Crime Thread

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In New Orleans groups of blacks have been targeting lower to middle class Whites who are by themselves, robbing them jumping out of nowhere, usually involving weapons, threats about repeatedly making their lives miserable, mentioning the George Zimmerman case. You won't find this on the news but its been happening. Even the most pc White kids are changing their viewpoints going to "I use to be pc, but now I understand there are good black people, but some are just straight up n*gg*rs, with no regard for human life, just plain scum" Blacks have targeted Whites, its not a new story here, but there has been a major increase.

A friend just had his door kicked in and sucker punched while asleep and had his rent money stolen. The only person who knew where the money was right before rent was due (yes he should have kept it in a bank but besides the point), was the black landlord. Now he is getting kicked out by the landlord because weed was found near his house (and no he isn't involved with weed). The landlord said the house was completely destroyed, although the robber is the one who destroyed everything. Police don't care, although they came out for the land lord concerned about a small amount of weed in the gutter close to his house. He has been one of the few White people on that block. Of course the police couldn't do anything about the weed because there are blacks everywhere and it could have been anybody's, it was really in front of the neighbors house, but somehow was enough to get him evicted. An obvious set up.

Like I said, don't expect to hear about it on the news. Its getting worse. South Africa type situation in the future probable.

The "safe" thing would be to move out of chocolate city, but where does it end? they have pushed us out to the suburbs, and now they are there too. Where does it end? We have to stand our ground at some point. Besides, not everyone can afford to move to Whiter pastures with a good deal of work being in the city, and commuting being very expensive, with low wages because of low cost of living, but that doens't account for the gas prices.
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In New Orleans groups of blacks have been targeting lower to middle class Whites who are by themselves, robbing them jumping out of nowhere, usually involving weapons, threats about repeatedly making their lives miserable, mentioning the George Zimmerman case. You won't find this on the news but its been happening. Even the most pc White kids are changing their viewpoints going to "I use to be pc, but now I understand there are good black people, but some are just straight up n*gg*rs, with no regard for human life, just plain scum" Blacks have targeted Whites, its not a new story here, but there has been a major increase.

A friend just had his door kicked in and sucker punched while asleep and had his rent money stolen. The only person who knew where the money was right before rent was due (yes he should have kept it in a bank but besides the point), was the black landlord. Now he is getting kicked out by the landlord because weed was found near his house (and no he isn't involved with weed). The landlord said the house was completely destroyed, although the robber is the one who destroyed everything. Police don't care, although they came out for the land lord concerned about a small amount of weed in the gutter close to his house. He has been one of the few White people on that block. Of course the police couldn't do anything about the weed because there are blacks everywhere and it could have been anybody's, it was really in front of the neighbors house, but somehow was enough to get him evicted. An obvious set up.

Like I said, don't expect to hear about it on the news. Its getting worse. South Africa type situation in the future probable.

The "safe" thing would be to move out of chocolate city, but where does it end? they have pushed us out to the suburbs, and now they are there too. Where does it end? We have to stand our ground at some point. Besides, not everyone can afford to move to Whiter pastures with a good deal of work being in the city, and commuting being very expensive, with low wages because of low cost of living, but that doens't account for the gas prices.

Did you catch the case in Iowa?
Ferrious Cannon. :doh: Those Negroes certainly keep cranking out imbecilic names to go with their imbecilic offspring. Hell, if I was a Negro I'd call my newly-spawned, nappy-haired "gangsta-pimp-hustla" something nice and distinctive like "Nutsack Spartacus"...

Right, back to the joys of multiculturalism in Australia...


The negro scum here in NJ who killed the 12 year old girl got 17 years. The ugly POS will be out when he's around 30. Why let the kid get a plea deal?
Sorry to hear about that, dwid. I'd definitely get out of NO because you know there isn't any justice for the White man there. Precious little everywhere else, but NO is worse than most.

Here's a horrific black on White murder case from rural central Illinois that my wife just told me about a few minutes ago. My question in this case is where was the man's family in all this. We have to do a better job of taking care of each other or vile acts like this will take place even more often.
CNN reported this story, but didn't show the faces of the murderers:

But the New York Post shows who did it:


[FONT=arial !important]L-R: James Edwards, Chancey Luna and Michael Jones.

The images of three youths police say murdered Melbourne baseballer Christopher Lane have emerged.

The Oklahoma teens, who face first-degree murder charges, have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones, has reported.

