Another ESPN jerk

Bomani Jones: this AA hire was on the radio for 10 minutes and said Kyle Shanahan can dial up some plays for Manziel, but won't be effective because he's not as athletic as RGIii. Then they asked if he was a fan of U2, and he said Bono was copying Bob Marley.

Bomani Jones is by far the most hateful and racist ***** on tv and radio.
Bomani Jones is by far the most hateful and racist ***** on tv and radio.

icsept said:
Bomani Jones: this AA hire was on the radio for 10 minutes and said Kyle Shanahan can dial up some plays for Manziel, but won't be effective because he's not as athletic as RGIii. Then they asked if he was a fan of U2, and he said Bono was copying Bob Marley.

Jones’ racial opinions are a mixed bag. He had that infamous “rant” about how white WR’s are always underrated and described as being “blue collar,” “sneaky fast,” “good route runners,” etc. He made a lot of points that we make here at CF…


Just the other day on the ultra-Casteon ESPN show, “Around the Horn,” Jones was discussing Charlotte Hornets center, Cody Zeller, dunking on a black player. Jones was praising Zeller’s athleticism, but then yelled out something like: “Don’t cha eva underestimate my man, Zeller. Neva judge a book by its cover!”...


Seemingly every black commentator on ESPN, NFL Network, Fox, NBC, and CBS tend to act is like this. Some days, they’re the only ones who’ll tell the truth about race. Other days, they’ll insult white athletes in despicable ways.

By the way, I could care less if anyone, of any race, religion, or creed, insults “U2.” They are, by a very wide margin, the most repulsive Cultural Marxist, Negro-loving, pro-immigration, pro-Sodomite, pro-feminist, diversity-loving, anti-white musical act on planet earth. I loathe the bastards with a passion…

Another BSPN article about the trying to stoke the ever bigger farce of blacks facing racism in sports:

Some of the comments are pretty encouraging. I think alot of white people are fed up with blacks in general but it takes a huge leap of faith to acknowledge they aren't better athletes and that the deck is stacked against any white breakthroughs in sport. BSPN continues to spin this narrative as fact - one has to hope that more and more people begin to rebel against the sports media machine.
Another BSPN article about the trying to stoke the ever bigger farce of blacks facing racism in sports:

Some of the comments are pretty encouraging. I think alot of white people are fed up with blacks in general but it takes a huge leap of faith to acknowledge they aren't better athletes and that the deck is stacked against any white breakthroughs in sport. BSPN continues to spin this narrative as fact - one has to hope that more and more people begin to rebel against the sports media machine.

That article is written by none other than Richard Lapchick, the long-time Commissar of Cultural Communism in sports. His word is always accepted as if from on high by the ruling establishment like that of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the ADL, SPLC and other virulently extreme left wingers. What more evidence is needed as to America becoming communized from the top-down through the vehicle of professional anti-White revolutionaries along with their homosexual and feminist comrades?
ESPN’s Stuart Scott passed away today after a long battle with recurring cancer that began 7-8 years ago. Over the years, I’ve noticed countless instances in which Scott utilized his (Affirmative Action-appointed) position as an ESPN anchor to disgorge his unique brand of immature, unfunny, Black Supremacist, Ebonics-infused, anti-white, Cultural Marxist idiocy.

I’ve been watching/studying Scott since I was a young kid, probably 20 years now. Even as a child in the mid-1990’s, I can remember being repulsed as Scott was essentially “rapping” as sports highlights played in the background. When commentating on highlights, he would constantly use words such as: “Brotha,” “Gangsta,” “Holla,” “Playa,” along with incessant references to black culture, black music artists, black athletic supremacy, and “life on da streets.”

He acted this way despite the fact that he himself was raised in an upper middle class black family in North Carolina, was a frat boy in college, earned a $2 million annual salary for two decades, and divorced his black wife (mother of his two daughters) for a white prostitute in her mid-20’s. Yeah, he was a real “thug” alright.

For me, one of the most racist moments of Scott’s ignoble TV career didn’t come on ESPN, but as the “guest host” for the ABC show, “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” I wrote about the incident at CF back in 2009. In that post, I chronicled the many anti-white comments he uttered whilst introducing various clips…

Comment #1:
[Two white guys playing basketball in a wooded area]

Scott says in a 'redneck' accent: "Duh, I didn’t know they had basketball in Appalachia, duh!"

Comment #2:
[Scott is about to introduce golf clips]

Scott says: "If Tiger isn’t playing, nobody will watch golf."

Comment #3:
[Scott is talking while a golf cart is weaving out of control at a golf course]

Scott says: "Golf and beer, a hick's dream!"

