Another ESPN jerk

Hawkeye2 said:
Britt McHenry verbally abuses someone at the garage for having her car towed.[/URL]

Here are some of her quotes from the article…

McHenry can be heard repeatedly and mercilessly attacking the employee in what appears to be security footage of the incident. Among the things said:

- “I’m in the news, sweetheart.”

- “I will f-cking sue this place.”

- “That’s why I have a degree and you don’t.”

- “I wouldn’t work in a scumbag place like this.”

- “Makes my skin crawl even being here.”

- “Yep, that’s all you care about is just taking people’s money. With no education, no skill set, just wanted to clarify that.”

- “Do you feel good about your job?

- “So I can be a college dropout and do the same thing?”

- “Why? Because I have a brain? And you don’t?”

- “Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?”

- “‘Cause they [the employee’s teeth] look so stunning … ‘Cause I’m on television and you’re in a f-cking trailer, honey.”

- “Lose some weight, baby girl.”

Notice her “trailer park” and “missing teeth” insults, which seem to be standard themes whenever an “educated cosmopolitan” type is insulting a lower class, blue-collar white person. ESPN suspended McHenry, who is in her late 20’s but still unmarried, childless, and single for an entire week [rolls eyes].

I wonder what the punishment (and requisite local, national, and internation outrage) would have been if she'd insulted a black employee in a similar manner? Perhaps if she yelled insults such as: “maybe if I had nappy hair they would hire me here?” Or something like: “cause I’m on television and you’re in the f-cking ghetto, honey!” Her life and career would be over within days. Insult a random white girl for her occupation, her education level, her weight, her intelligence, and her appearance...nothing.

I notice she’s not wearing any makeup in the video and she looks super average…


Here is the towing company cashier she was insulting…


I also like her boasting about her ultra-prestigious degree in…journalism.
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This ESPN cutie does come off pretty bad on this tirade. Wow personal insults anyone? That said there is only one way to settle this. Have them strip down to tiny bikinis oil them up and let em wrestle. Sorry but I couldn't help myself on this one.
Britt McHenry verbally abuses someone at the garage for having her car towed.

Some comments.

With the usual poor news coverage the mainstream media doesn't say why the car was towed or what role the cashier played in it.

The white cashier is a productive member of society and is holding down a job and deserves respect.

If a negro had abused a white person the mainstream media wouldn't cover it.

If you're doing well show some class and behave civilly to those not doing as well as you.
OK, Keith Olbermann is a jerk. We all know that. But here he basically says the NHL playoffs are more deserving of your attention than those of the crappy NBA:


Even Olbermann can be right once in a while.
NFL writer Lance Zierlein is a caste slut. His preview for regarding QB prospects was chalked full of black dual threats with no real NFL ability. This guy sucks. I'd like to kick him in the shin.
NFL writer Lance Zierlein is a caste slut. His preview for regarding QB prospects was chalked full of black dual threats with no real NFL ability. This guy sucks. I'd like to kick him in the shin.

I saw that article too. It's a joke. These supposed experts do not know anything about evaluating talent but are just doing there best to push the agenda. None of those black QBs he listed in any way, shape or form will be successful NFL QBs.
Here is a link to the article mentioned above.

To his credit he has Connor Cook as his #1 prospect. At number 2 he has everyone's favorite, Trevone Boykin. He's a decent Big 12-no-defense run-around QB, but he'll be Joe Webb 2 in the NFL.
The latest print issue of Sports Illustrated has an article by Alexander Wolff entitled "A Whole New Ball Game." Even though it's SI and not ESPN, might as well post it in this thread because there's about as much difference between the two as Coke and Pepsi and Democrats and Republicans and ABC and CBS.

There's no online link, at least not yet, to this extreme left propaganda piece. The gist of it is that the "Millennial generation" has changed sports irreversibly not only because of their love of social media, but because they are so "diverse" and "tolerant." The rapid decline of Whites to a minority in America is hailed, and their replacement by a United Nations of participants both partaking in and watching various sports is cheered on, along with the rise of homosexuality. In fact, straight Whites receive nary a mention in Wolff's rambling manifesto other than his approval of their rapid ongoing diminishment. There's not a negative word contained in it, not a single inkling that maybe millennials aren't a totally unified group when it comes to sharing Wolff's utopian perspective, just a half dozen pages of cheerleading and distortion.
The latest print issue of Sports Illustrated has an article by Alexander Wolff entitled "A Whole New Ball Game." Even though it's SI and not ESPN, might as well post it in this thread because there's about as much difference between the two as Coke and Pepsi and Democrats and Republicans and ABC and CBS.
This Wolff "guy" is such a flaming, progressive limp wrist that it's not even funny.


This cancerous cretin is from Princeton, New Jersey, a mecca of East Coast Liberalism. Attended the local Ivy League school adorning the same name. He currently resides in Vermont, a beautiful state but infested with socialists, old-hippies, progressives and filth like Wolff. In addition to his position at SI he recently authored The Audacity of Hope: Basketball and the Age of Obama. :puke:

It's safe to say, anything written by this guy will be pure Marxist propaganda like you described. It's a shame there is never any "right wing" pieces put out by mainstream outlets to offer a counter opinion to works like that.
Wolff owned a minor league basketball team for a spell and it was based in Vermont. He wrote about it in SI a few years ago. My main memory of the article was how thrilled he was to have an all-black or almost all-black roster and how much the team's overwhelmingly White fan base loved the team.
Wolff owned a minor league basketball team for a spell and it was based in Vermont. He wrote about it in SI a few years ago. My main memory of the article was how thrilled he was to have an all-black or almost all-black roster and how much the team's overwhelmingly White fan base loved the team.
Knowing what I know of Vermonters, I'm sure he's telling the truth. :frusty:
This Wolff "guy" is such a flaming, progressive limp wrist that it's not even funny.

