Another ESPN jerk

Some good news about the sports network we love to hate. The changing face of cable TV may finally wreak some justice on the station that uses it's monopoly to force the WNBA on people. from Brietbart.

Bundled Cable Deathwatch: ESPN Loses 3.2 Million Subscribers, Floats Streaming Service

According to the Wall Street Journal, in just a little more than a year, cable giant ESPN has lost over 3.2 million subscribers. Because ESPN is the biggest rip-off artist in the bundled cable world, that is a loss off almost a quarter of a billion dollars per year — a loss that has nothing to do with ratings or revenue dollars. How does the math work?

You, you dupe, are paying ESPN $6 a month through your cable bill. Whether you watch the left-wing sports network or not, if it is part of the cable package you are forced to pay for in order to get the networks you do want, ESPN (owned by Disney) is making a cool $72 a year off of you.

How’s that for a sweet racket? And it’s not just ESPN gouging you through your already-obscene cable bill. You’re keeping CNN and MSNBC and a host of other networks alive through the same con.

Thanks to the streaming services owned by Netflix and Amazon, however, that immoral gravy train is slowly coming to an end, and shareholders are so concerned that Disney is holding conference calls to reassure everyone that ESPN is going to be just fine. Nevertheless, Disney Chairman Bob Iger is also talking about offering ESPN a la carte, as a live steaming channel.

And here’s where the scope and breadth of the bundled cable con really hits home.
Analysts believe that in order for ESPN to continue its current revenue stream, the streaming subscription monthly cost would need to be $30, or five times the $6 the sports network is currently charging.

In other words, ESPN believes that when given the option to NOT pay for ESPN, 80% will choose not to.
I listened to some youtube videos of the First Take series with Skip Bayless and Stephen Smith.

Stephen Smith was routinely abusive toward Skip Bayless. Smith is a black supremacist and an anti-white racist. He's totally unobjective and makes claims about preposterous and nonexistent conspiracies against blacks. He's thoroughly unlikable.

First Take is not worth watching because of the racist Stephen Smith.
I listened to some youtube videos of the First Take series with Skip Bayless and Stephen Smith.

Stephen Smith was routinely abusive toward Skip Bayless. Smith is a black supremacist and an anti-white racist. He's totally unobjective and makes claims about preposterous and nonexistent conspiracies against blacks. He's thoroughly unlikable.

First Take is not worth watching because of the racist Stephen Smith.

Extrapoint, just boycott everything black! It works for me. I wouldn't watch that racist pig under any circumstance.
Smiff's obnoxious voice alone is reason enough for me not to listen to him, even if he occasionally made sense. There are a number of other blacks, always arrogant, whose voices and style of speaking results in me instantly changing the channel.
I tuned out of any bspn "original" programming back in probably 2011 after the constant attacks and ridicule on Tebow.

Smiff is is the kind of arrogant, ignorant, racist black mouf piece that WEB Dubois used to fantasize
about. bspn gives black racists like this an unfettered platform to spew their cultural Marxist bull****.
I tuned out of any bspn "original" programming back in probably 2011 after the constant attacks and ridicule on Tebow.

Smiff is is the kind of arrogant, ignorant, racist black mouf piece that WEB Dubois used to fantasize
about. bspn gives black racists like this an unfettered platform to spew their cultural Marxist bull****.

The only reason that boy Smiff (& his untermenschen ilk) are even on the TalmudVision is solely due to the judeo-Bolshevik cultmarx agenda. If not for their rootless cosmopolitan enablers, Smiff inc. would (rightfully) be manning a shoe shine stand (at best) or back in the ghetto selling crackrock (most likely).
Smiff is is the kind of arrogant, ignorant, racist black mouf piece that WEB Dubois used to fantasize
about. bspn gives black racists like this an unfettered platform to spew their cultural Marxist bull****.

I loathed Stuart Scott. His on-air persona was completely alien to me.