Comment #4:
[Before introducing a hockey highlight reel]

Scott says: "Nobody is watching the guys in these next clips playing basically, it's no different from the NHL!" (Obviously implying that nobody cares about hockey).

Comment #5:
[Before showing clips of fat, unathletic white males hurting themselves in various sports]

Scott says: "You know, at ESPN, I get to watch the most amazing professional athletes in the world...these guys aren’t even competent!"

I’m not “happy” that he died or anything like that…I just wish he was never allowed to pollute public airwaves, undoubtedly influencing millions of whites and helping to normalize the ideals of Afrocentrism and Black Nationalism. Bye bye, Stuey...

Well put Thrashen. We are probably around the same age as I remember Scott back in the late 90s as a teenager and being annoyed with his "schtick" back then. He was the first black sportscenter host I can recall and since him it has been an annoying and constant flow of all sorts of minorities - blacks, women, asians, indians and a constant flow of jewish guys they try to pass off as white.
You're not kidding. They have got all kinds of 'minorities' hosting shows now, especially on the smaller channels like ESPNU and ESPN2/ESPN3. I'm seeing East Indians, Middle Easterners, mixed raced types, odd looking lesbianish nonwhite women etc. They are clearly grabbing these people on purpose since there must be a far larger pool of white sport journalists out there.
Well put Thrashen. We are probably around the same age as I remember Scott back in the late 90s as a teenager and being annoyed with his "schtick" back then. He was the first black sportscenter host I can recall and since him it has been an annoying and constant flow of all sorts of minorities - blacks, women, asians, indians and a constant flow of jewish guys they try to pass off as white.
Jews have always been involved in broadcasting since radio. Mel Allen was a Southern Jew, Marv and his brothers and now son and maybe nephew and the godfather Howard Cosell. Plus many other lesser lights. The hiring of women and non White men is fairly recent and of course ebonic spewing Blacks that all think they are Chris Rock can all be traced to Scott's popularity. In defense of Scott he never tried to be an idiot clown like Neon Deon or Michael Irvin and he endured three bouts of cancer and didn't give up until I guess the final days of his life.
That overrated AA hire was overhyped & obnoxious from day one. I recall when BSPN first put the boy on the air in the mid 90s. He was irritating from the get-go with the forced ebonic catch phrases. He was at the top of my list of annoying "sportscasters".
I never liked Stuart to begin with due to his ghetto unprofessional style but after seeing that post by Thrashen it looks like he got what he deserved . The funny thing is that all the blacks and Jews today are praising Scott percisely for the fact that he acted like a ghetto clown and didn't act like a normal sportscaster. They're saying he wasn't afraid to be himself and he inspired all the other AA sportscasters to follow suit.
I never liked Stuart to begin with due to his ghetto unprofessional style but after seeing that post by Thrashen it looks like he got what he deserved . The funny thing is that all the blacks and Jews today are praising Scott percisely for the fact that he acted like a ghetto clown and didn't act like a normal sportscaster. They're saying he wasn't afraid to be himself and he inspired all the other AA sportscasters to follow suit.

Yes, last night I watched a long clip package of Scott which chronicled his ignoble career at ESPN. Throughout the package, long-time ESPN “regulars†such as Steve Levy (Jewish), Robin Roberts (black), and Scott Van Pelt (who is actually a good golf analyst in that he isn't Tiger-centric) were tearfully weeping as they uttered nonsensical praise about the “hip-hop style†that Scott brought to ESPN, which they portray as a “serious,†“conservative†sports broadcasting company that Scott single-handedly “diversified†and “revolutionized.†Here is the package, which was first broadcast only hours after Scott’s death yesterday (they surely knew about his impending death for some time)...


Notice the 26-year old white female, literally half his age, that accompanied him to the ESPY Awards about 6 months ago. Now datz how u keepz it reel!


Again, I doesn’t make me happy to see him die. I’d have preferred that someone with a little sense would have fired this unprofessional, immature, wanna-be-ghetto buffoon...who, as others mentioned, essnetially “paved the way†for the new generation of hyper-animated, manic, unfunny, inarticulate, perma-giggling assortment of black clowns we seen on ESPN, Fox Sports 1, NFL Network, Sunday NFL Countdown, Fox NFL Sunday, The NFL Today, etc. Scott will be yet another undeserving Negro put forth for mandatory veneration and martyrdom for the white masses.


