Another ESPN jerk

When he said "aesthetically pleasing" he meant their style of play. But anyone who has actually watched the matches knows there has been nothing beautiful about Brazil's style of soccer. I'm hoping they get knocked out on Tuesday.

When I first read that I immediately thought of that ode to Tiki Barber (an instant classic) praising his ZOMG TEH sexayyyyy facial structure or whatever. That was so incredibly gay coming from a male writer. Even women don't think like that.
ESPN with yet another day of 24 hour coverage of Lebron James, Chris Bosh, Carmello Anthony NBA free agency BS (no Kevin Love coverage though). How incredibly boring. All the while Germany plays Brazil today, we have come off a great Wimbleton tournament, and baseball is in full swing - but comparatively very little to no coverage by a channel dedicated just to report sports.
ESPN the Magazine has its annual "Body" issue, featuring naked, primarily negro, athletes. For those of us who would never subscribe or care to look at the magazine, we are still forced to see the images on ESPN's home page. So, normal people who just want to check the box scores, have to see naked Prince Fielder or Venus Williams.
ESPN the Magazine has its annual "Body" issue, featuring naked, primarily negro, athletes. For those of us who would never subscribe or care to look at the magazine, we are still forced to see the images on ESPN's home page. So, normal people who just want to check the box scores, have to see naked Prince Fielder or Venus Williams.
ESPN is the most homosexual sports entity that has ever existed. I would imagine ESPN's readership is 95%+ straight males. Why on God's green earth would their target audience want to see buff photos of men, overly-muscular female athletes and tubby negros like Prince Fielder? How totally gay.

Sports Illustrated on the other hand, features their swimsuit edition every year. In a total contrast it's mostly White, beautiful models in skimpy bikinis in exotic locations. Sure it has nothing to do with sports but it sells to their target audience. I'd imagine the SI swimsuit edition outsells the "Body" edition at least 20-1, if not more.
ESPN the Magazine has its annual "Body" issue, featuring naked, primarily negro, athletes. For those of us who would never subscribe or care to look at the magazine, we are still forced to see the images on ESPN's home page. So, normal people who just want to check the box scores, have to see naked Prince Fielder or Venus Williams.

naked prince fielder? Don't make me barf. He has to earn the title of fattest vegetarian alive. Also he was most likely juicing b/c he hasn't done jack since leaving milwaukee.
I signed up online about nine or ten years ago to ESPN's Insider website material, mainly because I was interested in their fantasy football info at the time. Part of the signing up process required giving a mailing address. I then began to receive ESPN The Magazine even though I never requested it. I never renewed to ESPN's Insider after the one year I signed up for, but continued to receive ESPN The Magazine for about 7 years. I've posted a number of times here about how homosexual it is in orientation, and of course black-centric.

My guess is that the magazine's paid circulation has always been small, and that it goes predominantly to unwitting "subscribers" like me who signed up for something else, and to newsstands where it is browsed but rarely bought.

My favorite sports publication from the time I was a kid was The Sporting News, but that went to crap a number of years ago after the Spinks family, which owned it for about a hundred years, sold it to corporate interests. Like ESPN The Magazine, no one mentions or cares about The Sporting News either. Ultra-liberal Sports Illustrated is the only sports publication left with some good journalism, but SI has reliably served "the agenda" since the beginning of the permanent Cultural Marxist Revolution in the late 1960s.
ESPN is the most homosexual sports entity that has ever existed. I would imagine ESPN's readership is 95%+ straight males. Why on God's green earth would their target audience want to see buff photos of men, overly-muscular female athletes and tubby negros like Prince Fielder? How totally gay.

Sports Illustrated on the other hand, features their swimsuit edition every year. In a total contrast it's mostly White, beautiful models in skimpy bikinis in exotic locations. Sure it has nothing to do with sports but it sells to their target audience. I'd imagine the SI swimsuit edition outsells the "Body" edition at least 20-1, if not more.

No normal white person thinks that the nude black body is any sort of "ideal." That's why the cultural Marxists have to push it so relentlessly, because liking that stuff is just so unnatural. I'd rather look at white female bodies than black male bodies.