He once said something like "wassup dawg?" to Mike Ditka, who promptly shot him a look that shouted "Are you a ****ing retard?"
I loathed Stuart Scott. His on-air persona was completely alien to me.

He once said something like "wassup dawg?" to Mike Ditka, who promptly shot him a look that shouted "Are you a ****ing retard?"

Ditto. That obnxious, phony, juden enabled buffoon's "schtick" was far beyond annoying.
Cris Carter is easily one of the most unlikeable BSPN talking heads:

Hall of Fame wide receiver Cris Carter has some highly unusual advice on how to succeed in the NFL. During a video taped session of a rookie symposium from last year, Carter and fellow Hall of Famer Warren Sapp can be seen addressing a group of players when Carter inexplicably tells the rookies to make sure they have someone in their "crew" to take the fall if something should go wrong.
Smiff's obnoxious voice alone is reason enough for me not to listen to him, even if he occasionally made sense. There are a number of other blacks, always arrogant, whose voices and style of speaking results in me instantly changing the channel.

I agree wholeheartedly.Bomani Jones tops that list for me.
Cris Carter is easily one of the most unlikeable BSPN talking heads:

Chris Carter is a moronic,unstable dirtbag.Maybe one day the truth will come out and it will be revealed that the real reason Chris Borland abruptly retired from the NFL was because he didn't want to contend with the prodigous amounts of TNB he was subjected to.Imagine how eye-opening that would have to have been for a white rookie.First,you have the absurdity of even having to attend such a "symposium",or better yet the absurdity of it even existing.Then you have to sit through a nauseating presentation by an idiot like Carter(and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg)and see it promoted by one of the biggest sports networks in the world and condoned by the league itself----until,of course they were embarrassed into condemning it.
Chris Carter is a moronic,unstable dirtbag.Maybe one day the truth will come out and it will be revealed that the real reason Chris Borland abruptly retired from the NFL was because he didn't want to contend with the prodigous amounts of TNB he was subjected to.Imagine how eye-opening that would have to have been for a white rookie.First,you have the absurdity of even having to attend such a "symposium",or better yet the absurdity of it even existing.Then you have to sit through a nauseating presentation by an idiot like Carter(and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg)and see it promoted by one of the biggest sports networks in the world and condoned by the league itself----until,of course they were embarrassed into condemning it.

You mean like Hillis quoted in an interview how he was subjected to constant racial taunts? Races reversed, none of these guys would ever play another down of football. I can only imagine what it must be like being a white player in that black panther league. Think about it, a bunch of giant blackboys on steroids. I'm sure anytime there is a position fight and the white guy wins there is always uproar from the black teammates. Surely, the white guy can't be more athletic so it must be racism as to why he won the position battle.
I can imagine the NFL's levels of TNB getting so bad that rookies will be required to attend a "Don't Beat Your Girlfriend To Death" symposium.
Disney-owned ESPN to lay off 200-300 workers:

I wonder if they'll be replaced by East Indians, like the mostly White American IT workers were at Disney.

They say it's due to the "changing media landscape", but I'm hoping some of it's because of decreased viewership due to their increasingly radical leftist bent, especially the over-the-top and utterly surreal ESPY "Courage" award given to "Caitlyn" Jenner, while the cameras of our Zio-Overlords surveyed the attendees trying to spot any dissenters or ones not showing enough enthusiasm or loud clapping so they could be castigated and shamed by their media matrix minions for days to come, like Brett Favre was.
Yesterday on NFL Network, Matt “Money†Smith, the host of a show called “NFL Fantasy Live,†was interviewing Vikings TE, Kyle Rudolph. He asked Rudolph about what type of Little Debbie snack cakes he liked and Rudolph named a few. Smith then replied: “I grew up poor, white trash in Indiana…so I’ve eaten my share of Little Debbie, too.†What a prick…


Couldn’t he have merely said “I grew up poor,†or some other statement that didn’t employ a racial slur? Boy, in this society that is allegedly “post racial,†one’s ethnic heritage seems to be more important than ever before. The same could be said for gender and sexual orientation, which our society has purportedly “moved past,†yet both topics are mentioned more than ever. Typical Marxist hypocrisy.
Flicked to Fox's sports channel only to see Caste Clown Mike Florio and Rodney Harrison finishing up a segment ridiculing Johnny Manziel and Landry Jones. The "topic" was whether Manziel and Jones combined would pass for 400 yards in their respective games on Sunday.