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Yes, last night I watched a long clip package of Scott which chronicled his ignoble career at ESPN. Throughout the package, long-time ESPN “regulars†such as Steve Levy (Jewish), Robin Roberts (black), and Scott Van Pelt (who is actually a good golf analyst in that he isn't Tiger-centric) were tearfully weeping as they uttered nonsensical praise about the “hip-hop style†that Scott brought to ESPN, which they portray as a “serious,†“conservative†sports broadcasting company that Scott single-handedly “diversified†and “revolutionized.†Here is the package, which was first broadcast only hours after Scott’s death yesterday (they surely knew about his impending death for some time)...


Notice the 26-year old white female, literally half his age, that accompanied him to the ESPY Awards about 6 months ago. Now datz how u keepz it reel!


Again, I doesn’t make me happy to see him die. I’d have preferred that someone with a little sense would have fired this unprofessional, immature, wanna-be-ghetto buffoon...who, as others mentioned, essnetially “paved the way†for the new generation of hyper-animated, manic, unfunny, inarticulate, perma-giggling assortment of black clowns we seen on ESPN, Fox Sports 1, NFL Network, Sunday NFL Countdown, Fox NFL Sunday, The NFL Today, etc. Scott will be yet another undeserving Negro put forth for mandatory veneration and martyrdom for the white masses.
I actually think they allowed his style of broadcasting because they were courting Blacks to watch their broadcasts back 20+ years ago. In general Blacks don't watch anything unless they see their own people involved in it. Look at Seinfeld maybe the most popular comedy of it's time and Blacks never watched the show. So I think the executives rolled the dice and let Scott and his Jewish protege Eisen do a Salt and Pepper routine for a few years until Eisen jumped ship and became the ringleader on the NFL network. Also he wasn't the first Black sportscaster Bryant Gumble and John Saunders were around before his debut. But he used street lingo and they talked the kings english.
i remember years ago another ESPN classic was quipped by Teddy Atlas. It was early 2000's just before whites started demolishing blacks en masse. When commenting about a club white fighter who was losing to a more skilled black fighter he said "A guy can't do nothing about his genetics". Of course, were Teddy to make the same comment today when someone like Kovalev beats up a less skilled black fighter the very night he would be fired and off the air. And you all know damn well it's true.

Note: to you lurkers who read this site but are aghast at the awful racism that is written here how can you deny the truth of the above conclusion?
I don't watch ESPN, because they are constanly trying to put race into anything. HBO's realsports does the same thing. I prefer Fox sports or CBSsportline online.
However I do recommend boycotting ESPN and I would also recommend boycotting March madness.
The comments after the article about Stephen A. Smiff implying Chip Kelly is a racist (link is in the 2015 Philly Eagles thread) shows that a lot of the commenters strongly dislike ESPN.
.... I would also recommend boycotting March madness.

So we shouldn't watch a sporting event where a lot of our guys are actually doing really well?? We have a LOT of good teams to root for this year... Wisconsin, Arizona, Gonzaga, Notre Dame, Northern Iowa just to name a few. There's going to be a TON of white talent in March Madness... probable Player of the Year Frank Kaminsky, Player of the year candidates like Seth Tuttle, Kevin Pangos, Kyle Wiltjer? Pat Connaughton, Tyler Haws (hopefully), Kellen Dunham, Aaron White, Matt Stainbrook, Alec Peters, and countless other guys.

If you get the chance, I'd say definitely watch March Madness. Our guys will be getting on the National Stage, and as I've mentioned, we have a few Top 10 teams that would make for an awesome champion. We obviously will have disagreements with different studio guys or the company, but don't boycott watching our guys ball it up.
I was watching a few seconds of the always-unwatchable ESPN show “SportsNation.â€￾ The show is hosted by the odious Jew, Max Kellerman, along with the unmarried, childless, 40-year old female DWF, Michelle Beadle. Former NFL defensive end turned ESPN analyst, Marcellus Wiley, is the primary commentator.

Wiley was discussing a white Lakers player (Ryan Kelly) being faked-out by white Mavericks player (Chandler Parsons). Here is the play…


The clip was shown repeatedly and Wiley emitted high-decibel, hyena-like laughter before proclaiming: “Wow, I think that this is gunna happen again and again. Ryan Kelly is just DNA-challenged!â€￾

Naturally, Kellerman and Beadle saw nothing wrong with, and laughed at, his anti-white “joke,â€￾ despite the fact that it made little sense…because, you know, Kelly was “humiliatedâ€￾ by another white player. By that rationale, are certain whites not “DNA Challenged?â€￾

Can you imagine how well an analogous statement from a white analyst would be treated by the corporate media? “Geno Smith is cerebral-challenged.â€￾

Wiley has been with ESPN for about 5 years and when he first started I remember thinking that he was very polite, mild-tempered, professional, and relatively articulate (for a Negro). As I watch him now on ESPN, he every bit as buffoonish, immature, loud-mouthed, conceited, annoying, racist against whites, sexually aggressive, and speaks exclusively in Ebonics. It’s safe to say that he “Another ESPN Jerk.â€￾
I was watching a few seconds of the always-unwatchable ESPN show “SportsNation.†The show is hosted by the odious Jew, Max Kellerman, along with the unmarried, childless, 40-year old female DWF, Michelle Beadle. Former NFL defensive end turned ESPN analyst, Marcellus Wiley, is the primary commentator.