Not in a sexual way or anything...

Not that there's anything wrong with that... :pound:
So, normal people who just want to check the box scores, have to see naked Prince Fielder or Venus Williams.
I finally worked up the courage to see what this infamous photo looked like. Well here it is:

:puke:Thanks jews, for destroying America...

So it looks like BSPN is going to be giving Whitlock his own site similar to Grantland. Whitlock has said that he envisions it to be a black grantland. Its a pretty telling article on how BSPN views blacks in terms of viewership which just proves the point as to why it has been non-stop Lebron James coverage this past week. Here is an excerpt from the article by the jewish obudsman over at BSPN:

"If the new moon rises and fulfills the expectations of ESPN president John Skipper, its most prominent champion, it will have the potential of becoming the media empire’s signal social achievement. The rewards for success are enormous, for ESPN, Whitlock, the staff and the audience. It is also the riskiest of the affinity sites. Race is America’s greatest historical problem and its deepest divide. Sports, paradoxically, is the area of greatest visible progress in racial equality as well as greatest hypocrisy. To open a meaningful, ongoing discussion while giving opportunities to a new generation of journalists of color would be an incalculable contribution, well beyond sports.

“We want to be a birthplace for careers,â€￾ says Skipper, who added: “It’s also a commercial move. African-Americans believe ESPN is their TV network, but they are more ambivalent about as their site. We want to be the place to go when the community wants some conversation about Jay Z becoming an agent, about the racial aspects of Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin. African-Americans are big sports fans, and we want that audience.â€￾
I remember reading that west Africans have fast twitch muscles and almost every other race has slow twitch.

To use a car analogy fast twitch muscles are like nitrous oxide and slow twitch muscles are more like a turbo charger. In the short term you'd rather have the nitrous because it gives a much greater horsepower boost compared to the turbo charger. The problem is that nitrous oxide is useless once it's run out of compressed oxygen but the turbo charger will keep going and going.

This is why NFL has laxed it's substitution rules, if the NFL limited substitutions in the same way that other football codes do then blacks would be out of the sport. This is why people like Saban hate no huddle offenses so much, everything he recruits has **** for stamina.

somewhat right, but we wouldn't be able to dominate things like weight lifting if we had less fast twitch, there are two types of fast twitch, type II a and type II b.

"These fast twitch fibers can be further categorized into Type IIa and Type IIb fibers,[SUP][1][/SUP] which are also known as "fast twitch oxidative" and "fast twitch glycolytic," respectively. Type I fibers are characterized by low force/power/speed production and high endurance, Type IIB fibers are characterized by high force/power/speed production and low endurance, while Type IIA fall in between the two.[SUP][2][/SUP]
"[h=2]"Type IIA Fibers Edit[/h] Type IIA fibers, or fast oxidative fibers, are used more during sustained power activities such as sprinting 400 meters or doing repeated lifts with a weight below maximum (but not with very light weights).[SUP][6][/SUP] They contain very large amounts of myoglobin. Type II A fibers are red, unlike Type II B fibers, which are white. Type IIA fibers have a very high capacity for generating ATP by oxidative metabolic processes, and split ATP at a very rapid rate. They have a fast contraction velocity and are resistant to fatigue. [SUP][7][/SUP]

[h=2]Type IIB Fibers[/h] Type IIb fast-twitch fibers, or fast glycolytic fibres (also known as Type IIx), are recruited for very short-duration high-intensity bursts of power such as maximal and near-maximal lifts and short sprints.[SUP][6][/SUP] Type IIB fibres contain a low content of myoglobin, relatively few mitochondria, relatively few blood capillaries and large amounts glycogen. Type II B fibres are white, while Type I (slow twitch) fibers are red. Type IIB fibers are geared to generate ATP by anaerobic metabolic processes, however, they are not able to supply skeletal muscle fibres continuously with sufficient ATP, and fatigue easily
ATP at a fast rate and have a fast contraction velocity. Such fibers are found in large numbers in the muscles of the arms."

