PATHETIC : Claiming half Asian boxers as WHITE??!!! Eurasians are not white.

It was no art exhibition, they were really killing infant girls and eating them. It was widely reported a few years ago:

Yeah exactly a google search results in hundreds of news articles. Can anyone name a white culture where infanticide and cannabalism was prevelant? At least in the past 1000+ years. I would bet one would be hard pressed to find even isolated cases in white societies.
Yeah exactly a google search results in hundreds of news articles. Can anyone name a white culture where infanticide and cannabalism was prevelant? At least in the past 1000+ years. I would bet one would be hard pressed to find even isolated cases in white societies.
The siege of Stalingrad. People were dieing and supposedly babies were eaten by roving packs of starving civilians. Also during times of extreme starvation in China under the Communists and facists (pre Communists) this existed. The Chinese through out history have always been on the brink of starvation and have had pretty extreme eating habits due to this history. Over the years eating dog, bugs and every section of any mammal was eaten.
The siege of Stalingrad. People were dieing and supposedly babies were eaten by roving packs of starving civilians..

I'm not so interested in history, but could you tell me: was this the 'Holodomor' of infamy?

And for posterity's sake, here's this pic again:
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I'm not so interested in history, but could you tell me: was this the 'Holodomor' of infamy?

And for posterity's sake, here's this pic again:
No that was the Ukranian genocide when Stalin ordered the flooding of the Ukranian fields while the wheat growing season was going on and an estimated 6 million Ukrainians starved to death. In Stalingrad both civilians and German soldiers cannibalized people. Supposedly German soldiers ate dead soldiers that piled up on streets waiting to be cremated. While the civilians hunted down straglers who didn't have protection from family members or an extended clan. No food came into the city once the German army was cut off and Hitler ordered the death of any officer who surrendered his enlisted men to the Soviet Army. I also read that the siege of Leningrad had similar cannibalization for the same reason. Hitler was obsessed with holding both cities because of their symbolic naming after communist leaders, even though neither city had any real strategic advantage in the war on the Eastern front.
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The siege of Stalingrad. People were dieing and supposedly babies were eaten by roving packs of starving civilians. Also during times of extreme starvation in China under the Communists and facists (pre Communists) this existed. The Chinese through out history have always been on the brink of starvation and have had pretty extreme eating habits due to this history. Over the years eating dog, bugs and every section of any mammal was eaten.

The Chinese people have suffered many famines throughout history and consequently they have developed a culture that will eat anything that is edible. Most people have resorted to cannibalism at some period in time, including white people.
I'm not so interested in history...

But that doesn't stop you from shooting your stupid mouth off, does it!? The stupider they are the smarter they think they are. I don't mind fools that keep their mouths shut. It's the loud mouthed ones that irk me.

Old saying:

A wise man knows nothing; a fool knows everything.

The siege of Stalingrad. People were dieing and supposedly babies were eaten by roving packs of starving civilians. Also during times of extreme starvation in China under the Communists and facists (pre Communists) this existed. The Chinese through out history have always been on the brink of starvation and have had pretty extreme eating habits due to this history. Over the years eating dog, bugs and every section of any mammal was eaten.

Thanks. Do you know of any examples that weren't due to extenuating circumstances? Starvation, war, etc.
I think that there is considerable evidence that prehistoric Europeans regularly ate other humans. It is really not unnatural. It's a more of a cultural taboo. Many animals do it. Here are some of our closest animal relatives, chimpanzees, eating another chimp.
This has to be the strangest thread ever. At least I hope it is. Don't everyone feel the need to try to top it, please. :wacko:

All the police found in Jeffery Dahmer's fridge was a bottle ketchup.
Thanks. Do you know of any examples that weren't due to extenuating circumstances? Starvation, war, etc.

cannibalism is know to be significant in some under-human populations
it is often done in rituals

cannibalism comes from the word "carribean", it was the name of the people of the carribeans

in french overseas departments it can happen, tahiti for example, but it is especially occuring in papua new guinea
i didn't post links because there are horrible pictures, i didn't even look at them, i want to sleep well tonight :)
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I think that there is considerable evidence that prehistoric Europeans regularly ate other humans. It is really not unnatural. It's a more of a cultural taboo. Many animals do it. Here are some of our closest animal relatives, chimpanzees, eating another chimp.

Not unnatural? Ridiculous. It is natural and normal to be sickened at the very thought. It is as natural to dislike cannibalism as it is homosexuality and interracial marriage. For the same reasons, habits formed from learned experience. It is extremely dangerous for one human to eat another. The chance of sickness from viruses and bacteria is enormous. It wouldn't take long for any such group to be cleansed from the gene pool. Hell, half the world doesn't eat pork due to ancient knowledge of the small dangers of sickness. Imagine the risk of human pathogens from eating other people!
Not unnatural? Ridiculous. It is natural and normal to be sickened at the very thought. It is as natural to dislike cannibalism as it is homosexuality and interracial marriage. For the same reasons, habits formed from learned experience. It is extremely dangerous for one human to eat another. The chance of sickness from viruses and bacteria is enormous. It wouldn't take long for any such group to be cleansed from the gene pool. Hell, half the world doesn't eat pork due to ancient knowledge of the small dangers of sickness. Imagine the risk of human pathogens from eating other people!

Well said Jax. Yeah its unatural as hell. Maybe natural for some negro in Sierra Leone, but not for me or none of my people. I remember watching some documentry about canibalism as a little kid with my Grandaddy. I asked him if he would ever eat human, and he said "the thought makes my blood turn cold". I feel my stomach turn at the thought. God willing Ill never be hungry enough to find out.
You people probably just don't know how to cook people properly. We used to eat it on most weekends when I was a kid, but you have to know how to prepare it properly. Fat people are very tasty. My mother took stray picaninnies and made them into hot dogs. Delicious.

"I read an article a few years back about a gorilla that died..."

Gorillas, though, are vegetarians. I never heard of a cannibal gorilla. Gorillas, unlike humans, are nice people. That's why they are almost extinct.

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Human Meat Just Another Meal for Early Europeans?

"Neanderthal steak, please, guv'nor. Well done, of course. Ground sloth hamburger for the little lady, charred on the outside, rare on the inside. "

Early humans had a lot of diseases.

I might be mistaken about the gorilla thing, I do remember it having a lot of diseases but I might be wrong about the cannibalism.

The thing about hominids though is that we're so closely related to them that almost any disease that effects them will also effect us. Pigs, cows, chickens and sheep have a lot diseases aswell but only a few of them are able to effect humans aswell.
Europeans were rarely if ever cannibalistic. Many African Bantus (negroes) were and still are cannibals.

A thousand years ago, large parts of West-Central Africa were populated mainly by pygmies. As the negroes moved south and east from their area of origin in Nigeria and Cameroon, the pygmies disappeared. They were replaced by negroes in what is today Gabon, Congo, Angola and other countries. Pygmies are now a tiny fraction of the population in those areas.

Guess what happened to the Pygmies?
Human Meat Just Another Meal for Early Europeans?

"Neanderthal steak, please, guv'nor. Well done, of course. Ground sloth hamburger for the little lady, charred on the outside, rare on the inside. "

The cavemen in question weren't homo sapiens. They were homo antecessor. I'm assuming they were able to handle a much more rugged diet than we eat today. I'm sure there are pretty major physiological differences as well. Aren't pancreases basically a throwback organ from our more primative days?
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