Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

Las Vegas says the odds are in favor of naming the "Royal Baby," George, I hope they are right!

Many are saying the event was staged to give Zimmerman some good press. Anyway, 87 percent of negroes think Zimmerman should have been convicted in a recent poll. That speaks volumes.
Many are saying the event was staged to give Zimmerman some good press.

As soon as I read the new Zimmerman story I knew right away that the Negros, and their pathetic worshipers would say that. As if the Iluminati/synogouge of satan would "stage" an event to make Zimmerman look good. Yeah right, but the brainwashed are so damn predictable.

In the background during this interview there is a big picture of Zimmerman next to an 11 year old Treyvon. The satan worshiping media just cant help themselves can they? The sad truth is that that one picture(shown endlessly, and repetitively) has far more effect on the mindless lemmings than any facts, or evidence ever will.

I havent followed this whole circus as close as others, but I have yet to see ONE photo of the actual Treyvon that received the bullet. Its ALWAYS the 11 year old. Propaganda is the most powerful tool of the anti-white establishment, and repetition is the key to propaganda.

"Unarmed youth with skittles, and tea"

"Tebow cant play QB on the NFL level"

"The heavyweight division is dead"

"Ali is the GOAT"

"White men cant jump"

"There is no real difference between the races"

"Your innocent until proven guilty"

"The best players are the ones who start"

"Winning is the most important thing"

"America was built on the backs of slaves"

"The Mexicans will do all the jobs whitey is too lazy or spoiled to do himself"

"White privilege really does exist"

I could go on forever. All these are lies, and myths. None of these are backed up by facts. Of course all my brothers here know it already.
I have yet to see ONE photo of the actual Treyvon...




6'2" tall with gol teefs and tattoos.

They immediately censored its web page which was full of narco talk in the "ebonic" street negro dialect, on which it called itself "No Limit Nigga".

"The Last Tweets Of Obama’s ‘NO_LIMIT_NIGGA’ Trayvon Martin

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I happened to turn on Limbaugh's show for a few minutes yesterday afternoon and heard him say that Whites have fewer reasons for being guilty than any race on earth. I was a little shocked to hear him say that.

Couple that with the O'Reilly clip that foobar posted above and you can tell that the outcry by the Liar in Chief, the race-hustlers, and many blacks is falling on deaf ears.

I have also had some White students who see the double standards in regards to this case. I'm glad to see these things happening, even if they are small steps.

It is about time some of us started waking up. I only hope it will be enough to ensure the survival of our race.



6'2" tall with gol teefs and tattoos.

They immediately censored its web page which was full of narco talk in the "ebonic" street negro dialect, on which it called itself "No Limit Nigga".

"The Last Tweets Of Obama’s ‘NO_LIMIT_NIGGA’ Trayvon Martin

He looked even older and bigger than this. This was him at about 15 to 16. He was 17 when he was killed at looked more like this... With the rescuing of the injured motorist the Robo Cop image had me thinking of these images of rescuing civilians and shooting and bring perps into compliance...
Colonel_Reb, It's just a case of too much propaganda. At some point, people start smelling a rat and either turn off or turn against the constant drumbeat.

Colonel_Reb, It's just a case of too much propaganda. At some point, people start smelling a rat and either turn off or turn against the constant drumbeat.


Well said joe. I believe that the only chance our people have of waking up is for the Illuminati/synagogue of satan too push to hard, and too far. There really is a fine line you have to walk when waging war with propaganda, and sometimes they just cant help but to cross that line.
Well said joe. I believe that the only chance our people have of waking up is for the Illuminati/synagogue of satan too push to hard, and too far. There really is a fine line you have to walk when waging war with propaganda, and sometimes they just cant help but to cross that line.

They always do push too hard. They never know when to stop. They can't help themselves. They shove their power into your faces until the stupidest goy can't help but notice. That's why they've been kicked out of just about every country they have ever infested.

I agree with this comment I just saw under Gayhoo News:

John 3 hours ago

I wouldn't spend my money on any of their garbage anyway; but now that Blacks all over the country want to chant how awful Whites are and how we are out to get them when they can do whatever they want to Whites and get away with it, I say boycott all Black performers, all Black-owned businesses and any product that caters to, contains the image of, or has the name of a Black person or Black people. That includes TV shows with Black people, TV sports programs, and live sports events.

It's high time we put an end to Black racists taking White money. If we're such bad people, then why are they accepting our money?

Do it!
Las Vegas says the odds are in favor of naming the "Royal Baby," George, I hope they are right!
Hit it right on the head!

The statement read: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to announce that they have named their son George Alexander Louis. The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.â€￾
Propaganda is the most powerful tool of the anti-white establishment, and repetition is the key to propaganda.

"Unarmed youth with skittles, and tea"

"Tebow cant play QB on the NFL level"

"The heavyweight division is dead"

"Ali is the GOAT"

"White men cant jump"

"There is no real difference between the races"

"Your innocent until proven guilty"

"The best players are the ones who start"

"Winning is the most important thing"

"America was built on the backs of slaves"

"The Mexicans will do all the jobs whitey is too lazy or spoiled to do himself"

"White privilege really does exist"

I could go on forever. All these are lies, and myths. None of these are backed up by facts. Of course all my brothers here know it already.