But their parents yesterday protested their innocence.

Jennifer Luna, whose son is suspected of firing the fatal shot, claimed her son was at home saying: "My son is not that way. My son is a good kid."

Earlier today, former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of the shooting murder of the Melbourne baseball star.


[FONT=arial !important]Chris Lane


Mr. Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said Australia turning their backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.
Christopher Lane, 22, was randomly gunned down while jogging through the town of Duncan in Oklahoma on Friday afternoon local time.

Mr. Fischer, who led Australia's gun control reforms alongside former prime minister John Howard in 1996, said choosing not to travel to the US would help build pressure on the US Congress to finally act.

"Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,'' Mr. Fischer said.

"This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gunshows.

"People should take this into account before going to the United States.

"I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it's a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA.

"There is a gun for almost every American.''

Meanwhile, Lane's American girlfriend today revealed her heartbreak at losing her "best friend", and parents of the accused protested their innocence.

Sarah Harper, 23, also told the Herald Sun that she didn't know what punishment would be appropriate of the three teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17 years, accused of Lane's murder.
CNN reported this story, but didn't show the faces of the murderers:

But the New York Post shows who did it:


[FONT=arial !important]L-R: James Edwards, Chancey Luna and Michael Jones.

The images of three youths police say murdered Melbourne baseballer Christopher Lane have emerged.

The Oklahoma teens, who face first-degree murder charges, have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones, has reported.

But their parents yesterday protested their innocence.

Jennifer Luna, whose son is suspected of firing the fatal shot, claimed her son was at home saying: "My son is not that way. My son is a good kid."

Earlier today, former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of the shooting murder of the Melbourne baseball star.


[FONT=arial !important]Chris Lane


Mr. Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said Australia turning their backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.
Christopher Lane, 22, was randomly gunned down while jogging through the town of Duncan in Oklahoma on Friday afternoon local time.

Mr. Fischer, who led Australia's gun control reforms alongside former prime minister John Howard in 1996, said choosing not to travel to the US would help build pressure on the US Congress to finally act.

"Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,'' Mr. Fischer said.

"This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gunshows.

"People should take this into account before going to the United States.

"I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it's a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA.

"There is a gun for almost every American.''

Meanwhile, Lane's American girlfriend today revealed her heartbreak at losing her "best friend", and parents of the accused protested their innocence.

Sarah Harper, 23, also told the Herald Sun that she didn't know what punishment would be appropriate of the three teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17 years, accused of Lane's murder.

Yeah because "gun control" is the problem.
This guy should be charged with a hate crime, it's obvious the three negroes target the Australian man because he was white:

This story should get the same amount of coverage as St. Skittles got, if not more. It won't. Blacks murdering Whites is nothing new but usually there is some reason. Robbery, sexual assault, gang initiation, "white oppression" etc, etc but now boredom is a new motive. This is very disturbing. Even in a town like Duncan, which is 90% White and only 1% black, you can be murdered by these animals.

If you see a group of negros, no matter how seemingly safe the area appears, be on alert. With stories like this as well as thousands of others, we have all received our fair warning.
Mr. Fischer, who led Australia's gun control reforms alongside former prime minister John Howard in 1996, said choosing not to travel to the US would help build pressure on the US Congress to finally act.

"Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,'' Mr. Fischer said.

"This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gunshows.

"People should take this into account before going to the United States.

"I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it's a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA.

"There is a gun for almost every American.''

So the Australian politician gets on his moral high horse about the NRA but has nothing to say about race. The media and pols also have a habit of blasting the "powerful gun lobby" yet never mentioning the Israel lobby.
Even in a town like Duncan, which is 90% White and only 1% black, you can be murdered by these animals.
Yes. I'm from a town that was probably less than 1% black, yet the only time anyone in my family was ever a victim of a violent crime, the perpetrators were three negroes.
Really terrible that that young Australian kid was killed by some animals exhibiting TNB. We can only hope this continues to elicit strong emotions in white america much like the trayvon martin verdict. More and more white people are questioning the double standards that exist.

I hope this tragedy further galvanizes white people and they wake up to see the truth.
Leonardfan, Were all three bums black? Seems to me, one might've been White. But not sure. Rotten lousy thing no matter how you slice it.

Leonardfan, Were all three bums black? Seems to me, one might've been White. But not sure. Rotten lousy thing no matter how you slice it.