This cancerous cretin is from Princeton, New Jersey, a mecca of East Coast Liberalism. Attended the local Ivy League school adorning the same name. He currently resides in Vermont, a beautiful state but infested with socialists, old-hippies, progressives and filth like Wolff. In addition to his position at SI he recently authored The Audacity of Hope: Basketball and the Age of Obama. :puke:

It's safe to say, anything written by this guy will be pure Marxist propaganda like you described. It's a shame there is never any "right wing" pieces put out by mainstream outlets to offer a counter opinion to works like that.

Judging by his last name I don't think he's a flaming progressive limp wrist. He has ulterior motives for supporting "diversity". He'd probably be furious at the prospect of Ethiopians making it on to Israeli sports teams and being loved by the fans.
Is Cowherd capable of murdering a white person?

One of the worst white hater sadists out there this nasty guy without question practices spiritual murder of white athletes on a daily basis. Over the years he has gleefully made fun of what he considers white non athletes while pumping up black athletic abilities.
Guys like him are destroying the future of white athletes. By constantly reminding people that whites are "stiffs" this filters back to the playing fields where young white children are being told not to run or jump but rather stay stationary
and slot yourself into certain positions ie kicker, pitcher, catcher, first base, QB, O line, spot up shooter, and on and on and on. This is killing us.
But back to the question at hand is Cowherd capable of murdering a white person? Based on his daily rants my personal belief is I won't commit myself and say he is but by the same token I count discount it either. He is headed to Fox . Lets hope this grade a ******* disappears.
Colin should have stuck to negatively stereo-typing whites and Christians. That's what got him to the top at ESPN.

+1!!! well said
Funny thing about Collin is that he actually has a reputation among liberals as being a racist
Funny thing about Collin is that he actually has a reputation among liberals as being a racist

Why's that? Because he didn't fawn over 0b0ng0 enough? ;-)

Image what those pantywaist libtards would "label" us. ;-)
Why's that? Because he didn't fawn over 0b0ng0 enough? ;-)

Image what those pantywaist libtards would "label" us. ;-)

No not that. I'm pretty sure he supported Obama. It goes back to some comments he made about an NBA player named John Wall like 5 years ago. It was the first game of Wall NBA's career and he displayed some pretty standard TNB by doing some ridiculous celebration dance, before playing a single second, during the player introductions. Cowherd ripped him for doing that and talked about how you can't win with ghetto players raised without fathers, etc. He went as far as you could go without mentioning race. He would talk about ghetto behavior from time to time; nothing too extreme, he wouldn't even go as far as Bill O'Reilly. He was pretty smart about it though, whenever he would slip up and mention something slightly politically incorrect he would make up for it tenfold by saying something extremely PC. There's no doubt in my mind that he's completely aware of the racial and cultural dynamics in this country.He doesn't actually believe most of what he says. I can't say the same about a lot of the other sports personalities, I really think they believe all of the crap that they spew. Hell just a few months ago Cowherd slipped up and said that Oregon is a great place because a lot of White people live there :lol:

Don't get me wrong though Cowherd isn't a good guy by any stretch. He's as dishonest and disingenuous as it gets. He's horrible from a caste perspective. He knows exactly what his Jewish bosses want to hear so he was never shy about attacking caste enemies like Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel. He went on month and year-long crusades attacking those two. He would make up his own facts along the way.He also did criticize caste favorites like sCam Newton, which you don't hear a lot of people in the media doing. But to make up for that he would constantly insult and dishonestly criticize young white quarterbacks like Ryan Tannehill, Nick Foles, Andy Dalton, Kirk Cousins, etc.

His firing didn't really mean that much because his contract is up with ESPN and next week was supposed to be his last week anyway. This does serve as a permanent stain and black mark on his record though. People will be able to say he was fired from ESPN for racist comments. He's going to Fox Sports and I'm still going listen to him sometimes. I just hope this ordeal doesn't turn him into a 100% libtard caste whore like the reprehensible Dan LeBatard
Right on

Colin should have stuck to negatively stereo-typing whites and Christians. That's what got him to the top at ESPN.

Delicious irony in all this we can only hope this turd disappears over time -my guess is in a year or two he will become a complete nobody.
He has slandered whites daily for years and everyone at ESPN was ok with that.
As Lew mentioned, Cowherd was a mixed bag at ESPN. He was indeed as anti-white as anyone in his coverage football/baseball/basketball, but he was always an unabashed supporter of the NFL’s whitest franchise, the Patriots. He did nothing but speak highly of Bellichik, Brady, Welker, Gronk, and Edelman over the years. He always loved Wes in particular, and was pissed when the Pats didn't pay him in 2013...

Of all the ESPN yakkers, Cowherd was the only one I could stop and listen to for a while. He often made some good points on whatever the topic was. I'm not all that talkative myself, so I'm impressed by these guys who can sit in front of a microphone and make a living by talking.

Not a bad way to pay the rent just sitting there jabbering away.

But then again that does put them in a position to talk their way out of a job.
Cowherd comes across as more thoughtful than most of his 'sporto' colleagues. He probably is a tad more intelligent than the average jock-caster, and does demonstrate that he is somewhat interested in topics outside sports. What is unfortunate, however, is that Cowherd was raised in the Pacific NW, and picked up the race-ignorant culture of his peers. So when he broaches the topic of race, he regurgitates the approved nonsense that passes for wisdom on race-related matters.
Give him credit for extolling the relevance of the Wonderlic, and defending IQ tests from the narrative that because nonwhites do not do as well on those tests, the tests are flawed.
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