we probably have more type IIa. they say it is possible with enough exercise that type IIb can be transformed to type IIa so it seems to be the ideal muscle to have because your right, the burst of strength really does only last as long as nitrous
ESPN: The Obama White House's favorite media outlet

Obama has been hitting the links quite often this spring and summer. Some of his guests? Kornheiser and Wilbon. Obama headed to the TPC Potomac golf club, a championship course, with Wilbon on Saturday. In late June, Obama golfed with Kornheiser and others at Fort Belvoir in Virginia. Last year he hit the links with both men — in July, for Kornheiser's birthday, and again in September.
Can't stand any of those guys or golf.
and as for ESPN a new generation of colored writers? Lol c'mon ask Obama and wilbon how the young blacks in Chicago spend their time. Shooting at each other comes to mind not writing stories or books! That's laughable.
Jemele hill,bomani Jones, Pablo Torre, Israel Gutierrez Michael smith all new hip and diverse which the show around the horn wants. No young white men being promoted by ESPN but im sure we're just over reacting. Only whites on that show are all old: bob Ryan,woody Paige, bill plaschkw(jew) and Tim cowlishaw.
ESPN with yet another day of 24 hour coverage of Lebron James, Chris Bosh, Carmello Anthony NBA free agency BS (no Kevin Love coverage though). How incredibly boring. All the while Germany plays Brazil today, we have come off a great Wimbleton tournament, and baseball is in full swing - but comparatively very little to no coverage by a channel dedicated just to report sports.

I refuse to watch ESPN any longer and I do not know why any white person that is not a cultural Marxist or DWF does. I will admit that sometimes I watch it when I want to see a live sporting event that is on ESPN exclusively. I will never watch any of their regular programs again. ESPN programming is a celebration of everything wrong with our society. I am certain that a lot of DWF acceptance and usage of ghetto slang began when Stuart Scott became an anchor on Sportscenter.

I try to get my sports news from other outlets as much as I can. Because I have absolutely zero interest in the NBA I elude a lot of the league's coverage. MLB network is where I get almost all of my sports news from April to August because baseball is really the only game that interests me at that time. Quick Pitch is a great highlight show that is almost always anchored by a pleasant looking white lady who refrains from using slang while describing the action.

My interest in the NFL is slowly fading. It is difficult to watch NFLN thanks to the people that network presents for its pregame and highlight studio shows. Warren Sapp, Deion Sanders, and Michael Irvin are unbearable. I still enjoy watching the games, but getting news is becoming a problem. Since ESPN is unwatchable and NFLN has become that way for a lot of their programming, there really is not much of an option to get highlights and analysis that is not insulting towards the white players and non-DWFs.

I have really started to dislike college football over the past few years as black quarterbacks have become the norm and colleges are gladly ruining their campuses with their "student athletes". College football is DWF heaven. There are a ton of DWFs who do not even watch the NFL and do not understand or enjoy the tactical strategies of the game who LOVE college football. It is a slap in the face to every real student at those colleges when these players who can barely read are given full scholarships and are referred to as "students".

The NCAA is a complete joke. DWF college fans should be ashamed of themselves. Those who have children, especially daughters, and send them to those schools while supporting the NCAA and its events could wind up reaping what they sew.

I recently read Paul Kersey's book on college football and I think I may stop watching it altogether. I love the game of football. It is a shame it is being ruined the way it is.
ESPN's Michael Wilbon brings up the influence of the 'Religious Right' in the NFL with regards to Michael Sam.


I'd no idea the mostly black NFL was a hot bed of right wing politics.:wacko:
ESPN's Michael Wilbon brings up the influence of the 'Religious Right' in the NFL with regards to Michael Sam.

Over the past week or so, ESPN has been visiting all 32 NFL training camps. Yesterday, a female ESPN anchor said something like: “And tomorrow, we’ll be visiting St. Louis Rams training camp, so of course we’ll have all the latest on the progress of Michael Sam.”

Homosexuals covet the Cultural Marxist version of “social equality” in Western Nations…which means that their special interest group are always the center of attention, fawned over, babied, legislated for, lobbied for, and universally praised and defended at all times. Isn’t “equality” great?

