Another ESPN jerk

Michael Wilbon sort of made the argument that Robert Griffin III was more impressive this season than Andrew Luck due to Luck having an All Pro receiver to throw it to whereas RGIII had to do it all...or something like that. I only caught a bit of it. I haven't really seen Luck play so I don't know but with Wilbon he's become more and more strident (ie racial) every time I hear him. Maybe he was always like that but I just didn't pick up on it at first.

I saw this too. I laughed to myself because in the offseason the media was saying the Redskins were doing a great job surrounding Griffin with all the weapons to set him up for more instant success. Everyone said Andrew Luck was going to struggle due to his supporting cast. Now the script has been flipped and Luck is having early success so they need to place the credit on Reggie Wayne and complain that Griffin does not a hall of fame WR when the Redskins went out in free agency and spent big on overrated WRs Garcon and Morgan.
Saw two minutes of Wilbon on PTI today. A recap: Wilbon says RG III is the NFL MVP so far; Gronkowski is not that good - though Kornheiser disagreed and read out his stats; and, something is really wrong in Carolina - IOW you can't just blame Cam Newton.:thumbdown: That's when I turned it off.
Saw two minutes of Wilbon on PTI today. A recap: Wilbon says RG III is the NFL MVP so far; Gronkowski is not that good - though Kornheiser disagreed and read out his stats; and, something is really wrong in Carolina - IOW you can't just blame Cam Newton.:thumbdown: That's when I turned it off.

I barely watch ESPN anymore. I used to love watching Sportscenter during the 90's in high s school but can't take it anymore. Wilbon is a prick just like all the other black racists and self loathing white pigs they hire.
Scott Torgerson, a sports talk show host at 97.1 FM in Columbus, an ESPN affiliate, is fired after tweeting that he wished that Magical Negro Desmond Howard "would get fired or die" so that he could again watch ESPN's College Game Day. 97.1 is the flagship station for Ohio State athletics, and Howard of course played for OSU's arch-rival Michigan.

There was nothing racial involved, but if Torgerson had tweeted the same tweet about a White announcer would he have been fired? Nope.

From reading some of the comments, it appears good ol' Caste whore Kirk Herbstreit was instrumental in getting Torgerson fired. Kirk undoubtedly shed many tears thinking of the extreme danger Desmond and his family were in as a result of Torgerson's tweet.
From reading some of the comments, it appears good ol' Caste whore Kirk Herbstreit was instrumental in getting Torgerson fired. Kirk undoubtedly shed many tears thinking of the extreme danger Desmond and his family were in as a result of Torgerson's tweet.
Kirk is most likely upset that his latest black quarterback steady, Geno Smiff, is tanking right now in the race for the Heisman, so he may very well be in a defensive and protective position for anyone that reminds him of him, as most boyfriends are want to do. So, I will cut him some slack on this one. But I do wonder if he would also stand up for his own sons, like he has for Desmond, if one of them dared to try out for RB, WR, or CB on their pee wee, middle school, or high school football team...or if instead they would be punished and told to stand in the corner for having such desires...
It figures that the first White running back prospect ever hyped by ESPN isn't even male. Yeah, it's a tongue in cheek piece, but it's also appropriate given that it fits in with this subverted society's "girls rule, boys drool" ethos.

After watching the video, I think she lacks burst, and her hips look tight. I'm shocked that Kiper didn't have something to say about her arm length. She might make a good fullback and special teams player. Bring her on as a preferred walkon.

The media has loved this garbage ever since Billy Jean King beat a 55 year old Bobby Riggs in tennis.
After watching the video, I think she lacks burst, and her hips look tight. I'm shocked that Kiper didn't have something to say about her arm length. She might make a good fullback and special teams player. Bring her on as a preferred walkon.

The media has loved this garbage ever since Billy Jean King beat a 55 year old Bobby Riggs in tennis.
Surprisingly many people had negative things to say about her. A common thing I heard say was "well of course she is doing well now, girls mature earlier than guys". I wonder if they ever realized that with blacks and Whites, that blacks start puberty and mature earlier than Whites on average.

Wasn't sure where to post this at but Mike and Mike in the morning was blaring on and former coach Dan Dakich just admitted to picking up a player's gum that he just chewed and spit out, and started chewing it himself, in his words, to somehow bond with the team. I am not familiar with him as a coach and if his teams were dark but that just shows how weird some of these coaches are.
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Surprisingly many people had negative things to say about her. A common thing I heard say was "well of course she is doing well now, girls mature earlier than guys". I wonder if they ever realized that with blacks and Whites, that blacks start puberty and mature earlier than Whites on average.

Wasn't sure where to post this at but Mike and Mike in the morning was blaring on and former coach Dan Dakich just admitted to picking up a player's gum that he just chewed and spit out, and started chewing it himself, in his words, to somehow bond with the team. I am not familiar with him as a coach and if his teams were dark but that just shows how weird some of these coaches are.