Whites should be ready to riot after this hate crime, but of course most whites in America have weak passive personalities and will somehow convince themselves to feel sorry for these worthless pieces of garbage. I saw my local news this morning and it showed one of the kids being white. Too bad Zimmerman wasn't there to do what needed to be done to these 3.
Leonardfan, Were all three bums black? Seems to me, one might've been White. But not sure. Rotten lousy thing no matter how you slice it.

You can see in the photo I posted, all three are negroes.

Yet in the recent article, one has changed from black to white.
Leonardfan, Were all three bums black? Seems to me, one might've been White. But not sure. Rotten lousy thing no matter how you slice it.


I think one was white from looking at pictures of them. The white person is only being charged as an accomplice, not with murder. The white kid was also the only one who expressed any regret to being part of this terrible crime, breaking down in tears. The two black bums were the ones that murdered him because they were "bored." Of course, they were probably pretty satisfied with themselves for killing whitey.

I'm still waiting for the national wall-to-wall coverage from all of the national media outlets over this crime.
The white kid was the only one who expressed any regret to being part of this terrible crime, breaking down in tears.

This is something that Ive noticed many times over the years. White people seem to be the only people capable of remorse. Ive never heard a black, or a mestizo say they felt regret for an evil deed. Its always the same ol same ol.

Typical negro/mestizo attitude towards their own actions.
"It aint my fault I raped that baby, or robbed that old lady, or killed my own cousin over a cigarette butt, or broke into a home, or whatever. Its the white mans fault for oppressing me. Now the racist white man will lock me up because of his racist hate. Not because of the crime I committed."
Whites to riot? Are you guys out of your mind? Whites won't even dare to protest peacefully about it. I try to awaken whites in the US the best way I can and they end up ignoring me, attacking me or reporting my questions:;_ylv=3?qid=20130821114108AAVHG7b;_ylv=3?qid=20130821112345AAlb1RC

At this point I don't know what's wrong with people there..........Maybe they put something in the water? This is an X-file man. The white brothers in the US have lost BASIC SURVIVAL INSTICTS. I just can't get it at this point. It angers me so much how they won't even consider PEACEFUL ACTION!
88-year old WWII veteran beaten to death by two of Obama's sons, as the war on White people continues on multiple fronts:!/11781/89e764e7c5c3ce13af1cfa840459fd0a

Wednesday night, Denison was outside the lodge waiting for a friend because he didn't want her to walk home alone, Lillian Duncan
told the Spokesman-Review newspaper.

"He was so awesome," Duncan told the paper. "Anybody that didn't get to know him missed out on a wonderful angel in their life."

Police are looking for two suspects. Witnesses described them as "young African American males of average build,"
according to a police statement.
If there is a positive from the recent negro assaults on Whites young and old the last week, the comments on the stories are encouraging. It illustrates ALOT of White people are fed up with the epidemic negro crime wave(s) showing that they are now telling the truth unlike the corrupt media. On the Drudgereport he(Drudge) is outright telling the country on its homepage that negroes are the suspects in the recent killing. Kudos to him.
I think one was white from looking at pictures of them. The white person is only being charged as an accomplice, not with murder. The white kid was also the only one who expressed any regret to being part of this terrible crime, breaking down in tears. The two black bums were the ones that murdered him because they were "bored." Of course, they were probably pretty satisfied with themselves for killing whitey.

I'm still waiting for the national wall-to-wall coverage from all of the national media outlets over this crime.

He's probably a light skinned black going by this country's still extant "one drop rule," which is actually quite "racist" even though "anti-racist" liberals continue to enforce it. He has some Negro features, a White mother/black father would be my guess.
Regarding the 3 black suspects in the killing of the Australian, the corrupt brainwashing media is attempting at lengths to label the light skinned dirtbag as White. Par for the course. Like you said Don this prick's father is likely a negro and his mother a mud shark and member of the EBT nation.
Regarding the 3 black suspects in the killing of the Australian, the corrupt brainwashing media is attempting at lengths to label the light skinned dirtbag as White. Par for the course. Like you said Don this prick's father is likely a negro and his mother a mud shark and member of the EBT nation.

If Chancey Luna is "white", then I'm an albino.

If Chancey Luna is "white", then I'm an albino.

LMAO! It just reaffirms that the media is desperate for an actual evil white man to put before our eyes. If such a thing existed the world would know about it. First they try to pass Zimmerman off as white, and now this. I guess Obama is a white man too then.
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