Wiley was discussing a white Lakers player (Ryan Kelly) being faked-out by white Mavericks player (Chandler Parsons). Here is the play…


The clip was shown repeatedly and Wiley emitted high-decibel, hyena-like laughter before proclaiming: “Wow, I think that this is gunna happen again and again. Ryan Kelly is just DNA-challenged!â€

Naturally, Kellerman and Beadle saw nothing wrong with, and laughed at, his anti-white “joke,†despite the fact that it made little sense…because, you know, Kelly was “humiliated†by another white player. By that rationale, are certain whites not “DNA Challenged?â€

Can you imagine how well an analogous statement from a white analyst would be treated by the corporate media? “Geno Smith is cerebral-challenged.â€

Wiley has been with ESPN for about 5 years and when he first started I remember thinking that he was very polite, mild-tempered, professional, and relatively articulate (for a Negro). As I watch him now on ESPN, he every bit as buffoonish, immature, loud-mouthed, conceited, annoying, racist against whites, sexually aggressive, and speaks exclusively in Ebonics. It’s safe to say that he “Another ESPN Jerk.â€

That boy Wiley & his ilk are the "genetically challenged" ones...intellectually, morally, emotionally (lack of impulse control) & ethically (as in lacking work ethic). That AA hireling should rightfully be "employed" sweeping floors, digging ditches, shining shoes, or in his "natural element"...selling crackrock.
That boy Wiley & his ilk are the "genetically challenged" ones...intellectually, morally, emotionally (lack of impulse control) & ethically (as in lacking work ethic). That AA hireling should rightfully be "employed" sweeping floors, digging ditches, shining shoes, or in his "natural element"...selling crackrock.

I used to be a bills fan as a kid and then again once Flutie was there. I vaguely recall a story on Wiley that one of the networks ran about his career path to the NFL. They were making a big deal that he was an ivy league school product (Columbia) I believe. From what I rember about the interview Wiley seemed to be humble and appreciative (this was back in the late 90s when I was teenager so i cannot recall all the details).

It sounds like he did a complete 180 to fit the role of the stereotypical BSPN AA hire. He is indeed another espn jerk and a racist at that. He truly is a product of the Ivy League leftist school of thought as well as developing the entitlement mentality of blacks in our society bestowed upon them through cultural Marxism and the media's war on whites.
I've only seen part of a single episode of SportsNation before, and it was glaringly anti-white. There was a lowlight segment in which they showed only white athletes screwing up, and the hosts all got a great chuckle out of that. Later they did a top 5 plays segment, 4 of which had blacks doing something "incredible" and the hosts were cheering and hollering, then the #1 play was shown and it was a nearly impossible one-handed catch by Northwestern's White WR Mike McHugh; dead scilence from the hosts.
Yesterday, I was watching a few minutes of Dan LeBatard’s supernaturally-annoying TV show (called “Highly Questionableâ€) on ESPN starring LeBatard himself, his unfunny, elderly wigger father, and the gaunt, garish little Negro, Bomani Jones. This inane crew of losers were discussing Jordan Spieth’s win at The Masters on Sunday and instead of praising Spieth, Jones immediately began making fun of Spieth’s receding hairline, uttering some jumbled metaphor like “Spieth’s hairline is under par.†While Jones was speaking, several different clips of Spieth fixing his hair at The Masters were shown repeatedly.

Bomani Jones is up-and-down with concern to his anti-white comments. I've heard him support white athletes (when people call them unathletic) and also denigrade them in rediculous ways. LeBatard is a full-bore Casteon Negrophile, one of the worst I’ve seen. His father, who can barely speak English, is one of the biggest buffoons ESPN has to offer. In watching his show’s lame every now and again, it’s hard to believe it hasn’t been cancelled…


Easily the worst show on ESPN. All three of them are unlikable. I'd bet they're only on the air as an effort to put more minority hosts on the network.
The reason shows like that stay on is because they cost literally nothing to produce. They're basically just filler so. Because god forbid ESPN would have to cover hockey during some of it's downtime.
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