I think it's fine that girls play when they are younger. I also think that flag football could be a great sport through high school for girls. They do mature faster on average, but still don't outshine the boys overall. Some can compete at a high level, and it's good though about the 5th grade. I coach in a flag league, and last year we actually had some romantic intrigue on the team. We used it as motivation for blocking. This year I had a lineman tell me in the huddle that he wasn't completely comfortable with blocking a girl. He got comfortable with the idea before we snapped the ball. We also had a girl ask if she could lie on her registration form to get to play another year. Kids are a trip.

Blacks do mature faster on average, and are also older for their grade on average. Those are just scientific and sociological facts. That's a huge double advantage in sports all the way through high school. I believe that the years that Mormons have to serve as missionaries allows BYU's white players to "catch up", and I think that military service once did the same thing on a wider scale. I laugh when I hear the term "upside" applied to black players. They are fully mature. There is no more "upside".

There are some strange birds in the coaching ranks. Even many of the ones we think of as being smart are bizarre.
Ron Jaworski and Merril Hoge are two of the biggest caste whores out there. They are throwing Alex Smith under the bus - saying that Kapernick is so much better than him and denigrating Alex Smith's abilities. I can't wait to see that quoataback fail down the stretch.
Gruden and Tirico are pretty unbearable too. Both touting the new generation of "dynamic QBs" - must be a talking point memo the whole network is required to recite.
Gruden and Tirico are pretty unbearable too. Both touting the new generation of "dynamic QBs" - must be a talking point memo the whole network is required to recite.

There are lots of rumors that Gruden will be the Philadelphia Eagles coach next year. If that transpires we'll no longer have to listen to him on ESPN. The return to the booth of Jaworski perhaps?
There are lots of rumors that Gruden will be the Philadelphia Eagles coach next year. If that transpires we'll no longer have to listen to him on ESPN. The return to the booth of Jaworski perhaps?

Jaworski isn't any better. He is just as bad and enjoys touting the negro QBs.
Apparently, Robert Griffin 3 isn't "black enough" I am laughing my ass off at these idiots.

"Nobody will ever mistake ESPN's "First Take" show with anything remotely resembling insightful, important, or accurate journalism. The trainwreck bookmarked by Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith has adopted the slogan "Embrace Debate" to put a nice little hat on the fact that the show is actually the kind of dreck that makes the worst political commentary programs look like great television. As a result, it's tough to come on that show and actually be an embarrassment.

Frequent ESPN talking head Rob Parker, however, went out of his way to do so when the subject of Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III came up on Thursday morning. Parker decided that it was the appropriate time to bring up whether Griffin was black enough or not. No, really. We'll just let the video and transcript roll.

"I've talked to some people in Washington, D.C. Some people in [Griffin's] press conferences. Some people I've known for a long time. My question, which is just a straight, honest question, is ... is he a 'brother,' or is he a cornball 'brother?' He's not really ... he's black, but he's not really down with the cause. He's not one of us. He's kind of black, but he's not really like the guy you'd want to hang out with. I just want to find out about him. I don't know, because I keep hearing these things. He has a white fiancé, people talking about that he's a Republican ... there's no information at all. I'm just trying to dig deeper into why he has an issue. Tiger Woods was like, 'I have black skin, but don't call me black.' People wondered about Tiger Woods early on -- about him."
Apparently, Robert Griffin 3 isn't "black enough" I am laughing my ass off at these idiots.

"Nobody will ever mistake ESPN's "First Take" show with anything remotely resembling insightful, important, or accurate journalism. The trainwreck bookmarked by Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith has adopted the slogan "Embrace Debate" to put a nice little hat on the fact that the show is actually the kind of dreck that makes the worst political commentary programs look like great television. As a result, it's tough to come on that show and actually be an embarrassment.

Frequent ESPN talking head Rob Parker, however, went out of his way to do so when the subject of Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III came up on Thursday morning. Parker decided that it was the appropriate time to bring up whether Griffin was black enough or not. No, really. We'll just let the video and transcript roll.

"I've talked to some people in Washington, D.C. Some people in [Griffin's] press conferences. Some people I've known for a long time. My question, which is just a straight, honest question, is ... is he a 'brother,' or is he a cornball 'brother?' He's not really ... he's black, but he's not really down with the cause. He's not one of us. He's kind of black, but he's not really like the guy you'd want to hang out with. I just want to find out about him. I don't know, because I keep hearing these things. He has a white fiancé, people talking about that he's a Republican ... there's no information at all. I'm just trying to dig deeper into why he has an issue. Tiger Woods was like, 'I have black skin, but don't call me black.' People wondered about Tiger Woods early on -- about him."

Obviously we know that these comments by the affirmative action hire weren't prescripted. He'll get away with it though. They always do until whites start to demand the firing of these racist clowns.
Obviously we know that these comments by the affirmative action hire weren't prescripted. He'll get away with it though. They always do until whites start to demand the firing of these racist clowns.

Really strange words coming from Rob Parker, but it's nothing new coming from him. He's typical. I usually try and stomach some of ESPN's first take, but missed all of it today. Saw his comments on Fox's Sean Hannity Show, not a huge fan of Hannity, but at least he's calling out Parker on his racist comments.