And what “religious right” is he referring to? The Zionist Christians who possess an unconditional love for everyone by themselves? The Catholic Church, who is lead by the homosexual-supremacist, globalist, multicultralist, Negro-loving Marxist parasite, Pope Francis...


Yes, I’m sure they’ll all be picketing this black homosexual who is a fringe NFL prospect.
I stopped watching ESPN and MTV over 25 years ago. They way they fawned over liberal democratic politicians was clue to stop watching their crap.
two things, one not espn

from weenie world
Second-year ILB Paul Worrilow is embracing a leadership role in the wake of LB Sean Weatherspoon's season-ending Achilles' injury.
A 2013 UFDA out of Delaware, Worrilow was forced into early action last season because of injuries. He held his own, recording a team-leading 127 tackles, two sacks, and a pass breakup. Worrilow has a long way to go before he is a quality real-life linebacker, but he is a solid LB2 in IDP formats. Jul 5 - 9:42 AM


and i had one espn the other day, im actually going to write them, numbers never lie show, with two blacks, the most racist thing I have ever seen Bashing Wes Welker saying he needs to retire but they really "Care for the little dude" and made up stuff about how he probably had more than 3 through his career even though I know of none before the Broncos. Also said Kirk Cousins was garbage. It was funny how they tried to sound intelligent when discussing things but yet for what the show is about, didnt really use any numbers/stats.
dwid that weenieworld blurb is beyond ignorant. Paul Worrilow's rookie season was better than any of Weatherspoon's 5 seasons in the league. It's crazy how people don't see this.
The NHL section of espn has an article on NHL players involved in serious crime. They even mention because of Ray Rice they researched this. Funny thing is the last incident was in 2007. This s&1t happens every week in the NFL.
I don’t usually have the “NFL Network,” but it’s always free for a few weeks on my TV package at the beginning of each NFL season. This past Sunday, I was watching NFLN’s everybody-talk-at-once show, “NFL Gameday Highlights,” starring Deion Sanders, Rich Eisen, and Chris Rose. In the lead-in to the Patriots-Vikings highlights, Sanders was blathering/laughing as a clip played of the Vikings mascot, “Viktor Viking,” pummeling several other mascots. Sanders shrieked with laughter and yelled out: “Hey, yo, that must be a brotha wearing that Viking mascot suit! That’s a brotha in there, they better watch out, cuz that’s a brother!”

Of course, I couldn’t find the video online in NFL Network’s endless collection of “highlight clips” in which all of their wildly-immature black “broadcasters” are mumbling simultaneously, laughing like feral hyenas when nothing remotely funny has occurred, speaking exclusively in Ebonics, uttering football clichés, etc. Perhaps they cut out this portion due to the obvious racial element in Sanders’ comments? Anyway, this isn’t the first time that Sanders has made comments about “athletic” mascots that “gotta be brothas” underneath the costume. This clip from 5 years ago is exactly what he said on Sunday...


Hardy har har. Sanders is a real comedian! If a mascot in some silly clip exhibited, say, innate intelligence, good looks, or dominant physical strength over the other mascots and a white broadcaster had joked: “That mascot has got to be a white man,” he’d have already been given the John Rocker treatment by the media, he’d have been fired from broadcasting, and he’d be delivering a live, teary-eyed apology to the entire world.

I know Sanders is racist against whites, but he does make good points on certain issues. For instance, I’ll never forget the way that Sanders defended Riley Cooper last season…
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Not on ESPN but NFL network writer bucky brooks is as bad as any
Just wrote a ridiculous review proclaiming Everett golson has shown "promise" as an NFL QB prospect.
Not on ESPN but NFL network writer bucky brooks is as bad as any
Just wrote a ridiculous review proclaiming Everett golson has shown "promise" as an NFL QB prospect.

Brooks goes out of his way to praise and hype up black QBs. He's no better than any of the other draft "experts"
Bomani Jones: this AA hire was on the radio for 10 minutes and said Kyle Shanahan can dial up some plays for Manziel, but won't be effective because he's not as athletic as RGIii. Then they asked if he was a fan of U2, and he said Bono was copying Bob Marley.
American Freedom News