Detroit declares bankruptcy

Apr 27, 2013
It finally happened. the city of Detroit officially declared bankruptcy. As if they actually had to "declare" a given fact. Here in N.J., we've got multiple black governed municipalities that've been bankrupt for years in every sense of the word. They're financial wards of the state. Taken one at a time, they're not as big as Detroit, but taken together, they're at least the same.

Of course, they put a black guy in charge of the Detroit bankruptcy filing, so as to make him seem some sort of genius for recognizing the obvious.

It finally happened. the city of Detroit officially declared bankruptcy. As if they actually had to "declare" a given fact. Here in N.J., we've got multiple black governed municipalities that've been bankrupt for years in every sense of the word. They're financial wards of the state. Taken one at a time, they're not as big as Detroit, but taken together, they're at least the same.

Of course, they put a black guy in charge of the Detroit bankruptcy filing, so as to make him seem some sort of genius for recognizing the obvious.


Tom, why did you change your name?
Detroit once a crown jewel of Amerika. Now a sh*thole and a bell-weather for the rest of the country for whats to come. I suspect that the people who sustained the Democraps who ran the city for 5 to 6 decades will continue to do so. Unreal! the stupid now runs the country.
You will never hear the real reason why Detroit is bankrupt anywhere in the mainstream press. Some will blame the Democrats/liberals, others unions, and yet others will point to pensions and healthcare costs of retirees, but the elephant in the room will be ignored.

Haiti, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Mogadishu, South Africa, Atlanta, Baltimore, with Philly and Indianapolis well on their way, and many others I'm probably forgetting. What do they have in common with Detroit? Black people. Detroit stands at the top, of course, with a 90% black population. It's a city that has been run by black people, for black people, for the past 40 years. They have run it to the ground, and managed to destroy what was once one of America's greatest cities in a little over a generation. You can argue that this is the city that won WWII, and before blacks migrated there in large numbers thru the 60s, it had one of the highest per capita incomes in all of US. And yet, because blacks are simply incapable of building or maintaining functioning, civilized societies, the city has become a dystopian hellhole under their leadership after taking over in the early 70s following the '67 riots.

This is what happens when blacks become the majority in a neighborhood, city, county, or country. It becomes a race to the bottom, as whites flee, and left to their own devices, they just **** it all up. These are facts that cannot be ignored and this is the future of America because I think we have already gone past the point of no return. The puppet masters have put a bunch of black people in charge of this country, and together with their white liberal allies, they are on a mission to destroy what was the greatest country in the history of the world. Detroit is merely the first domino that has fallen.
Detroit is merely the first domino that has fallen.

That is exactly right. While black dysfunction is definitely the reason for the cities collapse, it has been sped along by the global elites desire to move manufacturing to foreign countries and destroy the US economy at the same time. Detroit is just the first of many. What no one asks is "what comes next"? Generally when a person declares bankruptcy they can eventually start over and make sure they don't accumulate dept in the same manner. However this is not an option for Detroit. The needs of the city won't go away and they won't lessen. There is no chance for an economic upturn. And of course the same people will eventually be running the place.

The end game is clearly some sort of larger entity running the place. What is going to have to eventually happen is that the state or Federal Govt. will need to be brought in to run the place basically under some kind of Marshall law. Military occupation to provide police and infrastructure stability and some sort of order out of the chaos. The same type of thing that eventually happens in Haiti and the Congo, etc. I imagine it will be the basic template for the eventual collapse of other large african cities in amerika.

I seriously believe the elite desire to flood the country with hispanics is done because they feel that at least hispanics can function as the underclass in a huge metropolis where the rich govern behind walls to keep the peasants out (see every large city in South America). That same formula has not proven to work in africa so the idea is to trade one ignorant group of proles for another.

You might want to ask where does that leave White people. But I don't think we really want to consider the answer to that.
Googled pics of all the councilmen of the Amerikan sh*thole AKA Detroit. As I suspected, all of them are negroes except one dummy liberal white woman, no doubt mud shark supreme.
Googled pics of all the councilmen of the Amerikan sh*thole AKA Detroit. As I suspected, all of them are negroes except one dummy liberal white woman, no doubt mud shark supreme.

But imagine Westside, how bright the room must be when that council holds its meetings.

Googled pics of all the councilmen of the Amerikan sh*thole AKA Detroit. As I suspected, all of them are negroes except one dummy liberal white woman, no doubt mud shark supreme.

Must be old pictures. There hasn't been a White person on the city council in years. The last one was Sheila ****rel, and yes she was a "mudshark supreme", married to an old style black power nigra Keith ****rel, now deceased. Sheila ****eral's life was a real sad white mudshark story.

From myposting career:****-to-broke-as-****/

Sheila's father louis murphy was an acolyte of notable 'catholic' marxist lesbian dorothy day (http://en.wikipedia....iki/Dorothy_Day) and was basically an anarchist agitator. he lead rallies and marches against the white detroit business establishment, and did ****lib things like denounce police brutality after the numerous race riots in the post-war period.

Sheila ****rel, was indoctrinated from birth to be a marxist agitator. she began following her father's footsteps by creating activism groups for blacks. she rose to prominence in detroit by capitalizing on the violent 1967 riots, forming a group that aimed to defang the police by publicizing 'police brutality'

around the mid 1970s she began associating with ken ****rel, a black lawyer and activist. ken worked with a jewish lawyer and judge named justin ravitz, and they both used the courts to deligitimize the white establishment.


An attorney and politician, Ken ****rel Sr. served as one of Detroit's most powerful voices for social justice in the 1960s and 1970s. A self describe Marxist-Leninist, ****rel relentlessly challenged the racial and economic status quo in Detroit through his defense of African Americans in the courtroom, as an activist against police brutality, and then during a term as a city council member. Through his efforts on behalf of the people of Detroit, ****rel became a leader in the city and was widely touted as a future mayor at the time that he died suddenly from a heart attack.

****rel and his law firm partner, Justin Ravitz, the “Marxist judge,â€￾ began to build and use the black worker base of the League to bid for elective office; control of the factories and control of the streets, they felt, needed to go hand in hand with control of the courts and the cops. Rebellion could and should be waged on three fronts: at the workplace, in the courts, and out in the community.

in 1977 sheila managed ken's successful bid for the detroit city council. three years earlier coleman young had just started his first term as the first black mayor of detroit. this was the beginning of the permanent shift in power of the detroit city government from whites to blacks.

ken ****rel died of a major heart attack before he could run for mayor. fortunately though, his son ken jr got the chance to be mayor years later after mayor kwame kilpatrick was arrested for corruption. like african warlords, power in black run america is hereditary.


sheila was the last white member of the detroit city council. better to rule in hell (that you helped create)
jaxvid, About that White woman, I always wonder what it is about White people that makes them hate their own people so much (moreso in women than in men I think). Are they crazy?

Interesting to watch this as it all keeps unfolding. Even so much of the talk surrounding the Detroit bankruptcy filing. So many people afraid to say what caused it all, black leadership over a long period of time.

Interesting as well, so may people unable to see black disfunction as well. I think many people haven't observed it as closely as I and many of the people on this site have. One of the biggest things that gets me about black people is that at some level, they can function, but over time, they can't maintain it. They do something insane. As I keep saying about "successful" black people, the only unknown factor about them is just what it will be that they will do to louse themselves up?

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