Good points and well constructed list, Wes. Most Americans, including a sizeable chunk of above-average people, accept without investigation or doubt these dubious cliches and others. They become perplexed and sometimes agitated when an honest person punctures any of these lies-to-live-by. Yet their bewilderment is often directed not at the establishment which spews lies but rather toward the teller of truth.
"St.Trayvon of Skittles" was a 2 bit thug who was taught a (final) justice style! >;-). After the patron saint of teenapers scored his dope (behind 7-11) & lifted some candy (to feed his weed induced munchies), he then went to case houses to bust into later. After GZ scoped out St.Skittles on the prowl & commenced to trailin' the hoodlum, the vermin tried the trusty ol' TNB with a sneak attack. Well, G@yvon caught some hot lead for his troubles! IMO, GZ did the community & taxpayers a favor via neutralizing a street thug. It was only a matter of time before St.Skittles "upgraded" to rape &/or murder.
"St.Trayvon of Skittles" was a 2 bit thug who was taught a (final) justice style! >;-). After the patron saint of teenapers scored his dope (behind 7-11) & lifted some candy (to feed his weed induced munchies), he then went to case houses to bust into later. After GZ scoped out St.Skittles on the prowl & commenced to trailin' the hoodlum, the vermin tried the trusty ol' TNB with a sneak attack. Well, G@yvon caught some hot lead for his troubles! IMO, GZ did the community & taxpayers a favor via neutralizing a street thug. It was only a matter of time before St.Skittles "upgraded" to rape &/or murder.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: post of the month, this is a perfect and succinct description of what happened, no BS or political correctness. But because nobody has the courage in the media to say it out loud, the lowlifes that defend him can act like he was the one who was wronged. I couldn't agree with this post more.
jaxvid, I agree. DixieDestroyer has a way with words and his description of what happened is right on the money!
I dont know if this has already been covered but I don't think it was an innocent as a teenage kid with the munchies. I personally could care less if teenagers are smoking weed. According to his facebook or twitter or whatever he was abusing "lean" or "sizzurp". That's why he bought arizona watermelon (heh, heh) drink and skittles. Two of the 3 ingredients, the other being cough syrup. The drug can cause aggression and paranoia. His autopsy even revealed liver damage associated with codeine. This whole thing is a circus.
Interesting how the Main Stream Media/Ministry of Truth refuse to let this go. It seems they're in a frenzy to have a riot and no one is going for it, not even the blacks.

Interesting how the Main Stream Media/Ministry of Truth refuse to let this go. It seems they're in a frenzy to have a riot and no one is going for it, not even the blacks.


They cant let it go. Its the closest thing in this world to an actual white on black crime. Since white on black crime is just a myth they are wet dreaming for some example to show to the world. However there are no examples so they must ride this till the wheels fall off.
I dont know if this has already been covered but I don't think it was an innocent as a teenage kid with the munchies. I personally could care less if teenagers are smoking weed. According to his facebook or twitter or whatever he was abusing "lean" or "sizzurp". That's why he bought arizona watermelon (heh, heh) drink and skittles. Two of the 3 ingredients, the other being cough syrup. The drug can cause aggression and paranoia. His autopsy even revealed liver damage associated with codeine. This whole thing is a circus.
Yep, abusing Codeine is much worse than smoking marijuana. But hey, he was just emulating his heroes, the only "successful" people in the black community.


Caption: Lil Wayne, Top Grossing Rapper & Drug Addict


Caption: DuhMarcus, Black Athletes Love Leanin' Too


Caption: Some Negroes Really Love Purple Drank

Dixie Destroyer is right that "St. Skittles" was on the path of havoc. He would have grown up to be either be a drug addicted welfare abuser, a criminal preying on White folks, incarcerated (payed for by White taxpayers) or another statistic of the ever prevalent black on black murder.
They cant let it go. Its the closest thing in this world to an actual white on black crime. Since white on black crime is just a myth they are wet dreaming for some example to show to the world. However there are no examples so they must ride this till the wheels fall off.

There are some rare examples, but for some reason the fat Jews who do the picking picked out Mr Z to lay it on. I suspect there's more that we don't know about. For instance, the fathers of both Adam Lanza (google Sandy Hoax) and James Holmes were both due to testify in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world. Must be some reason they picked out an ambiguous half hispanic instead of a blond kid who is a white nationalist or something that they could more easily lay their Nazi tag on. Does Mr Z Sr. have anything to do with Wall Street?

Right after the Z case there was one in Oklahoma where two "white" guys were driving around shooting Negroes. They started giving that the racial spin on the managed news, but they immediately dropped it when they caught them and one of them turned out to be a Cherokee indian.

About a year and a half ago a Jewish drug addict on Long Island, NY shot up a drug store killing a bunch of people including at least one Negro. That story was immediately vanished from the news as I knew it would be, as are all Jewish crimes.

It's all bull****. Everything on their news and out of their politicians' mouths is bull****. Everything.

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Zimmerman was stopped in Texas for speeding and had a gun in the car, which he's allowed to have. He was given a warning. GlobalGrind, the most racist black site on the internet, has another article with hundreds of comments from DWF's and negroes bashing the guy. What is he supposed to do when a million negroes want him dead? Geez!
Zimmerman was stopped in Texas for speeding and had a gun in the car, which he's allowed to have. He was given a warning. GlobalGrind, the most racist black site on the internet, has another article with hundreds of comments from DWF's and negroes bashing the guy. What is he supposed to do when a million negroes want him dead? Geez!
It looks like George Zimmerman is the new Bogeyman for crazed ******** about to commit mayhem...
It looks like George Zimmerman is the new Bogeyman for crazed ******** about to commit mayhem...

Disgusting! Blacks are the only race that can't take responsibility for their own actions and always blames whites. Here in NJ we had a negro who was being sentenced for his third sexual assault and he screamed, "I am Trayvon Martin" in the courtroom.

Maybe blacks can claim some type of "Zimmerman post traumatic stress disorder" anytime they are convicted of a crime these days. I'm sure some drunk white liberals would believe them.
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