Think of the chutzpah involved here. For over a decade we have been documenting on our weekly NFL regular season thread the meager passing output of black QBs. White QBs on average out-produce black QBs by a huge margin, such a big discrepancy in fact that black QBs should be an endless source of jokes and merriment. But of course that's an untouchable subject, while inexperienced White QBs can be endlessly criticized and made the butt of jokes.

Fox Sports isn't ESPN, but why post this in a different thread? After all, they're all interchangeable. Endless apparent "choices," but all pushing the same agenda. That's American communism in a nutshell.

BTW, Jeff Fisher surprisingly had a nice rebuttal to criticism Harrison leveled at him after Teddy Bridgewater sustained a mild concussion from a black Rams defender. Read about it here if interested:
Has anyone else noticed how some of these BSPN Sportscenter hosts are becoming quasi-celebrities blurring the lines even more between reporting and celebrity? Not that BSPN hasn't been doing that for the past 20 years anyways.

Both Stan Verrett and Neil Everett - two perfect definitions of tools are now car pitchmen for Scion. It just seems kind of bizarre to me.
Has anyone else noticed how some of these BSPN Sportscenter hosts are becoming quasi-celebrities blurring the lines even more between reporting and celebrity? Not that BSPN hasn't been doing that for the past 20 years anyways.

Both Stan Verrett and Neil Everett - two perfect definitions of tools are now car pitchmen for Scion. It just seems kind of bizarre to me.

I've never heard of those two pantywafers, but it sounds like they'd be more "natural" pitching a fitting product like Summer's Eve, Tampex or Betty Crocker. ;-)
The fat slob epitome of drunk white fan turned "writer" Dan LeBatard, his dope of a father and the racist Bomani Jones take some subtle shots at Gehrig Dieter. Notice how that black privileged buffoon Bomani Jones says he will be a fan favorite and coach on the field after they show Dieter on the sidelines. Two caste terms thrown at white players. Dieter is more athletic than Bomani (whatever kind of black power name that is...probably zulu for asshat) will ever be so he is obviously envious that he was not blessed with the supposed affleticism all blacks have according to the sick media.
The fat slob epitome of drunk white fan turned "writer" Dan LeBatard, his dope of a father and the racist Bomani Jones take some subtle shots at Gehrig Dieter. Notice how that black privileged buffoon Bomani Jones says he will be a fan favorite and coach on the field after they show Dieter on the sidelines. Two caste terms thrown at white players. Dieter is more athletic than Bomani (whatever kind of black power name that is...probably zulu for asshat) will ever be so he is obviously envious that he was not blessed with the supposed affleticism all blacks have according to the sick media.

One of the most odious programs ESPN runs. Only show on par is His and Hers with Michael Smith and Jemele Hill
The fat slob epitome of drunk white fan turned "writer" Dan LeBatard, his dope of a father and the racist Bomani Jones take some subtle shots at Gehrig Dieter. Notice how that black privileged buffoon Bomani Jones says he will be a fan favorite and coach on the field after they show Dieter on the sidelines. Two caste terms thrown at white players. Dieter is more athletic than Bomani (whatever kind of black power name that is...probably zulu for asshat) will ever be so he is obviously envious that he was not blessed with the supposed affleticism all blacks have according to the sick media.

Gosh, I see that BSPN has its version of Beavis and Butthead.
I was on the ESPN site to check out the Manning story and then looked for hockey news. Nothing. A bunch of stories about women's basketball and soccer, not one on the NHL.

Also a big link to their 538 site which is a generic liberal news site.
American Freedom News