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  1. S

    "High Intensity" or "Heavy Duty" training

    Do you have a link I can read about it? I've been lifting heavy for a couple months now and I should be plateauing soon. Maybe ill try this for a couple weeks.
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    Is there salvation for the "white self-loathing" brother?

    Georgia would be close to a utopia with half a million blacks.
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    Is there salvation for the "white self-loathing" brother?

    I totally understand where Zeus is coming from on this one. As a whole, white American men ARE soft, de-racinated, lazy and extremely emasculated. That doesn't mean that there are literally millions of American men that aren't. I mean all you need to do is watch reality tv for 10 minutes to see...
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    Crime Thread Heres some light hearted criminality.
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    Crime Thread

    Yeah because "gun control" is the problem.
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    Is there salvation for the "white self-loathing" brother?

    Now USA is undoubtedly the root of evil and the source of interracial breeding, interracial matching and worshiping of Niglets, Mexicans and every minority there is really. The UK follows with a close second nowadays. If there was no USA there would be no reason for Negroes to be worshiped all...
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    Carson Palmer

    Hahahahahaha that is genuinely extremely funny. What did Carson Palmer do exactly? I don't know the story.
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    NFL Preseason week 1

    Lol! Gruden said it about Sazenbacher! Deceptive speed!!!! I'm glad I found this site haha.
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    NFL Preseason week 1

    Both qb's playing right now are black quarterbacks. I'm not sure if they are 2nd string or not but one just threw an awful pick while being supa affletic an scramblin. Margus Hunt is looking pretty good though in the series I saw. Pushed the OT around and got some serious pressure on the interception...
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    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    Who is this add for? Mikes Hard Lemonade is basically exclusively a woman's drink. Maybe some gay men drink it but not many. No straight men drink it. Do women find these types of adds funny? I couldn't imagine this add being effective on anyone.
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    Johnny Manziel

    I think the comments sections speak volumes about what the normal fan thinks. They really believe that Manziel is a criminal that will party his way out of the NFL. These are the same people that think that Jamarcus Russell is worthy of another shot and still a great talent for dropping from...
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    Johnny Manziel They are wasting no time with Manziel. I guess he's being investigated now for selling autographs.
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    Riley Cooper

    Riley Cooper will seek assistance. Can you imagine what kind of hell on earth these "sensitivity classes" or whatever PC nonsense he's gonna be subjected to?
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    Raiders' "Aflete" QB Terrelle Pryor admits "I never knew how to throw."

    Wow those comments made me dumber. I saw quite a few saying "if only Tebow would admit that." Good god.
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    Another amnesty push

    Thanks for posting this. It makes me genuinely optimistic.
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    Detroit declares bankruptcy The title is hysterical
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    2013 PGA Tour

    Do any of our non-American contributors know if this is a world wide phenomenon or strictly in the west?
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    PATHETIC : Claiming half Asian boxers as WHITE??!!! Eurasians are not white.

    That's the point I was trying to make. Excluding some relatively isolated examples during extreme times I have no knowledge of cannibalism occuring on a cultural level. Oh and course there are gonna be whack jobs like Dahmer but these individuals are outliers that will pop up from time to time...
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    PATHETIC : Claiming half Asian boxers as WHITE??!!! Eurasians are not white.

    The cavemen in question weren't homo sapiens. They were homo antecessor. I'm assuming they were able to handle a much more rugged diet than we eat today. I'm sure there are pretty major physiological differences as well. Aren't pancreases basically a throwback organ from our more primative days...
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    Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

    I dont know if this has already been covered but I don't think it was an innocent as a teenage kid with the munchies. I personally could care less if teenagers are smoking weed. According to his facebook or twitter or whatever he was abusing "lean" or "sizzurp". That's why he bought arizona...
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    Crime Thread

    The old stompin grounds. The other stories at the bottom (shockingly) also involve minorities.
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    2013 Ohio State Buckeyes

    It appears Carlos Hyde may be vindicated. Sounds like a case of a scorned shark.
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    PATHETIC : Claiming half Asian boxers as WHITE??!!! Eurasians are not white.

    Thanks. Do you know of any examples that weren't due to extenuating circumstances? Starvation, war, etc.