsay was considered the "hottest" girl on TV by all the jock sniffers in the Washington, D.C. area. A popular radio show used to drool over her when she gave them a few minutes of her time.

I don’t find this chick to be “hot” at all, but it would figure that most new-age males would. Her skeletal facial features, her mini-tits, her chicken-legs, her pronounched chin, and her nonexistent ass / hips is closer to a transvestite than a real woman. Thankfully, at nearly 35 years old, this oh-so-archetypal “career woman” (who finally obtained her “dream job”) is likely to be lacking in the fertility department as well as the desire for future motherhood. Actually, I kind of feel sorry for her Negro husband...he seems like a much nicer person that his rotten bride.

Don Wassall said:
My football watching buddies and I used to always say "predator" any time a black player with that hideous hairstyle was shown.
Haha, I normally use “tarantula legs.”
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Here are 4 mumbling idiots doing their best to boost the already overstretched ego of Griffin after the Cousins pick:

Jaworski is one of the biggest caste whores out there. Personally I think Cousins will wear on Griffin and get into his psyche. Cousins is a strong personality with great leadership skills (ie. charisma...but only affletes are granted that gift and given that label according to BSPN).
Mike Shanahan and Dan Snyder = a bad mix, hardly anything out of the ordinary during the endless Snyder Caste System Reign of Error.

I see the drafting of Cousins almost as a middle finger by Shanahan to Snyder, considering how much the Redskins gave up just to draft Griffin. Media-loved black QBs aren't supposed to have serious competition. Shanahan wanted to coach again, but he's far more constrained in Washington than he ever was in Denver. One of them will have to go and it won't be Snyder.
That is strange, Don. I've always been wary of the gambling ads that are near ubiquitous on sports radio these days. I steer clear of gambling anyway, but a lot of those folks just come across like sleazebags.
Curious story involving yet another bizarre ESPN hire.

ESPN Fires Mysterious Sports Gambling Columnist After Fraud and Extortion Allegations Surface Online

Read more:

ESPN is a disgrace. It is now home to loads of affirmative action blacks in every conceivable position, from anchors to so-called analysts to columnists, even in sports where black participation is virtually zero. Not far behind are many unqualified women, manginas, homosexuals, and of course negrophile whites who are the textbook definition of what a DWF really is. Chris Mortensen is the only decent and tolerable personality I can think of. And sadly, this dreadful organization has all the power to shape the sports narrative in this country.
Hockey is thriving in spite of a near white-out of the NHL by ESPN. ESPN is so relentlessly over the top with its "political correctness" and so obsessed with black athletes and Caste System-engineered "black" sports that it will eventually lose influence and credibility like the rest of the dinosaur media, and that process may be well underway already.
Smiff needs to put down the crackrock & Thunderbird. Without the PEDs, Bonds was an above average to "good" player...not HOF worthy.
I've seen this Lindsay Czarniak broad on ESPN lately and had no idea she's married to some black dude. I thought the brothas like big-ass girls not anorexic ones with big noses looking like Pinocchio.
I don't know if John Clayton, who wrote the article, is the jerk in this instance but someone at ESPN who choose the corresponding image is. Only 4 (5 if Russell Wilson wins the Seattle job) out of 30 starting quarterbacks are negros, however 2 out of 4 are shown in the "NFL quarterback ranking" photo.


This is no way a coincidence or me being paranoid. This is designed to give the illusion that blacks are prevailing at the QB position as well. However, when reading the rankings, Vick is #9 and Newton #15. Scam is not even in the "elite" portion of the list, which consists of 13 QBs in Clayton's opinion, so why was he selected? And Vick, coming off a bad, injury filled year? Peyton only came in at #6 but he's a future HOF making his first team change. He's also dominated the off season media talk so he's "buzz-worthy". It's sort of like commercials and advertisements that have negro black quarterbacks. Can't possibly show 4 White QBs, even if they are the best as you rank them.......Just more pro-black propaganda by the jerks at ESPN.
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I don't know if Clayton wrote that article either but he really does favor the black quarterback if you ever read any articles or watch him when he takes about black QBs. I cant stand him.
I've got a news flash for whichever BSPN pro-caste hack wrote that mess...ConVick most certainly is NOT a top 10 QB.
Mark May is unabashedly a pro-black black quarterback pusher. Anytime he picks games involving a black QB he hypes them up and than picks their team to win.
Michael Wilbon sort of made the argument that Robert Griffin III was more impressive this season than Andrew Luck due to Luck having an All Pro receiver to throw it to whereas RGIII had to do it all...or something like that. I only caught a bit of it. I haven't really seen Luck play so I don't know but with Wilbon he's become more and more strident (ie racial) every time I hear him. Maybe he was always like that but I just didn't pick up on it at first.
Michael Wilbon sort of made the argument that Robert Griffin III was more impressive this season than Andrew Luck due to Luck having an All Pro receiver to throw it to whereas RGIII had to do it all...or something like that. I only caught a bit of it. I haven't really seen Luck play so I don't know but with Wilbon he's become more and more strident (ie racial) every time I hear him. Maybe he was always like that but I just didn't pick up on it at first.

He's always been like that just like Stephen A.Smiff and just about every other black announcer and talk show host. I literally can't believe that some forum members will give credit to Smiff or Wilbon when they praise a white athlete. They simply do this to not look overtly racist to the DWF's. Smiff and Wilbon should be marching with the New Black Panthers.
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