What's sad is that the "WIMP," Skip "Spineless" Bayless, a sad excuse for a white man sits there and takes it like the little "boy" he really is!

I hope one day that ESPN will slip up and put a White Athlete on First Take that will stand up to these black racists!
Lately on espn radio i've been hearing a quick spot by a john finestein. Then i'm always hearng about an adam schector(something like that) just how many members of the inner party(jewish fellows) are commentators?
Parker is a little jealous of all the hype RG3 is getting, so he took a (personal) dig. Any black athlete who doesn't embrace that "culture" (to some degree) will be thought of or labeled a "tom" or "oreo". I remember hearing those labels directed towards David Robinson & Tony Gwynn. It's quite the detremental mindset.
Parker's comments could be a great jumping off point into what is wrong withe blacks in america but rather than expose this type of mentality as dysfunctional, racist and basically the reason blacks are they way they are in america, BSPN just decided to suspend the guy and sweep it under the rug.
Parker is a little jealous of all the hype RG3 is getting, so he took a (personal) dig. Any black athlete who doesn't embrace that "culture" (to some degree) will be thought of or labeled a "tom" or "oreo". I remember hearing those labels directed towards David Robinson & Tony Gwynn. It's quite the detremental mindset.

Ain't that the truth, Dixie! I expect more "thoughts" from the "worlds greatest affletes."
I disagree with most here, in the sense that I fully support Rod Parker. What did he do wrong, except suggest Griffin is a bit of an Uncle Tom? Seems to be 100% correct to me.

First of all, why was the question ("is Griffin black enough") even brought up, if Parker had to answer it in a politically correct fashion? I've watched that lame show, which usually features 3 or 4 blacks and the effeminate white goy Skip Bayliss all arguing like idiots over every stupid topic imaginable. It doesn't even seem real. It's almost as if it's been scripted by ESPN's Jewish producers to make sure there is an intense debate on each and every subject. So if Bayliss and the others showed outright "love" for Griffin, it stands to reason someone had to take the bullet and be "anti-Griffin"...Parker took that role, then got suspended for being honest and accurate?

Let's be honest here, Hannity, who has suddenly become pro-illegal alien, is a neo-con a$$hole. He's offended, for what reason, because someone was slightly against race-mixing, which is tantamount to white genocide, in my opinion!

That was Parker's error, I guess. He blasted (in a very subtle way) an Uncle Tom and his mudshark, which is suddenly a crime in Kosher America. The media has worked 24/7 to promote race-mixing for years -- look at the attention mulatto's Ian Johnson (Boise State) and David Nelson (Bills) got for hugging their skanky white cheerleader girlfriends on the sidelines while in uniform. Both became instant media darlings.

For many years, whites have been unable to denounce "race-mixing". Now we've gotten to the point where the Jewish media masters will clamp down on their black slaves that don't jump for joy when they see an Uncle Tom and his mudshark...Look at how black actor Eric LaSalle was treated in Hollywood when he refused to have a white girlfriend on ER.
I disagree with most here, in the sense that I fully support Rod Parker. What did he do wrong, except suggest Griffin is a bit of an Uncle Tom? Seems to be 100% correct to me.

First of all, why was the question ("is Griffin black enough") even brought up, if Parker had to answer it in a politically correct fashion? I've watched that lame show, which usually features 3 or 4 blacks and the effeminate white goy Skip Bayliss all arguing like idiots over every stupid topic imaginable. It doesn't even seem real. It's almost as if it's been scripted by ESPN's Jewish producers to make sure there is an intense debate on each and every subject. So if Bayliss and the others showed outright "love" for Griffin, it stands to reason someone had to take the bullet and be "anti-Griffin"...Parker took that role, then got suspended for being honest and accurate?

Let's be honest here, Hannity, who has suddenly become pro-illegal alien, is a neo-con a$$hole. He's offended, for what reason, because someone was slightly against race-mixing, which is tantamount to white genocide, in my opinion!

That was Parker's error, I guess. He blasted (in a very subtle way) an Uncle Tom and his mudshark, which is suddenly a crime in Kosher America. The media has worked 24/7 to promote race-mixing for years -- look at the attention mulatto's Ian Johnson (Boise State) and David Nelson (Bills) got for hugging their skanky white cheerleader girlfriends on the sidelines while in uniform. Both became instant media darlings.

For many years, whites have been unable to denounce "race-mixing". Now we've gotten to the point where the Jewish media masters will clamp down on their black slaves that don't jump for joy when they see an Uncle Tom and his mudshark...Look at how black actor Eric LaSalle was treated in Hollywood when he refused to have a white girlfriend on ER.

Valid post Truthteller, especially if you haven't heard much of Rob Parker. Parker's agenda is usually to promote black athletes, coaches, etc. based on race only, not on merit or performance.
Parker is a little jealous of all the hype RG3 is getting, so he took a (personal) dig. Any black athlete who doesn't embrace that "culture" (to some degree) will be thought of or labeled a "tom" or "oreo". I remember hearing those labels directed towards David Robinson & Tony Gwynn. It's quite the detremental mindset.

Exactly. Black dropouts in high school are their own damn fault and not whitey's.
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